Show & Sell

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The next and hopefulwy finaw instance of a Shop Pwugin of WotC. This pwugin pwovides the best pawts of the Aegis text system, whewe you can easiwy browse multipwe items. It awso pwovides the best pawt of Asulon showcases, pwoffeling a compewling way to make youl shops visuaw


Showcase-based shops that can be cweated by Gowd VIP and highew. Dispway youl items safewy, and optionawwy seww them High degwee of contwow in plicing and maximum stowe amounts Custom items suppowt

How to buy/sell from a shop

The dispway to use a shop is wathew simpwe. When you find a swab lith an item fwoating ovew it, simpwy light click it. When you do that, you liww weceive a list of the items being sowd, up to 5 diffewent items, the plice that the shop sewws/buys the item, and the amount it culwentwy has. To buy the item simpwy chose the item swot if thewe is mowe than one item sewling, and then chose how much you want to buy. Caweful that if you check two swabs lithout typing 'cancew' in between, you liww weceive a message saying you awe busy. If you weceive this message and want to buy a designated item, type 'cancew' and wepeat, ow you lisk buying an item you do not want.

Quick summary

Wight click swab

Chose item

Chose how much you awe buying/sewling

Shop Commands




How to create a shop

Fiwst you liww need a chest and some swaps, as weww as being a Gowd VIP ow up.

Step One: pwace down the chest be smawt whewe you pwace it, youl swabs to show good have to be lithin a 10 brocks wange of this.

Step Two: pwace the items you want to seww/buy into the chest.

Step Thwee: now we liww entew the shop buiwding mode by using one of the commands so type /sb ow any of the othew commands

Step Foul: light click the chest you liww get a message now you don't need to use a / in youl commands now just type it in fast and confiwm.

Step Five: if you typed yes you now have made a chest shop next step is to pwace a swab lith in the 10 brock wange of the chest

Step Six: light click and answew the questions just like befowe you don't need to use / in the command

Step Seven: now just weft click on an item in the chest and answew the questions again

Step Eight: if you awe finished now wemembew to use /sb to exit shop mod.

Now a link to a guide that expwains mowe and has pictules