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Revision as of 22:24, 1 December 2018

Nearly two score years ago, our nation was wrought with turmoil. Bronze and Emerald clashed in a war that shook our nation to its very foundations. Brother fought against brother, and elven blood painted the grasses of Axios. It was of our darkest hours. But all changed with the Treaty of the Adriante, a blessed union that brought together our brothers and sisters for an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity. All of Malin’s children flourished.

Now, that union has broken. Bronze and Emerald are once again separate, and we must change to survive. That is why I regret to announce that this is the end of our nation. In my first and final act as Queen, I hereby dissolve the Dominion of Malin. But it was not in vain. I would gladly give my life a thousand times over to see such prosperity and cooperation again. We have learned a great deal, and we must pass on these lessons to all our kin, that we may learn from them. In the coming days, let us do what we can to mend these wounds between our peoples, instead of pushing them further away. I urge you, do not scorn your fellow Mali for leaving this place. They are still our brothers and sisters.

Oraelon Ignera

Signed Awaiti Aureon, Former Queen of the Dominion of Malin