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#REDIRECT [[Nevaehlen]]
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|<span style="font-size:medium;">'''The Cove of Nevaehlen'''
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''Nevaehlen Coat of Arms''
|- class="wikitable" style="background:#778899; text-align:center; margin-left: 10px;"
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Capital''': [[Nevaehlen]]
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Successor''': [[Isle of Nevaehlen]]
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Predecessor''': [[Siramenor]]
|- class="wikitable" style="background:#778899; text-align:center; margin-left: 10px;"
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Languages''': Common, [[Ancient Elven]]
|- class="wikitable" style="background:#778899; text-align:center; margin-left: 10px;"
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Demonym''': Wood Elf
|- class="wikitable" style="background:#778899; text-align:center; margin-left: 10px;"
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Religion''': The Wild Faith
|- class="wikitable" style="background:#778899; text-align:center; margin-left: 10px;"
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Government''': Absolute Monarchy
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Matriarch''': Defunct / [[Miven Caerme'onn]]
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Eldrach''': Defunct
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Keeper''': Defunct
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Valeseer''': Defunct
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Wild Chief''': Defunct
The Vale of Nevaehlen is the home of the Wood Elves, located on the south-eastern peninsula of mainland Almaris. These Wood Elves and Father Circle Drui reclaimed their home to nature, living amongst the recycled foundations and grown trees of once standing Vaelya.
== Historical Era ==
Nevaehlen’s coastal glade was developed from the turmoil experienced within Elvenesse, a city welcoming  all Elves. Now, their culture and traditions thrive unhindered by conflicting opinions of other Elves, and protected by their growing military, the Halerir’elame. The Wood Elven village was founded by Miven Caerme’onn and Andria Tresery, alongside their supportive kin and other major contributors and leaders, namely, Yae’vel Caerme’onn, Celiasil, Nenar Terin-Caerme’onn, Perithir and Thordir Aureon.
=== Foundation ===
From their glade of Siramenor, the once heartland of the Wood Elven people on the continent of Arcas, the Irrinites conjoined with Aegrothond to found Elvenesse. However, after much strife, cultural differences, and a community unwilling to defend their kin and home, several Irrinites took initiative to depart and start anew.
This was a time for the Father Circle to enact, to lead by example and carry out their newly scribed duties of reclamation. The small band of Elves sought forts and harbors, until they came across the remains of Vaelya - a once standing city of scholarly coastal Elves. The Drui, alongisde Mali’ame, made it their mission to return the abandoned area to nature. They promised to take great care of the newly established glade, to protect and preserve it. The commune rooted themselves in primal wood elven tradition, considering it vital that they do all within their power to diminish their impact on the land, and that of the ruin they have settled within.
Driven by this belief in reclamation, citizens occupied both abandoned and reformed homes, burrows, and trees while also putting previous structures to use as places of gathering; be it for teaching, training, working or lounging. A number of institutions were established for denizens to participate in, ranging from the traditionalist craftsmen of the Treesingers, to the Priesthood of the Wild Faith, to the informal militia of the Rangers, a number of familial seeds and, of course, the Father Circle itself.
The Matriarchs of the village, Miven Caerme’onn and Andria Tresery worked tirelessly to establish something greater for the future of their kin and the preservation of the once threatened Mali’ame culture. Their first few years in Nevaehlen consisted of many hours of planning and organizing, conversations with their elders and promoting a healthier atmosphere for folks to grow, learn, and live. However, as time went on and tensions grew between Nevaehlen and those that resided in Haelun’or’s Principality of Ando Alur, Andria Tresery traveled into the wilds seeking information on her own. She had stepped down from responsibilities as a Raithean of the Father Circle as well as a Matriarch of Nevaehlen.
The second moot of the Vale was held, where both Nenar Terin-Caerme’onn and Yae’vel Caerme’onn were unanimously voted as the two new Raitheans of the Father Circle, and in tandem, Matriarchs of Nevaehlen alongside their sister Miven. Just around this time Ando Alur fell from the sky, devastating not only their kin but more importantly nature. The fallen cities' destruction left a treacherous, unfathomable mess for the realm to discover. The following years consisted of a new era for those of Nevaehlen, the Trials of Darkspawn. They’d experience attacks from dragonkin, blighted strikes on their forests and kin, from necromancers and conflict between misty and golemic mystics. With these ambushes, Father Circle Drui and acolytes set way on a multitude of scouting missions and battles within the voidal hollows of the fallen Ando Alur.
Despite the many battles against darkspawn and mages, Nevaehlen persevered in their culture, traditions, and especially military. Their once informal citizens-militia had been reformed into the Halerir’elame - Those Pledged to the Forest. The newly organized military had been one established by the Tresery, and implemented quickly by dutiful leaders. Gilliaen Caerme’onn, Thordir Aureon, and Ker’avern were the first three Mali’ame to hold the Wild Chief position under Laedrad Tresery, the Valeseer. With trying times and a quickly growing family, Ker’avern had become the Valeseer shortly after the creation of the Halerir’elame as demands for an active leader were high. Later on would those leaders welcome Eonan Norvayn and Tali’mordu as Wild Chiefs, and there would they inaugurate their first five dedicated Gladeguards, Roylan Sirame, Tailesin Asimulum, Relevas Vuln’miruel, Taal, and Evar’lae Amayril. As for the rest of their kin, each were and continue to be pledged to their roles as Greenblades, defending both their home and family.
== Culture & Society ==
=== Religion ===
With the return to a smaller, reclaimed village, those residing within Nevaehlen had the opportunity to preserve their faith in the Aspects and the Mani. Elnarnsae’ame, otherwise known as the Wild Faith, is made up of Gods, traditions and rites of passage. The Wood Elves' forefather, Malin, planted the first seed for Elves to worship nature. These Gods and spirits of the forest are as pertinent and real as a flowing stream or bloodied hunt. For the Wood Elves, there is no distinction between faith and secular living.
No matter the Mali’ame creed or seed, all those who follow the elnarnsae’ame recognize the worship of the same Pantheon Gods. Amongst the Aspects are two that depict the concept of duality. Cernnunos, the Father, is the God of Survival; the hunt, sacrifice, chaos and encompasses any of what is fierce. On the other hand, Cerridwen, the Mother, is the Goddess of Life; fertility, rebirth, growth and all things nurturing in nature. Yet with this natural balance in the Order comes secrecy. The third Aspect, Nemiisae, is the Goddess of Death. The Grandmother develops the concept of evolution within nature and is principal in the cycles churning.
To bridge the gap between those Gods and the fauna on the realm are the wild animal spirits, Mani. These Demi-Gods serve as representatives and guardians of each animal that roams the realm. Mali’ame culturally worship, pray, and make offerings to respective Mani for varying significances. Many followers and seeds revere specific or multiple Mani, such as those of the Arvellon with Kwakwani and Felixii as their patron and matron Mani.
Those interested who are followers of the Wild Faith may join the Green Priesthood, a devout commitment to one's faith. Dedicated Mali’ame of their culture and religion undergo scholarly priesthood trials, and those who are successful are titled Green Priests. Traditionally, Green Priests take on a patron or matron Mani alongside their title and act as spokespeople for their appropriate God.
=== Seeds ===
Mali’ame seeds are the ancient families of the Wood Elves. They were first established when Irrin Sirame led her people away from the collapse of Malin’s kingdom, and into the woods. Each of these tribes carry with them a unique cultural identity. Many bear sacred markings, known as Ilmyumier, which is a way of visually upholding the values of an individual, or of the tribe itself.
Each Seed has a chieftain who is responsible for guiding those that have become part of their family, or wish to take their trials. Some find their identity as hunters, others as crafters, and others still - sticking true to the nomadic nature of the Mali’ame - are wanderers.
[[File:EretriaNerrinArvellon.png|thumb|right|300px|''Chieftains Eretria and Nerrin Arvellon displaying their seed ilmyumier'']]
Seeds embody the Mali’ame culture, and provide unity and individuality to all who partake in it. The seeds keep the Mali’ame legacy alive and ever-growing. From the collapse of nations to the rise of villages, this structure is what keeps the ‘ame tied to their roots and to the very balance they’re meant to steward.
Four seeds have been established within Nevaehlen upon its founding;
The Arvellon are one of the smaller and lesser known tribes amongst the first migration of Mali’ame. The ways of the Autumnal Watchers are deeply rooted in Aspectism and the Mani pantheon, basing their various styles and values upon that of the old ‘ame teachings. The Arvellon are tricksters known to have a lust for life, being fun loving and cheerful people who often perform tricks and pranks on those deserving of it or simply for fun. Like most other seeds, the Arvellon worship a select few Mani in particular. Felixii The Wildcat, and Kwakwani the Trickster Raven.
The Caerme’onn are one of the eldest seeds of the Mali’ame, and are characterized as leaders, warriors, and devout aspectists. Their name is one steeped in history, with many figures legendary amongst the Mali’ame stemming from its lines. Both Bolomormaa, the Bear Mani and Amaethon, the Mani of Stags, are the Matron and Patron animal spirits worshiped by the Caerme’onn.
The Sirame are a priestly seed established in recognition of Irrin Sirame herself. Their focus is upon the continuation and preservation of the Mali’ame peoples’ culture, and they pay unique homage and respect to the Green Dragaar Taynei’hiylu.
The Tresery seed and its origins lie deep within the savannah. Known as the Lions of Tresery, this seed devotes itself to the following of the Great Lion Spirit Mahae which promotes the legend to strengthen one's self to face and overcome any odds. Though a smaller seed, Pride, Courage, Leadership, and Loyalty are seen within every member and known in some form to their fellow kin on the deeds and achievements done.
New seeds have since sprouted, including those of Norvayn - a seed devout to their honor, as seekers, hunters, wardens, and guardians. They are watchful folk, but not idle. The Norvayn align themselves to the grey wolf, and particularly, Morea.
=== Language ===
Throughout the centuries, the Ancient Elven language had gone through various alterations, having words spoken and created by differing subraces. Villagers residing within Nevaehlen continue their studies in learning and speaking the Ancient Elven language. This language was developed during the second generation of Malin’s children, and continues to be at the forefront of communication, alongside the common language.
== Druidism ==
=== Father Circle ===
Of great warriors and protectors of nature, the Father Circle contains some of the most primal, experienced survivalists with the purpose to enact the druidic duties in a more proactive manner. The fold partakes in warrior-esque traditions from training, and smithing, to rituals strengthening the spirit and mind.
The Circle as a whole functions as one pack – one kin that breathes the same air and bleeds through a single vein. Members are taught how to wield a weapon above all else so that they might prepare adequately to cut down the unworldly abominations that threaten the balance. The path of destruction and reclamation of what has corrupted and/or taken over the land is one of the most radical ideals the circle focuses on.
== Government ==
=== The Eternal Concord ===
Akin to a tree, the Eternal Concord consists of a systematic group of trusted Elves who have specific duties they are expected to carry out. Within the immediate Eternal Concord is the Matriarch, Eldarch, and Valeseer. The Keeper and Wild Chiefs are also crucial in leadership.
==== Matriarch ====
The Matriarch is the voice and head of her kin and culture. Those who hold this position are typically at the forefront of defense, fighting for their family and values. Naturally, the Matriarch is one to restore and preserve the Wood Elven ways through teaching, guiding, and walking the path themselves.
==== Eldarch ====
A renowned position, the Eldarch is granted to only those most trusted to the Matriarch and their kin. In times of strife, one who holds this position is permitted to lead in place, and/or hand in hand with the Matriarch. Otherwise, the Eldarch offers insightful and perspective guidance.
==== Valeseer ====
The Valeseer serves the Vale as a figurehead to the protection of its people from dangers both physical and political. They are trusted to wield blade and quill in matters of safety and political turmoil, making decisions that impact those both within and without the woodland walls of the Vale.
==== Keeper ====
Working in tandem with the rest of those on the concord, the Keeper is the head of stewardry, holding all keys to those homes in Nevaehlen. They possess organization skills, and are most importantly driven to welcome new, dutiful kin to the rest of the fold.
==== Wild Chief ====
While the Valeseer acts as the overall head and final decision-maker for the Halerir’elame, the triumvirate of Wild Chiefs beneath them act as hands to directly train, organize, and lead the Vale’s warriors in times of crisis.
=== Succession ===
Historically, the founding Matriarchs of Nevaehlen were both Andria Tresery and Miven Caerme’onn. With Andria’s departure for the wilds, this left Miven to bring on at least two new Matriarchs. Alongside her kins support, she welcomed Nenar Terin-Caerme’onn and Yae’vel Caerme’onn as fellow Matriarchs of the village.
The Eternal Concord consists of Elves within the village who unanimously decide who will be brought in as the next Matriarch or Patriarch of the village, should the seated Matriarch fail to appoint a replacement.
=== Military ===
[[File:Gladeguards.png|thumb|right|300px|''Halerir’elame Gladeguards in their uniform'']]
The Wood Elves of Nevaehlen are all initiated into the Halerir’elame, Those Pledged to the Forest. The arrival to Almaris had been a trying time for the Mali’ame and their ability to unite and fight against greater forces. They had fallen complacent, and stagnant to the belief that no danger can touch them. Long had the children of the forest dared to venture into the dangerous oaken-lands that encompass Nevaehlen. It was in the perfection of their knowledge over the creatures and ghouls that those who still held to the ways of old dragged the dark into the light. There is power derived directly from intellect, and strength in numbers. While the Vale is a safe-haven, the forests and the rest of the realm are not. The Mali’ame and other populace of the Vale must reclaim their roads.
The creatures of Almaris have scarred the realm and clawed at their settlement for too long. They found minions of the voidal realm in caverns and ditches, scheming and plotting to send an attack to the heart of unsuspecting victims. There are courageous and determined folk among them, and those warriors must mobilize themselves to procure proper safety and to bring these harbingers of death together for execution.
The Halerir’elame consists of an overarching leader, a triumvirate of executive trainers and strategists, an elite group of stealthy warriors and those citizen-militia.
==== Valeseer ====
The Valeseer is the leader of those Pledged to the Forest, guiding the efforts of the Order.
==== Wild Chief ====
The Wild Chief are three exclusive positions, selected in accordance with the Valeseer. This triumvirate is expected to heed the Valeseer and Matriarch’s  instructions, and aid with the direct organization of the Order. In accordance with the Valeseer, the Wild Chiefs are responsible for training those enlisted Gladeguards and Greenblades, commanding in combat and strategizing.
==== Gladeguard ====
The Gladeguard are apprentices and students, subordinate to the Wild Chiefs and are those who seek to make the defense of their kin a profession. The Gladeguard are tasked with organized practice and training, expected to attend investigations or any other threats to the Vale.
==== Greenblade ====
All who are citizens of the Vale of Nevaehlen are considered a Greenblade of the Order, formerly known as the Rangers. They are expected to fight should a threat present itself, and to ensure the constant safety of the Vale by manning its gate and walls at all times.
== Geography ==
The Elves of Nevaehlen consist primarily of Wood Elves, and surround themselves with canopying trees that shade from the southern peninsula's radiant sun. Small beaches line the coasts of the reclaimed village, while the valley's hills to their north and west offer occasional bouts of wind. Life thrives on this part of the continent but so do the annual oceanic storms.

Latest revision as of 02:10, 3 March 2024

The Cove of Nevaehlen

Nevaehlen Coat of Arms

Capital: Nevaehlen
Successor: Isle of Nevaehlen
Predecessor: Siramenor
Languages: Common, Ancient Elven
Demonym: Wood Elf
Religion: The Wild Faith
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Matriarch: Defunct / Miven Caerme'onn
Eldrach: Defunct
Keeper: Defunct
Valeseer: Defunct
Wild Chief: Defunct

The Vale of Nevaehlen is the home of the Wood Elves, located on the south-eastern peninsula of mainland Almaris. These Wood Elves and Father Circle Drui reclaimed their home to nature, living amongst the recycled foundations and grown trees of once standing Vaelya.

Historical Era

Nevaehlen’s coastal glade was developed from the turmoil experienced within Elvenesse, a city welcoming all Elves. Now, their culture and traditions thrive unhindered by conflicting opinions of other Elves, and protected by their growing military, the Halerir’elame. The Wood Elven village was founded by Miven Caerme’onn and Andria Tresery, alongside their supportive kin and other major contributors and leaders, namely, Yae’vel Caerme’onn, Celiasil, Nenar Terin-Caerme’onn, Perithir and Thordir Aureon.


From their glade of Siramenor, the once heartland of the Wood Elven people on the continent of Arcas, the Irrinites conjoined with Aegrothond to found Elvenesse. However, after much strife, cultural differences, and a community unwilling to defend their kin and home, several Irrinites took initiative to depart and start anew.

This was a time for the Father Circle to enact, to lead by example and carry out their newly scribed duties of reclamation. The small band of Elves sought forts and harbors, until they came across the remains of Vaelya - a once standing city of scholarly coastal Elves. The Drui, alongisde Mali’ame, made it their mission to return the abandoned area to nature. They promised to take great care of the newly established glade, to protect and preserve it. The commune rooted themselves in primal wood elven tradition, considering it vital that they do all within their power to diminish their impact on the land, and that of the ruin they have settled within.

Driven by this belief in reclamation, citizens occupied both abandoned and reformed homes, burrows, and trees while also putting previous structures to use as places of gathering; be it for teaching, training, working or lounging. A number of institutions were established for denizens to participate in, ranging from the traditionalist craftsmen of the Treesingers, to the Priesthood of the Wild Faith, to the informal militia of the Rangers, a number of familial seeds and, of course, the Father Circle itself.

The Matriarchs of the village, Miven Caerme’onn and Andria Tresery worked tirelessly to establish something greater for the future of their kin and the preservation of the once threatened Mali’ame culture. Their first few years in Nevaehlen consisted of many hours of planning and organizing, conversations with their elders and promoting a healthier atmosphere for folks to grow, learn, and live. However, as time went on and tensions grew between Nevaehlen and those that resided in Haelun’or’s Principality of Ando Alur, Andria Tresery traveled into the wilds seeking information on her own. She had stepped down from responsibilities as a Raithean of the Father Circle as well as a Matriarch of Nevaehlen.

The second moot of the Vale was held, where both Nenar Terin-Caerme’onn and Yae’vel Caerme’onn were unanimously voted as the two new Raitheans of the Father Circle, and in tandem, Matriarchs of Nevaehlen alongside their sister Miven. Just around this time Ando Alur fell from the sky, devastating not only their kin but more importantly nature. The fallen cities' destruction left a treacherous, unfathomable mess for the realm to discover. The following years consisted of a new era for those of Nevaehlen, the Trials of Darkspawn. They’d experience attacks from dragonkin, blighted strikes on their forests and kin, from necromancers and conflict between misty and golemic mystics. With these ambushes, Father Circle Drui and acolytes set way on a multitude of scouting missions and battles within the voidal hollows of the fallen Ando Alur.

Despite the many battles against darkspawn and mages, Nevaehlen persevered in their culture, traditions, and especially military. Their once informal citizens-militia had been reformed into the Halerir’elame - Those Pledged to the Forest. The newly organized military had been one established by the Tresery, and implemented quickly by dutiful leaders. Gilliaen Caerme’onn, Thordir Aureon, and Ker’avern were the first three Mali’ame to hold the Wild Chief position under Laedrad Tresery, the Valeseer. With trying times and a quickly growing family, Ker’avern had become the Valeseer shortly after the creation of the Halerir’elame as demands for an active leader were high. Later on would those leaders welcome Eonan Norvayn and Tali’mordu as Wild Chiefs, and there would they inaugurate their first five dedicated Gladeguards, Roylan Sirame, Tailesin Asimulum, Relevas Vuln’miruel, Taal, and Evar’lae Amayril. As for the rest of their kin, each were and continue to be pledged to their roles as Greenblades, defending both their home and family.

Culture & Society


With the return to a smaller, reclaimed village, those residing within Nevaehlen had the opportunity to preserve their faith in the Aspects and the Mani. Elnarnsae’ame, otherwise known as the Wild Faith, is made up of Gods, traditions and rites of passage. The Wood Elves' forefather, Malin, planted the first seed for Elves to worship nature. These Gods and spirits of the forest are as pertinent and real as a flowing stream or bloodied hunt. For the Wood Elves, there is no distinction between faith and secular living.

No matter the Mali’ame creed or seed, all those who follow the elnarnsae’ame recognize the worship of the same Pantheon Gods. Amongst the Aspects are two that depict the concept of duality. Cernnunos, the Father, is the God of Survival; the hunt, sacrifice, chaos and encompasses any of what is fierce. On the other hand, Cerridwen, the Mother, is the Goddess of Life; fertility, rebirth, growth and all things nurturing in nature. Yet with this natural balance in the Order comes secrecy. The third Aspect, Nemiisae, is the Goddess of Death. The Grandmother develops the concept of evolution within nature and is principal in the cycles churning.

To bridge the gap between those Gods and the fauna on the realm are the wild animal spirits, Mani. These Demi-Gods serve as representatives and guardians of each animal that roams the realm. Mali’ame culturally worship, pray, and make offerings to respective Mani for varying significances. Many followers and seeds revere specific or multiple Mani, such as those of the Arvellon with Kwakwani and Felixii as their patron and matron Mani.

Those interested who are followers of the Wild Faith may join the Green Priesthood, a devout commitment to one's faith. Dedicated Mali’ame of their culture and religion undergo scholarly priesthood trials, and those who are successful are titled Green Priests. Traditionally, Green Priests take on a patron or matron Mani alongside their title and act as spokespeople for their appropriate God.


Mali’ame seeds are the ancient families of the Wood Elves. They were first established when Irrin Sirame led her people away from the collapse of Malin’s kingdom, and into the woods. Each of these tribes carry with them a unique cultural identity. Many bear sacred markings, known as Ilmyumier, which is a way of visually upholding the values of an individual, or of the tribe itself.

Each Seed has a chieftain who is responsible for guiding those that have become part of their family, or wish to take their trials. Some find their identity as hunters, others as crafters, and others still - sticking true to the nomadic nature of the Mali’ame - are wanderers.

Chieftains Eretria and Nerrin Arvellon displaying their seed ilmyumier

Seeds embody the Mali’ame culture, and provide unity and individuality to all who partake in it. The seeds keep the Mali’ame legacy alive and ever-growing. From the collapse of nations to the rise of villages, this structure is what keeps the ‘ame tied to their roots and to the very balance they’re meant to steward.

Four seeds have been established within Nevaehlen upon its founding;

The Arvellon are one of the smaller and lesser known tribes amongst the first migration of Mali’ame. The ways of the Autumnal Watchers are deeply rooted in Aspectism and the Mani pantheon, basing their various styles and values upon that of the old ‘ame teachings. The Arvellon are tricksters known to have a lust for life, being fun loving and cheerful people who often perform tricks and pranks on those deserving of it or simply for fun. Like most other seeds, the Arvellon worship a select few Mani in particular. Felixii The Wildcat, and Kwakwani the Trickster Raven.

The Caerme’onn are one of the eldest seeds of the Mali’ame, and are characterized as leaders, warriors, and devout aspectists. Their name is one steeped in history, with many figures legendary amongst the Mali’ame stemming from its lines. Both Bolomormaa, the Bear Mani and Amaethon, the Mani of Stags, are the Matron and Patron animal spirits worshiped by the Caerme’onn.

The Sirame are a priestly seed established in recognition of Irrin Sirame herself. Their focus is upon the continuation and preservation of the Mali’ame peoples’ culture, and they pay unique homage and respect to the Green Dragaar Taynei’hiylu.

The Tresery seed and its origins lie deep within the savannah. Known as the Lions of Tresery, this seed devotes itself to the following of the Great Lion Spirit Mahae which promotes the legend to strengthen one's self to face and overcome any odds. Though a smaller seed, Pride, Courage, Leadership, and Loyalty are seen within every member and known in some form to their fellow kin on the deeds and achievements done.

New seeds have since sprouted, including those of Norvayn - a seed devout to their honor, as seekers, hunters, wardens, and guardians. They are watchful folk, but not idle. The Norvayn align themselves to the grey wolf, and particularly, Morea.


Throughout the centuries, the Ancient Elven language had gone through various alterations, having words spoken and created by differing subraces. Villagers residing within Nevaehlen continue their studies in learning and speaking the Ancient Elven language. This language was developed during the second generation of Malin’s children, and continues to be at the forefront of communication, alongside the common language.


Father Circle

Of great warriors and protectors of nature, the Father Circle contains some of the most primal, experienced survivalists with the purpose to enact the druidic duties in a more proactive manner. The fold partakes in warrior-esque traditions from training, and smithing, to rituals strengthening the spirit and mind.

The Circle as a whole functions as one pack – one kin that breathes the same air and bleeds through a single vein. Members are taught how to wield a weapon above all else so that they might prepare adequately to cut down the unworldly abominations that threaten the balance. The path of destruction and reclamation of what has corrupted and/or taken over the land is one of the most radical ideals the circle focuses on.


The Eternal Concord

Akin to a tree, the Eternal Concord consists of a systematic group of trusted Elves who have specific duties they are expected to carry out. Within the immediate Eternal Concord is the Matriarch, Eldarch, and Valeseer. The Keeper and Wild Chiefs are also crucial in leadership.


The Matriarch is the voice and head of her kin and culture. Those who hold this position are typically at the forefront of defense, fighting for their family and values. Naturally, the Matriarch is one to restore and preserve the Wood Elven ways through teaching, guiding, and walking the path themselves.


A renowned position, the Eldarch is granted to only those most trusted to the Matriarch and their kin. In times of strife, one who holds this position is permitted to lead in place, and/or hand in hand with the Matriarch. Otherwise, the Eldarch offers insightful and perspective guidance.


The Valeseer serves the Vale as a figurehead to the protection of its people from dangers both physical and political. They are trusted to wield blade and quill in matters of safety and political turmoil, making decisions that impact those both within and without the woodland walls of the Vale.


Working in tandem with the rest of those on the concord, the Keeper is the head of stewardry, holding all keys to those homes in Nevaehlen. They possess organization skills, and are most importantly driven to welcome new, dutiful kin to the rest of the fold.

Wild Chief

While the Valeseer acts as the overall head and final decision-maker for the Halerir’elame, the triumvirate of Wild Chiefs beneath them act as hands to directly train, organize, and lead the Vale’s warriors in times of crisis.


Historically, the founding Matriarchs of Nevaehlen were both Andria Tresery and Miven Caerme’onn. With Andria’s departure for the wilds, this left Miven to bring on at least two new Matriarchs. Alongside her kins support, she welcomed Nenar Terin-Caerme’onn and Yae’vel Caerme’onn as fellow Matriarchs of the village.

The Eternal Concord consists of Elves within the village who unanimously decide who will be brought in as the next Matriarch or Patriarch of the village, should the seated Matriarch fail to appoint a replacement.


Halerir’elame Gladeguards in their uniform

The Wood Elves of Nevaehlen are all initiated into the Halerir’elame, Those Pledged to the Forest. The arrival to Almaris had been a trying time for the Mali’ame and their ability to unite and fight against greater forces. They had fallen complacent, and stagnant to the belief that no danger can touch them. Long had the children of the forest dared to venture into the dangerous oaken-lands that encompass Nevaehlen. It was in the perfection of their knowledge over the creatures and ghouls that those who still held to the ways of old dragged the dark into the light. There is power derived directly from intellect, and strength in numbers. While the Vale is a safe-haven, the forests and the rest of the realm are not. The Mali’ame and other populace of the Vale must reclaim their roads.

The creatures of Almaris have scarred the realm and clawed at their settlement for too long. They found minions of the voidal realm in caverns and ditches, scheming and plotting to send an attack to the heart of unsuspecting victims. There are courageous and determined folk among them, and those warriors must mobilize themselves to procure proper safety and to bring these harbingers of death together for execution.

The Halerir’elame consists of an overarching leader, a triumvirate of executive trainers and strategists, an elite group of stealthy warriors and those citizen-militia.


The Valeseer is the leader of those Pledged to the Forest, guiding the efforts of the Order.

Wild Chief

The Wild Chief are three exclusive positions, selected in accordance with the Valeseer. This triumvirate is expected to heed the Valeseer and Matriarch’s instructions, and aid with the direct organization of the Order. In accordance with the Valeseer, the Wild Chiefs are responsible for training those enlisted Gladeguards and Greenblades, commanding in combat and strategizing.


The Gladeguard are apprentices and students, subordinate to the Wild Chiefs and are those who seek to make the defense of their kin a profession. The Gladeguard are tasked with organized practice and training, expected to attend investigations or any other threats to the Vale.


All who are citizens of the Vale of Nevaehlen are considered a Greenblade of the Order, formerly known as the Rangers. They are expected to fight should a threat present itself, and to ensure the constant safety of the Vale by manning its gate and walls at all times.


The Elves of Nevaehlen consist primarily of Wood Elves, and surround themselves with canopying trees that shade from the southern peninsula's radiant sun. Small beaches line the coasts of the reclaimed village, while the valley's hills to their north and west offer occasional bouts of wind. Life thrives on this part of the continent but so do the annual oceanic storms.