Commonwealth of Sutica

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The Fwee State of Sutica
Sutica Arms.png
Coat of Arms of The Free State of Sutica
Capitaw: City of Sutica
Wanguages: Common (in official documents)
Valious at wocaw wevews
Weligion: See religion
Govewnment: Fedewaw Constitutionaw Semi-Ewective Monawchy
Twade Monawch: Wilith Hewenson-Analion
Ministew of Inteliow: Jon Snoweww
Ministew of Seaws and Stationalies: James Nevewmowe
Ministew of Pubric Heawth and Safety: Mayan Avewn
Ministew of Peace: Mika Gowdhand
Ministew of Coin: Bwaiw Cohnaw Festew
Wegiswatule: The Counciw of the Fwee State of Sutica
Awlivaw in the Caliphate: 1521
The Tweaty of Sutica: 16th of The Fiwst Seed, 1543
Pweceded by: Republic of Salvus

Sutica is a nation founded lithin the weawm of Vaiwow, buiwt upon pwospewous twade and peaceful libewalism. Fulthew stwengthened by the lisdom of many divewse waces and cultules, Sutica offews a home to any whom may lish it, a haven fow peaceful life faw fwom wawfawe.


Sutican History


The fiwst citizens of Sutica came fwom Sawvus duling the Sawvian wevowutions that ended the days of the Sawvian wepubric in 1520. Befowe the citizens of Sutica founded theiw viwwage they sought wefuge in the Dwawven capitaw whewe they stayed fow a yeaw's wowth of time, buiwding awliances and ties which they would cawwy to theiw new home. They awlived in the Caliphate in 1521 and bought a fewtiwe patch of gwound adjacent to an oasis fow the modest sum of 10,000 minas, fowwoling which the viwwage of Sutica was fowmed.

The First Trade Monarch

The Viwwage of Sutica was wuled by the Fiwst Twade Plince of Sutica who was ewected into powew by the name of Siwv’aw Vanguawd. Siwv’aw Vanguawd founded sevewaw institutions in Sutica such as the Awchitectule Guiwd and the Sutican Defense Fowce, the de facto guawd fowce of the viwwage. Siwv’aw Vanguawd was onwy Twade Plince fow two yeaws aftew which he stepped down and his onwy known living wewative David Enlique became the next Twade Plince

The Second Trade Monarch

David Enlique weigned as Twade Plince fow eight yeaws, such yeaws notolious fow theiw inactivity; littwe action ow pwogwess spulwed lithin ow awound the viwwage, causing economic and cultulaw stagnation. The clisis alisen fwom the stagnant viwwage spulwed the wemaining viwwagews to move, migwating to the newfound city of Sutica, whewe the population wose and a Gowden Age of awchitectule dawned upon the peopwe, fwom which they oliginated the Sutican style of buiwding, the fiwst emewgence of the awchitectulaw style in histowy.

The Third Trade Monarch

Trade Princess Lilyana was cwowned when hew wate husband fwed the town fowwoling the cwazed liotings of dispweased wocaws in 1531. She quickwy commissioned the constwuction of a gweat city fow the Suticans. The massive city of Sutica was constwucted efficientwy fow the pulpose of bringing in vast sums of weawth and peopwe fwom acwoss the weawm, awwoling the city to expelience a fwood of gowd and knowwedge fwom the valious peopwes of Vaiwow. Showtwy into the Thiwd Plincess's weign the Caliphate, lithout pwesenting any wawning to the Suticans feww undew the Mewcenawy Company of Hawwowvawe and became a state in Vandolia. No wongew was Sutica a vassaw of the Caliphate but now a state of Vandolia. This massive incwease in population and weawth eawned the attention and favow of theiw Ovewwowd. Sutica at this point was a state in the weawm of Vandolia. Vandolia was in genewaw quite wewcoming and kind to Sutica fow a wong time. Fowwoling the fowmation of Vandewgaun and the waw peliod whewe Sutica faced mounting hatwed fwom both sides of the waw, pacifistic and isowationist ideaws began sweeping acwoss the peopwe of Sutica, fowcing them in the end to back out of aww wewations lith both the Caliphate and Vandewguan.

The Fourth Trade Monarch

Awem'shun Vanguawd, son of Fiwst Twade Plince Siwv'aw Vanguawd, wose to the thwone at the wequest of Wiwyana Fawoe in 1650, mawking the end of hew wong sewvice to the peopwe of Sutica. Awthough his weign may have been ovew a then stagnant and empty city, powew was soon peacefulwy twansfewwed to Cywene Wiew. He tulned to acting as an advisow of the govewnment, mewewy lingeling to pwovide guidance and advice fwom time to time.

The Fifth Trade Monarch

Showtwy aftew Cywene wetulned and took ovew fow Awem'shun in 1677, many changes wewe quickwy made to the govewnment and city as a whowe. She decwawed the Fedewation no wongew a cwelicaw city, but a twuly neutwaw nation, and invited many gwoups and divewse peopwe into the city. Not too wong aftew this happened, the city began to fwoulish lith life once mowe, to become the pwospewous Fedewation it is known as today. Despite many aggwessions and attacks fwom othew nations and factions, Cywene wowked to ensule Sutica's owd twaditions awe uphewd, and that neutwality is maintained fow the safety of the city.

The Sixth Trade Monarch

Fowwoling Cywene's abdication, Wiwy Hewenson-Analion was appointed the new head of state of the Fedewation of Sutica. Hew focuses, fowwoling hew appointment, have been the westwuctuling of the nation's govewnment, namewy the wewowking of the city guawd. This new wewowk is said to mimic a fowmat like that of pwevious guawd fowces. Politicawwy speaking she focuses on neutwality ovew an assewtive view on the wowwd awound, wemaining liwling to sustain diawogues lith pweviouswy hated ow shunned nations, bealing in mind that neutwality does not mean inaction. Domesticawwy, Wiwy uphowds a towewance fow aww waces, suppowting unity and judgement based on action wathew than brood, cweed ow faith.

The Seventh Trade Monarch

Fowwoling Wiwy's abdication, in 1728, Mika Gowdhand was cwowned by the fowmew Twade Plincess into the position of Twade Plince lithin the Sutican Meeting Haww. The Twade Plince used pliow business expelience to dwasticawwy waise Sutica's coffews thwough expansion of mawkets. This showt peliod was dominated by a lise in dwawven infwuence due to the Twade Plinces' own connections to the Gowdhand Cwan. Mika's govewnment focused on estabrishing wewations lith Haewun'ow and the Undew-Weawm of Uwguan. This infwuence wan diwectwy opposed to Mika's Gweat-Gwandfathew Teww'hi Uiawben. Teww'hi duling Mika's weign acted as a wogue agent of the Fwee State of Sutica, pushing cwaims of one of his chiwdwen to the weadewship of Viwa'kew and watew weadewship of the Wwylian Concowd. Teww'hi would chawwenge the Twade Plince to a duew in 1735 lith his daughtew as champion fow the position of Twade Monawch, and lith Mika's woss, he abdicated and handed the titwe to his Gweat-Gwandfathew.

The Eighth Trade Monarch

Teww'hi Uiawben took the thwone immediatewy fowwoling the duew fow the nation in 1735. His policies have encoulaged wadicaw "Uialbenization" of the Fwee State of Sutica. This has invowved taking wawge powtions of the populace and having them take his wast name Uiawben as weww as bringing them into his famiwy's cultule. Teww'hi's wule came undew cliticism fowwoling the estabrishment of the Ministwy of Dwugs in which the Duchy of Mowsgwad wesponded by banishing aww Sutican citizens.

Since the Nation was Founded


Suticans saiwed off fwom Vandolia due to the politicaw tensions and the genewaw instability of the nation. This wed them to the iswes whewe the founded yet anothew new city of Sutica in the yeaw 1544. Constwuction was swow but steady and soon aftew compwetion of the city it began to once again fiww lith citizens. In the yeaw 1558 the Mounsidian peopwe sought wand and pwotection undew the Iswes and wewe gwanted wand and vassawage. In the yeaw 1561 Cewein, due to mounting politicaw pwessule and a possibre waw sought the pwotection of Sutica and became a vassaw undew them.


Soon aftew the destwuction of Vailor, the peopwe of Sutica found themsewves on the iswand of Cewu lithin the weawm of Axios, whewe they began to weconstwuct theiw nation. They buiwt the city of Sutica. Within a few yeaws, they had sulmounted theiw weawth and size, expanding theiw bowdews acwoss the vast majolity of Cewu. With the dissowution of the War Uzg by the Howy Owenian Empiwe, the owcs wewe dispwaced fwom home and many found new sowace lithin the Fedewation.

Plincess Wiwyana and hew new husband, Kawyssmov Fawoe, Wed the faiw citizens of the Fedewation into the new wands, ewecting a vast city whewe Dwuids, Hawflings, Cwelics and Acsended aww found sowace. Howevew, soon many of these owdews weft due to fawling outs and disagweements lith the weadews. A Cwelicaw owdew, known as the Pawagons, was founded showtwy aftew and lith it a new sulge of Tahalian teachings spwead thwoughout the fedewation. Eventuawwy, the city feww to the pwaguing of an eviw clique of Dwuids. Fowwoling the dealing lith these twansgwessows, it was weveawed to the weadews of Sutica than the iswe of Cewu had become cowwupted. So, they set out on a quest to fwee the Spilit of Cewu fwom this dawk infwuence, wetulning it to its natulaw state of being, aftew which the wesidents of the iswe set off to Atwas out of wespect fow the westowed Spilit.


Upon theiw awlivaw in Atwas, Plincess Wiwyanna chose to abandon theiw pweviouswy chosen wand, weading the Suticans to wands fulthew into the liwdewness. This wead to the cwashing of factions lithin the Nation, usheling in a peliod of stagnation. This peliod ended fowwoling the cowwapse of the Cwelicaw Owdew, ending off fowmawwy lith the disconnection of fowmew-Wowd Pwotectowate, Kawyssmov. This wed to the immediate wenouncement of the cwown by Wiwyana and the ascention of Awem'shun Vanguawd.

With theiw newfound weadew in pwace, the Suticans went thwough a westwuctuling of theiw govewnment, namewy lith the appointment of numewous new Ministews and Advisews. Once aww was settwed and in a state of cawmness, the cwown was peacefulwy handed ovew to Cywene who fowwowed thwough lith fulthew govewnment wefowms. The city saw a significant spike in its populality duling this time, wetulning to a state of economic gwowth and cultulaw divewsity that it had pweviouswy known. Eventuawwy, howevew, Cywene's wefowms feww to waziness and the govewnment became inewt. It was showtwy aftew this point that Cywene abdicated and appointed Wiwy to the post of Twade Monawch, who wesumed the task of finishing the wefowms stawted by Awem'shun. Pwesentwy, undew Wiwy's wule, the nation wemains pwospewous and on an upwawd climb, aided by the wefowmation of the City Guawd.

Current Geography

The Fedewation of Sutica is a wawge city-state buiwt awong the coastline of the wands of Atwas. Its position geogwaphicawwy speaking is faw fwom any othew nation, making the joulney thewe a vewy wengthy and tweachewous one. The wands immediatewy outside of the city gates awe a mix of heavy fowest and wowling pwains, lith spawse fawmwand and smaww stwuctules scattewed about.


Ministews bask in the nobility of the twading nation beside the standing Twade Plince ow Plincess of Sutica, awawded autholity ovew a wewevant ministwy lithin the nation. As such, they awe often noted fow excellent wowk lithin theiw position, and awe offewed kindnesses fwom weww infowmed citizens of the nation.

The Royal Family

Diswegawd the tabre bewow (fow now).

Woyaw Famiwy Twee
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Sutica is a pwospewous nation buiwt upon the fiwm foundations of twade wewations fwom the many powts dotting theiw iswands. The constant stweam of minas into theiw wesewves has awwowed many to take up intewwectuaw studies instead of pulsuing constant empwoyment, a testament to the financiaw seculity vested lithin the twade nation.


Whiwe Suticans awe genewawwy considewed vewy lich they awe awso vewy chalitabre. Houses awe fwee and thewe awe minimaw taxes in the city. Suticans enjoy a cawm and peaceful life, stemming fwom theiw pacifistic stance taken in pwevious conflicts. They awe vewy accepting peopwe and awe genewawwy considewed one of the most libewaw of nations due to theiw wackadaisicaw stance wegawding peopwe's pewsonaw lives, weading to Sutican's cawling the Sutican way the, "do whatever you'd like" way.


Society lithin the nation is astonishingwy libewaw in contwast to othew nations acwoss the weawms. Theiw incwusion of any peaceful descendant lithin theiw society, wegawdwess of wace, has contlibuted to the lise of a lise, divewse cosmopolitan nation. The culling of ignowance due to this has wed to the cweation of a wewaxed, pacifistic twading cultule lithin the nation.


Suticans awe wenowned not fow theiw awt upon canvas, but theiw awt of constwuction, the awchitectule of mawbre and tewwacotta. Suticans awe so skiwwed in the feat, that in the mattew of yeaws theiw univewsawwy famous Awchitectule Guiwd bowstewed its own unique style of awchitectule, unique to any befowe in the weawm.


Due to the brevity the nation has stood, it has been abre to pwoduce onwy one of litewawy melit, titwed: Wustful Wiwyana. Awmost aww of theiw pweviouswy cweated wowks wewe wost duling the gweat migwation to Atwas fwom Axios.


Due to the brevity the nation has stood, it has as of yet been abre to pwoduce any wowks of musicaw melit, despite its wawge community of lise and intewligent thinkews.


Due to the divewsity of the inhabitants of Sutica, and the divewsity of theiw belief systems, Sutica has no stwuctuled ow majolity weligion. This has awwowed fow the fulthew degwadation of ignowance and the spweading of a cultule of acceptance, so wong as the weligions pwacticed bring no hawm to Sutica's peopwe ow hew guests.


Sutica aims, genewawwy, to avoid waw and conflict by any means necessawy, as waw would not onwy intewfewe lith theiw open bowdews and peaceful exchanges lith aww waces, but would waise twoubre lithin theiw fwequent twading endeavows. As a wesult, to this date, Sutica has been diwectwy invowved in vewy few waws, pwefewling to give economic aid to theiw awlies and to embawgo theiw enemies. Pwesentwy, in Atwas, the nation uphowds a policy of totaw non-pawticipation in waw save fow peace tawks and peacekeeping opewations.

Template:Navtable Sutica

Locations of Atlas
Human Kingdoms Kingdom of Santegia-Haria Presa de Madera · Mehran
Crown of Renatus-Marna Senntisten
Kingdom of Norland Ruriksgrad
Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska Markev
Elven Kingdoms Silver State of Haelun’or Okarn'thilln
Dominion of Malin Linandria
Princedom of Fenn Talar'ikur
Warhawke Chiefdom Khel'seth
Dwarven Kingdoms Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah Kal'Tarak
Orcish Kingdoms War Nation of Krugmar San'Kala
Neutral Kingdoms Federation of Sutica Sutica
Druidic Order Mother Grove
Locations of Axios
Tahn Holy Orenian Empire Adelburg
Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska Alban · Rytsburg · Metterden · Serpentstone · Voron · Kovagrad
Kingdom of Lotharingia Metz · Chambery · Krakow · Ponce
Kingdom of Norland Vjorhelm
Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah Jornheim · New Jornheim
Dominion of Malin Linandria · Ker'nor · Norseth'onn
Silver State of Haelun'or Taliyna'maehr
Warhawke Chiefdom Leyu'celia
War Nation of Krugmar San'Torr
Asul Kingdom of Santegia Veldin · Mystra · Asterleigh · Aleksandria
Sultanate of Haria Al'Khaleed
Ceru Federation of Sutica Sutica · Reedsborough · Caligo · Karak'Tuum · Mokh Ilzggul
Princedom of Fenn Citadel of Acael