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Declaration Of Lomian'onn

This declaration comes after the mali’aheral reclaims their original home in Athera, the Silver City of Annil’sul from the mali’ame. The declaration forces Cerulin to exile its former leaders, having regain their status as the most powerful elven state amongst its brethren.

Actual document

Scorned by the world the mali’aheral were cut down by their brethren. Their crime? Attempting to assure unity of elven kind so that it would remain strong in the face of those who sought to destroy it. In return for their kindness to the mali’ame and mali’ker— Offering them a home in the wake of the collapse of the Conclave, they were met with violence. Instead of thanks they were offered only death— A genocide against their kind.

With the return of the mali’aheral to their sacred homeland, by no means aided by the elves who had genocided them just six years prior, it has become increasingly clear that the Wayward Elves, have grown increasingly vile. The shelter the most vile elves known to the Realm, those who started a genocide, and protect all manner of criminals whose crimes echo throughout the books of history.

Phaedrus Lle'hileia: Mastermind of the genocide against the mali’aheral, tossed from his post as Annilir of Laureh’lin for his vile and uncooperative ways. Elorna Lle'hileia: Fellow mastermind of the genocide against the mali’aheral. Relgard Sintel: Known mass murderer of humans and elves of all varieties. Notorious impure. Nienna Calm: Wife of Relgard Sintel, fellow mass murderer and member of an attempted coup against Haelun’or. Artimec Camoryn: A violent murderer, known to have attempted to undermine the state of Haelun’or three times within the span of merely twenty years. A supporter of the genocide against the mali’aheral who continues to encourage and secretly plan a new genocide against the Children of Larihei.

Despite repeated attempts to excise the offending individuals and bring peace to the lands of the elves, the nation of Laureh’lin has repeatedly resisted attempts for justice to be brought, instead turning to the Bortuan, who hold no right to interfere in elven affairs, to threaten the mali’aheral with genocide once more.

It is clear that these wayward elves seek nothing but war and death— Concepts that should be strange to and unbecoming of the elves of Malin’s brood. It is therefore that once again the mali’ame have proven their inability and unsuitability to lead their own kindred— It is therefore they must be brought into the fold once more to be guided.

It only further compounds upon their crimes to note that their city lies upon land stolen from the mali’aheral in the unjust and unwarranted genocide of eight years ago, further cementing the resolve of Haelun’or to reclaim lost land.

Lomian'onn; this is the principal that the elves of this world must not be divided but united.

Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya; this is the guiding principal of Haelun'or. Progress and Health, devoid of the chaos caused by impurity.

Known to harbour the most vile kinds of individuals who encourage and foster the impurity and chaotic behaviour which made Malinor the failed state that it was, Laureh’lin is condemned and cursed.

For the good of all elves, the festering splinter that has arisen must be returned to that which is the mother land and the poison of impurity must be purged from within.

This is the will of Haelun'or. And thus this is the will of All Elves.

Your kindred are now offered not a choice but an imperative: To unite with the motherland that is Blessed Haelun'or. This may be done by choice, or by compulsion, for the mali of Haelun'or care not which way the pill is swallowed, so long as the medicine has its desired effect.

Insignia of Haelun'or Insignia of Haelun'or Insignia of Cerulin Insignia of Cerulin

The Elves of Laureh’lin openly recognize the inferiority of their own rulers and the Council of Laureh’lin. It is therefore they willingly have come to to The Silver Enclave of Haelun’or seeking refuge and a home within the nation of Haelun'or.

I. The nation of Laureh’lin is hereby dissolved and the City of Leyulin shall henceforth be a semi-autonomous territory of the Silver State of Haelun’or.

II. The Council of Laureh’lin is hereby dissolved and all Chancellors of Laureh’lin are hereby replaced with a council of three Tilruir, who shall guide the path of Leyulin. They are to be selected by the Triumvirate of Haelun’or by popular election of the citizens of Leyulin or any other means deemed appropriate.

III. The elves by the names Artimec Camoryn and Phaedrus Lle’hileia are hereby exiled from Haelun’or and all its territories and are to be captured and trailed for their crimes against all of elven-kind.

IV. The Ivory Order is hereby dissolved. All Ivory are offered the chance to assimilate into Elsillumiran of Haelun’or under the control of the Okarir’tir of Haelun’or.

V. The Law of Leyulin is hereby struck down, replaced with the Silver Law of Blessed Haelun’or.

of the Silver Enclave of Haelun'or

of the Defunct State of Laureh’lin

Our offer is reasonable and one of peace, should you be elves of peace. Should you refuse, you shall be compelled.

kaean'leh evareh,

The Silver Council of Haelun’or