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Revision as of 04:25, 23 December 2015

Squids are peaceful animals in the land of Anthos. They live underwater in oceans, seas, rivers, ponds and even swimming pools, just as fish do. Squid can be supported by very shallow water, only a metre deep, but are more common in deeper areas. Squids often live in small groups that sometimes congregate to form extremely large schools. They have been present in all realms.

They do not fight back if attacked, making them extremely easy to kill. However, one must be careful when doing so. More than one squid-hunter has accidentally drowned while looking for squid, or become trapped under newly formed ice. When killed, squid are usually found to contain large ink sacs. These are important to occupations such as shepherds and writers, as ink sacs can be used for dying sheep's wool and writing with a quill.

Special Types of Squid

Battle Squid

Although usually peaceful, squids have been used in times of war. The Halfling Petyr is said to have raised an army of battle squid for use against the Undead. It is unknown exactly how such squids would attack, but presumably their large teeth and perhaps overwhelming numbers would play a role.

Flying Squid

Rarely documented and often scoffed as a fairy tale, there are nonetheless many who claim to have witnessed a squid in flight. Whether this is due to magic, a different breed of squid, or too much sugar on the part of the witnesses is unknown.

Giant Squid

Even more rarely documented than the flying squid, there are reports of squid larger than any other squid ever seen and similar to the size of Dragons. Some sailors and fishermen claim to have seen these massive beasts in the waters of the oceans, waiting to snatch up anyone who ventures too near to them.