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Concept of Clans and Origins Orc clans are the main political division of the orc race. Clans like human houses are composed of individuals with blood ties but unlike human houses clans can often adopt orcs into the clan if said orc show strenght and honor. There are different types of clans, Wargoth Clans wich are composed of the four elder clans, Lur, Gorkil, Rax and Dom, these clans are considered the most powerfull clans of the orc race and most of the Rexes have been from one of these clans. There are also Chieftrain clans, often splinter clans from one of the four mains clans or recently created clans forged from ties of brotherhood. Wargoth clans usually look down at the chieftrain clans as upsarts seeking to change the status quo.

Each Clan has its own structure but they must all obey the hierarchy demanded by the Rex. A clan must have a chief, a Wargoth or a Chieftrain, usually decided by the strongest member of the Clan. A clan must also have a Clanfather, the oldest and most knowledgeable of the clan. It also needs to have elders, the strongest and wisest of the orc, these orcs can chalenge a Wargoth for his title at any time and they have the duty to maintain the traditions of their clans intact.

The Origin of the clans can be traced all the way back to the legendary age when Krug and his children walked the earth. Krug was the leader of all orcs and led the mightiest warband of all orchish history, his most notable children were Lur,Gorkill, Rax and Dom. Krug led his warband for a few centuries winning every single battle they fought however his children grew restless and tired of living under their fathers shadow. Each of them gathered their warriors and left their father, Lur was the first to go but also gathered the least amount of orcs, Rax was the second but had the largest warband. For the first decades they did not call themselves clans but warbands, only after living and fighting together for so long and forming eternal bonds of brotherhood did they call themselves clans.

The Clans:


History: Lur was the first of the four children of Krug to leave his father, he gathered up six orks that he considered brothers and began what would be known as the Bubhosh Votar (The great hunt). For 100 years Lur and his Bloodriders, the name these orks would assume, hunted everything they could set their eyes upon, always looking for stronger and stronger prey. They hunted beats from lowly Jabbernacks to majestic Dragons. The Bloodriders were: Tor fist of Lur, Jarkan the sword of Lur, Kurak The wolf of Lur, Bralkor the Axe of Lur, TheTrickster of Lur with no name and Or the shaman of Lur later known as the betrayer. During the great hunt many orcs saw the worth of Lurs endavor and and joined the hunt. At the end of this great hunt Lur came upon a whitewash and human oupost that was serving as forward operating base.Lur was filled with rage and he and his Bloodriders descended upon the city slaying most of the whitewashes and humans. Lur and five of his bloodriders began to rebuild the city wishing to use it as capital for their evergrowing warband. Or was responsible for the prisoners and when he thought he was alone the shaman began horrible experiments on the captured orcs. Kurak discovered this and restrained him bringing him to Lur who then banished Or. For twelve years Lur lead his warband and the recently conquered city until one day he gave his spear to Tor and said:" I will go on a hunt by myself, you must be strong my brothers for the worst is yet to come. When the wolf time comes I will return." Lur left and was never seen again, the council of bloodriders decided Tor should be the new leader, after he left the bloodriders also decided to call themselves the Lur clan and the city they conquered became San'Lur, the home of the Lur. For 600 years the Lur clan lead a relatively common life for orks. They hunted, killed and feasted. The Lur clan took all of the north east desert as their hunting grounds, founding cities like Lur falls, home to the largest goblin population of the orc race, Lur Isles where one would day the stlement of Whispering Isles would be founded. The Bloodriders of Lur died of many differnt causes but always as heroes. The clan was led by either one of the direct descendents of Lur or one of the bloodriders. During these 600 years many cults were formed, sub clans of sorts. These cults were usually formed by the descendents of one of the Blood riders and focused on a specific item of his philosophy. This life continued uninterrupted until the beginning of the great orc clan wars. The Lur wished to remain Neutral but for some hidden reason the Dom clan decided the hunters were their greatest threat. During a festival to remember the Bubhosh Votar the Doms infiltrated San'Lur and unleashed Dark Shamanism. That day 95% of the Lur population was muredered, the only survivers were the ones that were not present during the festival. After the massacre of San'Lur the Lur clan joined the war and used merciless guerrila tactics to kill any Doms they could see. When Or'ta lost his dark army at the walls of San'jesal it was the Lur who assaulted the evil fortress of the Dom known as San'Dom ending the war. The Lur clan was severly under orced and was forced by the Rax and Gorkill to join the Warnation of Krugmar

Current Wargoth:Eath'Lur

Current Clanfather: Buubtztik

Structure and Hierarquy: The Lur has a different structure than any of the other clans. Each of the Bloodlines elects an elder among themselves and the 5 elders form the council of elders. The Elders than choose among themselves who will lead the Lur clan. The Lur clan also does not addopt any ork into the clan, you must be either born into the clan or be a long lost descendent. The Lur also has many sub clans known as cults. They are loosely independent from the Lur clan but they will always obey the Clanfather of the Lur. Some of the Cults are the Dash who focus on speed, the Khor who focus on savagery and a few others.

Philosophy and Simbols: The Lur words are "We are the hunters, our enemy the prey". The meaning of these words is that the Lurs are supposed to hunt their enemies and not engange them directly, they must also always look for better prey to keep proving to the spirits that they are worthy of being hunters. The Lur clan also does not seek power, a Lur will never willingly want to be the Rex for example, they would rather have a simple life hunting their prey. The Lur simbols are the Lur Wolves that have been with them since the Bubhosh Votar. Their banner is a white wolf head in a blue field.

Patron Spirit: The patron spirit of the Lur is of course Votar the spirit of the hunt. He is many times offered sacrafices during Lur festivals.