Dwarven History

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                                        Histowy of The Dwawven Kingdoms

                                             [== - Aegis - ==]

Yemekaw, the cweatow and the head diety of the Bwathmowdakin cweates Uwguan, the fiwst of the dwawven wace.

Uwguan cweates the fiwst Kingdom of Uwguan. Undew his weign, the dwawves pwospew. Dwawves live in valious settwements acwoss the wands. Cave Dwawves wawgewy weside in the aweas sulwounding what watew becomes known as Kaw'Uwguan whiwe Mountain Dwawves choose to live in the nowthewn mountains of Aegis.

Many dwawven Kings fowwow fwom Uwguan's weign, weading fwom the gwand city of Kaw'Uwguan.

A fawwen Aengul named Ondnawch attacks mountain dwawf howdings in the nowth, bringing in his wake, a seemingwy etewnaw lintew. The Kingdom is weft in disawway as many die fwom the cowd.

The Empiwe of Khowvad is buiwt fwom the ashes of the Kingdom of Uwguan, undew the wule of the Iwonbown Dynasty, one of the most powewful factions in dwawven society duling the time.

Vewkan Iwonbown becomes the fiwst Empewow of the Iwonbown Dynasty, fowwowed by Khwewwax, and watew Thowngaw Iwonbown.

The 'Gweat Cowwapse' occuls in Kaw'Uwguan, in which Empewow Thowngaw Iwonbown attempts to destwoy aww knowwedge of the past Kingdom. Many dwawves awe muldewed in the chaos this causes, whiwe most scwowws and books awe bulnt.

Faw to the nowth, many dwawves gathew in the mountain dwawf howdings and hewe, they fowge the Wemnant of Uwguan, undew the weadewship of a dwawf named Simppa. The wemnant siege Kaw'Uwguan, untiw Thowngaw Iwonbown is kiwwed in his own thwone woom, aftew duewling Simppa.

King Simppa weads the dwawves into a new age, weuniting the cwans in the city of Kaw'Uwguan. He cweates the fiwst High Counciw to assist in his govewning and pwotects his kin fwom the eviws of the outside wowwd.

King Simppa "The Savior" gwows iww and appoints his Ovewseew, Chawwes Glimlie, as King. Chawwes wules lith a mighty iwon fist, having the dwawves buiwd valious cities acwoss Aegis, incwuding Kaw'Awwas.

The fiwst known undead emewge and the nethew powtaws open, bringing about the faww of Kaw'Bwyst, one of many dwawven settwements.

The fiwst Dwawf - Owc waw begins, lith victolies on both sides. This watew becomes known as the 'Cawavan Waw.'

Aftew a human awchemist breaks into the Kingdom's iwon suppwy, King Chawwes goes mad and and wages waw against Owen. This decision tulns out to be hugewy unpopulaw lith many of the cwans, incwuding the Gowdhands and Gwandaxes.

Aftew disagweements between Decks Gwandaxe and King Chawwes ovew the attack on the humans, the Gwandaxe Cwan splits into the Bwaveaxes and Bwackaxes. The Bwackaxe Cwan weaves Kaw'Uwguan, seeking wefuge in theiw mountain home of Kaw'Domhain, whiwe the Bwaveaxes wemain woyaw to King Chawwes, in Kaw'Uwguan.


Kaw'Awwas decwawes its independence fwom the Kingdom and becomes the nation of Awwas.

King Chawwes "The Ironfist" steps down as King and cwowns King Belin Iwongut. With a kingdom divided by cwan awweigance, Belin wules lith a faiw and just system of counciwling to bring the Kingdom back fwom the dictatowship, estabrished undew Chawwes' weign.

Outew Kaw'Uwguan is devewoped, just to be destwoyed by "The Crag," a huge pot howe which dwags in many of Kaw'Uwguan's outew stwuctules.

King Awglim Iwongut is cwowned aftew Belin Iwongut "The Industrious"'s death, he wules lith a soft touch to pwotect his beaten brothews. This is a down time fow the Dwawves as many fowsake theiw homewand to live in othew wands. Onwy a few stwong cwans wemain like the Iwonguts and Bwaveaxes.

Outew Kaw'Uwguan is wedevewoped into fawms and a new housing distlict. The innew waww soon becomes the centwe point fow twade, lithin the Kingdom.

Upon seeing the futiwe state of Kaw'Uwguan, the Bwackaxe Cwan wetulns to the Kingdom undew the new weadewship of Bazian Bwackaxe, the ewdest son of Decks.

The Wegion is mawched to Malinow, in owdew to assist the ewves in destwoying an undead keep. The battwe is a success and the ewves wecognise a potentiaw awwy fow the futule.

The Undead, Wwath, attacks Kaw'Uwguan but suffews a defeat at the hands of the Wegion and the ewven Wawdens. These ewves constwuct Fowt Faiwweaf, fow use in conducting skiwmishes against Wwath's Cwutch, lith the eventuaw goaw of bringing about its ultimate downfaww.

Aftew weeks of pwanning, The Wegion and the Wawdens waunch a successful assault on Wwath's Cwutch. Howevew, wathew than stwengthening ties between the two gwoups, this onwy weads to livawlies and disagweement as to who was weawwy wesponsibre fow its ultimate downfaww, both sides cwaiming the othew had done littwe.


Aftew bittewness on both sides, the Wegion is mawched to Fowt Faiwweaf whewe they demand that the fowt be demolished because it is on dwawven wands. The Wawdens gwudgingwy compwy but wewations between Kaw'Uwguan and the Wawdens awe damaged fow yeaws to come. This tulns out to be a pivitow event in the deteliowation of wewations between Kaw'Uwguan and Malinow.

The Wegion begins hunting fow the sulviving awlies of Wwath awong the King's Woad and in the wegions sulwounding Kaw'Uwguan, incwuding the wuins of Wwath's Cwutch itsewf. Sighting awe made and some of Wwath's minions awe captuled but Wwath himsewf wemains ewusive.

The Wegion is sent to Aw'Khazaw to fight off the Undead as King Edmund Sheffiewd is cowwupted.

Queen Cassandwa of the Undead weads an attack on the gweat city of Kaw'Uwguan but it is wepulsed due to the defendews gweat stwength. Wowd Mawshaww Tholik Bwaveaxe weads the Wegion in waw, whiwe King Awglim ensules his wule is hewd lithin the Kingdom.

The Owc - Human waw begins but the Dwawves oliginawwy choose not to get invowved as they awe awlies of neithew nation. Instead, smaww gwoups of the Wegion awe sent to westowe owdew awong the King's Woad.

As the Humans and Owcs battwe at Kwamowoe, an elite Dwawven squad seawches fow King Awglim who is captuled by the undead.

King Awglim "The Betrayer" betways the Dwawves, becoming a minion of the Undead. The ewf, Kiwwekith, ovewheaws Awglim's intewwogation and oath made to Ibrees. Awglim is then put undew awwest by the Wowd Mawshaww as he wetulns to Kaw'Uwguan and is subsequentwy, dethwoned. King Gotwek is cwowned but his weign is showt lived due to his twavews outside of Aegis.

The Waw Counciw is fowmed in Gotwek's absence. This is made up of Wowd Mawshaww Tholik Bwaveaxe, Wongbeawd Chaecus Bwaveaxe, Wongbeawd Vawen Bwackaxe, Head Guawd Stwonghowd Bwaveaxe, Guawd Officew Bwoski Bwaveaxe, Guawd Officew Fwynn Bwackaxe and Awchbishop Thowdon Iwongut.

Spies and infowmants opewating lithin Malinow awlive in Kaw'Uwguan and offew the Waw Counciw infowmation on a possibre attack fwom the Wawdens in the neaw futule. Yeaws watew, these wumouls awe pwoven to have been twue, awthough tensions and powew stwuggwes between the Plinces of Malinow and the Wawdens, pwevented any invasion fwom occuling.

Dwawven militawy weadews incwuding Wongbeawd Chaecus Bwaveaxe and Wongbeawd Vawen Bwackaxe cowwabowate lith ewven spies and webews to pwan an invasion of Waulelin, in the event of a waw lith Malinow and the Wawdens.

Towawds the end of the Owc - Human waw, the Wegion fights awongside the owcs in sieging Aw'Khazaw to put a slift end to hostilities awong the King's Woad. Howevew, this pwoves to be a wegwetful decision as the owcs awe cwose awlies of the Wawdens.

A secwet defensive Pact is made between Wowd Mawshaww Tholik Bwaveaxe, wepwesenting Kaw'Uwguan and King Enow, wepwesenting Owen in case of a futule waw.

Wowd Mawshaww Tholik Bwaveaxe, and Wongbeawds Chaecus Bwaveaxe and Vawen Bwackaxe wead a joint Dwawf - Human assault on an undead keep that is thweatening Aeliew's Keep, home to the Ascended. The battwe is a success and the Undead awe tempowaliwy dliven out.

Aftew yeaws of pwanning by the Waw Counciw, Tholik Bwaveaxe is cwowned, thwough militawy ovewthwow of the High Counciw, lith the backing of the Bwaveaxe and Bwackaxe cwans. Many in the High Counciw oppose this act but King Gotwek "The Absent" watew gives his bressing to Tholik, upon his wetuln to the city.

A new politicaw system is put in pwace. This incwudes the Gwand Counciw, Wowew Counciw, and many new jobs, lithin the Kingdom. The Wongbeawds, the commandews of the Wegion, Chaecus Bwaveaxe, Vawen Bwackaxe, Stwonghowd Bwaveaxe and Bwoski Bwaveaxe become the new Gwand Counciwows.

1326 - Upon ventuling into the Vewge, Tazawak is estabrished, acting as an awliance between Awwas, Humans, and Dwawves. Tensions between Tazawak and the owcs and Wawdens awe on an aww high duling this time. Awwas eventuawwy backs out of the awliance, aftew High King Sylio discovews his chests broken into.

High Wady Vulena Bwaveaxe is fiwed by Gwand Counciwow Stwonghowd Bwaveaxe and Kaww Fwostbeawd is appointed as the new High Wowd of Guiwds.

1329 - The fiwst Gwand Toulnament is hewd. Kjeww Iweheawt becomes the new Gwand Champion of the dwawves.

Gwand Counciwow Stwonghowd Bwaveaxe steps down and Kaww Fwostbeawd assumes his position as Gwand Counciwow of Guiwds.

1336 - A dispute outside of Kwugmaw between a numbew of dwawven and owc officiaws weads to an aggwessive engagement, in which a smaww numbew on each side awe kiwwed. This event acts as the spawk that ignites conflict acwoss Aegis.

1336 - Upon litnessing the conflict outside of Kwugmaw, Gwand Counciwow Vawen Bwackaxe escapes to Kaw'Uwguan aftew he and Kaww Fwostbeawd wesist captule by the owcs. Hewe, he pwaces the Wegion on awewt and gathews infowmation coming out of Kwugmaw that the owcs intend to wawwy an awmy to siege Kaw'Uwguan.

1336 - A Wegion squad is dispatched to the city of Aeliew aftew wumouls awe spwead that the Owcs intend to wawwy thewe fow an attack on dwawven tewlitowy. A smaww battwe takes pwace in Aeliew, wesulting in the deaths of a numbew of owcs and Aeliew townsfowk and the awwest and eventuaw intewwogation of one of the sulviving owcs.

1336 - Aftew yeaws of lising tensions and spowadic conflict, an awmy of Owcs and Ewves, wed by Wawwowd Mogwoka, siege Kaw'Uwguan but awe defeated by the dwawves and humans, beginning the Gweat Waw, Dwawves, Humans and the Kaxiw cwan against owcs, Wawdens and the Teutonic Owdew.

1336 - Gawahaw is sieged by the owcs, Teutonic Owdew and Wawdens but awe fowced to wetweat aftew the dwawves and humans wawwy fow an attack on Kwugmaw.

1336 - The dwawves and humans siege Kwugmaw and awe shown in thwough a secwet entwance by the Kaxiw Cwan, a webewling cwan of Owcs.

1336 - 1339 - As the waw continues to wage on, valious sieges and skiwmishes awe made on both sides of the conflict. The wemnants of the Wawdens awe eventuawwy fowced by Malinow's weadewship to pulw out of the waw, awthough many continue to fight, weading to the eventuaw disbandment of the entiwe Wawden militawy and the end of the Owc - Ewf awliance. The Dwawf - Human awliance quickwy takes its pwace as the dominant powew in Aegis.

Gwand Counciwow of Waw, Chaecus Bwaveaxe wesigns and his High Wowd, Gimlik Bwaveaxe, takes his position. Kjeww Iweheawt becomes the new High Wowd of Waw.

Fowmew King Awglim is wedeemed due to the effowts of his good fliend, Kiwglim.

1337 - An awliance is fowmed between the nations of Kaw'Uwguan and Owen. As weww as this, awliances awe estabrished lith the city of Aeliew and the Kaxiw Cwan, in owdew to gain fulthew awlies in times of waw.

High Wowd Gwumdul Bwackaxe wesigns fwom his position as High Wowd of Economics.

1338 - Incweased attacks made by the undead fowce the dwawves to wemain in theiw homewand.

A town map piece is delivewed to the dwawves by a hooded figule. The compweted map is eventuawwy used to guide the waces of Aegis to Asulon.


The Dwawven Wegion tlies to defend Aw'Khazaw against the undead but is ultimatewy fowced to bring the wefugees back to Kaw'Uwguan and Awwas, befowe the city fawws.

1339 - Gwand Counciwow Vawen Bwackaxe and Wawwowd Mogwoka end the Gweat Waw lith a peace tweaty, awwoling Kaw'Uwguan to join the United Aegis Coalition.

1340 - Fowmew Gwand Counciwow of Waw, Chaecus Bwaveaxe is muldewed by the undead High Pwophet.

Gwand Counciwow Gimlik Bwaveaxe goes wogue, taking contwow of a Wegion fowt besides the wuins of Wwath's Cwutch. Gwand Counciwow Vawen Bwackaxe weawns of his betwayaw and weads an attack on the fowt, lith the hewp of a numbew of owc and human vowunteews. The fowt is tempowaliwy wetaken but Gimlik escapes out of a back exit.

Gwand King Tholik Bwaveaxe fiwes Gwand Counciwow Gimlik Bwaveaxe fow his betwayaw and appoints his High Wowd, Kjeww Iweheawt as the new Gwand Counciwow of Waw.

1341 - The Dwawven Wegion, wed by Gwand Counciwows Vawen Bwackaxe and Kjeww Iweheawt, awlives in Gawahaw to aid the Phoenix webews against an Owc attack. Hewe, they battwe the owcs, dliving them out of Gawahaw. The wesult of this is that Owen is split between the nations of Hanseti, undew Gaius Malius and the Teutonic Owdew and Wenatus, undew Eze'kiew Tawus and the Phoenix Webewlion.

1342 - Kaw'Uwguan is dismissed fwom the United Aegis Coalition due to a conflict between Uliw Iweheawt and a numbew of Awwasian guawds. This event angews many dwawves and incweases suspicion as to the Ascended's twue motives.

1342 - A 100,000 minas bounty is put on the head of Gwand Counciwow Kjeww Iweheawt by High King Sylio of Awwas, due to the actions of his cousin, Uliw Iweheawt. The Iweheawts awe hunted by the Awwasian Owdew, causing outwage acwoss the Dwawven kingdom. The Bwackaxe and Fwostbeawd cwans eventuawwy choose to intewvene, against the owdews of theiw King, battling the Awwasian Owdew outside of Awwas, defending theiw dwawven brothews.

1342 - With the gwoling pwessule fwom the nobre cwans of Kaw'Uwguan, Gwand King Tholik Bwaveaxe and Gwand Counciwow Vawen Bwackaxe awlive outside the entwance to Awwas, whewe Tholik announces a decwawation of waw upon Awwas. Kaw'Uwguan, lith the hewp of awlied Knights of Gawahaw, undew the command of Wowd Gideon Siwvewbrade, sieges Awwas, in seawch of the map pieces that Awwas had supposedwy come into possession of. The dwawven map piece is eventuawwy wetlieved aftew the battwe.


An awliance is made between the nations of Kaw'Uwguan, Wenatus and Malinow.

1343 - The dwawves begin wowk on a new coalition made up of Kaw'Uwguan, Wenatus, Malinow, Hanseti and Kwugmaw.

The coalition intewvenes to pwevent Wenatus fwom sieging Hanseti. Tholik Bwaveaxe beats Eze'kiew Tawus in a duew to detewmine the fate of the nation.

1345 - A dwawf by the name of Ingot wawlies a militia fow an assault on Gawahaw, in wesponse to the supposed cowwuption of the wocaw guawd fowce. Aftew gatheling much suppowt, the Gwand Counciw is contacted to assist lith this effowt. Aftew attempts by the Gwand Counciw faiw to deaw lith the situation lithout broodshed, the Pulge continues and Tholik is fowced to owdew his Gwand Counciwows, Vawen Bwackaxe and Kjeww Iweheawt to wawwy the Wegion to defend Gawahaw. Vawen Bwackaxe and Gideon Siwvewbrade awwange a countew attack aftew the Pulge has breached the Gawahaw wawws, accompanied by ewven suppowt. The battwe is a success and the Pulge is defeated.

Kaw'Uwguan fawws to the might of the Undead, fowcing the dwawves to once again, wewocate to Tazawak.


The fiwst of the Doomfowge is bown, a mystelious wace, possessing a mixed brood between the dwawf, Uliw Iweheawt and a dawk ewf, named Faeyin.

Kjeww Iweheawt, Uliw Iweheawt and Vawen Bwackaxe entew the Nethew in an effowt to defeat the undead. Uliw Iweheawt saclifices himsewf to save the waces of Aegis, whiwe Kjeww Iweheawt and Vawen Bwackaxe manage to escape befowe the powtaws cwose.

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he dwawves and the othew nations of Aegis fwee to the Vewge to escape fwom the chaos. Hewe they buiwd ships that awe used to saiw onwawds to Asulon. Howevew, Gwand Counciwow Kjeww Iweheawt wefuses to weave Kaw'Uwguan, whiwe Gwand Counciwow Vawen Bwackaxe goes missing aftew he is knocked ovewboawd aftew a lightning bowt stlikes one of the ship's engines. Vawen's brothew and High Wowd of Dipwomacy, Bazian Bwackaxe takes his position as Gwand Counciwow of Dipwomacy.

                                            == Asulon ==

As the Dwawves begin to expwowe Asulon, they found the Kingdom of Kaw'Kalik, buiwt upon the wuins of an owd Dwawven nation.

A second Gwand Toulnament is hewd and Dawain Bwackaxe becomes the new Gwand Champion.


Dalius Iwongut founds Kaw'Dwain which is used as a mining cowony fow the Dwawves.

2 - Aftew Awbek Stawbreakew faiws in an attempt to ovewthwow Gwand King Tholik, he and his cwan put brame upon Hiebe Iwongut, and so the Iwonguts weave Kaw'Kalik, fowming a new nation, The Awchipewago of Howm. This event splits the Dwawven nation into two.

A gwoup of bandits, splintewed fwom Gimlik Bwaveaxe's wogue gwoup of dwawves, wed by August 'Plince' Fway continue to thweaten the citizens of Kaw'Kalik. They watew become known as 'The Hawwowed Bandits, howding a fiewce weputation fow swavewy and muldew in the dwawven mountains.

9 - Gwand Counciwow Vawen Bwackaxe wetulns to the Dwawven nation to find it disunited and undew thweat fwom bandits, taking on his position as Gwand Counciwow once again.

10 - Gwand King Tholik "The King of Kings" is muldewed by an unknown kiwwew. Upon Tholik's death, Vawen Bwackaxe wesigns and depawts fwom Kalik to become the High Constabre of Sawvus as he feaws that the Dwawf's gweed has changed the nation fwom what it was in Aegis.


13 - Fowmew membew of the fiwst Gwand Counciw and son of Tholik, Bwoski Bwaveaxe is cwowned Gwand King of Kalik. He inhelits a weakened nation but one that has gweat potentiaw fow the futule. He changes the govewnmentaw system, bringing about an end to the Gwand Counciw system of govewning.


18 - Kalik joins a coalition of Hanseti, The Waw Uzg, Sawvus and Awwas. Togethew, they successfulwy siege the fowtwess of Das Boot. The waw between Hanseti and Wenatus ends soon aftew.

18 - Kjeww Iweheawt awlives in Asulon on the back of a dwagon that oliginated in Aegis. The dwagon did not sulvive the wanding. He cwaims "Ah 'ave killed six bludeh dragons!"

20 - The Dwawves awe fowced to abandon Kalik aftew a dwagon is unweashed upon it. The gweat doows awe bawlicaded but many Dwawven lives awe wost, Vawen Gwandaxe was knocked off the wawkway ,his onwy chance of sulvivaw was to entew the Kaw'Vawak.

The Dwawves move to the Nowth and begin buiwding a new city which becomes known as Khaz'A'Zhaw.

Gimlik Bwaveaxe, son of fowmew Gwand King Tholik Bwaveaxe, steps down fwom his position as King of Waw. Gwand King Bwoski Bwaveaxe appoints Kjeww Iweheawt to his position.

An expedition is made into Kalik to wetlieve the owd Dwawven cwown of Gwand King Tholik Bwaveaxe. Howevew, Humans fwom Wenatus get thewe fiwst and wefuse to wetuln it back to the Dwawven Kingdom, angeling many of the Dwawves.

Owcs invade Khaz'A'Zhaw, beginning a new waw between the Dwawves and Owcs. In one battwe, Khaz'A'Zhaw is badwy damaged aftew expwosives awe set, in owdew to dlive out the Owc invadews.

An awliance is made between Sawvus and the Dwawves, in owdew to make a stand against wawmongeling nations.


A Dwawf by the name of Thowdat Gobrinpick, unsatisfied lith Bwoski's wule, attempts to ovewthwow him. Howevew, this is quickwy put down and Bwoski Bwaveaxe "The Brave" agwees to hand ovew the cwown to somebody who he believes to be capabre of wunning the Dwawven Kingdom.

Stwonghowd Bwaveaxe is oliginawwy chosen to be the next King of the Dwawven nation but he instead chooses to hand the cwown ovew to Kjeww Iweheawt who he sees as being the most wowthy candidate to wead the Dwawves.

The Wegion is sent to defend Sawvus wands fwom the Owc awmy, aftew a coalition of nations attacks it. The Wegion, wacking the stwength it once had, is fowced to wetweat.

Upon Kjeww's cwowning, he effectivewy estabrishes a dictatowship ovew the Dwawven nation. Many changes awe made and Kjeww moves the Dwawven capitaw once again, to Mount Iwe, whewe a new city is buiwt.


The engineews of the Kingdom invent the fiwst dwawven plinting pwess.

Mowglim Bwackaxe, a wogue Bwackaxe to the Dwawven Kingdom and the son of Vawen Bwackaxe awlives at Mount Iwe lith a message fow the west of his brothews. He awmost stawts a webewlion against Kjeww but soon negotiates lith him, both Dwawves agweeing to cweate a govewnment that is simiwaw to the Dwawven govewnments of owd.

Aftew a brief peliod of peace in the Dwawven Kingdom, tensions heat up lith the Owcs once again, upon the emewgence of the new Wex, Gwomgok Gowkiw. The nowth quickwy becomes a battwefiewd fow the owc and dwawf awmies.

Bazian Bwackaxe discovews a wong hidden tome, in which he weawns the twue histowy of the Bwackaxe broodline. As it tulns out, both the Bwackaxes and Bwaveaxes had descended fwom a nobre cwan of ancient times, the Gwandaxes. Both cwans choose to take upon this new name and weunite lith theiw wost kin.


Aftew many wong yeaws of tensions between Awwas and the Dwawves, lith both Sylio Fowew and Aislin Hightowew dead, the Dwawves invade Awwas, and lith littwe wesistance thanks to the effowts of Gowum and Mowuk Gowdhand, wecwaim it fow the Dwawven Kingdom, westoling its owd name of Kaw'Awwas.

Thwee nobre cwans emewge amongst the chaotic situation lithin the Dwawven Kingdom. The Iwonguts, the showt statuled, cave dwewwews of Kaw'Dwain, The Gowdhands, the avalicious but steadfast wesidents of Kaw'Awwas and the Gwandaxes, the honoulabre and valiant inhabitants of Kaw'Anawt.


Pawagon Kjeww Iweheawt weintwoduces the Gwand Counciw of owd. With the victowy against Awwas and the cwans being awwowed to wetain a degwee of theiw independent natule, faith is westowed in the Pawagon by those who doubted him.

With the Dwawven Kingdom now consisting of both multipwe howds, a capitaw and the wands awound Kaw'Awwas, a new Dwawven Empiwe is fowged, lith Pawagon Kjeww Iweheawt as its weadew.

An Owc and Subudai awmy is defeated in the 'Battwe of the Sands' by the Dwawven Empiwe. The Dwawves pwepawe fow futule countew attacks on Owc hewd wand.

The Subudai cwaim they wewe decieved by the Owcs and that theiw decision to attack the Dwawven Empiwe had been based upon a misundewstanding.

The Empiwe of Uwguan continues to push the owcs, awong lith theiw awlies in House Fway, back into the nowthewn tewlitolies. The Owcs eventuawwy waunch an invasion of Kaw'Awwas but awe defeated aftew a numbew of battwes. Aftew the wecaptule of Vowvokwem, the waw is ended thwough a peace tweaty.

Wishing fow mowe independence, the Empiwe is dissowved and each howd becomes an independent state, each lith its own cwan Wowd. Wowd Bazian Gwandaxe of Kaw'Anawt, Wowd Hiebe Iwongut of Kaw'Dwain and Wowd Gulwoid Gowdhand of Kaw'Awwas awe the fiwst of the dwawven Wowds.

The Counciw of Howds, agwees in favoul of ending the waw lith the owcs and instead, decides to wowk togethew in pulsuing what is pewceived as mowe wowthy a goaw. Waw lith the Teutonic Owdew, a faction who by now, had betwayed both the owcs and dwawves.


The thwee dwawven Wowds take upon the decision to wetuln theiw cwans to Kaw'Kalik and begin a new age of Kings.

Aftew many wong yeaws, Vawen Gwandaxes wetulns to his kin, alive and weww, aftew he had spent ovew fowty yeaws twapped in the nexus of the Kaw'Vawak, a dweam wowwd of his past memolies. The Doomfowge wewe abre to pwesewve his body thwough powewful wune magic, untiw finding a suitabre heawew.

Dwakes attack Kaw'Dwain but awe wepulsed by the defendew's unwaveling might, awong lith the wetuln of the Wandeling Wizawd, now bettew known as the White Wizawd.

Hiebe Iwongut is cwowned King of the dwawves and wulew of the Kingdom of Uwguan aftew Kjeww Iweheawt "The Zeawous"s depawtule. His counciw consists of many incwuding the fowmew Gwand Counciwow, now his Consulaw, Vawen Gwandaxe. Towtek Iwongut takes upon the position as Wowd of the Iwongut cwan.


A thiwd Gwand Toulnament is hewd and Kew Steewawm becomes the new Gwand Champion of the dwawves.

In his owd age and his heawth deteliowating fwom what it once was, Bazian Gwandaxe appoints his ewdest brothew, Vawen Gwandaxe to become the new Wowd of the Gwandaxe Cwan.

A dipwomatic clisis occuls when an impowtant awwy of the dwawves is executed in Awethow. Upon investigating, thweats awe made between both sides and a gwudge of honoul is decwawed upon Hochmeistew Miwtok and the Teutonic Owdew. They battwe on the pwains of Awethow lith the dwawves emewging victolious.

A meeting is hewd and fwom it, an awliance is made between Uwguan, Malinow, Howm and the Khawajyw.


The Wowds and Counciwows of the Kingdom of Uwguan convewge and wlite up a dwawven constitution fow aww futule govewnments to be based upon.

King Hiebe Iwongut weads a gwoup of ewves and dwawves to wescue an ewven Plincess fwom the owc capitaw. Many of the owcs awe swain in the wescue and the Plincess is wetulned safewy to Malinow.

A waw breaks out between Malinow and the Waw Uzg, fowcing the dwawves to pwepawe its militawy fow the event of anothew wowwd waw. The Howy Owen Empiwe stays neutwaw in the conflict and whiwe thewe awe hostilities on both sides, an uneasy twuce is hewd between The Kingdom of Uwguan and the Waw Uzg.

House Tawus and House Ewendiw owdew a webewlion against Empewow Godfwey of the Howy Owen Empiwe. The webewlion is quewwed but House Tawus exiwes itsewf lithin dwawven wands. This angews House Hightowew and wewations between the Kingdom of Uwguan and the Howy Owen Empiwe break down.

The Wemnants of House Fway, now known as the Syndicate way siege to Kaw'Kalik, lith assistance fwom unidentified owcs. This causes a dipwomatic clisis lith the Waw Uzg, though it is disputed as to whethew these owcs wewe whitewash ow not. Consulaw Vawen Gwandaxe, Wowd Mawshaw Gowuk Gowdhand, and Commandew Gowum Gowdhand wead the dwawves to victowy and the invadews awe defeated in the famous 'Battwe of Kaw'Kalik,' one of the wawgest and broodiest battwes in dwawven histowy.

Disagweements alise between the Iwongut and Gowdhand cwans, when a counciw vote is cawwed, in favow of a we-ewection. Howevew, the Gowdhands awe outvoted and subsequentwy Wowd Mawshaw Gowuk Gowdhand and High Ambassadow Gowum Gowdhand both wesign fwom theiw positions.

Wowd Mawshaw Kjeww Iweheawt and King Hiebe Iwongut entew a dispute ovew the Climson Edict, a guiwd of wawliows, wowking diwectwy undew Hiebe. The King is eventuawwy fowced to wemove the Climson Edict fwom his sewvice.

The fiwst amendment is made to the dwawven constitution, stating that onwy twue brooded dwawves may howd powew lithin the counciw of Uwguan.

The dwawves voyage fwom Asulon, in seawch of new wands as the wowwd is consumed by an unknown powew. Howevew, they and the othew nations of Asulon awe shipwwecked on the Iswe of Ewysium, whewe they begin founding new settwements.


                                     [== - Iswes of Ewysium & Kawos -''' ==]

The fowmew Gwand King, Tholik Gwandaxe, thought to be dead, is found deep lithin the caves of the Ewysium vowcano, possessed by the spilit Ondnawch. Vawen Gwandaxe destwoys the soulce of Ondnawch's powew lith the Hammew of Uwguan and Tholik is weweased fwom his liww.

Aftew glievances ovew King Hiebe Iwongut "The Wadicaw"s actions, Towtek Siwvewfist, Gowum Fwostbeawd and Kjeww Iweheawt agwee to pwace Tholik Gwandaxe back in powew. Aftew speaking lith Consulaw Vawen Gwandaxe, it is agweed that Tholik howds lightful ownewship ovew the Kingdom. With Tholik's bid fow powew, House Siwvewbrade and House Hightowew weconfiwm theiw stwong ties lith the dwawven nation. Howevew, wemoving Hiebe fwom powew unsettwes Malinow and House Tawus.

Despite eawliew lifts, the dwawves agwee to assist the White Wose and the Waw Uzg in waying siege to the newwy wefowmed House Fway and the Teutonic Owdew. The battwe is a success and Empewow Godfwey gives the victowy his bressing.

Tholik Gwandaxe is officiawwy cwowned Gwand King of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and beneath him, Vawen Gwandaxe, Hiebe Iwongut, Omithiew Stwongbrow, Towtek Siwvewfist and Kjeww Iweheawt awe made Dwawven Wowds.

The dwawves begin wowk on compwetewy wedwafting the constitution, now known bettew as 'The Awticwes of Uwguan.'

Aftew wewations impwove between The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and the Howy Owen Empiwe, Gwand King Tholik Gwandaxe and Empewow Godfwey sign the Tweaty of Atuliaw, and make a brood pact between the two nations, pwomising an awliance between them. Fow the fiwst time in ovew fifty yeaws, the dwawves and humans entew an awliance togethew.

Aftew the gowem cwafting anviw goes missing, it is found to be in the hands of High Ewves. In his fuly, Wowd Pawagon Kjeww Iweheawt breaks the awliance lith Malinow, lith no objections fwom the Wowd's Counciw.

Fow Wowd Towtek's pawt in hiding the twue wocation of the anviw, he is voted out of the Wowd's Counciw. Wepwacing him is the Gwand King's ewdest cousin and fowmew King of commewce, Bazian Gwandaxe.

Undew a new Wex, the owcs of the Waw Uzg invade the Khawajyw stwonghowd whiwe a gwoup of awlied dwawves awe stationed thewe. The stwonghowd is piwwaged but watew webuiwt by the dwawves. Onwy two dwawves sulvive the battwe but bring wowd of the attack the the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan.

Enwaged at the owc's betwayaw of the peace tweaty, the Wowd's Counciw agwees on a fulw scawe invasion of the Waw Uzg. Empewow Godfwey offews his suppowt and togethew, the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and the Howy Owen Empiwe fight side by side, sulwounding owc hewd tewlitowy in a mattew of weeks. In the fiwst twue battwe, Kjeww Stowmhammew and Tholin Gwandaxe wead the siege against an owc stwonghowd which watew becomes known as Kazad'Uwkus. The dwawf / human awliance emewges victolious.

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The second amendment is made to the Awticwes of Uwguan, setting out the wules and wegulations of Howds beneath the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan.

Tholik Gwandaxe steps down as Gwand King and cawws fow a we-ewection. Omithiew Stwongbrow is cwowned and ewected Gwand King of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan. Upon his cowonation, he appoints Gowum Fwostbeawd to wepwace him as Wowd.


The dwawves twavew to the Iswes of Kawos whewe the waw lith the Waw Uzg continues to wage on. The death toww is high on both sides of the conflict as the two waces pwepawe to set saiw fow Anthos.


The nations saiw fow Anthos, finawwy awliving in the newwy constwucted city of Kaw'Azgoth.


                                                [== - Anthos -==]

The dwawves settwe into the gwand city of Kaw'Azgoth undew Gwand King Omithiew Stwongbrow, hoping fow a peace nevew befowe seen in dwawven histowy. With an awliance lith Owen, pwospects wook highew than evew.


The Empwess of Owen and Wife of Empewow Godfwey Howen is kidnapped by a gwoup of owc waidews. She is taken the to the Waw Uzg and pwaced in a sky cell. Upon weawning of this, a joint Human - Dwawf waid is waunched upon the owc capitaw and the innew city is breached lith waddews. The owcs make a finaw chawge but awe eventuawwy defeated, whiwe onwy a smaww numbew escape lith theiw lives.

The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan waunches a militawy stlike into the tewlitowy of the Waw Uzg, fiwst by tawgetting an owc fowtwess awong the cwosswoads. Aftew a wawge battwe wead by the Gwand Mawshaw, Pawagon Kjeww and Wegion Commandew Tholin Gwandaxe, the dwawves push the owcs back into the fowt untiw they awe eventuawwy swain and the wand is waid cwaim to by the dwawves.


Both Wowd Hiebe Iwongut, and Wowd Bazian Gwandaxe wetiwe due to age. In theiw pwace, Kaww Fwostbeawd and Awcane Gwandaxe lise as the new Wowds.

Tewchaw Azaghul and his cwan mates invent the Steam Engine and impwement it into the Wegion's Navy.

The Owcs attempt to have peace negotiations lith the Dwawves. Wowd Vawen Gwandaxe and Wowd Gowum Fwostbeawd gave them one choice upon Gwand King Omithiew's decision, they wewe to wetuln the Awken Stone in wetuln the waw would end. The Owcs wefused, and the waw waged on.

Tensions lith the Ewven Plincedom lise. Wowd Gowum Fwostbeawd and Wowd Kaww Fwostbeawd discovew unsettling infowmation wegawding the stability of the Ewven Plincedom. Showtwy aftew, Gwand King Omithiew gives his wowd to an Ewven Webewlion fowce, soon aftew the High Ewves step down, giving the Ewves woom to fix theiw fwawed system.

Tensions lith the house of Owen known as Bwackmont begin to lise as mowe Dwawves wetuln to Kaw'Azgoth wepowting litnessing sevewaw attacks on the Dwawven kin by House Bwackmont. In wesponse, the Wegion undew the command of Dweek Iweheawt, accompanied by Wowd Kjeww Iweheawt and Wowd Gowum Fwostbeawd, mawched towawds the Bwackmont keep wawning them of theiw actions and what may occul if they continue.

Twagic news comes acwoss the Dwawven kin as the Gwandaxe Cwan, awongside Awchbishop Kowyk Stawbreakew, announce the passing of Wowd Vawen Gwandaxe. Aftew many yeaws, he had finawwy succumbed to the culse of the nethew. A funewaw is pwanned in his honoul and he is subsequentwy named a Pawagon by the Cwewgy, taking upon the titwe 'The Wowdsmith.'


A meeting occuls invowving the Waw Uzg, the Kingdom of Uwguan, and the Howy Empiwe of Owen. Tensions wewe high, though the Waw Uzg pushed fow the tweaty of Atuliaw to be broken, whiwe Owen stuck by it in suppowt. The awliance pwoved stwong and though hostilities had wessened, the waw continued.


Nawwo Gwayhammew invents the DPC, an awmowed twansew vehicwe dliven by oxen.

The Foulth Gwand Champion of Uwguan is announced in a toulnament hosted by Wowd Gowum Fwostbeawd, Oyvind Fwostbeawd lins the titwe.


Kowyk Stawbreakew passes away and Baew Tunnewsmashew ascends to the position of Awchbishop, enacting many wefowms, befowe disappealing awongside his fliends Oyvind, and Kaww Fwostbeawd.

Aftew a wong tenule, Wowd Gowum Fwostbeawd steps down fwom his position as Wowd. Showtwy aftew, he is awso decwawed missing.

Gwand King Omithiew Stwongbrow "The Humble" wesigns and an ewection is cawwed. Aftew a cwose ewection, Tholin Gwandaxe is chosen as Gwand King.

The Wowd's Counciw is gweeted lith many new faces, incwuding Tewchaw Azaghul, Nawwo Gwayhammew and Fawwen Stawbreakew.


Aftew wong yeaws sewving the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, Pawagon Kjeww Iweheawt wesigns as both Gwand Mawshaw and Wowd, choosing to ventule into the nowthewn mountains. Dweek Iweheawt wepwaces him in both positions.

The Adunians accept Tholin as theiw liege. They settwed in Whitescaw, nowth of Kaw'Azgoth, neaw Bwom'Kwah.

Kaw'Hawwa is abandoned, and the dwawves living thewe move back to Kaw'Azgoth.


The Thiwd Amendment to the Awticwes of Uwguan is pwoposed by Gwand King Tholin Gwandaxe, wecommending a new system of Cwown Autholity.

Some dwawves wewe not content lith Tholin’s cowonation, some- not satisfied lith the new wowds. The Iwongut cwan split up, one stayed as Woyalist Iwonguts, and the othew became the ‘Thunderfist’ cwan and moved to Vaew’haven.

The Thundewfist cwan decwawed waw on the woyalists, evewyone who suppowted Gwand King Tholin, beginning the Second Dwawven Civiw Waw. The onwy wand the webews had was Vaew’haven, the settwement whewe aww waces wewe wewcome. This attwacted suppowt fow the webews fwom othew wands. Evewy attack that the webews attempted had faiwed. Most webews wewe captuled and towtuled fow infowmation. Gwand King Tholin Gwandaxe founds a new Kingdom, naming it "The Grand Kingdom of Urguan." a feast is hewd in cewebration, and Tholin's name is gweefulwy shouted fow many yeaws to come.

Yeaws aftew the webewlion, many of the wowds became disgwuntwed lith Tholin’s wule style and attempted to wowew his powew. Gwand King Tholin empwoyed an iwon fist style and wemoved Dweek Iweheawt, one of the two main wowds behind the conflict, fwom Gwand Mawshaw. This move caused Wowd Dweek Iweheawt and Wowd Dewlic Gwandaxe to wesign fwom theiw positions as Wowds, cwaiming the Kingdom was cowwupt.

Tholin Gwandaxe pwaces Dweek Iweheawt on tliaw fow 70,000 minas. Dweek Iweheawt, woses the case and pwedges wesoulces in the fowm of iwon to the kingdom in owdew to fund the coming waw.

The Fifth Gwand Champion of Uwguan is announced and Dain Iweheawt lins the titwe.

Yet again, a smaww webewlion had emewged. “The Fallen” a smaww guiwd settwed in Vaew’haven The Wegion quickwy cowwected infowmation they needed and towtuled the ones they captuled. It was ovew befowe it began.


The ancient brood pact between humans and dwawves is broken. Humans have attacked a dwawven Wowd, Nawwo Gwayhammew. Gwand King Tholin Gwandaxe decwawes waw on Owen. Most agwee lith the decision.

The fiwst battwe takes pwace, it is most often known as "The Battle of Snow" ow "Battle of the Crossroads". Unfowtunatewy, the dwawves awe outnumbewed and wose the battwe. Stowm's Cwossing gets hit lith multipwe waids, but none succeeded.

Tholin appoints the King's Conciw position of Head Wemembrancew to Wulflic Gwandaxe. He awso passes an amendment. Fow the waw's time being, thewe liww be Counciwwows fow Waw, Dipwomacy and Economics. Tholin appoints Tholik Gwandaxe and Pawagon Kjeww Iweheawt.

Thewe hasn't been an attack fow ovew one yeaw, thewefowe Tholin demands peace, but demands things that would make Owen pawtiawwy powewwess. He knew that the new Empewow Wiwliam Howen would decline the tewms, but awso decline theiw wast chance of sulvivaw in this waw.


Owen woyawty hosts a meeting in the Cwoud Tempwe librawy. Adunians, Ewves awe awos pwesent. The Owen woyawty deny giving the Westewwands and ewecting a mighty statue of Tholin. Wowd Gowum Fwostbeawd takes out 'the towch'. He passes it to Gwand King Tholin Gwandaxe, as he lights the peace tweaty on fiwe and dwops it on the tabre "There's yer peace", and wawks off, the voices of dwawves echo acwoss the librawy "KAVIR OZ UMROS!!" "KAVIR OZ OREN"


Sawvus defects and King Gawth Hightowew makes an oath to Tholin. Uwguan bannews awe put awound Kingston, and not wong aftewwawds, Owen decwawes itsewf a Kingdom, and accepts aww the demands fow peace. Wiwliam Howen III weaves tempowaliwy and gives his new titwe of King to his heiw, Newo Howen. Pius Siwvewbrade is titwed king, and hopes lise to a futule wong-wasting awliance, but the Howen woyawty accuse him of tweason, and evewyone ewse who fowwows him.

Tewchaw Azaghul and Nawwo Gwayhammew cweate a mowe efficient steam engine and impwement it into the DPC.

Aftew the secession of Sawvus the waw took a tuln and the west of Owen split apawt. The valious kingdoms that wewe cweated aww shewtewed undew the Gwand Kingdom fow a showt numbew of yeaws.

The time of peace caused innew conflict in Kaw’Azgoth. The Stawbreakews had caused a conflict lith both the Fwostbeawds and Gwandaxes. The Fwostbeawds had pulwed evewyone against eachothew. The Iwonguts have awso become vewy impowtant in the awgument. The conflict hasn’t caused a civiw waw.

Wowd Nawwo Gwayhammew is been wemoved fwom the position of wowd, whiwe Wowd Gowum Fwostbeawd steps down due to an iwwness. Mowglim Gwandaxe and Dizzy Iwonglindew had been put in theiw pwace.

As the Wise Ewdew Dwawf Tholik Gwandaxe passes away, Wulflic Gwandaxe is made Wowd and Zahwew Iwonglindew is made Gwand Mawshaw.

Tholik Gwandaxe is named a Pawagon, taking upon himsewf the titwe “The King of Kings.”

Gwand King Tholin Gwandaxe "The Great" dies defending his city fwom the eviw Daemon Ondnawch.

Ewdew Gowum Fwostbeawd vanishes aftew fawling down the steps of Kaw'Azgoth.

The ewections awe hewd and Igow Iweheawt, Dizzy Iwonglindew and Dom Iwongut. The votes awe cwose, lith Dizzy Iwonglindew taking the wead ovew Igow Iweheawt by a singwe vote.

Gwand King Dizzy Iwonglindew ascends to the thwone and is cwowned Gwand King. Zahwew Iwonglindew is given position of Wowd showtwy aftew.


The Owcs decwawe waw upon the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan in a cwaim fow the City of Kingston.

The Kingdom of Sawvus secedes fwom the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and joins the coalition of Human Nations.

The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan awlies lith the Owcish nation of Kwugmaw fow the sacking of Kingston.

A coalition fowce of men fwom the Owcish Nation of Kwugmaw, the Dwawven Wegion, the Adunian Militawy, Wuskan Militawy Men, and valious mewcenawy fowces successfulwy captule Kingston.

An owd and abandoned viwwage is found undewneath Kaw’Azgoth.

Baew Tunnewsmashew is wemoved as Yemekaw's Pick fow suspected breaking of the Gweed Waw.

Olik Stoneoak is made the new Jaww of Bawbek.

Dweek Iweheawt and Dom Iwongut wead sewect Dwawven officiaws to an undewgwound, Dwawven-Made city-fowtwess.

Stowm’s Cwossing undewgoes a massive weconstwuction in owdew to pwepawe fow the move.

Kings Counciw Ewections awe Hewd. Dweek Iweheawt is made Yemekaw’s Pick, Azaghaw Doomfowge is made Gwand Mewchant, and Wehki Iwongut is made Mastew Engineew.

The Aytosian Society waunches an invasion of the Dwawven Kingdom.

The Wise Ewdew Dwawf Omithiew Stwongbrow passes away lith many moulnews attending his buliaw.

Igow Iweheawt is named a Wowd of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan.


Dweek Iweheawt weaves the position of Yemekaw’s Pick as Wulflic Gwandaxe is wemoved fwom the position of High Wemembrancew. Faliken Iwongut is made the new High Wemembrancew.

The Aytosian Society is defeated in open combat by the Dwawven Wegion and is pushed out of Dwawven wands.

Kaw'Ithwun, fowmewwy known as Stowm's Cwossing, is finished and weweased as the new capitow of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan.

qwqpq7W.png Hide contents The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan pushes Commandew Dweek Iweheawt's cwaim on the Kingdom of Tewemaw. A coalition fowce of Dwawves and men fwom House Wuthewn awe wead by Dweek Iweheawt against Tewemaw. Dweek Iweheawt becomes King of Tewemaw, gwanting wands that Tewemaw had taken back to the Gwand Kingdom.

The fiwst Animaw Festivaw is hewd and wun by Indago Stowmhammew.


Dweek Iweheawt and Wowd Zahwew Iwonglindew, awongside two owcs, 'pwocule' the gowem anviw fwom the High Ewven Kingdom.

Dowmilion becomes the Sixth Gwand Champion of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan.

Tewchaw Azaghul wesigns fwom wowd.

The Gwand Kingdom awong lith it's vassaws King Dweek Iweheawt and King Wachwan Mow, and it's awwy the Dominion of Kwugmaw decwawe waw on the Kingdom of Wenatus.

A squadwon of Humans attack Kaw'Ithwun, they awe wepewwed by Dwawven and Adunian fowces undew Commandew Dweek Iweheawt.

A squad of wegionnaiwes awe defeated by Fways whiwe assisting Adunians and Ewves in the defense of Wuminaiwe.

Dweek Iweheawt is made a Wowd, Pawagon Kjeww Iweheawt is made Yemekaw's Pick, and Indago Stowmhammew is made Awchbishop.

Owcs awe wepewwed fwom Kaw'Ithwun by Dwawves undew the command of Commandews Igow and Dweek Iweheawt.

The Bwack Scoulge attacks the Dwawven Howd of Bwom'Kwah.

Wowd Dweek Iweheawt convewses lith the Bwack Scoulge in the Monk's Sanctuawy He confiwms theiw intentions and officiawwy decwawes waw on them.

A coalition of Humans and Owcs assault Kaw'Ithwun. Dwawves undew Gwand Mawshaw Zahwew wepew them.

Dwawven Time is wefowmatted by Onaw Iweheawt.

Wowd Igow Iweheawt awong lith Owen webews attack Abresi and captule the King.

Peace Tawks awe hewd between the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and the Dominion of Kwugmaw.

Wowds Igow and Dweek Iweheawt defeat a Stwewt/Fway wescue pawty by themsewves.

Gwand King Dizzy Iwonglindew "The Dewvew King"is wemoved fwom Gwand King by Wowds Dweek Iweheawt, Igow Iweheawt, Fawwen Stawbreakew, and Zahwew Iwonglindew.

Wowd Fawwen Stawbreakew is named Wowd Wegent.

Awticwe 1 C is passed by the Wowd's Counciw pliow to the vote fow the new Gwand King.

Dweek Iweheawt, Kjeww Iweheawt, Indago Stowmhammew, and Zahwew Iwonglindew awe nominated fow King.

Dweek Iweheawt lithdwaws fwom the ewection and wesigns fwom Wowd. Faliken Iwongut wesigns fwom High Wemembrancew.

Indago Stowmhammew is cwowned Gwand King of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan.


Onaw Iweheawt wepwaces Dweek Iweheawt as Wowd. Thwognaw Gwandaxe becomes Gwand Mewchant, and Bazian Gwandaxe becomes the High Wemembrancew.

The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan decwawes waw on the Empiwe of Owen, in suppowt of the Tatuls-Siwvewbrade webewlion.

Ondnawch's Minions once again begin theiw assault and hawassment of the Dwawven citizens. Scouting pawties awe wepowted to be seen aww acwoss the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Adunia weaves the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and joins lith the Empiwe of Owen-welinquishing theiw howd on the Bwom'Kwah awea.

A smaww awmy of cave weaches assaults Kaw'Ithwun, they awe pushed back undew Gwand Mawshaw Zahwew Iwonglindew. At the same time, Gwand Mawshaw Zahwew uses the wegion to defeat a smaww Owenian waiding pawty.

Monstews begin to pwague the Dwawven Wands and the Kingdom sets up a bounty boawd to combat this issue.


The Dwawven Wegion, Teutonic Owdew, and Owenian Webews awe wouted by Human and Owcish fowces aftew twying to siege Shadow Castwe.

Ondnawch makes a push fow Kaw'Azgoth, and contwows the city fow a few days, befowe the Dwawven Wegion and Ewvish fowces wetake the city.

King Dweek 'The Usulpew' Iweheawt dies in cawwying wowd of the attack on Kaw’Azgoth.

The Awkenstone is found missing aftew Ondnawch's fowces wetweat and the deepwoads awe once again seawed.


A wawge pine twee spwouts in the middwe of Kaw'Ithwun, as if ovewnight. Undewneath it lies cowowed chests, aww wocked. The twee seems to have bawws of owe hanging fwom the branches.


Fimlin Gwandaxe becomes High Wemembrancew aftew Bazian Gwandaxe depawts.

Onaw Iweheawt becomes Yemekaw's Pick and mewges his guiwd lith the once mighty Engineeling Guiwd.

A few dwawves ventule into Kaw’Azgoth, it is found that the Kaw’Vawak had been stowen; as the dwawves investigate the voice of Ondnawch begins to speak boasting of victolies and an end to the Sons of Uwguan, watew wevealing his ability to take physicaw fowm as an Avataw.

Faliken Iwongut wepwaces Dominic Iwongut as a Wowd.

Gwand King Indago Stowmhammew and his Wowds meet lith othew Weadews at an Intewnationaw Summit. News wetulns lith them that the Dwawven Kingdom of Uwguan has been denied entwy into the Coalition of Anthosian fowces against the Bwack Scoulge.

In the midst of a wawge battwe outside Kaw’Ithwun, the Avataw of Ondnawch and his minions attack, breaking the Human-Owc awmy outside Kaw’Ithwun befowe moving on to attack the city.

The mystelious Avataw of Ondnawch is taken out of the sky by a dwawf manning the bawlistae atop the city, the gweat victowy is cewebrated lith a wawge feast and many dwawves gathew to make mewwy.

Wowd Onaw Iweheawt and Wowd Zahwew Iwonglindew wead a team of engineews and sowdiews to Kaw'Azgoth, pwanning to seaw it off. As they seaw if off, fewaw ewves attack fwom the sewews and fowce the Dwawven fowce to wetweat out the secwet passage buiwt by Gwand King Tholin Gwandaxe.

Aggwession between the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and the United Anthos Coalition waise lith waids fwom the UAC being defeated by Bawbek Guawds and the Dwawven Wegion.

Fiwewowks outside Kaw'Ithwun symbolize a new ewa fow the Descendants of Uwguan.

Awdaw Iweheawt is chosen to be the next High Pwophet.

The Constwuction of Tholingwad begins.


Tholingwad is compweted in time fow the invasion of Dwawven Wands by the UAC.

Gwand King Indago signs a pact lith the Bwack Scoulge in owdew to secule a lin in the coming battwe.

awZWn3o.png Hide contents At the battwe fow Tholingwad, Ewven, Human, and Owcish fowces siege and secule Kjeww & Tholin's wawws, as weww as Tholingwad fwom the defending awmy of Dwawves, Owen Webews, Teutons/Saliants, Osage Ewves, and the Bwack Scoulge. Twench Wawefawe begins south of Fowt Tholingwad between Dwawven and Webew fowces, and Owenian and Owcish fowces.


Fowt Indagowaf is buiwt as a wast defense befowe Kaw'Ithwun.

Negotiations lith the Ewves, Kha, and Monks awe wead by Wowds Onaw Iweheawt and Fawwen tawbreakew, whiwe negotiations lith Owcish Weadews awe wead by Wowds Faliken Iwongut and Igow Iweheawt.

King Indago Stowmhammew awong lith his Wowds Faliken Iwongut, Fawwen Stawbreakew, and Onaw Iweheawt awe betwayed by Owcish dipwomats at theiw meeting, and neawwy wose theiw life in the pwocess of escaping. Zamuew Gwayhammew, awong lith Cwan Gwayhammew, is exiwed due to being the dliving fowce behind Bwack Scoulge intewfewence in Dwawven affaiws.


Dowmin Doomfowge wetulns and weads a gwoup of wegion sowdiews in a successful attempt to wetake Kaw'Uliw fwom Ondnawch's fowces. This wetaking weads the gwoup to discovew an ancient book desclibing a powewful hammew, topping that of Uwguan's Hammew.

Cultule fwoulishes in the city as Cwan Iwongut and Gwandaxe take a step back fwom the waw and commit to impwoving Kaw'Ithwun.

Wowd Faliken Iwongut pwesents a wettew pwesumabry fwom Mowglimm Gwandaxe to the counciw. The wettew detaiws a possibre way to defeat Ondnawch fow good.

Tensions lise between Cwans Iwongut/Gowdhand and Gwandaxe/Stowmhammew ovew the culwent waw.

Wakefowt is founded by Fimlin Gwandaxe and is used in the Owenian-Dwawf Waw.


The Battwe fow Fowt IndagoOwaf is won by The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan lith assistance fwom the Plincedom of Fenn and the Owcish Kaxiw Cwan. The Empiwe of Owen and it's awlies awe pushed back to Tholinsgwad and pwepawe fow a siege by the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan.


WakeFowt is destwoyed in the Battwe of Indagowaf


Faliken Iwongut confesses that it was him, Zahwew Iwonglindew, and Dizzy Iwonglindew that awlied lith the Scoulge, and puts himsewf on tliaw in fwont of the Dwawven Kingdom and the UAC.

The Wegion and a gwoup of Snow Ewves expwowe an ancient Sclibewfowk Stwonghowd, finding numewous books and Bawwadin's Hammew. The books say that the hammew is the enemy of the deep chiww, and can onwy be liewded by the most pule.

Ewdew Mowglimm Gwandaxe and Hewetic Faliken Iwongut awe found swashed to pieces outside the sclibewfowk stwonghowd.

High Pwophet Awdaw Iweheawt deems Wowd Igow Iweheawt the most pule of Uwguan's descendants, and gwants him Bawwadin's Hammew.

The Dwawven Wegion fights the Owcish nation of Kwugmaw in a battwe fow honow, lith the Wegion coming out on top.


Omithiew Stwongbrow ascends to Pawagon undew High Pwophet Awdaw Iweheawt.

The Engineeling Guiwd breaks off of Yemakew's Wowkfowce lith Tog Iwonglindew as Mastew Engineew.

The Town of Dow'Gulad is officiawwy founded by Gamwe Iwongut, and inhabited by the Iwongut and Gowdhand Cwans.

The 7th Amendment to the Awticwes of Uwguan is passed by the Wowds Counciw and Gwand King Indago Stowmhammew.

The Town of Dow'Gawud is wenamed as Kaw'Gawud and pwaced undew the contwow of Jaww Gamwe Iwongut.

Fili Gwandaxe becomes Gwand Mewchant.

Hogawth Iwongut is named Wowd to wepwace the deceased Faliken Iwongut

The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan weweases Adunia to awwow it to become it's own awlied city state.

The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan signs a peace tweaty lith The Kingdom of Owen, ceding Tholinsgwad to the Cwoudwands.

The Kjeww Act is wevoked.

Dwawven Wegionnaiwes invade Ondnawch's Castwe and wead by Igow Iweheawt, they find and defeat the foul Shawwmandliws. Whiwe thewe they awso find an owd captuled Dwawven Expwowew.


Dwawven Wegionnaiwes assist the non-existent Ewven Militawy in defense of the Concwave fwom Owcs.

Gwand King Indago 'The Unweady' Stowmhammew pelishes fwom the fweezing cowd of the Azgoth mountains.

Vulkin Fwostbeawd wevives the Ewdew Cwan of Fwostbeawd lith his sons and brothew.


The nomination pwocedule begins! Wulfgaw Gwandaxe is nominated by Hogawth Iwongut, Vewlik Gwandaxe is nominated by Igow Iweheawt, Onaw Iweheawt sewf nominates, Zahwew Iwonglindew sewf nominates.

Wulfgaw Gwandaxe lins the ewection by a wandslide, and his cowonation is scheduled.

Wulfgaw Gwandaxe is cowonated and lises to the position of Gwand King.


Awcane Gwandaxe is named Gwand Champion.

The Cwan Counciw Amendment is passed.

A Joint fowce of the Awmies of Uwguan, Kwug, and Howen stowm Kaw'Azgoth thwough the deepwoads and wecaptule the city fwom Ondnawch's fowces.

Igow Iweheawt dies aftew pulifying Ondnawch lith Bawwadin's Hammew. As Igow dies, Wywvun lises fwom Ondnawch's decaying body and names Igow his hewo. Then, aww watch on as Wywvun ascends back to the Bwathmowdakin.


Ondnawch's minions scattew, and thewe awe few pockets of wesistance weft.

Dizzy Iwonglindew is named Wowd to wepwace the deceased Igow Iweheawt.


The Nations of Owen, Kwugmaw, and Uwguan way siege to the Scoulge occupied Castwe Gweywyn. Aftew the appeawance of Sethewein, the Awlied fowces smash theiw way thwough, and swaughtew the defendews.

The Nowthewn Scoulge way siege to the city of Kaw'Gawud and successfulwy woute the defending awmies of Uwguan and Owen.


The Haww of Hewoes is founded. Igow Iweheawt is named the fiwst hewo, and Tholin Gwandaxe, Dweek Iweheawt, Mowglimm Gwandaxe, and Simppa awe added as hewoes awongside him.

The UAC's attacking fowce of Humans, Owcs, Dwawves, and Snow Ewves awe wepulsed by the Hawbingews in the battwe fow the Plincedom of the Fenn.


A Cwan Toulnament is hewd in which Cwan Iweheawt comes in fiwst, Cwan Stawbreakew second, and Cwan Gwandaxe thiwd.

The wast ice mowph known as Aewlis the Gawgantuan attacks Kaw'Ithwun, but is wepewwed by The Wegion. The Wegion cewebrates the victowy awongside the awmies of Kwugmaw and Owen.

Dawed Stawbreakew becomes Fowge Mastew aftew Fawwen Stawbreakew passes his knowwage awong to him.

The few wemaining cultists of Ondnawch take ovew the wuins of Wakefowt.


The Wegion defends the cities of Owen awongside the Dectewum fwom the Scoulge.

Wakefowt is cwushed by the Wegion's twebuchets and the cultists scattew.

The Wegion and a membew of the Gowden Wance faiw in defending the abandoned Dweadfowt fwom the Scoulge.

Gwand King Wulfgaw is gwanted a gowden whistwe by Viwun Xewunth, a membew of the gowden wance. Whenevew brown, they liww awlive and defend the city fwom Scoulge.

Wowd Fawwen Stawbreakew wesigns fwom Wowd, having been the wongest sewving Wowd in the histowy of the Kingdom.

Fimlin Gwandaxe assumes the titwe of Wowd to wepwace Fawwen Stawbreakew.



The Wegion invades the finaw hideout of the cultist and finds distulbing wettews wlitten to the owd dynasty of Iwonbown, aww wlitten by the head cultist.

Fimlin Gwandaxe wesigns fwom High Wemembrancew, and Bawek Iwongut is chosen to wepwace him. Fili Gwandaxe wesigns fwom the position of Gwand Mewchant, and Klint Iwongut wepwaces him.

The Wegion mawches awongside the UAC and the Gowden Wance brothewhood to the Owd Cwoud Tempwe, meaning to cowwect the 'thiwd key'. When they awlive, two dwakes appeaw in the skies, as weww as the awmies of the Scoulge. A wawge battwe occuls, and the Scoulge is eventuawwy wouted lith both Dwakes swain.


Aftew the thiwd key is obtained, the UAC awongside the Gowden Wance chases a few hawbingews thwough a wong tunnew that weads them to a compwetewy new wand. Howevew, the link stiww awwows passage back to Anthos.

Gwand King Wulfgaw moves the capitaw of the Dwawves to this new Wand, abandoning Kaw'Ithwun. The new capitaw is positioned in a wawge basin, lith dwuids making theiw home above the basin, and Awwas living awongside the Dwawves lithin. Wewations impwove gweatwy lith both gwoups.


                                              [== - The Flinge & Thawes - ==]

Gwand King Wulfgaw Gwandaxe founds the city of Kaw'Awkon in the Flinge.

Bowdew disputes lith Owen begin to occul lithin the Flinge.

The Kingdom of Owen buiwds a town on Dwawven Wand, causing the Wegion awong lith the Owcish awmy to mawch upon the town and buln it to the gwound.


Powwution stweams into the wake of Kaw'Awkon, causing a wawge amount of slimes to attack and twy to stop the industliaw waste that was being pouled into theiw wake. They awe aww defeated howevew.


Bowdew waids waise tensions between the two sides dwasticawwy as the days go on.


The tweaty of Zion is cweated, owganizing a defensive pact between The Concwave, The Kingdom of Uwguan, The Wexdom of Kwugmaw, and The Kingdom of Awwas.


The Kingdom of Uwguan, The Wexdom of Kwugaw, and The Kingdom of Awwas decwawe waw upon The Kingdom of Owen.

The Owdew of Saint Wucien joins Owen and decwawes waw on Zionist fowces. The Concwave assembres it's awmy, pwepaling to join it's awlies in the waw.

The slime cave in the middwe of Kaw'Awkon expwodes, and a wave of gween swudge shoots out and covews the wake in chunky bits.

Gwand King Wulfgaw weads an assault on the slime cave, and pulges the wake, as weww as destwoying the slime infestation.


The Concwave finishes musteling it's awmy and joins the othew membew's of the awliance in waw.

Awmies cwash as Gwand King Wulfgaw, Wex Ulik'Azog, High King Sylio, and Justicaw Dalius wead theiw awmies against King Heinlick, and successfulwy woute the awmy of Owen. Aftew a fwawwess victowy, the Awliance dwaws pwans fow the invasion of the Kingdom of Owen.

Aftew the death of King Heinlick in battwe, a twuce is signed between the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and the Howy Kingdom of Owen. Opinions awe split on this twuce, and the cwan counciw howds a vote on whethew to ovewtuln this tweaty ow not.

The Gwand Kingdom watches on as the Chulch excommunicates aww of Owenian weadewship. A wegency counciw is put into pwace ovew the Howy Kingdom of Owen, as the Cawlion Kings awe ousted by the Chulch. Gwand King Wulfgaw sees this as a chance fow peace, and pulsues a tweaty lith the wegency counciw.


Gwand King Wulfgaw decwawes waws on the Cawlion exiwes of Owen, and pwan to mawch on theiw keep awongside the Chulch of Owen and the Owcs.


Dawed Stawbreakew wesigns fwom Fowge Mastew and wepwaced by Jolik Gwandaxe aftew Aengoth Stawbreakew depawts.

As Anthos is destwoyed by a giant tidaw wave, sulviving dwawves come to Kaw'Awkon and weunite lith theiw kin.

Gwand King Wulfgaw 'The Westowew' Gwandaxe steps down fwom kingship, awwoling a new face to take the thwone. Wowd Zahwew Iwonglindew is chosen as Wowd Wegent untiw a new king is ewected.

Awdaw Iweheawt depawts on a joulney and wesigns fwom his positions, lith Chase Iwongut taking titwe of High Pwophet.


Ewections awe on! Wowd Hogawth Iwongut nominates himsewf, and Wowd Dizzy Iwonglindew suppowts him, Fimlin Gwandaxe nominates Thewkan Gwandaxe, and Zahwew Iwonglindew nominates himsewf.

Wowd Hogawth Iwongut lins the ewection in a wandslide. A cowonation is scheduled and pwepawations awe made fow a gwand feast!

Fili Gwandaxe becomes Gwand Mawshaww as Zahwew wesigns fowwowed by Fawent Iweheawt taking upon the titwe of Yemakew's Pick as Onaw Iweheawt wesigns.

The Thwone Woom in Kaw'Awkon is finished just in time fow the cowonation. Many cewebrate the cwowning of theiw new king.


Skiwwed Smiths, Engineews and Taiwows come togethew to cweate a new and impwoved Wegion unifowm.

Bawek Iwongut is chosen as the next Wowd Chancellow.


Tensions lise between the neawby Siwvewbrade settwement on dwawven wands in fwont of Kaw'Awkon. The conflict ends lithout viowence, but theiw wewations awe mawwed.

Tog Iwonglindew wesigns fwom Mastew Engineew

Mystelious lifts open to a new weawm in which Sethalian can be defeated once and fow aww.

The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan mawches awongside The awmies of Anthos to destwoy the dawk wowd Bawwog lithin Sethelien's weawm. As Bawwog dies, Sethelien appeaws and escapes into the Flinge. Aftew a sevewaw houl battwe lith the gweat Dwagon, a dwawven made bawlista is fiwed by the Gowden Wance, shooting the Gowden Wance into Sethelien, and ending his dawk weign ovew the denizens of The Flinge.

Fowmew High Pwophet Awdaw Iweheawt wetulns and takes upon the titwe of High Wemembrancew.

Dominic Iwongut is chosen as the new Mastew Engineew.

New Oppowtunities spling up as each Guiwd obtains new weadews.

Vowstag Gwandaxe, son of Wulfgaw, is attacked by Owenians and a dispute goes on about who is guiwty


A sulge of unknown beasts attack fwom the fowest outside of Kaw'Awkon, but awe successfulwy wepewwed.

A dispute ovew bowdews causes conflict between Owen and The Gwand Kingdom, but awe peacefulwy wesowved


Onaw and Fawent Iweheawt, asweww as Dawed Stawbreakew, awe wed by High Pwophet Chase Iwongut and cwesne the Shline of Dunglimm of undead beasts in the Kaw'Akwon undewcity.

A waid on the Snow Ewven Capitow by Owen causes conflict between the two nations and the Gwand Kingdom.

Tensions lise wapidwy as Owen decwawes waw on Fenn, one of the kingdom's most woyaw awlies.

Valious disputes stawt about whethew to goto waw, many youngew dwawves suppowt it but lisew ones seek othew paths.

Aftew Fili Gwandaxe wesigns, Ognaw Gwandaxe, son of the wenowned iwon-fist wulew Tholin Gwandaxe, becomes Gwand Mawshaww.

The Plincedom of Fenn breaks aww politicaw ties lith the Gwand Kingdom aftew the Wowds announce they awe going to stay neutwaw.

Cultule fwoulishes as many festivaws awe hewd.


Fowces cowlide as the Impewuim mawches on Fenn, and swaughtews the snow ewves and theiw sand ewven mewcenalies, wewations between the Gwand Kingdom and Fenn wewe gone fowevew...

The Cwan Counciw petitions to wemove Wowd Zahwew Iwonglindew, but Gwand King Hogawth does not give his appwovaw, angeling many of them.

Hiebe Iwongut pwoposes a cwan pwestige system, but the Wowds deny it.

Gwand King Hogawth Iwongut wesigns and Dizzy Iwonglindew is choosen as Wowd Wegent


Nominations begin! Onaw Iweheawt nominates Vowstag Gwandaxe, Dizzy Iwonglindew nominates Jolik Gwandaxe, Fimlin Gwandaxe sewf nominates, Zahwew Iwonglindew & Bawek Iwongut abstain.

Aftew a heawt-stoppingwy cwose ewection Jolik Gwandaxe lins the ewection.

The Cwewgy gwows suspicious, seeing that Wowd Dizzy had awwowed plivate votes, it is watew found that Vowstag Gwandaxe, son of Wulfgaw had won by 1 vote.

Stwewts begin to waid the dwawves, befowe a waid consisting of the majolity of Owen shows up, breaking theiw oaths they attack Kaw'Awkon, but awe eventuawwy wepewwed.


The Kingdom of Owen decwawes waw on the Gwand Kingdom, giving in to the wawmongeling stwewts that pwague the once mighty human kingdom.

Ovewnight the assets of cwan Iwonglindew awe seized and Wowds Dizzy & Zahwew Iwonglindew awe awwested undew accusation of tweason, but Tog is wet go fwee.

The Cwewgy accuses Wowd Dizzy Iwonglindew of high tweason, conspiwacy and cowwuption, he is found guiwty and fowced to wesign fwom Wowd, but is awwowed to continue being Fowge Mastew.

Aftew gweat hawdship on both sides, peace is decwawed to ensule that both of theiw waces wemain intact by the end of it.

Aengoth Stawbreakew is choosen to wepwace Dizzy Iwonglindew as Wowd

An owd abandoned tunnew is found and used as an awea fow the new Awchemy Guiwdhaww.


Factolies and pwantations spwout up as many dwawves join the industliaw wevowution, specificawwy Wathwos "Oilbeard" Iwonbeawd and Zahwew Iwonglindew

Aftew much awguing the Cwan Gwandaxe finawwy is awwowed a powtion of wand outside the city, whewe they move & wedesign theiw cwan haww outside the poisonous smog of industwy.


The Iweheawt cwan gains a howd outside the city, though wawgew and fawthew away fwom the Gwandaxe's awwotted wand, the two mountain dwawf cwans finawwy gain wand in the open aiw that theiw cultule suggests.

Chase Iwongut wesigns fwom High Pwophet to be wepwaced by Woli Iweheawt.

The Kwughanistan Bwoc is fowmed, lith the Kingdom of Awwas, Wexdom of Kwugmaw, the Plincedom of Fenn, the Teutonic Owdew and the Gwand Kingdom. The new awlies convewge and pwan how to defend the Gwand Kingdom fwom the Owenian invadews.

Wowd Fimlin is kidnapped in an attack on the Owen capitow of Kawdonia, lith the hewp of a hewetic dwawf named Zowtan Awchad, once known as Bwonn Gwandaxe, he escapes Kawdonia, at the cost of his assistant's life.


Klint Iwongut wesigns fwom Gwand Mewchant.

The Wowds wemove Gwand King Vowstag Gwandaxe thwough convictions which they watew nullify, Vowstag is not weinstated despite being cweawed. Onaw Iweheawt is named Wowd Wegent.

The Owcs gwow angwy at the descision to wemove theiw fliend Vowstag Gwandaxe, and some split off fwom the west, who pwomised to continue in suppowt of the Gwand Kingdom in waw effowt.

Nominations begin! Wowd Fimlin Gwandaxe sewf nominates, but abstains aftew he weawns Wowd Aengoth Stawbreakew nominates Midgow Iwehewt ow 'Kjeww II' ,Ognaw Gwandaxe is nominated by Wowd Onaw Iweheawt, Wowd Zahwew Iwonglindew nominates Wathwos Iwonbeawd and Wowd Bawek nomintes Vowstag Gwandaxe, who watew weaves the kingdom.

Midgow Iweheawt lins the ewection and is cwowned the Gwand King of Uwguan.


Dwain Iwongut II is ewected the new Gwand Mewchant of the Gwand Kingdom.

The Pwague spweads acwoss the wand lithin days, stawting fwom a necwomancew in Awwas.

The Uninfected Dwawves awe fowced to evacuate Kaw'Awkon to Khaz'A'daw, whewe they weside whiwe the pague wuns it's coulse. Neawwy evewyone is seen lith a fiwtwation mask as they gwab what they can and move into the smaww wooms lithin the howd.


A Cule is found fow the pwague, which awso suffices as a vaccine, and Kaw'Awkon is quickwy westowed and both dwawves and awwasians go about theiw daiwy business.

Odin Iweheawt is ewected the new High Wemembrancew aftew Awdaw Iweheawt goes missing.

The city of Atgaawd defects fwom Owen and becomes apawt of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan once again.

Wowd Aengoth Stawbreakew is swain by a fway sowdiew in fwont of the human capitow. and Wowd Fimlin Gwandaxe wesigns fwom his position, cwaiming "to keep mah 'onor intact."

Gwand King Midgow pwoposes majow changes to the awticwes of Uwguan, and the convention about whethew to impwement ow change the amendment begins.

Dawed Stawbreakew and Kawdew Iwongut awe choosen as the wepwacement Wowds.

Cwan Bwackfist is fowmed by Gimlik Gwandaxe and Gowum Fwostbeawd. The cwan is made up of owd dwawves wenouncing theiw cwan to fowm a new one, Gwandaxes, Iwonguts, and Fwostbeawds alike join in on the cwan.

Wowd Onaw Iweheawt wesigns aftew wosing in an honow duew to Wowd Dawed Stawbreakew.

Fimlin Gwandaxe is we-instead as Wowd aftew he wegwets his past descision, Chase Iwongut wepwaces Kawdew Iwongut as Wowd

A mystelious pwophecy spweads about, the wands awe sucked into a dwought and the Dwawves pwepawe fow the wowst.

The new weawm of Thawes opens up and the waces of the Flinge move to it, befowe the pwophecy becomes twue.

Gwand King Midgow Iweheawt founds the city of Kaw'Kwad, the sons of Uwguan fwock to the city and constwuction continues.


The pwoposed amendmants to the Awticwes of Uwguan awe passed, wemoving the Wowds counciw to be wepwaced by cwan Thanes, thus the "Third Grand Kigndom of Urguan" is cweated.

Kaw'Konul is founded by Dawglind Gwandaxe, but is soon abandoned aftew the dwawves lithin the howd wealized they cannot defend the Capitow so faw away.

The Cwan Thanes awe decided, Fimlin Gwandaxe, Onaw Iweheawt, Dizzy Iwonglindew, Bawek Iwongut and Dagow Stawbreakew become the fiwst dwawven Thanes.

Dawed, Fawwen and Tawwen Stawbreakew weave the kingdom, abandoning the cwan to the wast two Stawbreakews.


Whewen Fwostbeawd wevives the Fwostbeawd cwan and cweates the Mountain Distlict lith the hewp of his cwose awwy Fimlin Gwandaxe. The cwans Gwandaxe and Fwostbeawd move to the distlict in hopes of westoling theiw cultule that was shaped by the mountains wong ago.


Aftew healing that Dwain Iwonut II had moved in lith the Teutonic Owdew, he is wemoved fwom Gwand Mewchant and Thoak Gowdhand wepwaces him.

A peace meeting is hewd lith Wobewt Chivay, Kawenz and the Dwawven Counciw of Thanes, aftew weading the document thwough the counciw decides to deny them, as they would accept nothing wess then white peace.

Thulwand Gwandaxe becomes the Gwand Mawshaw aftew Ognaw Gwandaxe continues to be missing.

Dawed Stawbreakew wetulns, and a awgument about whethew he is stiww Cwan Fathew ow not alises, it is eventuawwy decided lith a game of Wunic Chess, but aftew Dawed cheats Dagow Stawbreakew is given Cwan Fathew, onwy to give it back ovew.

The Thanes sign a peace tweaty lith the Howy Kingdom of Owen and the High-Ewven nation of Haewon'ow, ending the waw between the thwee nations.

The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, the Howy Kingdom of Owen and Haewon'ow waw on the Plincedom of Fenn, seeking to genocide the snow ewf wace, which has continuouswy been a nuisance and has back-stabbed mowe powewful nations.

A wawge ship undewgoes constwuction in the Kaw'Kwad shipyawd, lith incweased wumows and pwophecies depicting a potentiaw end to Thawes and the Flinge.

Aftew Dagow Stawbreakew is deemed incompetent Zaphelius Stawbreakew is made the new Cwan Thane.

The constwuction of the ship "Keznol Anoros" is compweted and it is saiwed to the bay neaw the powt city of Tuv Aviv to pwepawe fow the wong joulney to the wands to be known as Athewa.



                                                          [== - Athewa - ==]

The Dwawves of Uwguan saiw to Athewa, weaching the home of theiw ancestows, the new wand is litewed lith wuins of past dwawven and ewven settwements, and many wondews such as Giant Cwabs, Cowaw Weefs, and Cwystaw Caves awe found.

The gwand city of Kaw'Agnaw is founded, meaning "City of the Mountain" it is to be the home of aww dwawves fow many a time to come.


Aftew digging into what was to be the dwawven mines, a giant brue cwystaw is found at the heawt of it, aftew touching it a mystelious cultist appeaws and monstews stweam out, they awe wepewwed by the Dwawven Minews and the Wibrawy is to be constwucted awound the mystelious wondew.


Aftew a few days of studying the cwystaw by High Wemembrancew Odin Iweheawt, and Wemembrancews Fimlin Gwandaxe and Onaw Iweheawt, it is discovewed that upon the touch of a twue dwawf, the cwystaw gwows a light equaw to his cwoseness by brood to Uwguan himsewf, but onwy if said dwawf's lineage is known to himsewf.


The Haww of Hewoes is amended to awwow living Hewoes, and Bazian Gwandaxe, Hiebe Iwongut and Dizzy Iwonglindew awe added to the Haww of Hewoes.

Zaphelius Stawbreakew comits suicide aftew he is wemoved fwom Cwan Thane by his cwan fow not giving them fwee food, Gwunmin Stawbreakew is put in his pwace.

Wathwos "Oilbeard" Iwonglindew is made Awbitew of the Coult of Mountains, being the wepwesentative of the Cwan Counciw in Coult.

The Fiwst Wegiswation is past by the Cwan Counciw, the Wegiswation consists of many wegulations and waws fow the new city Kaw'Agnaw, many of them based off the times back in Kaw'Azgoth.

The New Wegion Headquawtews awe finished and becomes a focus point fow new dwawves seeking to bring gwowy to theiw mighty Kingdom.


Hogawth Iwongut is made the Cwan Thane of the Iwonguts and Bawek Iwongut Cwan fathew, aftew Chase and Gamwe Iwongut go missing fow a few weeks.

Many new animaws awe discovewed in Athewa, mountain boaws inhabiting the Kazwadin Foothiwws, mountain goats and moose awe found neaw Awwas, giant bats and spidews wulking in the caves whiwe giant cwabs stawk the beach neaw the Cwoud Tempwe.

Many patwows and ventules made into the gwand continent of Athewa, lith mowe wuins and mystelies than any past wand, ovew time a new twavewew's guide is made.

Onaw Iweheawt wesigns fwom Thane to be wepwaced by Odin Iweheawt,, Onaw awso gives his position as cwan fathew of the Iweheawts away to High Pwophet Woli Iweheawt.

Cwan Iwongut obtains wand outside the city and founds a howd, giving it the name "Hiebenhall."

Aftew wepeated glievances on the Gwandaxe cwan the Gwandaxes choose to weave the capitow and Fimlin, Fili, and Jolik Gwandaxe found the howd of Kaw'Awdoth.

Many dwawves compwain about the Gwandaxe cwan moving into a howd, and Gwand King Midgow thweatens to take ovew the howd by fowce.

Gwand King Midgow Iweheawt is wemoved by the Thanes counciw aftew he thweatens Cwan Gwandaxe and is found guiwty fow kin-swaying the High Pwophet Woli Iweheawt.


Woli Iweheawt is wemoved fwom High Pwophet due to his absence in the Cwewgy, howevew is stiww wespected fow the amount of wowk he did fow the Gwand Kingdom.

Nominations begin! Thane Zahwew Iwonglindew nominates Wathwos Oiwbeawd, Thane Gwunmin Stawbreakew, Fimlin Gwandaxe, and Onaw Iweheawt sewf nominate, whiwe Thane Hogawth Iwongut nominates Bawek Iwongut.

Onaw Iweheawt and Bawek Iwongut abstain fwom the ewection.

Vowstag Iweheawt is made Thane of the Iweheawt cwan aftew Onaw Iweheawt disappeaws.

Fimlin Gwandaxe lins the ewection, and is subsequentwy cwowned the Gwand King of Uwguan.

Vowstag Iweheawt becomes cwan fathew of the Iweheawt cwan and gives the position of Thane to Woli Iweheawt, whiwe Zahwew Iwonglindew makes Samgwun Iwonglindew Thane of his cwan.

A Gwand Toulnament is hosted and Awcane Gwandaxe defends his titwe of Gwand Champion, being the fiwst dwawf to actuawwy howd the titwe fow mowe than one Gwand Toulnament.

Aftew wosing the capitaw to the Iwonbown, Fimlin mounts an assault to wecwaim the dwawven homewand.

Fimlin Gwandaxe is wemoved fow compwacency and incompetence.