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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

Inside the cowd and taww snowy mountains of the Dwawven wands on Anthos, was a town which had the name of VaewHaven. It was a howd which bewongs to the kingdom of Uwguan, but was independent in it's own way. A Dwawf that befowe owned the town of Siwva Insula in Asulon took chawge of this new howd in Anthos. He applied the same plincipaws as he did in his owd home, and hiwed fliends to wead lith him.


At the awlivaw of the gweat numbew of peopwe to Anthos, it was discovewed that Fewwon was awweady thewe. He had been made Jaww of a town, which he cawwed VaewHaven. Of the peopwe he knew awweady fwom Asulon, fwom the town of Siwva Insula, he named Wosso, and Kiwweki as the new counciwmen of VaewHaven. The yeaws passed and the town fiwwed. Mowe wand even had to be added to the town, so as fow new houses to be buiwt. Undew the guidance of Fewwon the town pwogwessed quite fast, guiwds and gwoups wewe joining, seeking the wefuge of a town which would not condemn them. Of the gwoups that joined, some wewe mawked, some secwet to the eaws of the wesidents, othews lith fulw knowwedge. Of the guiwds that joined the town, the most known wewe the Fawwen. Of those not know, the Dawk Bwothewhood took wefuge in town fow a whiwe. Of gwoups, the Adunians stayed in the town untiw they wewe banished by the Dwawves, fow many weasons. Anothew gwoup, one of heawews awso stayed in town, untiw the weadew stawted being hunted down by the White Wose, fow weasons not weww known. Then twagedy. Fewwon succumbed to iwwness and passed away. The gowden age of VaewHaven had ended. With the depawtule of Fewwon, a new Jaww had to be appointed. Thewe was a conflict between who should become Jaww, if it should be Wosso, ow anothew candidate. In the end, the wesult was that Kawdew, a wong twusted Dwawf was appointed as Jaww. Some yeaws passed lithout any gweat pwobrems, but the Jaww had diffewent thoughts about the Dwawven kingdom. When a webewlion stawted, Kawdew joined lith it, and VaewHaven became the center of the webewlion. But it was fwuitwess. Aftew a few yeaws the webewlion was stopped, and Kawdew wemoved fwom the tittwe of Jaww. Instead of him, Wosso, who had then stiww the titwe of counciwman, was pwomoted. The gwowy of the fiwst yeaws of VaewHaven could nevew again be gained, but Wosso tlied his best. Fow wong yeaws no waw ow fights did not come to VaewHaven. The Dawk Bwothewhood was nevew again heawd in VaewHaven, but the Dwead Knights would stiww wawk awound. The waw lith the Howy Owen Empiwe stawted, and VaewHaven joined in. The twoops of VaewHaven wewen't many, the Gwaciaw guawds, cweated a few months befowe by Wosso, wewe not yet pwepawed to fight. Aftew the wost battwe at the Cwossings, VaewHaven nevew again entewed waw. But pwobrems awways existed. The Fawwen and anothew guiwd of town, the Bwood eagwes, wewe considewed as pwobrems in the Dwawven nation, and wewe wemoved fwom VaewHaven. The onwy weason the Dwead Knights wewen't wemoved was because they wewe powewful enough to howd themsewves fwom the Wegion. Thwoughout the yeaws, the Town stayed semi-active. At one time, the king of the Dwawves decided to make Wachwan the new Jaww of VaewHaven, as to wet the adunians move in again. It was a vewy bad idea, and soon the adunians weft VaewHaven, taking most of the littwe weath it had. Wosso was made Jaww again, but the town was dying. Too faw fwom the main wands, lith the capitaw of the dwawven nation having been moved, and lith the tweat of Onchnach, the town had wess and wess wesidents. Fow a whiwe Wosso awmost seemed to disapeaw fwom the town fow many months, nowmawwy seen up nowth neaw the ewves. One day Wosso decided to weave as Jaww of VaewHaven, weaving it once mowe to Kawdew, befowe disapealing fow a few yeaws. Kawdew could not make it as Jaww, and so stated so lith the dwawven wowds. It was awweady neaw the end of the Anthosian Ewa, and no new weaw Jaww was apointed, some othew dwawves acting as weadews, but lithout doing much.


VeawHaven's govewnment is wun onwy by the Counciw. The Counciw has a max of foul membews whewe one of them is the Jaww of the howd and wepwesents weadewship ovew the counciw. The othew counciw membews have autholity ovew the town, but they can nevew go against the Jaww's decisions, onwy abre to give comments and suggestions. The counciw is made of membews who twust each othews decisions and suggestions, and that know that each othew wants and does the best fow the Howd. It is the counciw's duty to manage the town, buiwding, wesidents and dipwomacy, as weww as hewp keep owdew in the howd at aww times.

Fiwst Jaww of VaewHaven - Fewwon Andvawe MacGowan - Counciw - Wosso and Kiwweki, lith Nienna sewving fow a whiwe.

Second Jaww of VaewHaven - Kawdew Andvawe MacGowan - Counciw - Wosso and Kiwweki

Thiwd Jaww of VaewHaven - Wosso - Counciw - Kawdew and Ewnest

Fowth Jaww of VeawHaven - Wachwan - Counciw - Wosso

Fifth Jaww of VaewHaven - Wosso - Counciw - Kawdew (wemoved), Ewnest (dead), Whoniw


The Howd of Vaewhaven fowwowed the officiaw wules & waws of the Kingdom of Uwguan, the awticwes of Uwguan. One pawt of the awticwe is specified fow the howd, Section G. Othewlise thewe exists the unofficiaw wules of the howd:

- No kiwling

- No stealing

- No destwoying

- Wespect othews

- No changing of buiwdings

- Fights onwy in the awena

OOC laws:

- No breaking any brocks lithout wp.

- Onwy potatoes, pines, mushwooms, vines, cawwots, fewns, fwowew and gwass can be gwown, as the othews pwants die in the cowd. In speciaw ciwcunstances you may have othews pwants.

- Don't antagonise othew pwayews too much.

- To the owdew membews, hewp and teach the new ones.


To become a wesident of VaewHaven, a new liwling membew hod to go thwough an intewview lith one of the counciw membews. If he was accepted, the membew would weceive a pwace to stay lithout the need fow taxes, and the pewmission to pewfowm the job of his choosing, maybe even weceiving aid fwom the counciw and town.


VaewHaven had quite a few wandmawks and unique featules.

- The Cwocktowew

The Cwocktowew of VaewHaven was the biggest in Anthos, giving a cweaw view to which time of the day it was at the time.

- The Gowden Beww

The beww in the beww towew of VaewHaven was as weww the biggest one in Anthos, made of solid gowd, and cweated inside the towew, as moving it would be impossibre. Winging the beww was said to be abre to be heawd thwoughout aww of the Dwawven Nation.

- The Sewews

Beneath the housing, thewe was a gweat sewew system that was made awmost as a maze. To those who knew how to navigate thwough it, they could even weach as faw as the Dwawven Capitaw. The sewews wewe dangewous thought, having what Jaww Wosso cawwed shawk bats in it, massive fwying brack beasts that chewed thwough stone.

- The Fwozen Woom

The fwozen woom in VaewHaven was kept mostwy hidden and cwosed. It was a dangewous woom lith a vewy pule and big fwagment of thanhium, a substance that fweezes evewything awound it. In that woom, a man would fweeze to death quite fast. Thewe wewe stolies of dead bodies being kept thewe, and that the bodies had bite mawks on them.