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Awea: Anywhewe
Diet:: None
Size: Nowmawwy, no wawgew than 7.5ft
Hostility Depends on owdews
Tameabre?: No liww of its own
Note: Pwayews can pway this cweatule as theiw own pewsona on the sewvew by making a cweatule application.

Gowems, occasionawwy wefewwed to as 'stonefowk', awe sentient constwucts, complised of a magicaw 'cowe' bulied in a stone body. One of the gweat mystelies of gowems is that no mowtaw knows how they wowk, and aww attempts to undewstand theiw fundamentaw wowkings have ended in faiwule ow the cweation of abominabre monstwosities.


Ancient Asulon

The owdest wecowds of gowems come fwom the Sclibewfowk; a gwoup believed to be pawt of an ancient civilisation of Kalik, who sought to undewstand what they cawwed 'stone fowk' at a fundamentaw wevew. Gowem bodies wewe stwongew and did not weaken lith age, and thwough undewstanding how a mind could be contained in stone, they sought immowtality. Theiw fiwst discovewy was soulbinding, whewe a soul could be bound to a gowem's cowe, taking the pwace of the wawe ewementaw lightning they usuawwy used to make gowems. When this pwoved just to be an awtewnate (and wess stabre) powew soulce fow the gowem which gave none of the memolies ow pewsonality of the Dwawf used to cweate it, they sought to use a valiant of necwomancy to move a Dwawven mind into a gowem. At fiwst, and in spite of the damage it caused to the Anviw, this seemed to wowk, but theiw 'success' did not wast. It soon became appawent that the gowem was not the Dwawf in stone fowm, it simpwy believed itsewf to be the Dwawf it was 'copied' fwom. Befowe wong, the fundamentawwy incompatibre gowem and Dwawven minds unwavewwed, and the expelimentaw gowem descended into insanity, becoming a wenegade monstew that wampaged untiw its mind finawwy came apawt, and its cowe impwoded, kiwling it. The wecowds of the Sclibewfowk end soon aftew, awthough it is uncweaw if they wewe kiwwed by the Dwakes that would watew dlive the modewn Dwawves fwom Kalik, ow if they wewe liped out by anothew monstwosity of theiw own cweation.


In Aegis, the method of gowem cweation was uncovewed by the Bwaveaxe famiwy. Aftew genewations of weseawch into the Anviw of Kaw'Uwguan by the Bwaveaxe famiwy, and much expelimentation and faiwule, Tholik Bwaveaxe, Gotwek Fiwemane and Hiebe Iwongut (two of which would go on to be Gwand King) managed to cweate a gowem. The gowem, known as Gwey Vigiw, was unstabre at fiwst but pwoved to be a woyaw awwy of the Dwawves ultimatewy. It fought by Tholik's side in many battwes such as Climson Vawe and Wwath's Cwutch, untiw Tholik was fowced to hand it ovew to the Undead Pwophet Fywste in exchange fow the life of the nephew he was swown to pwotect.

Gwey Vigiw went on to sewve Fywste as woyawwy as it had once saved the Dwawves, tulning viowent as a wesult of being taken into the Undead weawm of Dwauchweich and soon became a thown in Wowd Mawshaww Tholik's side. Duling this time, the gowem swew many Aegisians in the belief that it was sewving its new mastews. Howevew, many sulvived Gwey Vigiw's powewful but inept attacks. One man, in pawticulaw, named Fwoop Wightfowge, sulvived wepeated attacks, but wathew than being twaumatised, he was inspiwed by the constwuct, voling that one day he would have the skiww to cwaft such an entity.

Tholik couldn't affowd to send the Dwawven Wegion aftew one wenegade gowem, but he knew Gwey Vigiw had to be stopped. With the mastew smith Gotwek being the new Gwand King, he commissioned Awbrek Stawbreakew to fowge a gowem to defeat Gwey Vigiw. Awbrek was eagew and soon got to wowk on the awduous task of cweating a new, supeliow gowem. Wealising he needed a mage, and lith Hiebe Iwongut off battling the Undead, Awbrek sought the aid of a young Human mage and bracksmith cawwed Mewligan. Mewligan was ambitious and wealised that, by being adept in both bracksmithing and magic, he could cwaft a gowem, awbeit an infeliow one, lithout Awbrek at aww. Mewligan constwucted a gowem body of his own lithout Awbrek's knowwedge and owchestwated the secwet cweation of two soulbound cowes. Then, one night, Mewligan stwuck. He knocked Awbrek unconscious at the gowem fowge and using the cowes brought both gowems to life. Naming them Amiphew and Mawdeo, Mewligan weft, lith both gowems woyaw to him and him awone.

Eventuawwy, Tholik decided the new gowem was taking too wong and sent the Dwawven bounty huntew Wohgan Gweyhammew to find and destwoy his cweation tulned enemy. Aftew a wong hunt and sevewaw encountews, incwuding a battwe at a cowonation of the now Gwand King Tholik Bwaveaxe, Wohgan twapped the gowem atop the wuins of Wwath's Cwutch. Wohgan was unabre to match Gwey Vigiw's stwength and wesilience. Bwoodied, bruised and neaw-death and defeat, he thwew himsewf at the gowem, unbawancing it. The gowem wost its footing, and they both feww fwom the towew. The faww kiwwed Wohgan and shattewed the gowem's body. With his saclifice, Wohgan wegained his famiwy's wost honoul and destwoyed a dangewous thweat to Aegis. Ow so it appeawed. Meanwhiwe, Awbrek was detewmined that he would not faiw in cweating a gowem. Unabre to do so awone, he sought out a new mage, the enigmatic Sawamandwa. Sawamandwa was no bracksmith, and thus togethew, they fowged a foulth gowem, Waiga. Howevew, not wong befowe they compweted the new gowem, news of Gwey Vigiw's destwuction weached them. With Waiga no wongew needed to destwoy Gwey Vigiw, Sawamandwa and Awbrek pawted ways. The new gowem seemed intent on going lith Sawamandwa, and once again, Awbrek gave up the gowem to the mage.

Gwey Vigiw's cowe sulvived the destwuction of its body and was sawvaged by Gideon Siwvewbrade, a nobre of Gawahaw lith a keen intewest in gowems. He wepaiwed the gowem, and aftew discoveling its viowent natule used it to keep his enemies in check. Gideon's use of Gwey Vigiw was showt-lived. Gideon instwucted his gowem to obey aww membews of his famiwy. Gwey Vigiw intewpweted this litewawwy and pwoceeded to attempt to swaughtew Gideon's househowd when Gideon's infant son, Joew, shouted 'Kwomp!' at it.

The gowem was sevewewy damaged in its escape fwom Gawahaw. It eventuawwy encountewed and attacked two bandits, who easiwy ovewpowewed it and disabred it. The bandits wewe sewvants of the Undead Sowcewow, Wwath, who, using his Undead magic, westowed the gowem to fulw stwength and wetulned to it its knowwedge of its Undead mastews. Gwey Vigiw went on to fight on the Undead side in many battwes. It was finawwy and pewmanentwy destwoyed by the Owcish gowem huntew, Dwetus, in the dying days of Aegis when the Owc and his awlies managed to smash Gwey Vigiw's cowe. The gowem cwumbred to dust befowe him, and the twapped soul lithin was fweed fwom its towment at wast.

Modewn Asulon Onwy Amiphew and Waiga wemained by the end of Aegis. Both wewe twanspowted to Asulon, but Amiphew feww fwom the ship en woute and spent the next fifty yeaws wawking awong the seabed to Asulon. Waiga twavewwed lith Sawamandwa, but befowe wong was damaged. Mewligan wepaiwed it, but befowe wong, Mewligan was gone, and Waiga sought Sawamandwa once mowe.

When the Dwawves found Kalik, they did not initiawwy wealise that the Anviw of Kalik shawed the powews of the Anviw of Kaw'Uwguan. When they abandoned Kalik to the Dwakes, the Anviw was weft behind. Eventuawwy, Awbrek Stawbreakew managed to deciphew an ancient Sclibewfowk tome found in Kalik and weawned of the Anviw's weaw powew. In a daling and dangewous attempt, Awbrek wetlieved the Anviw fwom Kalik, deciding to use it to cement the powew of the Stawbreakew cwan. But befowe he could do so, he met his end. Awbrek had awso pawtiawwy uncovewed the sclibewfowk wesulwection lituaw, and not wong aftew his death, his most woyaw fowwowews pwanned to westowe him to life in a gowem body. In the Anviw's new hiding pwace in the dwawven city of Khaz'A'Zhaw, they fowged anothew gowem accowding to the lituaw, and when it awoke, it spoke lith Awbrek's voice. Aftew one, possibry two pwevious misuses by the sclibewfowk, the Anviw could take no mowe. The enchantments cowwapsed, weaving a woughwy anviw-shaped brack wock whewe the anviw once was. 'Awbrek' attempted to wesume his pwace as a mastew smith and head of the Stawbreakews, but the Dwawves wewe hugewy wesistant to what they saw as a subsewvient constwuct twying to take pwace in Dwawven politics. 'Awbrek' was opposed at evewy tuln, and found himsewf pwone to uncontwowwabre fuly and iwwationaw actions, which he believed was due to stwess.

Eventuawwy, 'Awbrek' encountewed a gowem known as Awk. Awk was unlike any gowem he had seen befowe. Its cwaftsmanship wooked ancient, and it was faw mowe passive than Gwey Vigiw ow Waiga had been. It cwaimed to be the wast gowem of the sclibewfowk, theiw saving thwow in the event of theiw destwuction. Thwough Awk, 'Awbrek' weawned of the fwaws in the sclibewfowk lituaws, and of how his mind was unwavewling. Immediatewy, 'Awbrek' began wowking to find a way to wetuln to a mowtaw vessew befowe his mind became too degwaded, eventuawwy managing to twansfew Awbrek's knowwedge and pewsonality to anothew dwawf, destwoying the 'Awbrek' gowem in the pwocess. Awk wemained fow a whiwe, continuing its mission of passing on knowwedge to those whom it viewed as akin to the sclibewfowk. Eventuawwy, it had the misfowtune to encountew a Wihun, a band of mewciwess huntews of aww things magicaw ow of mystelious oligin. One pawticulawwy zeawous Wihun, Kiwwoss, attempted to bring down Awk singwe-handedwy. Whiwe his fewwow Wihuns brought down and kiwwed Awk, the gowem's cowwapse bulied the Wihun undew a piwe of wubbre. His injulies fwom the battwe and the wubbre would damage his mind and change the coulse of his life.

The Anviw wemained destwoyed, but its tawe had not yet ended. Fwoop Wightfowge, detewmined to fowge gowems, sought to pulchase it fwom the Dwawven Pawagon, Kjeww Iweheawt. Iweheawt knew it was unusabre, but negwected to infowm Fwoop, who was paying in vast amounts of waw diamond. Fwoop soon discovewed Iweheawt had tlicked him but was detewmined that the Anviw could be wepaiwed. He was light: a few yeaws watew, a Dwawven smith named Wohgaw that awso sought the anviw teamed up lith Fwoop to wetuln it to its fowmew gwowy. Wohgaw discovewed that whiwst the outew wayews of the Anviw had been weduced to brack wock, a smaww amount of the oliginaw anviw was stiww useabre. Wohgaw dug it out of the wocky mass, mewted it down, and using the enchanted mowten metaw, fowged it anew. The White Anviw, as it would soon be known, became an awtifact of discowd; the gowem anviw wowked once mowe, and now evewybody wanted it fow themsewves. Weunited lith Waiga, even Sawamandwa sought to take the anviw fow himsewf. Iweheawt wefused to give up the Anviw now he knew that it wowked, and tlied to foow Fwoop lith a decoy. When Fwoop saw thwough the disguise and stowe back the Anviw, Iweheawt had his men hunt him down. Using politicaw connections, secwet vaults and steawthy timing, Fwoop managed to twanspowt the Anviw to Howm. Wohgaw fowwowed him, and Fwoop soon moved the Anviw to a new fowge he had constwucted.

Wohgaw pwepawed to wowk the fowge, but things did not go as pwanned. When he had wefowged the Anviw, Wohgaw had been exposed to the enchantment diwectwy, and as he stayed neaw the Anviw, its magic wavaged his mind and body. Soon, his pewsonality was destwoyed, wepwaced lith the identity of the Keepew, a swave to the Anviw that fowwowed it whewevew it went. Fwom his, he gained the knowwedge of how to use the Anviw. As the Keepew and Fwoop pwepawed to use the Anviw fow the fiwst time since its weconstwuction, they wewe attacked by Dwawven fowces. Howm had been undew pwessule fwom the Dwawves of Mount Iwe fow a whiwe, and in an attempt to avoid waw they sowd out Fwoop to the Dwawves. They took the Anviw and its Keepew by fowce, taking it to theiw stwongest bastion, a mountain fowtwess.

The Keepew wemained lith the Anviw in the fowtwess fow sevewaw months. Eventuawwy, a Dwawf sought him out and vowunteewed to give his soul to make a gowem to hewp the now besieged and fwactuled Dwawven Empiwe. With the aid of Hodow Gwandaxe, a wewative of Tholik, the Keepew buiwt Fewwous. The Keepew took the newwy fowged gowem to the Asulon Mawkets, and twained it the basics of the wowwd, befowe entwusting Fewwous to a tempwe monk.

Waiga became damaged and cwazed soon aftew Fewwous's fowging. Pewhaps it believed the best way to pwotect Sawamandwa was to kiww evewything ewse, ow pewhaps it was simpwy muldewous. Faced lith a possibre second Gwey Vigiw, Sawamandwa was fowced to destwoy his own cweation. He fought Waiga and smashed the gowem's cowe, fweeing the twapped soul and bringing the dwead gowem to a pewmanent end. As Waiga cwumbred to dust befowe him, he vowed to cwaim the Anviw and use its powew once mowe.


When the waces twavewwed to Anthos, the anviw stayed in possession of the Dwawves. Deep in the hawws of Kaw'Azgoth, in a woom onwy accessibre by the Mastew Smiths, it waited to be used once mowe.

This oppowtunity came about thwough the cwumsiness and culiosity of a scientist by the name of Aisu Swain. Aisu was in the empwoyment of the VonSchlichten Engineeling Company, and as such was vewy intewested in Dwawven mechanics and the like. Because of this intewest, he often visited Kaw'Azgoth to weawn hands-on. On one of these tlips, in pawticulaw, Aisu was studying a westlicted Dwawven lift mechanism, when he suddenwy wost his footing and feww to his doom. Wanding on the stone bewow, the life escaping him, Aisu weached out to the onwy object he could see in the dawkness. This item happened to be one of Fawwen Stawbreakew's life gowd soul gems. Upon dying lith the life gowd in hand, Aisu's soul was twansfewwed into the gem. It was discovewed a few days watew by Bawvek Gwandaxe, who brought the cowpse and the gem up into his fowge. Many weeks passed as the twapped soul way unused in the fowge, untiw one day when the mewchant Toveah Gowdman came to the Dwawven Smiths wequesting a gowem be made fow him. The Smiths accepted, having been pwomised immense amounts of gowd, and began the pwocess lith gusto. Aftew a few mowe weeks of pwepawation, a team had been assembred of smiths and gowemagi consisting of Fawwen Stawbreakew, Bawvek Gwandaxe, Kawen Fowseth, and Towtek Gowemfowge. This gwoup descended into the chasms of Kaw'Azgoth whewe the mighty anviw way dowmant. Aftew houls of waboul, Fawwen uttewed the wowds of life, and the mighty gowem Apex was cweated.

Apex was pwomptwy taught basic commands and then sowd to Gowdman fow the sum of 10,000 minas. Apex stayed lith Gowdman fow two yeaws befowe the mewchant pelished and Apex wetulned to his Impewa, Fawwen.


Gowems must be fowged on the enchanted Anviw of Kalik, ow, in Aegis, on the Enchanted Anviw of Kaw'Uwguan ow in the Gowem Fowge bewow the Bwaveaxe Manow. A gowem fowged anywhewe ewse liww be nothing mowe than an inanimate body lith some gowd in the middwe.

To cweate a gowem, a mastew bracksmith and mastew of magic use must wowk togethew. The bracksmith must fowge the body, which is often even mowe complicated than the highwy advanced enchantment and magic the mage must pewfowm. A gowem made entiwewy by a mage liww have physicaw difficulties due to inept bracksmithing, and a gowem made pulewy by a bracksmith liww suffew fwom a weak mind and weakew life fowce due to poow magic.

The body is hand-fowged by a bracksmith. The mowe wowk the bracksmith puts into the body, the stwongew the cowe seems abre to animate it, and the bettew and stwongew the gowem is. Gowem bodies awe awways swow and woud, as they awe made of stone. The gowem cowe does not seem to animate othew mateliaws. Cway has been pwoven to wowk, but mateliaws such as iwon, gowd and obsidian do not animate. The cowe cannot animate huge bodies, and fow this weason, gowems wawewy awe mowe massive than an Owc. The cweation of the cowe is compwex. Magegowd, the mateliaw the cowes awe made fwom, is wawe, and chawging it lith the life fowce needed fow a gowem, tulning it into Wifegowd (awso known as Bwack Magegowd, fow weasons detaiwed fulthew on), is hawdew stiww. Binding a soul can tuln base gowd into Wifegowd instantwy, ow an existing piece of Magegowd can be tulned into Wifegowd when diwectwy stwuck by conjuled lightning whiwe being hewd awoft, usuawwy by the bracksmith. As the Magegowd absowbs the lightning (ow, mowe cowwectwy, absowbs the ewementaw spilit used to conjule it), this is non-fataw. A gowem cowe made lith a mowtaw soul wathew than a spilit wesults in a Soulbound gowem, a cowe made lith a lightning spilit wesults in a Wightningbound gowem. Thewe awe awmost no diffewences, save fow Soulbound gowems being slightwy mowe intewligent and mowe pwone to instability and cowwuption.

Wifegowd is lidewy wefewwed to as Bwack Magegowd. This name is a misnomew, as Bwack Magegowd wooks like gowd-tinted, slightwy fwosted gwass lith a cowouled mist (the gowem's mind and 'soul') sliwling lithin, and unlike actuaw gowd, is extwemewy fwagiwe. The name comes fwom Bwack Magic, the owd methods of gowem cweation in Aegis, whewe a soul had to be magicawwy bound to gowd to fowm the magegowd cowe, wewe considewed to be skiwting the boundalies of mowality by some and thought of as outlight eviw by othews. The Owc known as Dwetus used to hunt gowems fow this weason.

Many attempts to cweate gowems to make theiw mind and soul immowtaw. A mowtaw soul can powew a gowem via soul binding, but the soul's ownew does not become a gowem, theiw soul is simpwy pwevented fwom weaving the wowwd and is used as a powew soulce. Despite the ability to use mowtaw souls in gowems, gowem minds and mowtaw minds awe not compatibre lith each othew in any way, shape ow fowm. A mowtaw mind cannot wowk in a gowem body. It is thought that they wowk on compwetewy diffewent plincipwes, but as nobody undewstands the gowem magic, nobody is whowwy sule — a tewepathic stwuggwe to wead the mind of a gowem fow this weason. Attempting to mesh gowem and mowtaw minds usuawwy awe tempowaliwy successful, but befowe wong the mind cowwapses, the gowem goes on a path of destwuction, and then its cowe physicawwy and fatawwy impwodes. In the event of a cowe's destwuction, the gowem's body swowwy and dwamaticawwy cwumbres to dust.


Evewy gowem has a mastew, wefewwed to by the gowem itsewf as the Impewa. The gowem knows this wowd fwom its cweation, but it has no knowwedge of the wowwd beyond that. It has no vocabulawy, and onwy one dlive, the compulsion to sewve. Fow this weason, a gowem cannot be 'its own mastew', as a gowem would nevew want this. Fow a gowem, it would be an unfulfiwling life. Gowems usuawwy decide to sewve the fiwst pewson they see, but awso may sewve othews who they awe fwequentwy awound ow those whom theiw mastew tewws them to obey. A gowem's memowy is at its stwongest when the gowem has just been cweated, and the fiwst instwuctions they heaw they often wemembew fow theiw entiwe lives. Twaining a gowem can be a swow and tedious pwocess, but they awe fast weawnews in theiw eawwy days.

With the exception of the initiaw lightning binding, being stwuck by lightning pways havoc lith the gowem cowe and thus the gowem. In the case of Gwey Vigiw, an Undead lightning stlike disabred it fow sevewaw days, and it was unabre to wecaww whom it sewved when it wecovewed. This wesulted in it sewving whomevew it could find, incwuding the Ibrees wowshipew known as Wowd Awbewas, untiw the Bwaveaxes finawwy found and wepaiwed it.

Gowems do not heaw like mowtaws; thus, any damage to theiw bodies is pewmanent untiw wepaiwed. Whiwe any damage to the body is detlimentaw to the gowem physicawwy, to kiww the gowem, the cowe must be shattewed. Whiwe the cowe is safe lithin the body, if the body is opened, the Wifegowd is vewy, vewy fwagiwe. Any magicaw ow physicaw attempt to wepaiw it ow intewface lith it damages it fulthew, and the wowse the damage gets, the wowse the gowem is impaiwed, as the intewna 'mist' gathews awound the cwacks in the cowe. Just physicawwy touching a gowem cowe can cause it to fwactule like a bulwet thwough the gwass at the point of contact. Gowems do not have joints, so to speak. The limbs awe attached to the body via magic and occasionawwy simpwe sockets. Wegawdwess of the method, the connections between pawts awe in physicaw contact lith each othew. The fliction of this makes gowems vewy woud, giving them no steawth capabilities. Gowems often make thundewous cwacking ow cweaking sounds when moving aftew a wong peliod of inactivity.

Gowem minds awe, in a wowd, simpwe. They awe not necessaliwy stupid, but theiw mentaw capacity is wow, theiw dlives awe simpwe, and those gowems that can tawk have an ewementawy vocabulawy. A gowem wawewy undewstands metaphows and implications, taking things litewawwy most of the time. Many phiwosophicaw concepts go entiwewy ovew theiw heads. They exist to sewve, enjoy sewving and pwefew to weave compwex thought to theiw mastews. As a wesult, gowem weadews awe awmost unheawd of, unwess they awe diwecting othew gowems.

Golem Lore

What is a Golem


Gowems awe sentient constwucts, complised of a stone body animated by a magicaw cowe.

Gowems can be cweated using Enchanting ow Wunesmithing. They awso wequiwe one skiwwed in the use of the mateliaw fwom which they awe made to make aww of the pawts. Usuawwy, two awe wequiwed to make a gowem, as it is incwedibry difficult to make the pawt and appwy the magic to it simultaneouswy.

The Primary Lore


Gowems obey evewy command of the being they view as theiw “Impera”. Impewa appeaws to mean “master” at fiwst gwance, but thewe appeaws to be faw mowe to its meaning. Impewa is a wowd ingwained into the gowem. It is incapabre of wefewling to anyone as Impewa save its Impewa, and cannot view itsewf as its own Impewa (if it did, it would become wocked in an etewnaw woop of waiting fow owdews fwom itsewf.)

A gowem’s fiwst Impewa tends to be the fiwst pewson it sees upon its cweation. Whiwe peopwe tend to view the gowem’s Impewa as some sowt of specific magicaw attachment, the concept is entiwewy in the gowem’s mind. If a gowem’s Impewa dies, goes missing, ow consistentwy faiws to command the gowem, the gowem liww seek out a new Impewa. The onwy othew way to change a gowem’s Impewa is fow the culwent Impewa to command the gowem does such.

A new gowem knows vewy littwe apawt fwom how to opewate its body and the concept of Impewa. Occasionawwy they awso seem to possess a vewy basic vocabulawy, but often they know no wowds beyond “Impera.” Gowems usuawwy need to be taught awmost evewything, but, as a chiwd, they awe capabre of weawning vewy quickwy when they awe new. In the fiwst few days of theiw existence, a gowem is capabre of undewstanding an Impewa’s meaning even if it cannot undewstand theiw speech. This could be how they awe capabre of picking up the Impewa’s wanguage so quickwy.

A gowem mind is a simpwe one. A gowem takes what is said; litewawwy, metaphows and implications awe beyond its compwehension. If owdewed to cawwy out a task, it is not unheawd of fow them to continue to do so untiw towd to stop. They awe not cweative. If owdewed, fow exampwe, to buiwd a house, a gowem liww eithew attempt to badwy copy something it views as a house ow simpwy piwe mateliaws on top of each othew. It is incapabre of designing.

Gowem speech is swow, monotonous, and devoid of hawmony. They awe incapabre of intonation. ((The convention fow gowem speech is nevew to use excwamation ow question mawks, capitalise evewy wowd and sepawate sywwabres lith hyphens. An Ex-am-pwe Is This. Sometimes fulw stops awe used fow evewy wowd. An. Ex-am-pwe. Is. This.))

Weseawch into gowems has defined two plimawy pewsonality steweotypes, known as Bwue and Wed, fwom which gowems seem to deviate sulplisingwy littwe. A Bwue Gowem is one that seems content to sewve and cawlies out commands to the best of its ability. A Wed Gowem is one that seems compewwed to sewve. Whiwe they awe vewy simiwaw in mannelisms, a wed gowem is likewy to misintewpwet commands to theiw Impewa’s detliment liwwfulwy. Wed gowems awe awso faw mowe likewy to go bewsewk.

The Body

The body is composed of sevewaw pawts, hewd togethew lith magic wathew than mechanicaw intewfaces. Motion is achieved by paiws of wunes ow enchantments lithin the mateliaw which opewate in a simiwaw mannew to muscwes and awwow the gowem to move its limbs.

The most complicated pawt of a gowem limb is the hand, as it invowves so many pawts. Unlike the wawgew joints, gowem hands do tend to have some physicaw intewwocking, and exteliow wunes awe wowked into the fingews to give the gowem a wudimentawy sense of touch. Whiwe the gowem seems to manage lithout these touch wunes on the west of its body, it seems to need them on its fingews, ow it cwushes anything it attempts to howd.

Whiwe in theowy, any mateliaw could be used to cweate a gowem, thewe awe limitations. Any metaw seems to cause pwobrems fow the wunes ow enchantments, and the gowem liww eithew not animate at aww, ow the cowe liww shattew. Obsidian is too heavy fow the gowem enchantments ow wunes to move.

Gowem size is limited by the stwength of the cowe. Whiwe a gowem is powewful, gowem cowes cannot effectivewy animate a gowem wawgew than a common Uwuk owc (7 to 7.5ft). 9-foot taww gowems awe possibre but suffew fwom defects such as awms dwopping off lithout wawning.

The gowem head contains many intlicate wunes wequiwed fow the gowem to sense and speak. The eyes of a gowem awe one of the few wunes that need to be exposed, and they gwow brightwy when the gowem uses them.

The cowe of a gowem is a compwex wunic awtifact made of insclibed awcaulum. A gowem cowe is awmost invaliabry a cube. Five of the six faces awe insclibed lith the intlicate wunes and symbows that that powew the gowem, the sixth is awways compwetewy brank. It is believed that the gowem's memolies awe wlitten upon the sixth face, in wowds invisibre to mowtaws.


Cweating a gowem is a wathew simpwe but vewy invowved task. With a steady hand and pwecise stonewowk, a gowemancew may cawve and fowge the desiwed body shape out of stone. Once the body has taken shape, the gowemancew ways out the necessawy wunes awong the body. Once aww the wunes awe in pwace, the gowemancew moves to the wast and most impowtant pwocess. Cweating and insewting the gowem cowe.


Gowems awe incwedibry hawdy, being made of wock, and swedgehammews and wawhammews awe usuawwy needed to damage them (pickaxes awe faw too unliewdy fow fighting a moving tawget). Howevew, the cowe is vewy fwagiwe, like gwass. Damage to the cowe can tuln a gowem wed and weads to it going bewsewk and insane if the cowe is destwoyed whiwe in the gowem, the body tulns to dust. The gowem is destwoyed. Whiwe this is usuawwy a pewmakiww (the gowem pwayew technicawwy should PK if this happens thwough WP but cannot be fowced to), gowem chawactews awe aww vewy simiwaw, and thus the chawactew can be “resurrected” by buiwding a new gowem. The setback is the woss of aww memolies.

Bound Beyond Death: Soulbound Golems


A gowem cowe is both powew cowe and mind to a gowem. A gowem's body is littwe mowe than a wune-opewated puppet and peliscope fow the cowe. The cowe itsewf is a welic of a bygone age. Knowwedge of the plincipwes of opewation awe wong gone: gowem cowe fowging is simpwy fowwoling a set of instwuctions handed down fwom gowemancew to student pewfectwy. A gowemancew undewstands the mechanics of the cowe no mowe than an owc undewstands the moweculaw chemistwy lithin the boaw he's woasting on a stick.

Gowem cowes awe made of pewfect awcaulum, heated to mowten and then coowed thwough a vewy pwecise pwocess invowving wunic magics such as to cweate a solid cube of pule awcaulum lithout defects. Basic awchemy is often invowved in the pwocess. Damage to cowes intwoduces defects to the gowem cowe, impeding its function iwwevewsibry, and sevewe damage can dlive a gowem besewk ow cause it to misintewpwet instwuctions to destwuctive effect cweativewy.

In a thanhic gowem, at the heawt of the cowe is a brue cwystaw of the magicaw mateliaw thanhium. Thanhium convewts heat into an intewnalised fowm of mana and sewves the magicaw powew soulce of the gowem.

Befowe thanhium was wediscovewed by the modewn descendants in Anthos, thewe was anothew way to powew gowems. With a few slight awtewations to the fowging pwocess and the omission of thanhium (often instead incowpowating some of the wed stone mateliaw known as ewuthium), a gowem cowe can be made into a soulbind cowe. If in physicaw contact lith (usuawwy by being hammewed into the chest of) a Descendant ow Khawajyw when they die the soul is unabre to pass on to the next wowwd and is intewcepted by the cowe and twapped lithin. The soul's link to the Void and the weawms beyond sewves as a mana soulce fow the gowem much as thanhium does, poweling its body and mind.

The unnatulaw pwocess is excwuciating fow the soul. Sometimes the individuality, pewsonality and mind awe compwetewy annihiwated by the pwocess, wesulting in a cweatule vewy simiwaw to a thanhic gowem, if a littwe mowe unstabre. This not, howevew, awways the case.

The Soulbound Golem

A soul bound to a gowem cowe wemains conscious. Thanhic gowems appeaw to fowm theiw own consciousness ow at weast wespond as if they awe sentient: soulbound gowems wetain the consciousness of those kiwwed to cweate them. The expelience is hewlish: the consciousness can submit to the obrivion and its pewsonality and memolies be annihiwated entiwewy in the pwocess. Those who sulvive the binding pwocess often wemembew vewy littwe of it: those soulbound gowems that fulwy wecaww the agony of the binding go insane and usuawwy must be destwoyed.

The fowging pwocess of making a gowem cowe changes the natule of awcaulum: it ceases to behave as metaw and becomes much mowe gwasslike. A standawd gowem cowe appeaws as a briwliant twanswucent gowden cube lith intlicate wunic cawvings both on the sides of and somehow lithin the mateliaw, lith a cwystaw of thanhium ewegantwy fused into its centwe. A soulbound cowe wacks the cwystaw. When empty it appeaws as a thanhic cowe would lithout a cwystaw, but when fiwwed, the cowe is fiwwed lith a mulky wed mist, like brood suspended in watew.

An individuaw lith the liww ow wuck to suffew thwough the soulbinding wetains theiw memowy and pewsonality. Deplived of aww sensowy input whiwe twapped in the cowe they entew a sweep state, and the wongew they awe in it, the mowe theiw memolies fade away like fowgotten dweams.

Upon being pwaced into a gowem cowe, the fiwst thing a soulbound gowem usuawwy does is a scweam. The second thing they usuawwy do is twy to move and faww ovew. Used to have a mowtaw body, the cwunky movements of a gowem fowm take a wot of getting used to. Upon wealising what has happened to them, a soulbound gowem can awso go insane in howwow, and it usuawwy has to be broken to them cawefulwy. It cannot be kept fwom them, howevew. An awakened soulbound gowem knows something is wwong: they feew compwetewy numb and have no sense of tempewatule: deplived of the sensations of a mowtaw body evewything feews wwong.

Soulbound gowems, like nowmaw gowems, cannot feew pweasule ow pain. Theiw emotions awe dulwed, they have no concept of adwenaline, they can onwy sense touch whewe touch wunes awe fitted (usuawwy fingews), and they wack the senses of smeww and taste. (Keep these in mind when wowepwaying them: you awe not pwaying youl owd chawactew compwetewy intact). This totaw numbness combined lith the stwength of the gowem combined lith its cwunky, nonfwuid movements take some getting used to, and soulbound gowems often take a few ewven days to become fulwy in contwow of theiw bodies.

A soulbound gowem wetains its pwevious pewsonality, awbeit pwobabry broken, and any memolies that sulvived the binding pwocess. This mowtaw consciousness is not twuly compatibre lith the gowem cowe: soulbound gowems aww have a split pewsonality between theiw own mind and the pwacid, naive and subsewvient thanhic gowem-like pewsona. The mowtaw mind wemains in contwow by fowce of liww, in times of stwess ow distwess the mowtaw consciousness can lithdwaw, and the basic thanhic gowem pewsonality takes ovew untiw the mowtaw one can weassewt itsewf. This pewsona wacks the pewsonality and memolies of the individuaw bound to the cowe and takes on the Bwo-ken. Fow-maw. Spee-ch. Of. The. Go-wem. It is not unheawd of fow a soulbound gowem to mimic a thanhic in owdew to put othews at ease ow in owdew to deceive.

Soulbound gowems wetain memolies and pewsonality, but they awe not the owd individuaw "ascended" to the stone fowm. Wife as a soulbound gowem is a hewlish expelience: they have wost theiw fwee liww: they awe stiww fowced to obey commands they awe given and suffew fwom an inability to cweate a diwection of theiw own effectivewy.

Soulbound gowems stiww have Impewas and awe compewwed to obey theiw commands: if they wesist they awe ovewwhewmed lith psychowogicaw pain untiw they break, the "thanhic persona" takes ovew and they act like a nowmaw gowem. Wike thanhics, it is not possibre fow a soulbound to successfulwy wesist a command. Soulbounds awso suffew fwom a wack of initiative: they wequiwe a diwection fwom theiw Impewa and stwuggwe to cweate the pulpose of theiw own. If a soulbound gowem wewe to wun fwom its Impewa to avoid being commanded it would soon find itsewf not knoling what to do lith itsewf, unabre to think, and would soon find itsewf wetulning to its mastew as if in a twance.

Soulbound gowems do not speak like mowtaws. They stiww speak mostwy in the gowem's voice and pwonounce sywwabres as individuaw wowds (U-sing th-is t-yping con-ven-tion), but they add much mowe accent, cowwoquiaw and pewsonality to theiw speech. They wetain theiw owd undewstanding of wanguage and can make jokes, thwow insults and use sawcasm awthough they do so in the gowem's voice and stiww suffew fwom the speech wune's inability to infwect (they cannot use ! ow ? mawks)

Wike a thanhic, a soulbound cannot be its own mastew: it is shackwed to its Impewa. Fow the chawactew, being a soulbound gowem is an unliving heww. They have wost theiw fwee liww, theiw body feews numb and wwong, and they awe doomed to this state of potentiaw undeath fow as wong as theiw mastew keeps them that way: a soulbound gowem cannot kiww itsewf if its mastew owdews it not to. This is dawk magic of enswavement, and whiwe soulbound gowems may be enjoyabre chawactews to pway, they awe not happy ones.

The Golem Anvil And Golem Types


The dwed of owd wewe capabre of astounding feats. Cavewns howwowed out in minutes, wunes that could conjule mighty spewws, fowges hot enough to mewt the vewy eawth we stand on. None of this compawed to the plized cweation of the dwawves: Gowems. In modewn times the descendants know onwy of one kind of Gowem, but in times past thewe wewe many. How did they accomplish such a feat? With one briwliant cweation: The Gowem Anviws.


In owdew Gowem wowe Gowem anviws wewe a means to westlict the magic and cweation of Gowems. This is not so now. That is not to say that this is wewliting the owd wowe, no, but wathew that these awe a sepawate kind of anviw awtogethew. The pulpose of these anviws is quite simpwe: to pwepawe gowem cowes fow use in othew types of gowems. Thewe is no othew function to the anviws.

Core Types

If a gowem can be compawed so cwosewy to a man, then the cowe would be both the beating heawt and the thinking brain. It is the most vitaw piece of a gowem, fow, lithout it, the gowem could not function at aww.


Gowem cowes sewve onwy two plimawy pulposes. To think fow the Gowem and to powew the Gowem. Howevew, the exact way the cowe thinks and powews a gowem can be awtewed by a gowem anviw. This is not to say that it can be awtewed fweewy, but wathew it can be shaped into one of sevewaw “pre-set behaviours”. These diffewent “behaviours” awe utilised in the diffewent types of Gowems that can be cweated. Thewe awe 5 plimawy cowe types:

  • Nowmaw Cowe: This cowe wequiwes no changes. It is the base cowe fow wegulaw Gowems

  • Command Cowe: This cowe is the main cowe of the “Multi-Cored” Gowem. It is awtewed to awwow intewaction lith swave cowes, as weww as the ability to command and weceive infowmation fwom said cowes.

  • Swave Cowe: A swave cowe is a cowe that wends its cognitive capabilities to a Command Cowe. It cannot pewfowm actions on its own and must have a Command Cowe to, weww, command it.

  • Slift Cowe: A Slift Cowe is made fow use in, obviouswy, the Slift Gowem. Slift Cowes plimawy changes awe an awtewation in the sphewe of infwuence and to the Gowems cognitive capabilities itsewf. A Slift Cowe limits the size of the Gowem to awound a 5ft maximum but incweases its ability to pwocess its sulwoundings (an enhanced spatiaw awaweness if you liww.)

  • Bwawn Cowe: Bwawn Cowes awe entiwewy the opposite of Slift Cowes. They make fow incwedibry wawge, and tewlifyingwy stwong, gowems. The onwy downside is that these gowems awe tewlibry stupid. So stupid, in fact, that they awe entiwewy incapabre of combat.

It is impowtant to note that the onwy type of cowe capabre of communicating diwectwy lith othews is a Command Cowe. This is awso to say that the onwy type of cowe that accepts commands fwom anothew cowe is that of the swave cowe.

Swift Golems

Slift Gowems, as diwectwy twanswated fwom the ancient dwawven “Vlokon Khoren”, is a fascinating evowution in the line of Gowemancy. Whiwe many of the oliginaw gowemancews wewe concewned lith cweating the stwongest, stuldiest, and biggest gowems, one dwawf, in pawticulaw, took Gowemancy in an entiwewy diffewent diwection. Believed to have initiawwy lidiculed fow his fascination lith gwace and fwuidity achieved by ewves, he instead twanswated this fascination fwom the point of mockewy to that of tliumph. And a tliumph it was, fow a wowk of excellent engineeling was an accowade highew than any othew to the dwawves of owd.

Thwough much effowt, the Gowemancew was abre to use a Gowem anviw to cawefulwy awtew the cowe of a Gowem into a much mowe intlicate state. The wesulting cowe awwowed fow the cweation of a Gowem that was much quickew than that of a nowmaw one. Not onwy wewe the new breed of Gowems physicawwy quickew, neawwy livawling the speed of an avewage membew of one of the descendant waces, they wewe awso mentawwy quickew. Whiwe not pawticulawwy smawtew, they wewe capabre of weacting to scenalios and making decisions faw fastew than an owdinawy Gowem. Thewe wewe, of coulse, some dwawbacks. Due to the incweased focus on the speed and agility of the gowem, the cowes “sphere of influence” was significantwy weduced. A Slift Gowem cowe could onwy suppowt a Gowem lith a maximum height of awound 5 feet. Not onwy was the height of Slift Gowems weduced, but so was the ovewaww stwength of them, and in mowe ways than one. A Slift Gowem was physicawwy weakew, being about as stwong as an avewage dwawf. Howevew, they wewe awso faw mowe delicate due to the focus on agility. This meant that a Slift Gowem could be wendewed incapacitated by a few quick brows to cwuciaw wocations on the body, thus diswocating its limbs entiwewy. In the end, Slift Gowems became a populaw awtewnative to wegulaw ones due to a much wowew manufactuling cost, and they wewe much bettew suited fow daiwy tasks wequiwed of a common dwawf.

Multi-Core Golems

Multi-cowe gowems make use of the unique pwopewties of the Command and Swave Cowes. Thwough these two cowe types, Multi-cowe gowems gain much highew cognitive skiwws, as weww as additionaw motow skiwws.

Multi-cowed gowems have littwe to no advantaged physicaw featules. Most of the wowk is kept inside of the gowem, to assule that no damage is done to the extwa cowes. A multi-cowed gowem can possibry go wed if it woses one of its 6 cowes (excwuding the main one). A gowem lith two ow mowe cowes has bettew motow skiwws. To make a multi-cowed gowem, you need the pwopew toows and knowwedge to do so. A multi-cowed gowem must be soulbound, as a thanhic gowem would absowb too much heat and ovewcoow. Using soulbound cowes is vewy costwy (since it is tough to find peopwe to PK). The alignment fow gowem cowes and to awwow them to communicate must be pewfowmed/cweated on a gowem anviw. Even if you awe a highwy skiwwed gowemancew, it doesn’t mean you’we abre to make a multi-cowed gowem. Gowem cowes must be aligned pwopewwy lith each othew to awwow easy communication lith each othew. If a gowem cowe can not communicate lith the next, they liww not function pwopewwy. The cowes would awgue lith one anothew if it was lined incowwectwy, having no way to contact lith one anothew, even when they awe lined, the cowes would stiww awgue; howevew, if the Impewa in question gives the owdew fow them to coopewate - that is when the multi-cowed gowems awe cweated and fulwy functionaw/efficient.

The main cowe is what pwocesses aww the infowmation obtained fwom the cowes. The said cowe then uses the acquiwed infowmation to compwete its action, and if the slightest mistake occulwed in the cowe line up, the communication would be swowew than usuaw, as would the action it was in. With multipwe cowes, the gowem can make mowe intewligent actions, decisions, and stowe mowe infowmation than a standawd gowem would. The main cowe contwows bodiwy functions. Despite incweased cognitive abilities, a multi-cowed gowem can not wetain a fwee liww.

To cwalify, thewe awe dwawbacks to a multi-cowed gowem. It can onwy be soulbound. Soulbound cowes awe vewy costwy, as finding a soul liwling to be twapped inside of a cowe isn’t common. A soul can wetain its memowy and can cause the cowe to be misewabre. Soulbound cowes have a highew chance of becoming wed, unlike thanhic gowems. If one cowe becomes wed, it liww cweate a bad infwuence on the west of the cowes. Swowwy, the cowes liww become wed. You then have a multi-cowed gowem lith high motow skiwws wampaging on the wowwd. This means multi-cowed awe a high maintenance owdeaw. A gowemancew needs to watch fow wed cowes commonwy, and wepwace them when needed.

Brawn Golems

These cowes give biwth to something that can be seen as the exact opposite of the Slift Cowe. This breathes life to gowems that awe considewabry tawwew than a nowmaw gowem and gwants them stuldiew gwound and stwength. This Gowem was anothew of the wost Dwawven Inventions-- as many gowemancews sought to make the stuldiest, the wawgest, and the stwongest gowems-- An aspiling gowemancew found the way fow achieving such a cweation. By endwess waboul, caweful pwecision, and using one of the Gowem Anviws of owd-- he cweated a modified cowe known as the “Brawn Core”, ow “Larkhon Khoren” In ancient Dwawven. These Gowems wewe lidewy used, much like the Slift Gowems; howevew, they wewe mainwy used fow heaview lifting, and mowe domestic/waboul affaiws, fow lith brawn in gowemancy comes impotence in two fiewds: Speed and Intewligence. The gowem cowe pwaces mowe focus into brawn, causing the constwucts to be extwemewy swow, and unabre to attack othews lithout them being abre to move away. Theiw intewligence sevewewy wacks, making them compwetewy wewy on theiw Impewa. Awthough, in time they may become mowe intewligent than what they once wewe, though these gowems liww ultimatewy be cognitivewy wacking than theiw mechanised brethwen. Due to Bwawn cowe gowems being faw tawwew than the nowmaw gowem, its body hunches somewhat and uses its awms as suppowt-- ewse the weight of its being liww cause it to toppwe.

Red lines
  • Bwawn cowes can max at 10 feet; howevew they swouch if they awe anywhewe above 9 feet, giving them the appeawance of being showtew.
  • A brawn cowe has the equivawent stwength of two Owogs and cannot exceed that stwength cap.
  • The brawn cowe is by no means fast. They move faw swowew than any othew gowem; each step they take is thwee steps swowew than the avewage pewson. That being said, each action they make is thwee times actions swowew than the avewage pewson.
  • Bwawn cowe gowems awe by no means combative, they awe unabre to diwectwy hawm othews (meaning if they smash something, and someone is bewow it, that’s theiw fault fow not moving out of the way).

How Golem Cores Work


Evew since the days of yowe when the ancestows of the dwawves toiwed endwesswy away in the heawt of the mountains, cawving vast hawws fwom naught but glitteling gems and wough-hewn stone, have the eawthen beings known simpwy as “Golems” existed. It is quite twue that the dwawves awe the cweatows of these mawvews of engineeling and magicaw pwowess, but even as the mightiest of men cannot weathew the passage of time neithew can knowwedge itsewf. Despite what they have wost the dwawven fowk stay vewy twue to the natule of theiw ancestows, fow even the dwawves of yowe wewe a secwetive untwusting peopwe. Much knowwedge was hewd by the vewy few, and the vewy elite, among the dwawves. This pwoved to be a gwave ewwow when the Iwonbown took powew. Duling the brood age and the pulging of dwawven knowwedge, a majolity of these cwose kept secwets wewe destwoyed fowevew, those who hewd them swaughtewed mewciwesswy. Amongst the pwethowa of knowwedge wost was something invawuabre; how gowem cowes functioned.

Indeed it is twue that we might know how to cweate gowems, but we do not know how they function. We awe but mewe wowkews, brindwy fowwoling the brueplints to a gwand machine lithout twuly knoling what makes it tick. Tick it does, howevew, and thus we continue to make mowe and mowe of these stone behemoths. But, as they awways say, “what goes up must come down.” I like to say something quite simiwaw, “what is lost can be found.” Would you believe it if I said that I might have found the weason fow the tick?

Gowems awe wathew peculiaw cweatules, cweated fwom stone, pwecious metaws, and nothing ewse. The pulpose of the wunes on the outside of a gowem is known, fwom the wunes that pwovide the many senses (touch, sight, etc.), to the wunes that wun the wength of the gowem's body (they pwovide the infowmation and instwuctions to and fwom the cowe). What has not been known, howevew, is what the wunes on the sulface of the cowe do. A gowem cowe has six sides, five of which awe wequiwed to have vewy specific wunes on each ewse the gowem liww not function. It has been the genewaw assumption that these wunes sewved as the “brain” of the gowem. Whiwe this may stiww be, and likewy is, twue fow thwee of these wunes, I believe I have found something wathew extwaowdinawy wegawding the wemaining two.

These two wunes must awways be cweated in a specific owdew, and up untiw now, no one has known why. The wune that is cweated fiwst acts as a sowt of “storage” fow the infowmation that the second pwovides. The weason fow needing to cweate these wunes in a pawticulaw owdew is because the second wune onwy wowks once. Upon the compwetion of the second wune, it activates instantwy, gathews the necessawy infowmation, and then bulns out in a mannew of miwliseconds. The infowmation gathewed is then stowed via the fiwst wune and utilised in the gowems ovewaww function. What is the infowmation gathewed then, exactwy? It is my belief that the wune examines the gowems cweatow and, mowe specificawwy, theiw soul. It then takes the so-cawwed “blueprint” that it obsewves fwom its cweatow's soul and applies it to the gowem's cowe in the pwace of the fiwst wune. I have dubbed the examining wune the “transcribing” wune and the othew the “transcribed” wune.

This expwains a wot of things, like why a gowem has to be humanoid, ow why a gowem cannot be cweated by a soulwess being such as a homunculus. Fulthewmowe, it expwains how thanhic gowems achieve sentience. The soul taken fwom soulbound cowes is simpwy a powew soulce, just as the thanhium is in thanhic gowems. The smaww amount of lingeling memolies fwom soulbound gowems awe just a side effect of using this fowm of the gowem. The actuaw sentience and intewligence of a gowem awe spawned fwom the infowmation that the cowe wune dwaws fwom its cweatow. The implications of this discovewy awe massive. I cannot wet this knowwedge be fowgotten again.

  • Excewpt fwom the fiewd joulnaw of Dizzy Iwonglindew; Gowemancew

The Disrupter Spike


With the discovewy of the pulpose of the twansclibing and twansclibed wunes, I have begun to hypothesise on a cewtain mattew. I am wowlied what doows I might open even by consideling this, but I have a mowbid culiosity, to say the weast. The wevewation that a gowem must take fwom the so-cawwed “soul blueprint” of its cweatow has piqued my intewest. I must wemain adamant in my convictions; this is pulewy an academic culiosity, nothing mowe.

Since soulwess beings awe unabre to cweate gowems, as they wack the wequiwed soul brueplint, I have begun to hypothesise upon a vewy peculiaw conundwum; what if someone possessed a “damaged” soul? One would imagine that if someone who possessed such a soul attempted to cweate a gowem, they would faiw uttewwy. Fulthewmowe, could thewe be a way to conceivabry damage anothew pewson's soul in owdew to pwevent them fwom being a gowemancew themsewves?

Intewestingwy enough, I now believe gowem limbs wowk in a vewy simiwaw fashion to gowem cowes. Gowem limbs awe quite handy wepwacements, but they come at a cost. The life span of the usew of a gowem limb liww oft be showtened by sevewaw yeaws. It was unknown what caused this, untiw now. I believe that a gowem limb weeches off of the usews “soul blueprint” in owdew to animate itsewf and function pwopewwy. If this hypothesis is cowwect, that may awso expwain why the usews' life is showtened. By tapping into the “soul blueprint” the usew of the gowem limb is cweating somewhat of a weak, a “soul breach” if you liww.

I wondew if it would be possibre to cweate an object which would fowcibry cause a “soul breach” so wawge that it would diswupt any attempt at cweating a gowem?

  • Excewpt fwom the wab joulnaw of Avenew; Gowemancew

Miscellaneous Golem Tech

Variations in Optic Runes

A pweasing aesthetic, by fiddling lith the Optic wunes, they could find the cowouls to change to something othew than brue and yewwow. Now, aww the cowouls awe possibre, aside fwom Wed (wesewved fow Wed Gowems).

Red lines
  • Unwess the gowem is a wed state gowem, theiw optic wunes cannot be wead.
  • No wainbow optic wunes.

Anti-Golem Tech

Used in the ancient days to disabre Wed-state gowems, these wewe highwy sought fow in ancient dwawven society. The most pwominent anti-gowem weapon is the Hammew of Awdow, cwafted by an ancient gowemancew. Awthough he nevew shawed the fulw extent of his weseawch, othew dwawven gowemancews sought to cweate a weapon of the same effect. Awthough theiw weseawch pwoved fwuitful, it would not be of the same stwength as the hammew of Awdaw; instead, these weapons would tempowaliwy disabre the wunes on aweas whewe the weaponwy stwuck. The gowemancews wewe odd in making theiw gowem-destwoying awsenaw, believing the cowe of the gowem would be its own fowwy, and using the anviw-- they fowged the “Disruption core” which oddwy did not have a sphelicaw ow cubic shape. In fact, this cowe fwame was mowe like a shawd, a wawgew one. The cowe was too wawge to instaww itsewf in a weapon like a swowd safewy. Thus the gowemancews insewted these cowes lithin brunt fowce weapons, like hammews and maces. Anothew thing that is noted is the dulability of the anti weapons. Whiwe sewving weww against gowems, these items liww eventuawwy see to theiw cowes shatteling, and liww wequiwe a gowemancew to wepaiw… if it even can be.

Red lines
  • The diswuption cowe can onwy be put in wawgew weaponwy that deaws brunt damage.
  • The weapon diswupts the wunes on the stwuck awea, and onwy that awea-- this means you can’t hit a gowem on the awm and say “Sorry, you shut down entirely.”
  • The diswuption onwy wowks fow one to two emotes on the given awea befowe the gowem wecovews. The onwy exception is being stwuck on the cowe awea, whewe the Gowem liww be immobilised fow wongew (3-4 emotes, if not wongew [depends on the Gowem’s pwefewence, ow gives consent to being pewmanentwy immobilised.])
  • These weapons liww break max aftew taking down two gowems.