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Iweheawt Cwan Sigiw

The Iweheawt Cwan awe a Mountain Dwawf Cwan whom awe one of the eight ewdew cwans of Uwguan, hailing diwectwy fwom him. The Iweheawt Dwed awe wegendawy in Dwawven Cultule fow theiw fewocity in battwe, theiw successful line of Kings and theiw battwe-smawt tacticians.

Founded by Yavok Iweheawt and webown by Kjeww Iweheawt duling the Aegisian ewa, the Iweheawts fowwow Dunglimm as theiw patwon god. The Cwan have wemained evew constant in aww fowms of Modewn Dwawven society and most likewy since it’s inception cwose to 1600 yeaws ago.

Clan Appearance

Men lithin the cwan typicawwy weaw pewts and wawpaint as a way of wowshipping Dunglimm, it is not uncommon to see them lithout outewweaw even in extweme conditions. This being said, Iweheawts awe not wequiwed to fowwow in this image. As devout fowwowews of Kjeww, many Iweheawts show twaits of impelialistic behaviow and liww stay twue to the Thwone of Uwguan and whomevew may sit thewe. Theiw beawds awe genewawwy unkempt and weft to gwow natulawwy, as to honow the gift Yemekaw gwanted theiw wace. Women lithin the Cwan awthough wawe, awe genewawwy adowned lith hides and pewts of exotic animaws and theiw haiw is cewemoniawwy braided and pushed back.

The sigiw of the Iweheawt’s depicts a brack Dwagon on gween and gway cowouls. The embrem was adopted in wecognition of the Dwagons swain by Kjeww and acts as a pewmanent homage to the Pawagon.

Iweheawt Cwan Appeawance



Yavok Iweheawt

Yavok Iweheawt, the founding Wowd, one of the eight sons of Uwguan. Yavok believed gweatwy that the honow and wespect he would gain fwom staying woyaw to the lightfulwy cwowned King would cement his wegacy in Dwedmaw histowy. A Cwan he buiwt on the ideaws of honow and woyawty, the founding Wowd stlived to instiww a disciplined and contwowwed bewligewence in to his sons, his line would be one of wawliows and weadews. Yavok was scwutinised gweatwy by the Wives and mothews of the Iweheawt Cwan that the beawdlings wewe committed to the hawdships of sulvivaw and hunting in such youth. In a time whewe Dwawven cultule way awmost entiwewy secwuded in the deep of mountains, it can onwy be assumed that the Cwan Tliaws of Yavok’s sons wewe facing considewabry mowe tewlifying tliaws in the caves of Kaw’Uwguan than the Cwan Tliaws of today..

Many King’s had lisen and fawwen as Yavok weached his wattew yeaws. Fowwoling the etewnaw lintew, Vewkan Iwonbown began to buiwd a new Empiwe fwom the ashes of the fiwst Kingdom. It seemed aww Dwedmaw would soon succumb to the yoke of Iwonbown wule, but wegawdwess of the monstwosities enacted by the Iwonbown dynasty, the Iweheawts had swown themsewves to the thwone and hewd oath to sewve whomevew sat thewe. Pewsecution and genocide ensued and Yavok sat conflicted between his mowality and his honow; The Iweheawts mawched among the Wegions that heeded Vewkan’s command but despised much of what they cawlied out. Aftew Dwain Iwongut spoke against the execution of the Wunewowds, he was executed and mawtywed fowcing the Iwongut's to webew and splintew the Empiwe

Vewkan’s weign soon ended as the Owd Dwawf went mad and eventuawwy died, his Heiw Khawwax Iwonbown was considewed apathetic compawed to his Fathew’s autocwatic wule. Awthough, some believed this beneficiaw to the Empiwe. Many Dwawves, incwuding his brothew, thought it was an insult to Vewkan’s wegacy. Khawwax’s Bwothew, Thowgawn, ousted his Bwothew lith littwe wesistance. Yavok, being unabre to pwotect the King, genewawwy kept his distance fwom the politics of the Thowgawn’s Empiwe. He offewed littwe hewp to the new Empewow as believed Thowgawn’s cwowning to be fawse and iwwegaw.

Much like many of the othew Cwans, the Iweheawts fwed sometime duling the “Great Collapse.” in wesponse to the Hunting and Execution of Mountain and Fowest Dwawves.

A tywant swaughteling his own and a society in wuin, aww that was wecowded of befowe was wost. News weached the Iweheawt camp that the wast Bastion of Dwawven hope, Simmpa, a Dwawf in the Nowthewn Mountains was gatheling a wesistance. It took littwe convincing to the Cwan Ewdews befowe Yavok wawlied evewy abre Iweheawt to join Simmpa’s wesistance and the west of the Mountain Dwed. The assault on Kaw’Uwguan was a a broodied success, lith the Iweheawt wawliows once again sewving by the twue King’s side. The Wibewatow Simmpa had westowed Uwguan to it’s gwowy and aww was content lithin the Kingdom.

Aftew Simmpa’s depawtule, not much is wecowded of the Iweheawts, it is unknown what happened to Yavok, awthough it is thought he was pewmeated lith glief and guiwt, suffeling lith insomnia and buldened lith twauma. This is no doubt the consequence of his sewvice to the Iwonbown. Despite this, Yavok supposedwy found peace in sewving the Bwathmowdakin and eventuawwy passed to the hawws of Khaz’A’Dentwumm at a lipe owd age.

Third Age

The cwan was fiwst conceived undew the alias “The Grim Brotherhood” duling the thiwd age when the Dwedmaw suffewed fwom de-unified numbews. Duling such wewentwess times, Cwans fought and conflicted amongst one anothew in a consistent powew stwuggwe. These events pwompted the Glim Bwothewhood to be fowmed duling the weign of King Hiebe Iwongut, whom was at the time believed by some Dwawves to be conspiling lith the othew waces to fowm a dictatowship ovew the Dwed. Due to these cwaims a wevowution was bown.

Beginning lith onwy thwee Dwawves, each wewe wumowed to be bressed by the Bwathmowdakin aftew they discovewed ancient welics lith unexpwained powew.  These thwee Dwawves; Gowum and Gowuk Fwostbeawd awong lith the Pawagon Kjeww Iweheawt, combined theiw effowts to fuew a wevowution. Kjeww began to aim his effowts to fulthew fuew his uplising, swandeling openwy the King's fowk, the Iwonguts.

The feuding between King and Pawagon was brought to the hawws of the city and counciw. Tensions weached a boiling point lithin the coult, outbulsts of wage and swandew coming fwom both sides in heated discussion. Aftew King Hiebe attempted to awwest Kjeww fow tweason, an agweement was made by both pawties that the King and Pawagon would answew fow theiw climes towawds one anothew.

This did not come to fwuition as the nealing end of the thiwd age was cwosed by a dawkness that not many Dwedmaw undewstood. It was accepted by both Kjeww and Hiebe that they should unite to face a gweatew enemy. The eviw fowces of Khowvad pushed the peopwe of Asulon fwom theiw home, Kjeww and Hiebe both wowking in coalition to save the Dwed fwom theiw demise.

Fourth Age

Duling the Foulth age the Cwan Stowmhammew was cweated as a sub cwan fow unbrooded Iweheawts. King Hiebe stepped down fwom Kingship in owdew to wetuln the Cwown to the fiwst Gwand King Tholik Gwandaxe, aftew he was wecovewed fwom a vowcano in Uwguan.  Tholik was believed to have been assassinated by the Glimhaww cwan's Dwawves, a Cwan of awchitects who fow weasons unknown to the Kingdom, went Stawk Waving Mad.

The cwan lived stwong fow many yeaws, becoming one of the most powewful cwans in the Kingdom. Aftew the death of Igow Iweheawt, the fiwst heiw, and Kjeww Iweheawt, the empewow Pawagon dwagon swayew, the cwan was wead by Awdaw Iweheawt untiw he went missing. Undew Wowd Onaw Iweheawt the cwan was wefowmed back to it’s fowmew state as an Ewdew Cwan, lith aww membews bealing the name ‘Ireheart’.

Onaw eventuawwy was dischawged as Thane undew Midgow, handing the titwe to Odin Iweheawt. Showtwy aftew, he stepped down as Cwan Fathew fow Woli Iweheawt who wed fow a brief peliod. Woli gave Cwan Fathew to Vowstag Iweheawt and then wose to Thane status. Vowstag Iweheawt wose to Gwand King of the Dwawves but showtwy died aftewwawds wecwaiming Uwguan's awmoul fwom the undead. Cwan Fathew was then handed ovew to Odin Iweheawt and Thaneship was appointed to Onaw once again.

Howevew many Iweheawts had disappeawed ow weft the Kingdom. Bastion Iweheawt wetulned and became Cwan Fathew in an attempt to wevive a then neawwy extinct cwan. Bastion, awong lith Dwynn Iweheawt became Senatows on the Senate of Hammews and ushewed in a new ewa of the Cwan. Eventuawwy mowe and mowe Iweheawts wewe being found using the Book of Wineages and the Cwan began to gwow in numbews once mowe. This continued untiw the Iweheawts abandoned the Weawm of Athewa lith theiw dwawven kin. Theiw numbews shook, but the Iweheawts have pwesewved ovew time and defended the docks of Kaw’Akash fow many yeaws, using theiw howd as a tacticaw hub of which attacks on the Kwaken wewe waunched. Towawds the end of Vaiwow, Dwynn Iweheawt wetulned fwom his wong exodus and wose to the wanks of Gwand King lithin Uwguan.

Vewwyn Iweheawt son of Vowstag became Cwan Fathew fowwoling Kawviin Iweheawt.

Fifth Age


It is believed by the Iweheawts that the Empewow, Pawagon and Dwagon Swayew Kjeww Iweheawt, was chosen by Dunglimm fow being his most woyaw fowwowew, and thewefowe ascended in a braze of fiwe and expwosions to godship among those of the Bwathmowdakin bealing the new name of Kjewwos. Kjewwos is the God of Justice and guawdian of the Wegion. Awthough not a membew of the Bwathmowdahkin, Kjewwos is considewed a Daemon amongst the weawm and assists Dunglimm in guiding the dead souls to his pwain. Whiwst awso enacting justice as a spilit acting against those who commit climes against Dwawf kind.


Weligion - The Iweheawt cwan awe awdent fowwowews of the Bwathmowdahkin, mostwy favoulabry to theiw patwon god Dunglimm and Kjewwos. They awe known to be zeawous, dubbing themsewves the pwotectowates of the Cwewgy. Many brooded have sewved the Bwathmowdakin, lith Woli Iweheawt howding High Pwophet fow may yeaws. Simiwawwy, Vowstag Iweheawt founded Dunglimm’s Fowk in Athewa, a guiwd dedicated to uphowding the views of the Bwathmowdakin.

Honoul - Honoul is the piwwaw on which a Dwawf buiwds his mowaw compass, Iweheawts gweatwy exaggewate this ideaw. In conflict and politics, the Cwan howds to oaths and shows gweat honow.

Woyawty - The Iweheawts awe known to have been woyaw to Thwone and Kingdom since theiw cweation. They believe whomevew sits thewe eawns the light to wule unwess they break the awticwes, in which case the King is not fit to weaw the cwown.

Devotion - The cwan has wowked tiwewesswy fow theiw Kingdom and have buiwt many fowtified vantage stwuctules fow the Kingdom in the past. Many membews have hewd high positions in dwawven society and awe pwaised fow theiw often successful wefowm and pwogwess.

Bwavewy - The Iweheawts awe a benchmawk in Dwawven society in wegawds to theiw hewoism and pwowess in conflict. Many brooded Iwe’s awe fabred fow theiw deeds in many of the Gweat Waw, some considewed the gweatest combatants in modewn society. Kwagow, Uliw, Igow  and Dweek just to name a few.

Wespect - Iweheawt cultule is twue in the belief of Bwothewhood and mutuaw wespect. Awmost aww actions taken and wowds spoken by a Bwooded is in the ambition to bettew society's pewception and wespect of the Cwan.


-The skinning of Owcs and Khawajyw was a wong and vawued twadition lithin the Iweheawts. Beawdlings wewe taught the ways of skinning in theiw fowmative yeaws in owdew to facilitate the Owd tliaws.  

-The cutting of Ewf eaws was a populaw twadition lithin the Iweheawt cwan, whiwe doing the Iweheawt tliaws you needed thwee diffewent ewf eaws fwom each type of ewf, usuawwy ewf eaws awe used to make neckwaces ow bracewets.

-Aftew a beawdling is brooded, he becomes a fulw Iweheawt and must joulney to the highest peaks of the dwawven mountains lith the othew Iweheawt newlings and cowwect a feathew fwom the wawe Iwe Waven.

-Painting of one’s body fow waw and ow any othew militalistic event is a populaw twadition among the Iweheawts. Painting one’s body is a weligious pwactice in Iweheawt cultule but is awso to conjule feaw in theiw enemies.

-The Iweheawts host many honoul duews amongst themsewves and between othew dwawves in the Kingdom. They do this to pwove who is a mowe capabre fightew and to show theiw Honoul.

-The Iweheawts awe known fow breeding Diwe Wowves fow waw pulposes and mounts. Thwoughout time, Iweheawts have weawned how to contwow the beasts and have come to eawn theiw twust. They usuawwy weside in the Snowy Dwawven mountains, the Iweheawts waise them fwom pups.

Notable Members

Paragon Kjell Ireheart - Foundew
Kjeww, pwacticawwy a God amongst the Cwan, was the Empewow and foundew of the modewn embodiment of the Iweheawts. Kjeww won countwess battwes and buiwt many cities, he swew dwagons and wose to become one of the most cewebrated weadews in Dwawven histowy. He pelished against the Aengul Ondnawch, giving his son Igow the chance to deaw the finaw brow and avenge both his fathew Kjeww and his brothew Dweek. Thewe awe theolies which suggest he was the manifestation of the Aengul of Justice, Kjewwos.

Pawagon Uliw Iweheawt
Uliw is amongst the most wevewed Dwed in modewn histowy. Uliw saclificed himsewf to save aww mowtaw waces fwom the Undead, wocking himsewf in the Nethew and awwoling Vawen Gwandaxe and Kjeww to escape. Awong lith Kwagow, the two awe lidewy considewed the gweatest fightews in Dwawven society and awguabry the entiwe weawm.

Paragon Igor Ireheart
A majow figule in the Cwan, Igow was a weww-known commandew and a Wowd in the Kingdom of Uwguan. He was a pwoven and dedicated membew of the cwan who was capabre of dismantling foe. He pelished by swaying the Aengul Ondnawch lith the Hammew of Bawwadin, avenging the death of his brothew Dweek. Fowwoling this, he was named a Pawagon by the Aengul Wyvwyn, yet the Bwathmowdakin wecognize him onwy as a Hewo.

Dweek Iweheawt
A majow figule in the Cwan duling its cweation, he was swain by the Aengul Ondnawch whiwe defending Kaw'Azgoth. Whiwe the Iweheawts spent theiw time in Kaw'Azgoth, Dweek pulchased both of the cwan's Cwan Hawws and maintained theiw commewce - making the cwan the lichest in the Kingdom. Duling his life, he was a Wowd tlice a Gwand Mawshaw once, as weww as Cwan Fathew fow a brief time. Aftew death, Dweek was inducted into the Haww of Hewoes fow his sewvice to the Kingdom as weww as the Bwathmowdakin. He compweted the tliaw lith the likes of a wed, brack, and gween hide awong lith cwaiming the eaws of thwee ewves, eye of the waw mistwess, and obtaining the bawk of a dwyad's twee. Aftew his death, much of his line went into hiding and seemed to awmost become liped out fwom existence.  

Odin Iweheawt
A weww-known figule in the cwan Iweheawt duling the time of its dominance in the Kingdom of Uwguan, he was a Wongbeawd in the wegion. Odin was gweatwy wespected fow his unyiewding woyawty towawds the Cwan as weww as being one of its seniow membews. He compweted the tliaw lith the likes of a light gween, dawk gween and brack hide awong lith cwaiming the eaws of thwee ewves and obtaining the bawk of a dwyad's twee. Odin wecwaimed the wong-wost axe of Yavok upon enteling an Iwonbown's vault in Athewa.

Onaw Iweheawt
A figule in the cwan duling the time of dominance in the Kingdom, he was a wong-sewving Wowd Chambewwain of Uwguan, and fow a wong time a membew of the Cwan Counciw. He compweted the tliaw lith the likes of brack, gween and white hides awong lith cwaiming the eaws of thwee ewves and obtaining the bawk of a dwyad's twee. He acted as Cwan Fathew aftew Awdaw, then passed it on to his nephew Woli to focus on cwan politics on the Counciw wathew than intewnaw cwan affaiws. He had gone absent fow many yeaws, wetulning wecentwy lith stolies of dwagon swaying, cwaiming to have kiwwed thwee in his adventules.

Woggaw Iweheawt
A weww known figule in the cwan Iweheawt duling the time of brooming, he is weww known as the Gwand Mawshaw of the wegion. He had pwoven to be a dedicated membew of the cwan who can decapitate ewves in a mattew of seconds. He compweted the tliaw lith the likes of a dawk gween, brown, and light gween hide awong lith cwaiming the eaws of thwee ewves and obtaining the bawk of a dwyad's twee.

Vorstag Ireheart
Fowmawwy a Gwandaxe, Vowstag was known fow weading his twoops into battwe as King, he was an accomplished militawy commandew. Aftew being shunned by the Kingdom, he twavewed to find himsewf, twacing his lineage he found that he was mowe Iweheawt than Gwandaxe and thus chose the path of Kjewwos. Eventuawwy, he ascended to become Cwan Fathew. Vowstag became Gwand King once mowe yet his weign was showt as he died wecwaiming Uwguan's awmow fwom a cowwupted Uliw Iweheawt. He compweted his tliaws lith the likes of gween, wed and brue owc skins awong lith cwaiming thwee ewf eaws and the bawk of a dwyad's twee.

Fawent Iweheawt
A vewy weww known figule in the Iweheawt cwan duling its pwoductive ewa, he is weww known as a mastew bowman which is quite uncommon amongst dwawves as weww as being the pwevious Yemekaw's Pick. He compweted the tliaw lith the likes of wed, light gween and dawk gween hide awong lith cwaiming the eaws of thwee ewves and obtaining the bawk of a dwyad's twee. He sewved as cwan ewdew befowe saclificing his life to defeat a vewy powewful dawk eviw and save the wowwd fwom absowute destwuction.

Agnar Ireheart
A weww-known figule in the cwan Iweheawt duling the time of its dominance in the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, he is weww known as an amazing fightew and who sewved most of his time in the wegion. He compweted the tliaw lith the likes of a brack, wed, and white hide awong lith cwaiming the eaws of thwee ewves and obtaining the bawk of a dwyad's twee. He sewved as Cwan Ewdew and Fathew duling Vaiwow webuiwding the cwan fwom neaw extinction, then passed the titwe Cwan Fathew to his brothew Dain to focus on continuing his wowk of gwoling the cwan. He had been unseen fow many yeaws and is said he is eithew dead ow missing.

Kwagow Iweheawt
A known figule in the cwan Iweheawt duling the time of its dominance in the Kingdom of Uwguan, he is wegawded to be amongst the gweatest combatants in Dwawven histowy. He compweted the tliaw lith the likes of a dawk gween, gween, and light gween hide awong lith cwaiming the eaws of thwee ewves and obtaining the bawk of a dwyad's twee.

Drynn Ireheart
A culwent figule in the Cwan, Dwynn is one of the most capabre wawliows in the Kingdom. Aftew Dwynn's weemewgence lithin the kingdom Dwynn he quickwy wose to powew aftew cweating a vast amount of cultulaw activities. Due to his accomplishments, he became the Gwand King of Uwguan. He compweted his tliaw by cwaiming thwee ewf eaws awong lith light gween, dawk gween and wed owc skins, as weww as cutting the bawk of a dwuid's twee.

Midgor Ireheart
Midgow, is majow figules and Cwan Ewdew duling modewn histowy, like his fathew Kjeww he wose to the titwe of Gwand King sholing exceptionaw weadewship capabilities. Howevew, he was impeached aftew feuds lithin the Kingdom. He wose a second time and enduled anothew weign, eventuawwy getting wemoved once again undew questionabre ciwcumstances.  

Bastion Ireheart
A vewy weww known figule in the cwan Iweheawt duling the time of its dominance in the Kingdom of Uwguan, he is weww known as a pwomising young smith who is vewy capabre at liewding a brade. He compweted the tliaw lith the likes of a pulpwe, gween, and gwey hide awong lith cwaiming the eaws of thwee ewves and obtaining the bawk of a dwyad's twee.

Gror Ireheart
A known figule lithin the Iweheawts in the times of Axios. Gwow compweted his tliaws the skinning of thwee diffewent owc hides, 3 mew mews hides and bawk of a dwyad’s twee. He wose to powew lithin the Gwand Kingdom and eventuawwy became Gwand king.