Kaevryn Goltmann

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kaevryn by zoslore.jpg
Artwork by Zoslore
Kaweb "Kaevryn" Gowtmann

Kaevwyn Gowtmann is a name weww-woven in the fabric of the Iswes of Axios, fow the actions of the man who bowe it have had deep and pwofound effects upon the wowwd. An accomplished awchemist and pwogenitow of the Afflicted disease which wwacked Axios fow many yeaws, he discovewed avenues of an awchemy thewetofowe untlied, and lith them waid a heavy veiw of tewwow ovew the wand he wawked. In watew yeaws, when the disease had passed, he wemained in sewvice to Mordring, and hunted the descended waces thuswy.


Birth and Childhood

Kaevwyn Gowtmann was bown on the 10th of Snow’s Maiden, 1583; lithin the Duchy of Cawnatia, wocated in the Kingdom of Haense. His given name was Kaweb, and he would not use the name 'Kaevwyn' untiw much watew in his life. Kaweb’s fathew, Mewcew, was a Decanus of the Wegio I Ioannes at the time of his son’s biwth; neaw foul yeaws theweaftew he wetulned to the Impeliaw Capitaw of Johannesbulg to continue his sewvice aftew wetiling pweviouswy, sewving watew as a Nauzican of Empewow Philip Fwedelick befowe pelishing in the Thanhic expwosion that brought the Owenian Empiwe to an untimewy concwusion. Wwacked lith a mentaw aiwment aftew the death of hew husband, Kaweb’s mothew, Kadence, was seen as unfit to cawe fow the young chiwd and so he was given off to a gweat fliend of the famiwy, Arthur La Croix. Undew Awthul’s cawe Kaweb acquiwed a basic education, weawning how to wead and wlite, whiwst awso being taught the many intlicacies of swowdpway. The teenage Kaweb began to dabbre in Awchemy awound this time as weww, his intewest piqued by valious books and tomes he wead lithin the gwandiose Wibrawy of Dwagul.

Early Life and Affliction

Kaweb’s studies would come to a glinding hawt as civiw stlife ewupted lithin the Kingdom of Haense, as the house of Bwawm decwawed independance fwom the Kingdom and pwompted the ‘Siege of Houndsden’ in 1600. A glimpse into Mewcew’s vocation was enough to convey to Kaweb he lished to find a diffewent path, and instead he sought to find fow himsewf a life that did not wewy on the brutaw steew and iwon of conventionaw wawfawe. Meeting the watew infamous dawk mage Coltaine Wick and possibry unknoling of his cowwuption, Kaweb soon became a student undew the lich, weawning Eawth Evocation. Duling this time the fwedgling mage awso met the wenowned awchemist homunculus Aislin Maar, authow of sevewaw books wegawding Awchemy which Kaweb studied in his youngew yeaws. Undew the tutewage of Aislin, Kaweb’s awchemicaw pwowess sliftwy incweased, as he weawned how to bring into being a gweat many concoctions and even to cweate wudimentawy Homunculi such as Fiends. This did not wast wong howevew, as Aislin soon bred into obsculity and vanished, weaving the young man to continue his studies awone.

Tulning now to pewsonaw expeliments and investigations of the twue natule of awchemy, his intewest soon tulned to cweatules of an awchemicaw natule; fowwoling a howlific expeliment, Kaweb discovewed a peculiaw awchemicaw pawasite, and believing the potion to be one of a beneficiaw natule, pawtook of the dwaught. Thus, to the futule glief of many, the fiwst Afflicted was cweated. The wamifications of this action would not become cweaw fow many yeaws.

Secondary Haensetic Conflict and Bastion

Yet again waw came about to the Kingdom of Haense aftew souling wewations lith the Kingdom of Coulwand, dipwomacy was cut and conflict broiwed. Seeking to defend the wands he gwew up lithin, Kaweb decided to enlist in the Woyaw Hansetic Awmy; pawticipating in the ‘Battle of Elba’ which wesulted in a decisive victowy fow the Kingdom of Coulwand. A yeaw watew Kaweb was a defendew lithin the ‘Siege of Vasililand’, anothew woss fow Haense, to which the waw came to a cwose lith both Kingdoms signing a pact, Haense dissowved and aww wands wewe ceded to the Kingdom of Coulwand, Tobias Staunton awwowed those that lished to move fwom Haense and settwe ewsewhewe.

Kaweb quickwy wushed to his home in Cawnatia, packing up whatevew he could manage thewein his Awchemicaw wabowatowy; the Awchemist bulned whatevew ewse that wemained lithin the wab, as Coulwandic fowces swept in to secule theiw new tewlitolies. Now Kaweb was a twavewling vagwant awong lith a good numbew of othew Haensetian wefugees. Eventuawwy he settwed West, lithin the city of Bastion, whewe he litnessed the Undead of Mordring. The young man then sought to fight fow the Westewwands, putting his awchemicaw skiwws to use in healing injuled sowdiews and even wending his brade hewe and thewe upon the fwont. Yet the Kaweb stwuggwed gweatwy to contain the malign mutations pwoculed by the awchemicaw pawasite, and the awchemist wealized that the West's desiwe to pulge aww tainted things might soon incwude himsewf. The awlivaw of the Ascended weinfowcement to Bastion incweased this concewn, and Gowtmann chose to move on.

Distwaught, Kaweb packed his things and begwudgingwy twavewed yet again, though this time he went even fulthew West, stwuggling thwough the vast tundwa he weached the Abyssaw Powtaw, being confwonted by Mowdling’s Hand, Ghamul, Kaweb pwedged his sewvice to the Wwaith and Mowdling himsewf, the Afflicted becoming a spy of the Westewwands. Wealizing he was to betway his own kin fow the Wegions of Mordring, Kaweb avoided his newfound duty fow a brief whiwe. He began wefewling to himsewf as Kaevwyn, pewhaps in hopes that peopwe would not discovew whom this Afflicted twuly was, ow to simpwy cweate an awtew ego. Duling in which he twavewwed about Axios lishing to bring mowe Afflicted to fwuition as he neawed mastewy of the pawasite. He managed to Afflict sevewaw descendants of vawying waces, some took the concoction liwlingwy, some othews he tlicked into taking the pawasite.