Wilven Sanctuary Monks

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For all of recorded history the monks have roamed the realms of the sentient races. They seek out those who are injured and mend their wounds in the Cloud Temple. The monks have evolved with the races, yet their mission of neutrality has prevailed. They believe in the Triumvirate, celestial beings that grant them power. Keldrith represents the sun, Rellenia the moon, and Tariel, the stars.

Role of the Monks

The goals of the monks have remained for centuries. Monks wander the land seeking out those who are in need of guidance and assistance. They possess powerful magic that may heal even the deadliest of wounds, the source of the magic is shrouded in mystery, and only those in the monks understand its workings. The monks are able to heal all injuries and wounds one has sustained. Even so the monks can not save those who do not wish it, many souls are not saved and make the trip to the afterlife. Their second goal is to keep and maintain the lands of the Cloud Temple, respecting the land and the realm itself..

Monks Throughout History

The monks have constantly adapted to their environment. They have constantly evolved, yet their goals have remained the same.


In Aegis, the monks operated out of the Cloud Temple, located in the center of the realm. The Cloud Temple is thought to have been created at the beginning of time, and proved to be the most important magical site in Aegis. The monks roamed the land, seeking those who were injured and returned them to the temple. The monks maintained the Cloud Temple library for many years, but it was soon taken over by the Druids. The Monks of Aegis provided homes for those they healed. The Monks of Aegis followed the descendants to the Verge.


Upon arrival in Asulon, the monks stumbled upon the Sanctuary of the Cloud Temple, deep in the heart of Asulon. Following the path of their founder they became known as the Wilven Sanctuary Monks. Although they continued to heal the injured, the monks maintained a small shop, a large library, and promoted peace in the war-torn areas, spreading their beliefs to the descendants. The monks maintained one of the busiest hubs of trade and travel in Asulon, the temple was situated in a four way junction of all the descendant races.

Elysium and Kalos

The Wilven Sanctuary Monks lacked a proper temple during the time on the island. Instead, they instead lived in a large camp. Despite this, they continued to uphold their duties.


The Cloud Temple of Anthos is set in the west of the mainland, and the monks continue to carry out their duties. To better increase the chances of a full recovery those they rescue are obliged to spend time in the Crypt of the Cloud Temple, where they receive a more complete treatment. The monks also maintained an aviary.

The Triumvirate

The Triumvirate are celestial beings that watched over the land of Asulon, they are the source of the monk’s healing abilities and their aura surrounds the Wilven Monks.

The Story of the Triumvirate

Keldrith, Lord of the Sun, began his story like any of the rest of us mortals. He was the son of a king, king Celetiman of Celestiran, a kingdom in what is now known as Asulon, the current city of Arethor, and thereby prince and heir to the throne. At the time the story begins, Keldrith was but a thirteen year old boy. Thousands of villagers dwelt in the kingdom, and all of them loved Keldrith, for he was simply a kind and charismatic person. As time went on, despite his young age, Keldrith fell in love with a princess.

Keldrith’s love was the princess Rellenia of a small city-state outside of the kingdom’s borders. He noticed her one day when she was not at a political debate, like his father was most hours, but out at the markets, purchasing some wheat from a poor farmer and paying him twice its worth. He was enthralled by a maiden that could be so beautiful, yet so kind. He would go on and on about her, and strangely, King Celetiman noticed this, despite his ignorance of informal matters. He went to the king of the city-state, Taron, and offered an arranged marriage between the two. Taron approved his proposition, and a marriage was planned between Rellenia and Keldrith. Now one might think that Rellenia would be unhappy about an arranged marriage, but quite the contrary, she had loved Keldrith from the moment she met him. They were happily wed, and when Celetiman passed on, Keldrith took over as king. When time saw fit, they went out into the world, leaving the general of the military in charge of the kingdom.

Time went on, and Keldrith, twenty-six, and Rellenia, twenty-four, arrived at a small hamlet known as Flowershire. In Flowershire lived a young man known as Tariel, a kind farmer who the two liked instantly. Keldrith, Relenia, and Tariel became the greatest of friends, and when they left the hamlet, Tariel came with them. They explored all of Asulon, cherishing each others’ friendship, and having many adventures.

Sadly, their joy could not last. It was said that they came to a wasteland in Asulon, nothing was there except for scorched rocky mountains. Not much is known about what occurred within the valley, except a farmer a few leagues away said he saw a bright flash of light from that direction soon after they entered. In truth, they were murdered in this place. Their bodies faded into the earth, as death does, and their belongings vanished as well, all except for one each.

It was said that, upon their deaths, the Creator took pity upon their souls and bound them to three minerals, Rellenia, a diamond, Keldrith, a bar of gold, and Tariel, a gem of Lapis Lazuli. He then waited, for he knew what would happen to the three friends. The stones stayed upon the ground for centuries, and all around them, the wasteland transformed into a paradise, water flowing from the mountain peaks reformed the land into a valley of grass, forming a pool in the center, the stones laying on the shore. Such a paradise could not go unihabited, so the Creator chose a single woman and a single man to discover it.

The man, William Alerus, and the woman, Vera Alerus, set up a home their, not knowing the stones the lied upon the shore, until one day, their child went down and explored. Amanda Alerus, their child, discovered the stones, and called her parents. They admired them, but something prevented both William and Vera from touching the stones, so Amanda went up and gathered them in her arms. The second she touched them, bright lights shot out, the colors of the stones, and they flew into the sky, the gold to the sun, the lapis to the stars, and the diamond to the moon.

The Creator admired the friendship of the original three, and left knowledge upon the new three mortals living upon the shore. He told them the story of the stones, and instructed them to build a Temple in their honor. They trained a messenger bird, sending him home to their friends and extended family, speaking of the paradise and the small price to pay. They brought with them all the materials they could carry and departed for the soon-to-be Temple of the Triumvirate. Work progressed quickly, an immense library going up and the Temple itself a sight to behold. These were the original Monks of the Triumvirate.

The Celestial Triumvirate, as Keldrith, Rellenia, and Tariel came to be called, became deities in their own right, demigods of the sun, moon, and stars. They granted their followers the ability to heal those who needed it by invoking their name in prayer, but the most powerful monks were able to do it through sheer mental focus upon them. They blessed the Temple when it was complete, that it would be forever void of any illnesses or disease of the outside world, and that it would ever be a safe haven.

As time went on, the monks forgot the old ways, becoming lazy and not helping those other than themselves. The Triumvirate saw this and were angry, so angry in fact that they banished the monks from the Temple, magical wards preventing any from entering the paradise as long as they lived, and longer. In fact, they did not allow anyone through until the adventurer Wilven Adonan.

Wilven Adonan, a young human adventurer, was among the first to originally came to the land through the portal. Upon seeing the people become afflicted with the devastating curse, Wilven set out to find some way to cure or dispel it. He traveled long through swamps, mountains, and forests and eventually came to a grand mountain range. At the base of the mountains, he found a partially collapsed tunnel that seemed to cut through the mountain, so he made his way through it. On the other side, he discovered a marvelous sight.

This place that he had found was not like the world outside it. It seemed the curse did not affect this place. Lush trees and vibrant grass covered the place and clear waterfalls streamed down the sides of the mountains. The structures, although collapsed in some places, were beautiful as well. Another strange thing Wilven noticed about this place is that he felt healthier while inside the valley. Exploring some more, Wilven came upon a large structure with several arches. He made his way inside and eventually came upon a hidden tunnel back behind a collapsed wall.

He made his way through hallways and down staircases and found himself inside a large library. Amazingly, the library was intact and untouched by nature. After looking over several tomes and manuscripts, Wilven was able to discover that this place was built long ago in order to serve as a place of worship for three beings of power, Keldrith, Rellenia, and Tariel. Together, these three beings formed the Celestial Triumvirate which watched over the sky and all below. Wilven wished to discover more, but he first had to bring others to this sacred place where the curse did not reside.

By the time he returned to the humans, many of them had fallen to the effects of the curse.

He collected those whom were still well enough to travel and brought them back to the sacred valley. Once they recovered enough, Wilven sent three messengers to send word to the Orcs, Elves, and Dwarfs that there was a place free from the taint of the curse. When the messengers returned, however, they brought with them only a handful of people. Unfortunately, many of the other races’ people had fallen to either the curse or other unfortunate circumstances. Feeling reinvigorated by the day, the few remaining people set to work making for themselves a new home in this sacred place.

For many years, the survivors worked hard to restore the sacred valley to its original form. When Wilven was very old, he called the people together and told them all that he had learned of the Celestial Triumvirate. The people consecrated themselves to the Celestial Triumvirate and constructed a shrine to allow worship to all three beings. They formed themselves into monastic order and cloistered themselves from the rest of the world. They chose Wilven as their Abbott and, together, the monks continued to live on in peace taking care of the sacred valley, giving praise to the Triumvirate, and praying for the curse to be cleansed from all the land. Upon Abbott Wilven’s death, the monks wished to pay honor to his life by naming the sacred valley after him. From that day forward, the place was known as Wilven Sanctuary.

The Magic

Due to the nature of Monk Magic it is asked than any information received from this point would not be available in character to those outside the monks. We ask that you please refrain from metagaming and learn about us through rp interaction.

Monk Magic

Monk Magic relies on the soul for its healing properties. The monk uses the soul as a template, rebuilding what once was. This means that the monk cannot heal what was never there, making the monks unable to heal the blind and unable to fix those crippled at birth. An experienced monk may even find it difficult if not impossible to fix wounds that are over a year old. A monk will receive a call from one of the Triumvirate, the color of their light will often be reflected by which Triumvirate has chosen them. Monks often expel a soft light around them, lighting their path even in the darkest nights.

As a monk progresses their connection to the Triumvirate begins to solidify and grow. An experienced monk will soon find that their connection to the soul has grown. Over time they find that they are able to sense the blueprint of a body in the temple. Some of the most experienced Monks are able to heal a body back to full health without breaking a sweat, they are able to passively heal themselves over time. Monks are peaceful and will never resort to violence; many monks roam the land in search of those who seek guidance. The abilities of the Wilven Monks is a form of patron magic gifted from the Celestial Triumvirate. The process is done through the manipulation of energy to increase the rate of healing, as well as the alteration of a living soul to mend the broken body

The Rules

  • A soul cannot be healed against their will.
  • Monk Magic cannot heal soulless beings.
  • If the Monk falters from the teachings of the order, they will find the Triumvirate will no longer bless the Monk, relieving them of their ability to perform the magic.
  • A monk must wait until conflict is resolved to heal someone.
  • The Monks do not allow multiple deity magic, therefore one cannot be a monk and a druid, as it is a conflict of interest.
  • Monk magic is considerably weaker outside of the temple, and is unable to be used unless a monk holds their staff. The altar is the closest link to the Triumvirate, and thus where the magic is strongest. When becoming a monk, the monk creates a staff from a sapling. This acts as a link to the Triumvirate. It allows the monk to use their magic to an extent outside of the temple.
  • As a monk travels further from the temple his link to the Triumvirate weakens, they are no longer able to heal to their full capability; they often feel weaker and their magic is considerably less potent.

  • Original lore written by Zane

    Maintained by DrDovahkiin Please submit errors and corrections on the forums @Free The Hobbits

    Finished by Keldrith

    Edited by Anadunae