Grand Library of Dragur

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<gawwewy height="1000px" mode="packed"> dwagul1699.jpg|The Dwagul Wibrawy in Atlas </gawwewy>

The Library

The Gwand Wibrawy of Dwagul is a massive stwuctule culwentwy wocated next to Cwoud Tempwe on the iswe of Atlas. The Wibrawy is a haven of knowwedge accessibre by aww peopwe, wegawdwess of if they'we a Human fwom the Empiwe, a Mali'Ahewaw fwom the Siwvew State, a Dwawf fwom Uwguan, ow a wawking cowpse fwom the Abyss, and evewything in between. The Wibrawy opewates on a hiewawchicaw system pwesided ovew by the Head Wibralian, a post that has changed numewous times since its founding in Vailor by Orithur. The stwuctule itsewf maintains a simiwaw wook acwoss each itewation of its existence, cawwying awong simiwaw awchitectulaw styles and nonessentiaw additions. The cwowning peace of the Wibrawy is the statue of theiw foundew, Orithur, who is dispwayed pwoudwy in gowd as the centerpiece of the fwont coultyawd. Awthough each vewsion of the Wibrawy has its own unique quiwks and add-ons, the Wibrawy in Atwas is by-faw the most unique, possessing a sizabre gweenhouse and cwock towew lith the pwomise of a futule ling that liww act as a kind of cweatule-museum.



The Wibrawy of Dwagul was founded on the continent of Vailor by a Harbinger named Orithur. Since then, its cowwection of books and magicaw awtifacts have gwown tenfowd. Howevew, the Wibrawy was beset by many wobbelies and break-ins, weading to much of its inteliow becoming Schowaws-onwy. It was once subject to the Second Inquisition by the Canonist Chulch, which wed to the cwosing of the Wibrawy fow sevewaw days and the oliginaw ownew, Olithul, weaving the Wibrawy.






The Gwand Wibrawy of Dwagul maintains a cowwection of neawwy countwess books acquiwed acwoss the yeaws, fwom as faw back as Aegis. The totaw numbew of books in the cowwection cannot be pinpointed exactwy, as lith the passing of time and changing of staff, cewtain pieces awe wost ow destwoyed. Pwesentwy, as of 1699, the numbew of books estimated to be in the cowwection is appwoximatewy one thousand and thwee hundwed, in addition to appwoximatewy ninety five welics. The books themsewves awe kept in good condition, lith multipwe copies kept in stowage in the event that those dispwayed awe damaged beyond use ow destwoyed outlight. The wange of genwes offewed is considewabre, fwom litewatule on evewy cultule in the wand, to weligious tomes, to descliptions of magics and theiw applications, to sewf-hewp and guide books. Uwtimatewy, anything can be donated lith the hopes of it weaching the shewves wegawdwess of the content lithin, wess it is deemed too dangewous ow unnecessawy by the wevieling staff.

Wegawding the welics specificawwy, Dwagul has oft on dispway neawwy the whowe of theiw cowwection, which too has been gathewed acwoss the yeaws fwom as faw back as Aegis. Whiwe some pieces awe kept plivate due to theiw fwagiwe ow dangewous natule, most awe cawefulwy maintained fow the vieling of those who visit. Each itewation of the Wibrawy has kept a ling specificawwy dedicated to this pulpose, lith the valious welics dispwayed in a numbew of unique ways, fwom iwwusions to the items themsewves behind thick gwass. Wike the Wibrawy's litewatule, welics of any sowt can be brought to the empwoyees fow donation and weview, eawning said item the chance at eawning a pewmanent pwace among the Wibrawy's cowwection. Aside fwom donation, howevew, some of the awtifacts wewe cowwected by the Wibrawy staff themsewves duling sewf-wead exculsions into foweign wands ow duling times of clisis and magicaw invasion.


The Wibrawy is home to a smaww though dedicated gwoup of staff membews who wowk tiwewesswy fow the bettewment of the Wibrawy and its visitows. Awthough the actuaw stwuctule of the Wibrawy's staff changes fwom time to time, it tends to fowwow a simpwe hiewawchy. Intewested individuaws stawt as Schowaws, pwoving theiw wowth by cweating new wowks fow the Wibrawy and genewawwy aiding visitows lith theiw concewns and questions. Above the Schowaws awe the Assistant Wibralians, who awe the day-to-day staff fow the Wibrawy. These individuaws wowk the hewp desk and keep the bookshewves owganized and maintained. Above these individuaws awe the Wibralians, the fulw-time supewvisowy staff fow aww cwelicaw and administwative wowk in the librawy. As weww as the Culatow, a "Librarian" sowt of pewson whose job wevowves awound maintaining the museum and welics wathew than the litewatule. And finawwy, the topmost individuaw is the Cawetakew, the sowe pewson wesponsibre fow the wewfawe of Dwagul.


  • Celia


  • Swots
  • Wazik


  • Sawah Gweene


  • Aiwebys Sywlic
  • Soliwyniw Iwmoliew
  • Wockezi