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This lore has been shelved and is not used on the server anymore. This page exists purely for archival reasons.
Artwork by -name-
Area: Forest
Diet:: Green & Music
Size: Males: 5'10-6'2/Females: 5'5-5'10
Hostility Igle unless threatened
Tameable?: N/A
Note: This creature can only be played by Event Team-Members.


The Origin of the Satyr is the most innocent dedicants to the most profound of an elder druid as it has come to that all Aspects act in mysterious ways. Every now, and then it is confirmed that, what appears as nothing more than some may call as Magic, Meldamiriel, Spriggans, Cerviaurs, and many more Fae-like creatures that were brought by what is thought to be Cerridwyns breaths and Cernunnos' fire, thus a new creature came to be named 'The Saytr'


The Saytr would appear like no other Fae, as their body is of a goat or ram below the waist, even the tail. The Legs are adorned with soft fur that takes up in a variety of different colors like black or brown shades which are common to a fellow Satyr. Instead of having feet they would instead have hooves. Their upper body appears as Mali'Anne or just Human. Their hair growth would be wild leaving not only female Satyrs with long hair but males too. Slightly above their goat-like ears, they would grow horns, in which would curl or remain somewhat straight. Satyrs would also be sexually dimorphic to an extent.

Males are seen as the masculine Satyrs compared to females with tanned skin, dark fur, and hair. They would also grow up to be fairly tall, and would most often be seen as a darker colored Satyr. While for females are a beautifully formed, with pale skin, they often have freckles and lighter colored fur and hair, as they also would have darker noses than males. They grow only to be short to the male or the same height as one, but are most agile and wiser.

A Satyr is a strong yet agile creature, as they would appear as a friendly creature to anyone. Due to their strength, they are capable of jumping higher than the average descendant. Their running speed would rival that of the Mali'ker as their jumping capabilities would appear to be close to a Kha.

Personality and Lifestyle

All Satyrs enjoy the pleasures the flesh, such as lethargy, drinking, eating, and partying. This meaning even the young Satyrs partake in drinking if given the chance by their parent, and are extremely resistant to the effects unless it is wine which is most likely chosen by a Satyr.

Satyrs are one of the most talented musicians and poets and would prefer to use the woodwind and percussion instruments, along with the heavy chanting, and exciting songs. All satyrs have a certain fey allure towards their music as they most would use it to lure people to their large parties or other purposes that they have in mind. They are always in need of music like how many other creatures need food and water to live. If denied being able to enjoy music they begin to waste away like starvation.

As they are Aspects creation and are like common fae, they feel unwilling to visit non-foresty locations like towns, and cities. If one was to do this they would feel an emptiness that'll take hold of them as the voices of nature fade away. Thusly these creatures are mostly seen spending most of their days in the forests where they can be with the nature surrounding them. This trait of connection with both Flora and Fauna make the majority of them feel reluctant to the consuming of meat and live a vegetarian like a diet but on greens and music.


They are commonly found in their own groves or among Druids, as Satyrs would prefer company and live in groups, and into a separate type of bloodlines. The Current knowledge of the four lines is available to them and can carry with them are their own way of living.


The Thorn bloodline is the tall and muscular type, as their horns grow curved like a ram. They appear as the short-tempered and have a strong feeling of having to attain dominance. Often showing off this behavior through the ways of fighting or just to show strength. Most of the Thorn Satyr’s are seen as the most braver and more adventurous than the other bloodlines.


The bloodline of Clover contains Satyrs of a smaller size, having pale skin, and has antlers instead of having horns, they show a resemblance of a Moose. As they are often known as shy as Clovers seem to appear introverted when meeting new people, although they’d never turn down for a drink.


The Ivy is normally found covered in vines or moss. As they use them as clothes or walk through vines or moss as some of it gets on them. Their horns can be seen straight, thus showing a resemblance of a goat. An Ivy Satyr is mainly secretive, which helps them often diminished by their plain clumsiness.


The Oak Satyr are seen to be fairly tan, as their horns are curled multiple times. They seem to be a bit lazy and are often found taking a nap or just sleeping. Yet they have a short-temper and are can be dangerous. They represent the Satyr race as the old and wise and are seen often preaching about the ways of the Aspects, commonly found among the Druid. They are known as born leaders.

Communion and Birthing

Communion is the name of 'the act' as Satyrs reproduces through conventional means thusly have their bits. The females are normally pregnant for two years, and when it's time for the birth they are most commonly under the supervision of a druid or an elder Satyr. Satyrs can only become pregnant with another Satyr only.


Satyrs often live up long as an Elf. Although their maximum age of living is 800, the oldest Satyr recorded lived up to 789 years of age. As they begin to age they would gradually become like their counterpart. A Satyrs physical appearance would remain, though the color of their fur would slowly begin to fade towards a grey nature like color.


Satyrs are able to speak in the common tongue so that they can speak to human, elves, dwarves, and orcs.

Satyros = Satyr

Nanos = Dwarf

Afti = Elf

Anthropinas = Human

Varvaros = Orc

Misos = Halfling

Paragogos = Wife/Husband

Kalimera = Hello /Good morning

Antio = Goodbye

Kalinychta = Goodnight

Fysi = Nature

Fyto = Plant

Fytoagori = Druid

Filos = Friend

Echthros = Foe

Skotono = Death/Kill/Dead

Naiskotono = Undead

Thanskatono = Slaughter/Mass Death

Spathi = Sword

Tsekouri = Axe

Dori = Spear

Syfri = Hammer

Polemus = War

Toxo = Bow and arrow

Efcharisto = Thank you

Kalosorima = Welcome

Kala = Good

Useful Phrases

Boroun ta dasi na eini epano sas = May the forests be upon you

Boroun ta dasi na eini epano sas episis = May the forests be upon you as well (Response)

Statho sto xylo, to spíiti olon = Dwell in the wood

As taxidepsei = Let's go

Poisos eisa? = Who are you?


sane = One

dyo = Two

tria = Three

tsera = Four

etep = Five

exi = Six

eta = Seven

okto = Eight

ênea = Nine

aked = Ten

Red Lines

  • A Creature Application is required to play a Satyr
  • The race-tag is Kha, but you must make a modreq so a GM can change the name race-tag to Satyr
  • Satyrs does have Natures communion by default
  • They can't jump higher than a Kha in roleplay
  • The Communion is the same rules as Fade to black
  • Revive rules are the same
  • Not allowed to live in cities
  • Not allowed to use or learn any magic
  • Must be around an area with music as they cannot stay in a non-music area for a long period of time

Full Lore


From the most innocent of dedicants - to the most profound of elder druii it is agreed upon all that the Aspects act in mysterious ways. Every once in awhile this is confirmed in what appears to be nothing more than what one may call: Magic. Meladmiriel, Spriggans, Cerviaurs and the many - many more Fae-like creatures were brought to be by what was thought to be Cerridwyns breath and Cernunnos’ fire.

And so - a new creature came to be: The Satyr.


The Satyr is a Fae like no other. Their body, below the waist, is that of a goat or ram, including the tail. Its legs adorned in a soft fur that can take on a variety of different colors - though black or brown shades are most familiar. Where they would have feet, hooves have taken their places. Their upper body appears to be most similar to that of the Mali’Ame, or just humans in general. Their hair growth is wild and thusly not only female Satyrs can be seen with longer hair. Slightly above their goat-like ears they grow horns, which can curl or remain somewhat straight. Satyrs are sexually dimorphic to an extent. With males muscular and masculine with tanned skin, dark fur and hair, often building muscles quite easily. Males grow to be between 5'10 and 6'2 most often, and are typically darker colored. Female satyrs are beautifully formed, with pale to slightly tanned skin, often with freckles and lighter colored fur and hair, they are also have darker noses. They grow to be roughly 5'5 to 5'10 and are exceedingly agile and wise, even if they are scatterbrained.

The Satyr is a strong and agile creature. Due to their build they are capable of jumping higher than the average descendant. Their running speed rivals that of the Mali’Ker (with buff) and their jumping comes close to that of the Kha.

Personality and Lifestyle

Satyrs all enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, such as lethargy, drinking, eating, and partying. All satyrs, even young ones partake in alcohol if given the chance, and are extremely resistant to it's effects, unless it is wine which they prefer above all else.

All satyrs are also talented musicians and poets. Preferring woodwind and percussion instruments, along with heavy chanting or building up, excited songs. All satyrs have a certain fey allure to their music which they use to lure in mortals for their large parties, or using it for other purposes. All satyrs need music like other creatures need food and drink. If a satyr is denied being able to enjoy music, it has the same effects of denying something food and they begin to waste away as though starving.

As they are the Aspects creation, and are like common fae, they would feel reluctant to visiting non-foresty locations such as towns or cities. An emptiness would take hold of them as the voices of nature fade away. Thusly these creatures spend most of their days in the forests where they may commune with the nature around them. Due to this trait of connection with both Flora & Fauna the majority of the Satyrs feel reluctant to the consuming of meat and live a vegetarian lifestyle on a diet of greens and music.


These creations of the Aspects can most commonly be found in their own groves or among Druii. Satyrs prefer company and live in groups, these groups once more divided into separate bloodlines. Current knowledge on four of these lines is available and these four carry with them their own habits and traits.


The Thorn bloodline had grown tall and muscular, their horns grew curved like a ram’s, combined with a short-temper and a feeling of having to attain a dominant role. Often showing off this behaviour through the ways of the fist and display of strength. Most of the Thorn Satyr’s are braver and more adventurous than the other bloodlines.


The bloodline of Clover contains Satyrs of a smaller size, having pale skin and antlers instead of horns, they resemble that of a Moose. They are often shy and appear introverted when meeting new people, although they’d never turn down a drink.


The Ivy are normally found covered in vines or moss. They mostly use them as clothes or they just walk through vines or moss and some of it gets on them. Their horns are straight and resemble that of a goat’s. Ivy Satyr are mainly secretive, this fact often diminished by their plain clumsiness.


The Oak Satyr tend to be tanned, with horns that have curled multiple times. They’re normally a bit lazy, often found taking a nap or sleeping, they have a short-temper and are especially dangerous. They represent the Satyr race as the ‘old’ and ‘wise’, often preaching about the ways of the Aspects, commonly found among the Druii. They are born leaders.

On the point of marriage and love, this too plays a significant role among Satyrs. It is generally frowned upon that a Satyr seeks love or companionship with another descendant. When two Satyrs do end up in love they can be married through either a Satyr elder or Druid, which progresses much like any other wedding. A custom is the grand feast that follows - lasting several days until all finally rest.

Communion and Birthing

Communion is the name given to 'the act'. Satyrs reproduce through conventional means and thusly have their bits. Following this moment the female is pregnant for two years (2 irl weeks) after which birthing takes place. This most commonly under supervision and with aid of a druid or elder Satyr. Note that Satyr children will only come forth from Satyr to Satyr intercourse. Any other Satyr x [race] combination will result in a failure of impregnation.


Satyr often live up to almost as long as an Elf. Although they max at 800 the oldest Satyr recorded having been 789 years old. As Satyr age they grow more like their counterpart. Like a Thorn would slowly look more like a Ram as they grow older. Except bipedal. Their physical appearance remains as is though the color of fur can take on that of a more grey nature.


It is allowed for a Satyr to speak in the common tongue and in broken dialect for the sake of understanding. Satyr: Satyros (Satyrs: Satyroi)

Dwarf: Nanos

Elf: Afti

Human: Anthropinas

Orc: Varvaros

Halfling: Misos

Wife/Husband: Paragogos

Hello /Good morning: Kalimera

Goodbye: Antio

Good night: Kalinychta

Nature: Fysi

Plant: Fyto

Druid: Fytoagori (Literal translation is Plant boy)

Friend: Filos

Foe: Echthros

Death/Kill/Dead: Skotono

Undead: Naiskotono

Slaughter/Mass death: Thanskatono

Sword: Spathi

Axe: Tsekouri

Spear: Dori

Hammer: Syfri

War: Polemus

Bow and arrow: Toxo

Thank you: Efcharisto

Welcome: Kalosorima

Good: Kala

Useful Phrases:

May the forests be upon you: Boroun ta dasi na eini epano sas

May the forests be upon you as well (Response): Boroun ta dasi na eini epano sas episis

Dwell in the wood: Statho sto xylo, to spíiti olon.

Let's go: As taxidepsei (Literal translation is Let us travel)

Who are you?: Poisos eisa?

Useful Phrases

May the forests be upon you: Boroun ta dasi na eini epano sas

May the forests be upon you as well (Response): Boroun ta dasi na eini epano sas episis

Dwell in the wood: Statho sto xylo, to spíiti olon.

Let's go: As taxidepsei (Literal translation is Let us travel)

Who are you?: Poisos eisa?


1: sane,

2: dyo,

3: tria,

4: tsera,

5: etep,

6: exi,

7: eta,

8: okto,

9: ênea,

10: aked.

Red Lines

A CA is required to play a Satyr,

The Ingame race is that of Kha, a GM will change the name race-tag,

Satyrs have Natures communion by default,

They cannot, in roleplay, jump higher than a Kha could,

The Communion is to be Faded to Black,

If killed in rp or pvp the same revive rules apply to these creatures,

They cannot live in cities,

They cannot use or learn any magic whatsoever,

The absence of music for a long period of time will weaken them,

Reviewed by LM: ~~~~