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ShadowVale was a small hunting turned tavern village in Asulon. Used by many already for their own private affairs, from honeymoons to guild meetings, Mayor Charles Greymane and his workers did not discriminate and often welcomed a good tale or brawl from the strangers who entered their gates.


While hunting in the Cloud Forest with some fellow hunters, Charles and his small group found an isolated area of land in the forest, in this area they noticed many of the beasts they hunt gather at the small watering hole. So Charles decided to set up the camp in the small copse of trees that he named ShadowVale and make that his base of operations for his fellow hunters to earn their living, in doing so they attracted a few travelers in their little village including a bard and a farmer to help them with the construction of the village and some crude cobble and mud walls.

While the hunting was great and the strangers that flocked to the newly constructed village were even better, the peace could only have lasted for so long. One dark and foggy night with nothing disturbing the quiet of the simple village folk but the sway of the forest trees; came a slight whistle inside the darkness and shadows of the forest, another sound cut its way through the silent night and then the town sentry grunted falling over the wall into the waiting hands of the stealthy attackers. A few moments passed as the attackers waited for any alarm to go off, as soon as they were sure no one had been disturbed they set to work and began to scale the walls and sneak into each of the houses silently slitting the throats of each the inhabitants of ShadowVale…except one, Charles Greymane was awakened by the screams of a women that suddenly went quiet, as soon as his feet hit the floor he had his quiver over his shoulder and his long bow in his hand, he burst through the door to see one of the attackers laying the women onto the ground and sheathing his blade, but before he could react to the bowman the stranger was dead before he hit the ground impaled by 3 of Charles arrows fired in perfect sequence. Charles then heard a slight shuffling of feet behind him and then blackness fell over him as he was struck against the temple by the hilt of a blade. When he groggily came back to his senses he was tied to a tree outside the gates of his once populated village and saw as the last of the attackers was walking back into the forest, but not before the attacker threw a torch into the village setting it all aflame, Charles watched in sheer terror as all of his hard work was now destroyed along with most of his companions. He screamed out in rage and snapped the twine holding him to the tree, he then fell to the ground sobbing and vowing revenge upon the ones who did this to the fine people of ShadowVale.

A few weeks later the group of attackers was sitting around a makeshift camp in the middle of some grasslands heartily telling stories of their past crimes when an arrow came out of the tall grass and buried itself into the throat of one of the men, he tried to grasp at the arrow but fell dead in seconds. Another three men dropped dead before the others could even bring their hands to their weapons hilts, and as soon as the last of the group reached their hands to the hilts only one remained and he cried out as an arrow struck him in the ribs knocking him off his feet and making him slam his head against a rock making him black out, as he awakened he noticed a strange smell and then found that the smell came from the fire and the burning corpses of his partners in crime. He also noticed a cloaked figure walk up to him and slap him hard across the face saying "You will forever regret what you did", then a cold liquid was thrown all over him and man began to walk away "Oh and here is your torch back" he stated casually as he threw the burning torch onto the pitch covered man grinning as he heard the screams of the man getting less frequent with each passing moment until it was finally silent along the grasslands once again.

A month after the incident Charles was again grinning, but not because of some rightfully given justice, but because his carpenters had finally finished building his new tavern and the men told him that the place was now ready for business. He paid each of them their last amount of pay as they walked past him out the newly built gates of ShadowVale. He was now officially ready to begin his life anew and to bring back the life that ShadowVale once had, he was going to make sure every weary traveler and dweller of the area had a warm place to stay, have fun, or just relax after a hard day of work in the fields. Charles then went to the last of the workers and paid him his minas in advance and told him to pass out the advertisement flyers as quick as possible, it was indeed time for Charles and his tavern The Riggerous Quest to begin making back the time and money spent to rebuild the destroyed village.

ShadowVale was abandoned along with all other settlements of Asulon when the the peoples of the world left on boats for Elysium.


The economy was tavern based with a small amount of individual trading involved, if at any time the tavern ran low on supplies the workers would usually buy the supplies off the current patrons of the tavern or from private merchants.

Notable Citizens

Charles Greymane- Founder and Mayor.

Dash Rogers- Clerk and Deputy-Mayor.

Logan Boldshoulder- Head Guard and Militia Trainer.

Elrith Palmer- Logan's Second-in-Command of the ShadowVale Guard.

Juliana- Barmaid, Ale Brewer, and trained Physician.

Bethe- Cook and Assistant Barmaid.

Daniella Dragonshade- Assistant Barmaid.