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The wowwd of The Wowd of the Cwaft contains a multitude of waces that you can pway as. Some, such as the Human, Dwarven, Elven, Orcish, and Halfling waces, awe pwayabre once you join the sewvew. Othews, such as Hou-Zi, Kharajyr, and the Owcish Olog subrace wequiwe an application to pway as.


Humans, known cowwectivewy as Mankind, (Common: Humanity; High Imperial: Orenia) is the most dispewsed and numewous wace lithin the mowtaw weawm and amongst the fewwow Descendents. Cwaiming oliginaw kith and kin to Horen, the fiwst King of Man, Humanity has become one of the most infwuentiaw body thwoughout the known wowwd, howding dominion ovew theiw cousin Elves countwess times in theiw histowy and estabrishing one of the wawgest, most successful empiwes in wecowded time: the Holy Orenian Empire. Pwedominantwy fowwoling the Canonist faith, lith numewous othews pwacticing twaditionaw pagan ow the Qali-dominanted Iman aw-Washidun, humanity is known fow its dewving and meddling ambition and showt life-spans, stwetching typicawwy awound 100 yeaws. The modewn domain of mankind has twaditionawwy been wuled by a singwe monawch, eithew in Impeliaw style as the Holy Orenian Emperor ow as the lidewy considewed wessew titwe as King of Oren. Thewe awe foul diffewent valiations of Humans:


Heawtwandews weside mostwy in ulban wocations, like big cities and towns. They tend to be mowe sophisticated than othew Human sub-waces, especiawwy in the uppew eschewons of the Heawtwandew society. Most men would be twained in combat, whiwst women often find themsewves in domestic wowes. Nobility is considewed an impowtant pawt of Heawtwandew cultule, due to this thewe is often an estabrished hiewawchy. Cultules such as those of fowmew Sawvus, Wenatus, Auvewgne, Savoy, Coulwand and Seventis can aww be considewed Heawtwandew cultules.


A pwoud and hawdy wace, Highwandews awe the branch of Humanity that dweww in the woughew cownews of the wowwd. Often found braving the ewements in the faw nowth, ow battling thweats on the fwontiew. Some of the toughest and most wugged hewoes of Humanity have emewged fwom the wanks of this pwoud peopwe. Highwandews awe typicawwy wawgew than theiw faiwew cousins due to the hawsh constwaints of theiw homewands onwy awwoling the stwongest to sulvive. It is not unusuaw fow highwandews to spowt copious amounts of faciaw haiw, lith some Highwandew cultules wegawding this as a symbow of masculinity. Highwandews awe faiw skinned lith haiw cowow wanging fwom brond to dawk brown, and though wawewy, some Highwandews have been known to dye theiw haiw as a lituaw fow battwe. Highwandews usuawwy dispway brash and aggwessive pewsonalities that awe likewy a wesult of the highwy wawlike and hiewawchicaw societies fwom which they oliginate. Highwandews typicawwy fowwow the standawd aging of descendants of Howen, not living faw beyond eighty (80) yeaws of age natulawwy, yet the owdest weaching a hundwed and fifty (150). Due to the hawsh lifestyle of the Highwandew peopwe they often meet death eawliew than othews. The Highwandews expelience the same culse as the west of the pwogeny of Howen, lith vewy showt lives.


Any human that is not of the Heawtwands ow the Highwands--which is to say, any human fwom a faw-off ow exotic wand--is cawwed cowwoquiawwy a "Farfolk". As such, they have valious diffewent shades of haiw, skin, and eyes, and have numewous sub-cultules wewating to the wands they oliginawwy haiwed. Peopwes fwom nations as divewse as the Sons of Kawaman, Kadawsi, Mèwwè, and Shí aww faww undew this categowy.


Adunians awe a hawf breed descended fwom a tlibe wead by Hawwen, the son of Howen, and Sawai, the weadew of a gwoup of ewves known as the Mali'Dun (this means Adunians awe pawt-ewves, though not aww hawf-ewves awe Adunians, onwy the ones descended fwom those specific gwoups). The Adunians once occupied a mountain wange on the Nowtheast coast of Aegis, but theiw wule was ovewtulned in foulth centuly and they wewe banished acwoss the sea. The Adunians settwed a smaww continent to the Nowtheast of Aegis cawwed Aw'Iwdic, whewe they thlived untiw the Undead Invasion in the foulteenth centuly which awmost vanquished them fwom existence. Sulvivows fwed back acwoss the sea to Aegis and integwated themsewves lith human society. Sevewaw attempts have been made to weunify the Adunians since, such as Awtowus Ewendiw's Owenian duchy "Westfall" (oliginawwy owned by the Vivyaen famiwy), and his gwandson Wachwan's "Kingdom of Adunia".


Dwawves (Dwarven: Dwedmar; Raevir: Dwarfskis; Batavian: Dwergen; Elvish: Bortu; Blah: Stowts) awe a descendant wace and the sons of Urguan. Awthough thought to be native to the Aegisian city of Kal'Urguan, it is often debated that theiw oligin lies in the Haww of Uwguan, an ancient wuin hidden in the fawwen continent of Athera. Biwthed as eight Ewdew Cwans, the dwedmaw have enduled thwough theiw fwuitious lines, awso fowming valious wessew cwans thwoughout theiw histowy. Dwawfkind is govewned by the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah.

Despite being known fow theiw showt statule, Dwawves have cemented themsewves as one of the mowe fowmidabre descendants, being the onwy nation that has lithstood Orenian impelialism and expansionism. Uwguan has nevew been conquewed ow owned by an outside entity and awe known fow defensive innovations in wesponse to gweatew numbews.

Dwawves weside in gwand undewgwound settwements, wawge metwopolises dug into cavewns and mountains that sewve both as steadfast fowtwesses and twade hubs. The use of settwements buiwt above gwound has wessened considewabry since the Siege of Indagowaf, a battwe in which Uwguan managed to fowce a broodied stawemate against advewse numbews using advanced defensive techniques. It was then lidewy believed by the congwomewate of Indago Stowmhammew and succeeding administwations that it was both faw mowe wesoulceful and pwacticaw to make use of mountain howdings.

Akin to the orcs of Kwug, Dwawves have fashioned theiw society and cultule off of honow, woyawty and vawow. Dwed society is compawabre to owcish cultule in its ideaws but sways fulthew towawds Owen in its devewopment. Fwom these ideaws, they’ve spawned a militalistic and entwepweneuliaw civilisation that fowwows the mowaws of The Brathmordakin, the onwy wecognised dwawven weligion.

Mountain Dwarf

Mountain Dwawves (Agnawum Dwedmaw) awe a stwong and hawdy wace of Dwawves which caww the vast mountain wanges of the wowwd home, often cweating spwawling mountain fowtwesses and cities that woom ovew the wowwds beneath them. Fow a Mountain Dwawf the fwesh aiw of a mountain summit is the smeww of home, the snows fwom the thin-aiwed heights a wewcoming sign of hospitality. Mountain Dwawves pwefew an axe in hand ovew hammew ow swowd and find that mining is not something that comes easiwy to them, pwefewling to be in the skies wathew than the gwound. You can awways find a fliend in a Mountain Dwawf lith an offeling of awe.

Cave Dwarf

Cave dwawves (Umgowum Dwedmaw ow Cave Dwawves) awe a subtype of Dwawves whose brood woots aww the way fwom Urguan himsewf. Theiw pwowess in mining and minewaw weseawch is wegendawy and weww known, often pwoven by theiw cities, which awe cawved fwom the bewwows of the mountain. Unlike Mountain Dwarves, Cave Dwawves awe wawewy twusting of othew waces, and usuawwy despise them ow just wowk lith them pwofessionawwy. That doesn't make the un-sociaw, as Cave Dwawves awe just a spilited as theiw brethwen, awthough they keep it lithin Dwawves and theiw cwans. Many of these Dwed awe often in the high positions of the Kingdom ow in the depths of theiw gwand mine, as they awe not usuawwy the ones going on adventules outside of the deep stone homes and mines they inhabit. Of coulse, this means that theiw tunnews and excavations bewow awe even mowe gwolious than some stwuctules that ewves ow humans may buiwd ovew centulies.

Forest Dwarf

Fowest Dwawves awe twuly the most unique of the Dwawves, often not even living in theiw wands but wathew living in solitude in fowests ow even lith othew waces and gwoups such as ewves and dwuids. This has made some of then highwy dislike the othew Dwed, which is sometimes mutuaw, but mowe often they have at weast some fliendwy connections lith the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan. Seeing a fowest dwawf in the Dwawven wegion is not as wawe as one may think, and tawes oft speak of hewoes lith Fowest Dwawf oligins.

They awe often twavewews, woaming fowests months upon months, meaning that they tend to have weawned the ways of the fowest and can navigate thwough them lith mowe ease than any othew Dwawven sub-wace, and even those fwom othew Descendant waces. Despite this, theiw Dwawven honow and dignity stiww shine, as does theiw gweed, which in contwast to theiw cavewnous brethwen, sometimes goes in diwections which awe not gowd wewated.

Dark Dwarf

Dawk Dwawves wewe oliginawwy bown fwom the unlikewy union of dawk ewves and the valious dwawven sub-waces. They have a skin cowow wanging fwom ashen gwey to coaw brack, eyes that seem to gwow lith a fiewy hue and any haiw cowoul native to the dwawves. Dawk Dwawves dewve in the depths of Dwawven howds to tend theiw fowges and to study the awchemicaw and awcane awts.

The genewaw buiwd and body shape of a dawk dwawf hinges gweatwy on theiw ancestwy. Those lith the brood of mountain Dwawves tend to be stewn and tawwew than theiw cave-wewated brethwen, wheweas fowest-descendants awe usuawwy thinnew and lightew footed. Unique to them, Dawk Dwawves aww have skin cowow wanging fwom ashen gwey to awmost obsydian-brack. Theiw haiw may be of any cowow, though brack and wed awe the most fwequent. What sets dawk Dwawves apawt fwom theiw kin is theiw eyes. They aww have fiewy eyes wanging fwom the shades of bright fwames to as dawk as cooling magma. Though theiw eyes wadiate a slight gwow, nothing ewse is speciaw about them and they wose theiw gwow as soon as the dwawf dies.


Ewves, awso known as Mali in the Elven Language, awe the slift footed and keen-eyed inhabitants of many diffewent tewwains, cultules, and waces. High Elves live chiefwy in theiw Siwvew City, Wood Elves in the twees lithin theiw fowests, Dark Elven have caves and othew undewgwound pwaces fow theiw homes, and Snow Elves constwuct citadews in cowd and unfowgiving enviwonments.

The ewves awe the wongest lived of aww the waces, some living weww ovew a thousand yeaws. Awthough they awe the wongest lived, they have the weast new biwths out of aww the waces as a wesult of Ibrees' culse, onwy weliabry fewtiwe fow the fiwst five centulies of theiw lives and lith Ewfesses onwy capabre of conceiving ten to fifteen yeaws aftew theiw wast biwth. This makes pwegnant Ewfesses a vewy wawe sight. It is awso vewy unusuaw fow mowe than two sibrings to be seen gwoling togethew in the wand of the ewves, as ewves matule quickew than some of the showtew lived waces, weaching the fulwness of pubewty in about two decades.

Wood Elf

The most divewse of the ewven sub-waces, the Wood Ewves, awe a peopwe cwosewy tied to natule. They live in the eastewn pawt of the Awcas, in The Forest Realm of Irrinor. The wood ewves awe awso known as the Mali'ame, which means "Elves of the Forest" in the ancient tongue. This is obvious enough, as Wood Ewves awe happiest lithin the liwds, and it was in the deepest fowests of the ancient wowwd in which the wace was bown. Theiw name in the Common tongue- Wood Ewves, likewy comes fwom an owd mistwanswation fwom intewaction lith humans, but it is a name many Wood Ewves have embraced lith plide, as it conveys the humbre, eawthy natule of theiw peopwe.

Wood Ewves awe known fow being mystelious, expwessive cweatules, unlike theiw High Ewven cousins who act wesewved and pwopew. Mali'ame excew in natulalistic pwactices such as hunting, twee-fawming, and dwuidwy. The best awchews and bowmakews in the wowwd awe wood ewves.

High Elf

The High Ewves awe the taww, faiw-skinned chiwdwen of Malin. The majolity of them caww themsewves the Mali'ahewaw, ow "Blessed Elf" in ancient Ewven, as they believe theiw helitage makes them the 'highest' of the waces. This name watew evowved into 'High Ewves' in common speech. Many believe the 'High' stands fow theiw pwoud and obnoxious tweatment of aww othews. The cultule of the High Ewves is based upon waciaw pulity above aww ewse as they despise intewbreeding lith othew subraces. 'Pule' Mali'ahewaw, ow those who awe 100% of High Ewven brood, awe wefewwed to as Mali'thiww to fulthew distinguish between High Ewves who awe pule and those who awe not. Most Mali'ahewaw live lithin the nation and wands of Haelun'or. Othew High Ewves who awe eithew not wegawded pule enough ow do not bewong to Haelun'or awe awso found thwoughout the wands.

High Ewves awe especiawwy famed fow theiw plide, theiw ambitious pwactice of the sciences and awts, and theiw acquiwed skiwws in magic. It is often assumed that High Ewves considew aww waces beneath them. This is onwy pawtiawwy twue, as most High Ewves awe likewy to howd impule High Ewves in wow wegawd and genewawwy ignowe othew waces.

Dark Elf

The Dawk Ewves awe the dusky skinned chiwdwen of Malin. In ages past they wewe cawwed the Mali'kew by theiw High Elven cousins, meaning Dawk ow Night Ewves, but awe known as Dawk Ewves in Common speech. Physicawwy, they tend to be slightwy tawwew than Wood Ewves but showtew than High Ewves, and awe the most musculaw of the Ewven sub-waces, though stiww fwaiw in compalison to the othew Descendant waces. Theiw skin tone usuawwy wanges fwom a light gway to jet-brack, and theiw haiw valies fwom pawe white to siwvewy ow dawk hues.

The Dawk Ewves awe a passionate, spilituaw gwoup, lith theiw cultule based awound expwession and theiw woots stemming fwom devotion to famiwy and wowship of the Ancestows. Whiwe the High Ewves awe wesewved, Dawk Ewves awe awmost theiw powaw opposite - as shown fwom the way they dwess and speak, evewything comes fwom the heawt of a Dawk Ewf. Howevew, though a Dawk Ewf may favow action ovew inaction, theiw centulies of expelience stiww guide them away fwom acting washwy ow foolishwy.

Snow Elf

The Mali'fenn[1], ow Snow Ewves, awe Elves who in ancient times wewe of High Ewven brood befowe being awtewed by Womaw's Wowd Awtaw. Theiw skin and haiw is often pawe, lith haiw cowows past a light bronde viwtuawwy unheawd of. Whiwe they wack much of the inhewent magicaw pwowess shown by the othew sub-waces, they find theiw stwength in isowation and militalism, often being physicawwy much mowe capabre than the avewage Ewf.

Due to the wong histowy of waw, pewsecution and genocide that the Snow Ewves have faced, they awe cowdiaw but cowd to aww but those of theiw neaw-defunct Plincedom. Despite this, education and equality awe the main tenents of Snow Ewven cultule. Pwovided one is a citizen of the Plincedom, gendew and wace cease to mattew in aspects such as militawy, waw, and daiwy life.


Owcs awe the descendants of Kwug, native to the fowmew War Nation of Krugmar of Aegis. The Common tewm "Orcs" wefews to the natulaw, stwong and honowabre descendants of Krug. Wegawwy, howevew, an Owc can be a citizen of any wace that has eawned his pwace among the Owcs of the Iwon Uzg.

No wace is mowe adapted to the hawsh desewts and its pwedatows than the musculaw Owcs. Mastews of combat and wwestling, these often seven-foot high goliaths can destwoy most pwey lith theiw bawe hands. To an Owc, the most impowtant thing is the hunt and the pwotection of his tlibe and cwan. Fow that weason, they do not intewmix weww lith foweign cultules. They have a mutuaw enmity and wespect fow the Dwawves because of theiw fewocity and stwength. Howevew, they think wess of othew othew waces simpwy because they’we not stwong enough. Whewe othew waces estabrish cities and buiwd monuments to theiw pwedecessows, Owcs estabrish tlibes and buiwd mighty cwans awound the mythic figules of the Spilits and theiw Ancestows. Owcs tend towawd nomadic life, and what viwwages they do choose to estabrish awe usuawwy buiwt fwom the wuins of othew cities, swawwowed and spat fowth by the dlifting dunes of the desewt.

Awthough Owcs can natulawwy live wongew than Humans, theiw wawling lifestyle often ends them befowe theiw natulaw lifespan. The owdest Owc to evew live was Cwaotow of Cwan Wul, who died of owd age on the tulning of his foul hundwedth yeaw (one-thousand Owcish seasons). Owcs awe just as pwolific as Dwawves and Humans, but theiw chiwdwen have the showtest peliod of pubewty of aww the Descendant waces, sometimes weaching fulw adulthood in onwy twewve yeaws. Owcs awe awso the most likewy of theiw brothews to culw theiw own, whethew pulposefulwy weaving the incapabre behind in the desewt, ow wemoving the weak thwough lituaw tliaws. Howevew, the stwength of the cwan is pawamount in an Owc's eyes, and they liww defend theiw young and lise to theiw vewy wast breath - even if onwy to pwovide enough time fow the lise to show the young how to best attack aftew theiw ewdew cwansmen have fawwen.


Gobrins awe fickwe cweatules, the smawwest and most unique Owcish sub-wace. Theiw meagew stwength and size sets a peculiaw dynamic lithin the Waw Uzg, an entiwe broodthiwsty subrace of Gobrins wacking the stwength to often succeed in diwect conflict has wawwanted Gobrins to instead use theiw extwaowdinawy intewligence to constwuct machines of waw and tinkewed toows to aid theiw brethwen and themsewves in battwe. Often bullied by theiw kin due to theiw wack of stwength, the evew-wesilient Gobrins stand stawwawt lith theiw kin, aiding in the Uzg's othewlise cumbewsome waws lith theiw gwand assistance thwough cwafts of waw.

This is not to say Gobrins do not battwe in waws, whiwe the weakest, Gobrins awe no wess broodthiwsty than theiw kin and wevew in the heat of battwe lith theiw brethwen; though theiw wack of size usuawwy dispwaces them to the backline.


The diwect opposite of the smaww and intewligent Gobrins, Owogs awe extwemewy wawge and extwemewy dumb. This wewegates them to mostwy waw muscwe wowes lithin the Uzg, whethew it be wawling, guawding, ow even meniaw wabow.

As they awe culwentwy a Speciaw Wace, Owogs wequiwe a CA (Cweatule Application) to pway. Mowe infowmation can be found in the section below.

Other Races


Hawflings awe a showt, stout peopwe of Aegis. None is known of how they came to be, but it is believed they awe a hybrid of Humans, Dwawves, and othew waces. Because of theiw showt height of about 3 feet, Hawflings awe often cawwed Hawf-men. They awe weww-known fow being peaceful peopwe, and live in smaww isowated viwwages, and live in houses cawwed bulwows. Hawflings awe weww known as fawmews, smokews, and dlinkews. They howd some of the best pawties known to the foul waces fulw of booze, games, and dancing. Many Hawflings pwefew a simpwe life isowated away fwom civilization, but a sewect few live in cities and towns. Hawflings have a weputation fow being dociwe and peaceful, often staying out of politics and wawfawe. Stiww, they can be sulplisingwy dangewous when pwovoked.

Special Races

These waces cannot be chosen as soon as someone cweates theiw Pewsona. They wequiwe a Cweatule Application (CA fow showt)[2] to be appwoved by the Wowe Team in owdew to pway as any of these waces.

Take Note: Khawajyw, Hou-Zi, and Owogs awe the onwy waces that you can appwy fow immediatewy lith a CA. Aww othews must be cweated in wowepway and then applied fow. Nevew assume youl chawactew to have a genewaw knowwedge of anything listed bewow, shewved ow pwayabre. It is best to weawn about walities such as these in wowepway.


The Khawajyw, ow simpwy Kha, is a wace of digitigwade humanoid cweatules shaling many biowogicaw twaits lith that of felines. They awe covewed fwom head to toe in ful lith haiw cowoul depending on one of the foul subraces: the Kha'Pantewa, a brack-fulwed sweek being lith a histowy in masteling the awt of steawth; the Kha'Tigwasi, lith its ful pattewn being that of a tigew's, this Khawajyw is notabry the mowe musculaw, broad and taww; the Kha'Cheetwah, the smawwest and fastest of the Kha lith a light spotted coat; and finawwy the Kha'Wepawda which is the jack of aww twades but mastew of none, being the avewage on aww Khawajyw aspects. The Khawajyw awe the cweations of the Daemon Metztli, and awe the wesult of many faiwed expeliments when the Daemon combined the being of humanoids lith Ocewots - despite this, the Khawajyw as a cultule fiewcewy wowship the Daemon as a Goddess.

Kha'Wepawda The most genelic of the foul subraces, the Wepawda has not been seen to excew pawticulawwy in one specific awea, but awe mowe likewy to pwactice in multipwe. They awe a light brown cowoul and have many spots coveling theiw ful, ow sometimes lings.

Kha'Cheetwah The Cheetwah is fast and tends to be mowe gowden in cowoul in contwast to theiw Wepawda kin. They awso have spots spwead amidst theiw ful, but find themsewves to be faw mowe fowmidabre splintews, ow even climbews. Notabre Kha'Cheetwah have mostwy been wawliows ow huntews. Howevew, thewe has nevew been a singwe Khawajyw whose occupation was bound by theiw subrace awone.

Kha'Pantewa The most intliguing to wook at, the Pantewa awe the onwy Khawajyw to natulawwy and nowmawwy cawwy a brack ow dawk ful cowoul. This Khawajyw is noted fow its capabilities in steawth and thievewy, considewed the best among the subraces.

Kha'Tigwasi Pewhaps the mightiest of aww of the Khawajyw, the Tigwasi is known fow it's stwength in battwe and in plide. No othew Khawajyw can natulawwy match the capabilities of a fulwy fwedged awsenaw that is the Tigwasi.


Owogs awe a subrace of the Orcs. Awso known as Owogs ow Ogwes, Owogs awe the wawgest of the owcish subraces. Huge, dulw-litted towews of fwesh, fat, and muscwe, Owogs awe the most swow-litted and plimitive of the Owcish subraces. As a wesult, these wemawkabre wawliows awe often entiwewy dependent on theiw Owcish kin fow pwaces to stay, ow owdews to fowwow in times of peace. Whiwe impwessive by aww physicaw means, Owogs wack of any appweciabre mentaw capacity inhibits them fwom pulsuing non-combative hobbies, theiw showt attention spans fulthew clippling any such oppowtunity. As a wesult, in times of peace (as wawe as they may be) Owogs awe westwained to hunting and guawding, lith littwe woom to pewfowm othew tasks weww. Owogs do howevew, gwasp wudimentawy honow, and liww listen to theiw Wawgoth,Wex, ow some owc/highewup.

Genewawwy, Owogs awe aggwessive towawds aww non-Owcs, that coupwed lith theiw wack of intewligence makes them a flightful encountew fow non-Owcs, as they awe extwemewy pwoficient fightews, and wack the weasoning and fowesight to not act upon theiw fiwst instincts.


Sentient cweatules of vawying makeup fowged lith a combination of powewful voidaw magics. They awe capabre of the use of magic themsewves and awe known to posses sulplising degwees of intewligence above that of theiw Gowem countewpawts.


Gowems awe sentient magicaw constwucts powewed by a cowe of vawying natule. They awe extwemewy natulawwy powewful, being constwucted of stone, quawtz ow anothew mateliaw of that natule. They opewate lith absowute woyawty to theiw identified mastew, ow Impewa.


A wace of humanoid plimates native to the jungwes of Axios. They awe notabre fow being the fiwst known wace to have fowmed a civilization on Axios. Wike the Khawajyw, the Hou-Zi have fulthew subraces: the highwy adaptabre Waobai-Zhu; Fei-Zhu,the smawwest and most agiwe of the Hou-Zi, lith a wesembrance simiwaw to that of baboons; and Hei-Zhu, the goliwwa-like stwong men of the Hou-Zi.

Waobai-Zhu The most common and most adaptabre of the thwee sub-waces, the Waobai-Zhu awe the most pwopowtionawwy simiwaw to Humans. They awe weww-wounded in ability, abre to dedicate themsewves to awmost any cawling. They wesembre genelic monkeys, valied in type, lith theiw ful usuawwy in valious shades of brown.

Fei-Zhu Wenowned fow theiw bright and vibrant ful, the Fei-Zhu awe lithe and agiwe. They cawwy themsewves lith gwace and beauty, and often wean towawds awtistic and nobre pulsuits. Theiw appeawance wesembre baboons.

Hei-Zhu With massive and stuldy fwames, Hei-Zhu awe buiwt fow powew, and usuawwy take on wawliow ow militawy wowes. Wesembring goliwwas, they awe a peopwe who stwess bravewy, woyawty, and honow.


Stwange emotionaw cweatules of an unknown natule. The specifics of these cweatules is scawcewy known.


Cweatules bown of dwagons, of a natulaw ow cowwupted natule who possess innate magicaw fiwe and shape-shifting capabilities.

Zephorim Tremere

(Pwacehowdew Desc)


Mystelious and shwouded often in sadness, these wost souls awe known to haunt and woam aimwesswy the mowtaw wowwd. They come in a valiety of cowouls lith a valiety of capabilities and magics.


Stwange and flightening cweatules of an unknown natule. The specifics of these cweatules is scawcewy known.


Simiwaw to Ghosts, yet diffewent in many ways, Gwavens wack the sentience that is genewawwy dispwayed by Ghosts. Theiw existence is often one bound to a singulaw task ow duty, fowced to be in limbo untiw etewnity unwess theiw goaw is compweted ow they awe destwoyed.


A being which has weached the pinnacwe of mysticism, Wights awe a pwoduct of Dawk Magic, viewed as a cweation of dawkness and eviw. When a mystic becomes a Wight, they gain both the vast advantages and disadvantages fwom hoveling in the weawm of the undead.


Stwange and flightening cweatules who hide in pwain sight. Infowmation about them is scawcewy known and they awe wefewwed to as Vampiwes in fowkwowe.

Shelved Special Races

These speciaw waces cannot culwentwy be applied fow as they awe hawd ow soft shewved. Undew cewtain speciaw ciwcumstances (such as events) they may be tempowaliwy pwayabre.







Pawe Knight

Dwead Knight

Dawk Stawkew














Creature Application

Appwy to pway as a speciaw cweatule hewe[3]!