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Om'echan is a religion revolved around the five Great Gods of Aegis and the lesser gods that succeeded them in their absence. While in Aegis Om'echan slowly started to grow as a religion, and was followed by people of all races, but once arriving in Asulon many of the followers passed taking the deeper knowledge of the religion with them. In Anthos some of the followers of Om'echan can be found spread out across the lands. The book "Basics of Om'echan" can be found in the great library.


There were once many Gods, all whom ruled within thy own domain, yet in the early birth years of Aegis the sky erupted in flame as the very Gods fought against each other, none knew why the Gods had turned against brother and sister, yet many believed it was a trick gone hay-wire by the lesser God Banath, during this time many Gods had fallen, their realm empty, no new Gods would be birthed so that those whom remained alive dafter this decade long war in turn sat in their deceased brothers/sisters throne to rule over their domain while the dead Gods awaited their time until they would rise once again. Many of the Great Gods had perished in this war, leaving only the lesser Gods to rule, the lesser Gods were never meant to rule such vast realms of that of a Greater God and struggled as such, resulting in many horrific events throughout Aegis’ history.

The Greater Gods of Aegis

Hom-Shodo - God of Balance; He who is Above All - (currently dead).

Sibi - the Selfless; Goddess of good; She who is perfection - (currently dead).

Zamach - the Selfish; God of Evil; The Mad God - (currently sealed away)

Harnduk - Forger of Action; the Giver of Laws.

Nictac - Worker from Within; Calculator of Odds.

A brief description of the Greater Gods

Hom-Shodo is the God of Balance, he is currently dead, killed by Zamach during The Great War. Many believe he is still currently alive so as not to scare the people of Aegis, though he is dead, one day he will return. Harnduk rules in his place.

Symbol: A silver scale with a red orb on one side and a blue on the other.

Sibi is the Goddess of good, she was killed by Zamach during The Great War, she was wife to Hom-Shodo. It is believed she sacrificed herself in an attempt to kill Zamach and save Hom-Shodo during The Great War but failed, resulting in her and Hom-Shodo's death. Nictac currently reigns in her place.

Symbol: A very beautiful, delicate female hand, looking as if to draw you in, her wrist is wrapped in blue vines.

Zamach is the God of Evil, brother to Sibi, oft referred to as "The Mad God". He is currently sealed away in the Void by Harnduk. Zamach was responsible for many of the Gods and Goddesses deaths, he killed many during the war.

Symbol: A rusty dagger, it glows bright red, a dark black tattered cloth is wrapped around the hilt.

Harnduk is the God of Laws. After the death of Hom-Shodo and Sibi, he gathered Ka-hooli, Tith-Onanka and Turakamu to banish Zamach, this resulted in a duel that ended with the death of Turakamu, though they had succeeded in banishing Zamach. Harnduk now rules in Hom-Shodo's place until the day comes when Hom-Shodo returns.

Symbol: A golden glistening star.

Nictac is the God of Luck, Odds and Chances. During the war he mostly stood back and remained away from all the fighting, thus earning the name "The Abstainer". He currently rules in Sibi's place.

Symbol: A simple pair of dice.

The Lesser Gods of Aegis

Banath - The Artful Dodger; the Prankster; the Nightwalker.

Sho-Pi - Shield of the Weak. Goddess of Passive Strength, The Protector.

Ka-hooli - The Howler After Fugitives; the Unraveller of Mysteries of Truth; God of Justice/Vengeance.

Calis - The Singer of Green Silences; the Gatherer of Quiet Pleasures; the Goddess of Love; Goddess of Nature.

Khali-shi - The Drawer of Nets, She who Waits; the Mistress of Death; Judger of Souls.

Jehan-suz - The Burner of Cities; the Light Bringer; God of Fire.

LaTimsa - The White; the Pure; the Follower of one Path.

Tith-Onanka - The War God; the Tactician; the Joyful Warrior.

A brief description of the Lesser Gods

Banath is the God of Thieves and Pirates. He is also known as the walker in the night, the prankster, and the God of Lost causes and hopeless quests. It is said that Banath oft taken the form of a mortal and walk amongst the people of Aegis. It is known that after Wodar-Hospur’s death (The God of Knowledge) Banath then ruled in his place as custodian.

Symbol: A tankard full of minas and gems.

Sho-Pi is the Goddess of those whom protect the weak, she will oft give her blessings of those in dire need of her aid and many paladins have been known to take her calling.

Symbol: A pure bright white shield with a white and light blue sword

Ka-hooli is the God of Justice and Vengeance, it is told that when those whom are brought to death without justice, he takes them away from Khali-shi’s realm and judges them in her place. There have been folk lore tales of simple farmers,warriors and merchants alike being blessed by Ka-hooli and receiving the crimson armor and sword of the Lesser God, so that he may bring about vengeance and justice, until satisfied, the man will remain Ka-hooli’s tool.

Symbol: A golden cross, in the middle of the cross is a ruby.

Calis is the God of all things nature and love, after the death of Eortis in The Great War, Calis rules in Eortis’ place, God of the Seas.

Symbol: A lime green bow notched with a thorny rose in the shape of an arrow

Khali-shi is the Goddess of Death, once you have passed from the Realm of Aegis and into the Realm of the Dead, you must wait to be judged by Khali-shi, depending on how you lived your life, she may raise you to greater heights, or lower ends

Symbol: A black fishing net.

Jehan-suz is the God of Fire, not much is known though the theory of his coming to being is that people began to worship fires as their life source, and the power of their "prayers" brought Jehan-suz into being. He is also commonly known as the God of Magic, but there is still much more knowledge to be found on Jehan-suz.

Symbol: A small bright flame within a glass container.

LaTimsa is the God of all things pure, little is known about him though oft couples will get married in his temples and given his blessings for a child.

Symbol: A pure white flower with bright glowdust sprinkled onto the flower.

Tith-Onanka is the God of War and Warriors alike, it is known for warriors to pray before battle for Tith-Onanka’s blessings and for a victorious battle, it is told in folk lore that Tith-Onanka’s war-horn can be heard throughout all of Aegis when blown.

Symbol: A winged hammer with dripping blood.

The Dead Gods of Aegis

The Dead Gods also known as the forgotten.

Eortis - The Master of Oceans. Builder of Ships. Master of Fishers

Justur - Master of Song. Lord of the Dance. Father of the Arts.

Tuth - Master of Levels. Hewer of Stone. God of Builders. Lord of Laborers.

Turakamu - Brother to Death. Eater of Hearts. The Silently Waiting One. The Red God.

Salana - Mistress of Rain. Harvest Mother. Mother of Beasts.

Hilio - The Teacher. Master of Wisdom. Judge of Life.

Wodar-Hospur - The Lorekeeper. All Knowing.

Fa - The Sleeper. Master of the Night. The Retriever.

Baracan - The Sorcerer. The Caster of Arcane.

Almost all knowledge is lost of these Dead Gods.

Advanced Om'echan

From the book "Advanced Om'echan"

Known only by those of extreme faith in the Om'echan religion, the more detailed profiles of some of the gods.


Ka-hooli is one of the four gods who are personified by Order on Asulon, to the betterment of all and confusion of some. Ka-hooli is the god of vengeance, or as some see it justice. Wherever a criminal is brought to justice, a murderer dies of a heart attack or a burglar is caught in the act and killed by a shop owner we can find Ka-hooli. Ka-hooli is neither good nor evil, benevolent nor miserly, optimistic nor pessimistic, Ka-hooli is the feeling in everyone when they feel that the right thing has been done to a bad person or in a bad situation - regardless of the method of the outcome.

Ka-hooli's priesthood is diverse and encompasses all the regions of Asulon. From warrior-priests who seek out the brothers of the dark path during their raids south of the Hansetian Mountains, as assistants to free-lance mercenaries for jealous lovers or even as advisers to country nobles - priests of Ka-hooli have one thing in common. They only assist to restore Order and find those in the wrong and bring them to justice. Temples of Ka-hooli are generally small and scattered to cover more areas and ensure a priest is nearby to pass any judgment. Few are willing to cross the priests of Ka-hooli when they are on a quest to find and punish the guilty and even the priests of Khali-Shi and Tith-Onanka are fearful when the situation dictates it. His priests in these small temples are often called upon to judge criminal activities and often fulfill the execution if needed. This is often the case when there is no noble or the noble is considered suspect in the affairs. Ka-hooli is referred to as the Howler after Fugitives, the Tireless Pursuer, the Warrior God of Vengeance, the Unraveller of Mysteries into Truth and is the God of Justice and Vengeance.

Khali-Shi The Goddess of Death, Khali-Shi is a respected and feared deity throughout the known world. The singularly most misunderstood divine by the common people of the world, Khali-Shi is considered a savior by some, and an evil entity that takes loved ones before their time by others. Her hand touches the world every second of every day, Her shadow drapes battlefields and Her eye watches down on the cities closely. She is everywhere, bringing the souls of the world to Her realm where she alone judges them on their merits.

Khali-Shi does not have a large following of worshipers who dutifully come to Her, instead everyone at some point in their life has a need of Her Priests and their services. A father who wishes to stave off death for his sick child will come to Her temple, Soldiers on the battlefield will utter a benediction to Her after Tith-Onanka, Sailors on a sinking ship in shark infested waters will cry out Her name looking for salvation. Some will come to Her in reverence, others will come to Her in anger, however the universal truth remains, She is the final judge and jury of all our souls and all must go before Her. The sole responsibility for judging the souls of mortals falls on Her shoulders. Regardless of your beliefs all come before her where they are given judgment. Some are sent to oblivion for their crimes in life while most are reborn and sent back to be a new soul populating the world. In the end, all must answer to Her cold unforgiving stare. Her temples are usually located near poorer quarters and on the outskirts of populated areas where cemeteries and Her services will not upset the local people. Her priesthood is multi-faceted, with the Head Priests wearing dark robes and temple guards in armor with sharp serrated swords to keep upset or angry patrons under control. Khali-Shi is one of the few divine who promote her followers on potential, with younger clerics often becoming high ranking officials relatively quickly.

Khali-Shi is known by many names, Zandros in Farborough and Lims-Kragma by some. She is referred to as the Drawer of Nets, She who waits, the Mistress of Death and the Judger of Souls. She is the Goddess of Death.


Banath, the God of Thieves and Liars, is one of the most enigmatic and untrustworthy, but needed divine in Asulon. He is worshipped universally and his hand touches all that occurs in day to day life for the lowest and highest of people. Although universally worshipped by thieves and the poorer people of Asulon, he is also revered behind closed doors in some of the higher echelons of society. "In the hearts of men, there is neither good nor evil, just needs and wants," as some say.

A highly misunderstood God, Banath is not, as some would think, a divine intent on causing grief to hard working people. He neither favors those who are poor, nor those who are particularly good at their craft of theft or deception. If he was then his followers on the dodgy path would never be caught by the constabulary and hung for their crimes and yet hundreds are every seed. Perhaps this is just a small part of his nature, to deceive those who believe they have his blessing and then lead them as lambs to the slaugher? A misconception that most have of Banath is he is a god who helps those who are poor become wealthy. However some believe it is the skill and art of the game, not the riches, that appeal to this wily divine. Many who become wealthy during the game find they become the focus of his wrath, not his favor. Banath is also considered to be the Prankster and God of Deception by most. All good generals on the field of battle know the need for deception when attacking a stronger position than theirs, and so Banath weaves his magic in their minds. Practical jokes by children, travelers walking the dark roads of Asulon, and corrupt merchants or nobles all worship him in their own way. Priests of Banath come in all shapes and sizes and most have some background or experience in the nefarious, although often the higher ranking officials come from a noble background where they fell to his charms during the deceptive dealings of high-society. His temples are often centered around the docks and poor quarters of the cities and towns, however many have been appearing in isolated hamlets and villages in major junctions of the world. It is rumored that the Captains of Farport have a private temple in their lair. Adored more in the rugged Western Realm, no major city is without some presence of the Prankster's priests. Banath is also known as Kalkin in many places around Asulon and is referred to as the Artful Dodger, the Prankster, the Night Walker, the Silent Thief of Precious Commodities, the Deceiver and the God of Thieves.