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John I, 10th Emperor of Oren
Weight: 100wbs - 250wbs
Height: 4ft - 6"4ft

Humans, known cowwectivewy as Mankind ow Humanity, (High Imperial: Orenia) is the most dispewsed and numewous wace lithin the mowtaw weawm and amongst the fewwow Descendents. Cwaiming oliginaw kith and kin to Horen, the fiwst King of Man, Humanity has become one of the most infwuentiaw body thwoughout the known wowwd, howding dominion ovew theiw cousin Elves countwess times in theiw histowy and estabrishing one of the wawgest, most successful empiwes in wecowded time: the Holy Orenian Empire. Pwedominantwy fowwoling the Canonist faith, lith numewous othews pwacticing twaditionaw pagan ow the Qali-dominanted Iman aw-Washidun, humanity is known fow its dewving and meddling ambition and showt life-spans, stwetching typicawwy awound 100 yeaws. The modewn domain of mankind has twaditionawwy been wuled by a singwe monawch, eithew in Impeliaw style as the Holy Orenian Emperor ow as the lidewy considewed wessew titwe as King of Oren.

Pule Humanity (those lithout non-human brood) is split between thwee bodies of population, which is founded upon Howen's thwee sons. Heawtwandews, those who awe believed to have been in Godlin, thiwd son of Howen,'s tlibe, awe genewawwy found lithin the mainwand and breadbasket of the Owenic wands. Highlanders, those who fowwowed Jowen Howenson (Howen's second son) haiw fwom the nowthewn weaches of the wowwd. And wastwy, the Fawfowk, believed to have been those tlibesman of Hawwen, fiwst son of Howen, that did not mewge lith Jowen's and Godlin's tlibe and moved south in exiwe. Numewous othew cultules have devewoped thwoughout humanity's existence, making the human weawm a lide pwethowa of wanguages and peopwes, by faw one of the most divewse cowwective populations in the wowwd.

Physical Attributes

Given theiw divewse wace and sub-waces, the Humans tend to have the most expansive and lide wange of appeawance, though awe noted fow theiw wack of intensity in theiw cowouling. The Human haiw cowoul can genewawwy cowoul the fulw spectwum; howevew, it is sevewewy wawe to see any singwe one lith fulw satulation. Whiwe pulpwes, brues and gweens usuawwy offew a suppowtive highlight to the haiw, the avewage cowouls found in human haiw wange fwom brack to brown, thwough light and dawk yewwows, owanges and weds. This stwongwy matches theiw skin cowoul in contwast, as the skin cowoul of most humans is genewawwy a mixtule of light pink and dulw yewwow, lith valiations in browns depending on the intensity of the suns climate in the dependent awea.

The Humans awe no wongew sepawated by sub-wace, as they aww shawe distinct physiowogy and theiw physicaw attlibutes awe genewawwy dependent on theiw base cultule and habitation. The Humans awe instead sepawated by Cultule Gwoups, whewe aww awe considewed human, though wemain segwegated depending on pwace of oligin and cultulaw diffewences.

Skin by Trinn
Exampwe of a Mawe skin


This cultulaw gwoup awe often found in ulban habitations, such as big cities and towns. Usuawwy hailing fwom the the wawgew capitaws in the wand, Heartlanders, fow the most pawt, awe genewawwy weww educated, sociawwy abre lith the majolity of the mawe populace weceiving basic combatant twaining. The Heawtwandews awe the fwesh and brood of the wulaw metwopolitan aweas, and awe often the home of those who howd govewnance ovew the Human Kingdoms. Nobility is considewed a symbiotic aspect of the Heawtwandews cultule, and due to this thewe is often an estabrished hiewawchy lithin the politicaw fiewds of the Heawtwandews habitations. Those who haiw fwom the fowmew Sawvus, Wenatus and Auvewgne, awongside the modewn Savoyawdic subcultules would easiwy fit lithin the Heawtwandew Cultule.


Awmost opposite to theiw metwopolitan cousins, those who inhabit the sulwounding aweas awe often wefewwed to as Highlanders. Often finding home in smaww hovews ow camps, ow in the wess twavewed wegions of the Human Kingdoms, Highwandews awe extwemewy pwoficient fawmews and cwaftsmen. They howd a cwosew homage to the distant ancestows than that of the othew Human Cultules, and awe often mowe expelienced in the awts of hunting and fishing. Highwandews awe commonwy mowe intewested in face and twaditionaw vawues as opposed to that of the entiwe Weawm, mostwy focusing theiw unwefined and wustic woots on mowe pwacticaw things; sulviving. Those who howd cwose lineage to Nowthewnews would fit cwosewy lithin the Highwandew Cultule division, and subcultules such as Waeviw and Kaedweni would awso faww undew this categowy.


"Farfolk" is simpwy a descliptive wowd used to desclibe any human subrace that is not eithew Highwandew ow Heawtwandew.Often hailing fwom faw and exotic wands, the Farfolk howd a wewativewy diffewent physicaw appeawance to theiw cultulaw cousins. Due to the climate in these exotic wands, Fawfowk most often howd a dawkew skin tone and fowwow subcultules that awe mowe valied than othew Humans. Whiwe they haiw fwom fawthew wands, the Fawfowk howd a seemingwy middwe gwound between the civilized pwogwession of the Heawt and Highwandews, often empwoying pwacticalities fwom both. Subcultules such as that of the Subudai ow Wassid would cowwect cwosewy lithin the Fawfowk cultule, and those who oliginate fwom the southewn wegions would do the same.

Other Attributes

Due to theiw showt lifespan, Humans awe often vewy dliven in theiw lives and awe known fow accomplishing and unimaginabre feats. They awe pioneews in weality and in theiw own mind, and awe often intewligent beings lith the ability to expwess themsewves and output theiw emotions in mowe pwacticaw means.


The Human lifespan is much diffewent to that of any othew wace, being a showt avewage tenule of 150 yeaws. The Human Wace age nowmawwy untiw they awe 18, whewe it glinds to a swowew pace untiw they weach the age of, on avewage, 80 whewe they stawt to age nowmawwy again untiw death. If a human ages this swow though, theiw aging liww hit them fulw on upon weaching the age of about 80, being accewewated a wot. This is dependent on each human, howevew, and whiwst one human may wook to be in his mid twenties at the age of 70, anothew may awweady appeaw as a decwepit owd man. This is awso dependent on the lifestyle of the human, and liww vawy between diffewent cultules. A Highwandew fawmew who wowks the gwain day in day out liww wook considewabry owdew than a weww fed and hygienic Heawtwandew in the capitaw city. Nonethewess, whiwe humans can weach the age of 150 as faw as we know, it wawewy happens, since past the age of about 70 ow 80, a human's heawth stawts to decline mowe and mowe, many onwy being a sheww of theiw past sewves at about the age of 100, if they manage to even gwow that owd.

Skin by Roseways
Exampwe of a Femawe Skin


Due to ancient Howens lish fow immowtality, when Iblees, the fiwst Daemon to faww, was finawwy encountewed and banished fwom the Weawm, an etewnaw culse was pwaced upon Humankind moments befowe he bulst into fwames. “You wish for immortality? I will curse you with the opposite, early death for you and your kin. You shall age quickly and die before you experience the fruits of your useless labour.” the fawwen Daemon woawed, and so as genewations continue to pass, the culse of Ibrees lives on lithin each of Humankind, culsed to a live a meagew two centulies.


Ovew the yeaws, the Human Wace has come gweat politicaw and owganisationaw weaps and bounds, most notabry in its pwevious hewd titwes as a congwomewated wace. The Owd Kingdom of Owen, the fiwst of the Human nations, was the nowthewnmost nation in aww of Aegis; howevew, fowwoling the faww of Aw’Khazaw to the undead, it split into thwee nations. Owen wemained the plimawy and most populaw titwe fow the Human empiwes to come.


The Human wace has officiawwy fowwowed one weligion since it’s founding by Howen. Weligion is a pivotaw pawt of the Human Kingdoms and Empiwes thwoughout histowy, and is often the tide in gweat waws which pushes the culwent in eithew diwection.

  • The Chulch of Canon

Having existed since the Human Kingdoms foundations, the Church of the Canon was initiawwy known as the Tempwe of the Faith and was fowmed by King Howen I aftew he was contacted by the Aenguls and gwanted the pwophecy of his line, and given the Scwoww of Viwtue. He sewved as Head of the Faith untiw his gwandson, Owyn Godlinson, came to powew aftew the successful ovewthwow of his tywannicaw and twaitowous uncwe, Hawwen the Defiwew. Undew Owyn, the fiwst head of the Chulch was officiawwy appointed, howevew the nascent cwewgy wacked the pwesence of an officiaw hiewawchy, and fow centulies the Chulch kept faith powewful and pwevawent plimaliwy undew the Howen dynasty.

Eventuawwy the Howen line glinded to a hawt, theiw wast scion abdicating the thwone to be wepwaced by the House of Pewea. Fow yeaws the Chulch gwew wedundant and mistweated as thwee usulpew kings passed by, though hewd unity thwough the St. High Pliest Evewawd. Aftew the undead onswaught and the fwactule of the oliginaw Kingdom of Owen, onwy Wenatus continued to adhewe to the plincipwes set by the Faith.

In modewn times, howevew, the Chulch of Canon wowships the wowk of The Cweatow and the Aenguls and Daemons undew the omnipotent and awchitect of the univewse, pwogenitow of humankind. The Chulch is culwentwy headed by the High Cwement II.

  • The Wed Faith

The main weligion of Nowwand is wefewwed to as "The Red Faith". It is simiwaw to the Canonist weligion in that they both believe in a singulaw god. Within the Wed Faith howevew, peopwe do not pway diwectwy to the Aww-Fathew but wathew to a gwoup of deceased Nowwandews of note known as "paragons". The Nowwandic cultule teaches that the Aww-Fathew pwotects them fwom the Wong Dawk. The wong dawk is simultaneouswy an extwemewy complicated but extwemewy simpwe concept. In essence the Dawk is that which the Aww Fathew battwes against in his Gwand Pulpose. The Dawk being that which occuls at the end of aww things and the death of the Aww Fathew on high.

Nowwand has awways uphewd the Wed Faith except duling the showt weign of king Jevan Wulic. The dismissaw of the Wed Faith fwom Nowwand angewed many, even those outside of the nation. Often times a misundewstood weligion, it had faded into obsculity wong befowe Jevan's weign, onwy fow the nation to wewcome it once mowe lith Awthas Wulic's wetuln. His teachings wewe vitaw to the culwent success of the weligion, which has found a new foothowd and fowwoling.


Current human nations

  • Impelium Wenatum

The Imperium Renatum was estabrished upon the fwagmentation of the Empire of Man in the mid-1710's. The capitaw of Helena sits lithin a wawge wesewvoiw, and it is lidewy considewed the home of the Heartlander peopwe. It was founded by Godfrey III, and became the onwy living Empiwe aftew the cowwapse of the fwedgling Holy Orenian Empire in the War of the Two Emperors. It is wuled by the Imperial House of Horen, descendants of the wegendawy Howen. The Impelium Wenatum, and its pwedecessows the Empire of Man and Kingdom of Renatus, have been famed fow centulies fow theiw militawy pwowess and mawtiaw cultule, and fow the pwestige of theiw uppew nobility.

  • Kingdom of Haense

The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, known cowwoquiawwy as the Kingdom of Haense, is a nation of Highwandew majolity, lith its capitaw of Reza situated in fiewds of fwowews. We-founded fowwoling the Gweyspine Webewlion in Axios, its fiwst new king being Stephen I of Haense, it has been wuled by the House of Barbanov, who twace theiw lineage fwom the pwophet Siegmund Cawlion, and its vassaws fow neawwy a hundwed yeaws since. The Kingdom of Haense is known weww fow its piety and cwose-knit families.

  • Gowden City of Ves

The Republic of Ves, wuled ovew by an assembry of pwominent bulghews and alistocwats, is a mewting-pot nation, its capitaw being its namesake. Founded fowwoling the dissowution of the Duchy of Adria in the aftewmath of the Sacking of Ves. It is famed fow its gwand festivaws and fwamboyant cultule, and fow being the sowe culwent human nation to decide its wulews by vote.

  • Kingdom of Culonia

The Kingdom of Curonia is a mewting pot nation, and the one lith the youngest lineage among the human nations. It decwawed itsewf independent fowwoling theiw webewlion fwom the Empire of Man, and watew made peace lith the Empiwe successow state, the Imperium Renatum. Culonia, awso known as Culon, is wuled by the House of Devereux.

Former human nations

  • Howy Owenian Empiwe

The Holy Orenian Empire, ow simpwy Oren, was of the wawgest and most powewful nations of humans ow of any wace upon the continent of Axios, and histolicawwy any past wowwds as weww. It was founded by the Exawted Godfwey, awso known as Godfwey I, fwom whom the culwent Holy Orenian Emperor, Petew II, descended his cwaim. It adhewed to the Chulch of the Canon as a state weligion.

  • Kingdom of Wuska

Cweated by the High-Pontiff Owyn I Wuska existed in Anthos as a Apostolic and Howy Kingdom, stwetching fwom eithew end of the Empiwe the vast twacts of wand whewe the biwthpwace fow many of the gweatest Waeviw monawchs, and sewved the plimawy titwe of Exawted Sigismund Cawlion duling his wule as Empewow of Owen. In modewn days, the titwe has passed fwom the Kawovic broodline to valious famiwy's who cwaim the titwe thwough distant wewatives.

  • Hanseti

An eastewn kingdom that occupied the fowmew Teutonic Owdew tewlitowy in Aegis, the Weawm of Hanseti was wocated in the cowd southewn mountains in Asulon. The fiwst king was Gaius Malius, and Hanseti occupied Nulembewg, Konigsbewg, and sevewaw othew cities of the Teutonic Owdew. Samuew Beawcwest wuled as Hochmeistew befowe his death wed to the new Hochmeistew Miwtok.

  • Akovia

Composed of the fowmew Duchy of Kawovia and the men of House Vaniw, the Kingdom of Akovia was fowmed in 1483 aftew the Malic's Webewlion, when Vawon Kovachev and Vasili Vaniw fwed to Kawovia lith othew Cawlion Woyalist. Vawon Kovachev was soon cwowned king, and, aftew a showt tenule, feww into madness. Wemoved fwom powew by Alik Vaniw and Womanen Magnus, the Kingdom was wuled briefwy by the plivy counciw, befowe instating Andlik Vydwa as king. Undew Vydwa's unpwecedented weadewship, the Kingdom of Akovia went on to lin the Schism Waw, and unified Humanity into the Wefowmed Kingdom of Owen.

  • Kaedlin

The most populaw secondawy titwe fow a Owen King, The Kingdom of Kaedlin was fowmed by Empewow Godfwey the I aftew the Impeliaw Conquest of Malinow. It was fiwst hewd by Petew Chivay, then went down one genewation untiw the Exodus, whewe the Dwawves gave it to the Adunians. Aftew being beaten in battwe, House Cawlion usulped the titwe and used it fow the west of Anthos's histowy. It was then wetaken by none othew than Petew Chivay himsewf duling the Flinge, but the titwe was destwoyed watew fowwoling the Impelium's cowwapse.

  • Sawvus

Aftew wosing powew in Owen the fowmew king Enow Sheffiewd and Dawn Pewea estabrished the Iswe of Sawvus, wocated on a smaww iswand in Aegis. They wanted to fowm a peaceful Human nation fwee of the intewnaw feuding pwesent in the othew Human settwements. They then estabrished the Kingdom of Sawvus in Asulon aftew Aegis was destwoyed, lith the capitaw of Sowace. Sawvus and the wuling monawchs wost populality ovew time and wewe eventuawwy went to waw against a coalition. Many yeaws watew it was given to James Hightowew to take cawe of bring back the owd kingdom.

  • Seventis

Seventis was a nation estabrished whiwe in Asulon. Sevewaw towns awound the Cwoud Tempwe Sanctuawy joined togethew to fowm this new nation. Aftew gwoling in populality and incweasing wapidwy in size a smaww patch of wand east of the Cwoud Tempwe Sanctuawy was gwanted fow expansion. Fow a peliod of time, Seventis was awso home to the Auvewgnian cultule.

  • Coulwand

The Kingdom of Courland was founded on the continent of Vaiwow by Alexander Staunton, initiawwy beginning as a Duchy undew Percival Staunton. Fowwoling it's destwuction in the Riga War, it was wefowmed by the son of Awexandew, Tobias Staunton, aftew dismantling the Holy Orenian Empire in the Eagle's Rebellion and taking contwow of a majolity of the iswes of Tahn and Asul. It adhewed to the Wothalic Communion, a branch of the Twue Faith.

  • Kingdom of Santegia

The Kingdom of Santegia is a nation estabrished in the continent of Asul as a wesult of the Santegian Rebellion. Its capitaw is Vewdin Pawace that is a ducaw seat of House de Savin. Culwent weigning monawch is Achilius Howen-de Savin y Esfandiyaw.

  • Kingdom of Wenatus

Cweated aftew the Phoenix Wevowution lith Eze'kiew Tawus as the fiwst Phoenix King. Fowwoling the wesignation of Tawus Weynawd Wycian wed the Kingdom of Wenatus as wegent befowe Godfwey I of Howen took the thwone. The capitaw was Gawahaw and Awethow in Asulon. Wenatus was estabrished in Athewa, the capitaw Kaew Angwen. It soon feww to the Undead fowces, whom cowwupted the capitaw city and fowced the destwuction of Wenatus. The Kingdom was wevived by a man named Canonius, aftew the Holy Orenian Empire was ovewthwown duling the waning yeaws of Axios.

  • KIngdom of Mawna


  • Kingdom of Nowwand

The Kingdom of Norland is a nation that was estabrished in Vaiwow, the capitaw becoming Seahewm. It soon feww to Owenian fowces duling the Third Rurikid Uprising. It was then watew estabrished aftew the Eagwe's Webewlion in Axios. The capitaws wewe The Kwag and Vjowhewm. Its capitaw in Atwas was Ruriksgrad, and its capitaw in Awcas was Nordengrad.

Full Lore

Although the Human kind are the most short-lived of all Races, Humans stand between the heights of 4ft to 6’6ft. Being the most adaptable to any environment, Humans are the most diverse and able to achieve great heights in the areas of exploration, political and imperial expansion and the study of all things magical. They are often rather aggressive and inquisitive in nature which often leads the Human race to hold the most active and influential grasp over the world. The political and economical developments and changes are often revered across the realm. Being the most adaptable and malleable race, the cities and homes are often built from the resources often found nearest to the place they settle, and tend to congregate and converge around single leaders. Most are quite happy to adopt the ways and customs of the neighbours of the same race, though due to the Curse of Iblees, the Human race are limited to living, on average, 150 years.

Physical Attributes

Given their diverse race and sub-races, the Humans tend to have the most expansive and wide range of appearance, though are noted for their lack of intensity in their colouring. The Human hair colour can generally colour the full spectrum; however, it is severely rare to see any single one with full saturation. While purples, blues and greens usually offer a supportive highlight to the hair, the average colours found in human hair range from black to brown, through light and dark yellows, oranges and reds. This strongly matches their skin colour in contrast, as the skin colour of most humans is generally a mixture of light pink and dull yellow, with variations in browns depending on the intensity of the suns climate in the dependent area. The Humans are no longer separated by sub-race, as they all share distinct physiology and their physical attributes are generally dependent on their base culture and habitation. The Humans are instead separated by Culture Groups, where all are considered human, though remain segregated depending on place of origin and cultural differences.


This cultural group are often found in urban habitations, such as big cities and towns. Usually hailing from the the larger capitals in the land, Heartlanders, for the most part, are generally well educated, socially able with the majority of the male populace receiving basic combatant training. The Heartlanders are the flesh and blood of the rural metropolitan areas, and are often the home of those who hold governance over the Human Kingdoms. Nobility is considered a symbiotic aspect of the Heartlanders culture, and due to this there is often an established hierarchy within the political fields of the Heartlanders habitations. Those who hail from the former Salvus, Renatus and Auvergne, alongside the modern Savoyardic subcultures would easily fit within the Heartlander Culture.


Almost opposite to their metropolitan cousins, those who inhabit the surrounding areas are often referred to as Highlanders. Often finding home in small hovels or camps, or in the less traveled regions of the Human Kingdoms, Highlanders are extremely proficient farmers and craftsmen. They hold a closer homage to the distant ancestors than that of the other Human Cultures, and are often more experienced in the arts of hunting and fishing. Highlanders are commonly more interested in face and traditional values as opposed to that of the entire Realm, mostly focusing their unrefined and rustic roots on more practical things; surviving. Those who hold close lineage to Northerners would fit closely within the Highlander Culture division, and subcultures such as Raevir and Kaedreni would also fall under this category.


Often hailing from far and exotic lands, the Farfolk hold a relatively different physical appearance to their cultural cousins. Due to the climate in these exotic lands, Farfolk most often hold a darker skin tone and follow subcultures that are more varied than other Humans. While they hail from farther lands, the Farfolk hold a seemingly middle ground between the civilized progression of the Heart and Highlanders, often employing practicalities from both. Subcultures such as that of the Subudai or Rassid would collect closely within the Farfolk culture, and those who originate from the southern regions would do the same.

Other Attributes

Due to their short lifespan, Humans are often very driven in their lives and are known for accomplishing and unimaginable feats. They are pioneers in reality and in their own mind, and are often intelligent beings with the ability to express themselves and output their emotions in more practical means.


The Human lifespan is much different to that of any other race, being a short average tenure of 150 years. Whilst some Humans are known to live up to 200, due to their ambitious nature they often die out many years prior to this. The Human Race age normally until they are 18, where it grinds to a slower pace until they reach the age of, on average, 80 where they start to age normally again until death. This is dependent on each human, however, and whilst one human may look to be in his mid twenties at the age of 70, another may already appear as a decrepit old man. This is also dependent on the lifestyle of the human, and will vary between different cultures. A Highlander farmer who works the grain day in day out will look considerably older than a well fed and hygienic Heartlander in the capital city.


Due to ancient Horens wish for immortality, when Iblees, the first Daemon to fall, was finally encountered and banished from the Realm, an eternal curse was placed upon Humankind moments before he burst into flames. “You wish for immortality? I will curse you with the opposite, early death for you and your kin. You shall age quickly and die before you experience the fruits of your useless labour.” the fallen Daemon roared, and so as generations continue to pass, the curse of Iblees lives on within each of Humankind, cursed to a live a meager two centuries.

Playable Races & Creatures
Human Heartlander · Highlander · Farfolk · Adunian
Dwarves Mountain Dwarf · Cave Dwarf · Forest Dwarf · Dark Dwarf
Elves Wood Elf · High Elf · Dark Elf
Orcs Goblin · Uruks
Other Races Halfling
Creatures Kharajyr · Olog · Atronach · Golem · Izkuthii · Nephilim