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Door of Eternity A gigantic and holy door was found deep beneath the earth under the Cloud Temple of Anthos. After the opening of the door, the citizens of Anthos were lead to a brand new realm which they called the Fringe.

First uncovery

It was a short time after the Fall of the Cloud Temple of Anthos. The setting was that of usual... darkness sweeping over the landscape, with the unmistakable stench of death in the air. From a tree hung secured corpsed, decaying and rotting into a blood red pond... this was the cloud temple. Even the air above shown signs of corruption, wisps of black smoke swishing about, signaling the presence of Setherien’s lieutenants, and the shrieks in the distance indicative of corrupted bohra being worked to near death... and back.

Drawing closer to ruined temple, it would be noted that the air around is filled with the dissonance of the blows of picks, repetitive and biting to the ears, the sight producing them being many times over more grizzly to say the least. Besides the temple main could be seen the equivalent of cragged cave, carts of ore being driven out and enslaved boar-men dragged in. What was peculiar though... was the gems were being used for nothing; not trade, not reinforcement, not even for decoration, but rather tossed to the side in favor of what might lay deeper.

Only further into the mine would you see what was truly taking place, as down, down, down a spiraling tunnel, past servants carrying brutally heavy pickaxes, would stand the form of three Harbingers, and something... something else.

With scaled armor and blood red skin, surrounded in flaked, crimson robes stood the form of Setherien, lower jaw laced with jagged teeth protruding from a partially gapped maw. In one clawed appendage it held that of a mortal pickaxe, and in the other nothing but its obsidian black talons. With a gesture and a muttered growl, all stepped back from the Drakaar, servants being trampled in the process as the Drakaar gathered a glowing red ball of corruptive essence in its one free claw. Working its jaw a time, cracks would be heard from the figure, the energy being absorbed into its very being through its scales, before thereafter a torrent of flame and corruption rushing from its maw, not unlike that which created the very Harbingers which held the squealing boar-men back from the frontline.

As the flame was sustained, dirt and stone were quickly eaten away by the corruptive force of Setherien’s power, clearing a solid path through stone, before abruptly stopping at a flat surface, producing a deafening screech, that of warding against corruption. Despite the noise, the being sustained itself, its flames weakening after what seemed like several minutes, a solid, monolithic door standing sentinel afront of it.

At this, the Drakaar stepped back, feet digging into the bodies of unfortunate Bohra who perished on the job as it exited the cave, growing more and more dragonesque as it neared the entrance, finally taking off into the skies and returning North from a job well done...

The hive mind buzzed with constant thought as Shae’tan took its place from the line of Harbingers, flanked there after by Orokana and Marak, as they stood but meters afront the lowly humming door. From its cloak it produced a small fragment of paper, a crude sketch of a map, the location directly upon their position marked with a frozen through hole. It examined the door afront of it, streaked with emerald and gold inlay, and clearly warded from anything it, and perhaps any mortal could do, the feeling produced was nothing scarce of elation though.

“Brethren...”it hissed, reaching its staff out towards the door, resting the cyan tinted blade against the metal,

“We’ve finally found it... The time of Anthos draws short.”

Retaking the Temple

From the old lands of the Cloud Temple, the Scourge started expanding it's territory. A town was fully burnt to the ground, and most buildings around destroyed. The people of Anthos finally started to fight back in force. The Scions of the third age, a group created specially to fight off the Scourge, started planning an assault to retake the lands of the old Temple. While this happened the Scourge continued to corrupt land and change the former Temple grounds to their liking. The mine was built, servants placed to work there. It became the meeting place of the cultists as well. The groups continued to prepare for the battle to come. After constant attacks on Oren, it too came to aid the group, and an army created fast. The battle was to start. A small camp created, and near the Temple there was a town which was used to construct siege equipment. The battle happened for many hours, the Scourge falling back, but taking many mortal lives with them. In the end, the Scourge were defeated, the floating fortress moving away from those lands. The groups could finally check what was inside the mine. The Servants dug down, before creating a tunnel which lead to some old ruins. Inside them, there was the Door of Eternity.

The opening of the door

The Gem and Ore built door, was quite heavy and powerful. It was also enchanted and made to last throughout the ages. Not many knew what it was, nor knew where it lead. Only a group that called themselves the Order of the Golden Lance appeared to have the knowledge on how to open it, or at least on what to do. With the aid of the mortal races, three keys were sought and found in the lands of Anthos, a golden Quill, a Golden encrusted horn, and a (Add here third key). All three keys were needed to open the magical door. Behind it, a long tunnel existed, and when the mortals headed and reached the tunnel's end, they found a new realm, the Fringe.

The closing of the door

The door was closed as to save the descendants from the flood waters that hit Anthos. It was a hard choice between losing their old home, or perhaps losing their new one. A battle was performed through the old temple lands and into the mine leading to the door. The mortals fought the Black Scourge forces bravely and stopped their forces from transporting a valuable resource, Thanhic ore, towards the new realm. If such materials had passed through with the forces of Setherien, then his power would be far stronger in that realm, and he would be much harder to defeat. As the flood waters from the melted ice from the north started to enter the mine and the pathway to the Fringe, the mortals finally decided to close the door. This event was called the End of the Anthosian Era.