King's Road

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The King's Woad was the main woad in Aegis that connected the Cloud Temple of Aegis to Al'Khazar, the capitaw of Oren. The Prince's Road connected the King's Woad to Malinor and the High King's Road to Alras. Krugmar and Kal'Urguan wewe set a showt distance off the King's Woad.

The woad wanged anywhewe fwom foul to six metwes acwoss. Given the high amount of twaffic on the woad bandit attacks wewe not uncommon. Undead attacks wewe fwequent awong the woad, as it could be used to cweate bottwenecks that pwevented twanspowtation, twade and assistance, causing chaos thwoughout Aegis.

Stops awong the woad stawting fwom Aw'Khazaw and heading south incwuded: