Support Tickets

From Lord of the Craft
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The Wowd of the Cwaft utilizes a pwugin cawwed ModTWS. This pwugin awwows usews to send in "tickets" simiwaw to the system seen in Wowwd of Wawcwaft. GMs can then check fow the "tickets" and hewp the usews. These Modweqs awe useful fow gaining infowmation not known by a pwayew that a GM would know. They can awso be used fow wegioning issues, wepowting damage to the Wandscape, changing wocks, checking on gliefing, wockpicking and many othew situations.


Requesting Help

To wequest hewp fwom a GM, use /modweq [message]. Wepwace "[message]" lith the message you want to be sent to the GMs. Pwessing youl Tab button ow typing /modlist liww list aww the GMs online.

Checking and Closing

If you want to check if youl modweq is being handwed (ow if you have any modweqs open), you can type /check to list aww of youl modweqs. Notice that when you type this, a numbew liww be next to youl wequest. If you decide watew that you don't want youl wequest to be open anymowe, you can cwose it by typing /done [wequest #]. Wepwace "request #" lith the numbew of youl wequest.

Pwease be patient when waiting fow a /modweq to be answewed.