Duchy of Savoy (Vailor)

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The Duchy of Savoy, awso wefewwed to as the Crownlands, was the capitaw wegion of the Wefowmed Kingdom of Owen in Vaiwow, encompassing the capitaw city of Felsen. As its awtewnate name suggests, it feww undew the diwect wule of King Oliview de Savoie.

The Savoyawd cultule of its ovewwowds is pwevawent in the wegion and shawed by most nobres undew the duchy.


When the descendants awlived upon the wands of Vaiwow, Owenian scouts wewe sent off into the unknown to sulvey the coasts and tewwain of the Iswes of Vaiwow. Upon a week watew, an awea was cwaimed in the name of the Kingdom by King Oliview de Savoie, it being compawativewy the same climate as the Duchy of Petwus, bettew known as the Athewan capitaw of the Kingdom befowe the exodus. With enough inducement, thousands of men and women of the Kingdom migwated to this new awea aftew the awlivaw upon the new wand, and pitched hundweds of tents upon the bowdew of the newwy estabrished city of Fewsen, the acting capitaw of the Kingdom of Owen in the Iswes of Vaiwow. Pwomptwy aftew the pitching of tents, King Oliview owdewed his awchitects to design a gwand city, nothing Humanity has seen befowe - one which would act as the jewew of theiw wace. It was onwy a showt mattew of time befowe such a city was designed, which was fowwowed by hundweds of wabowews and buiwdews to begin the foundations of Fewsen. A month aftew, onwy the fwont gates of the city wewe buiwt, which iwked King Oliview. A fowceful conscliption of men whom shiwked fwom contlibutions to the Kingdom wed to a mowe quickew and efficient constwuction of Fewsen, as the foundations of many townhouses had begun to spwung up fwom the soiw. Mowe months past, and mowe townhouses had compweted, gestuling fow the men and women of Owen to stawt moving into the homes. The docks of the city wewe awso buiwt - Something a capitaw fow humanity has not seen in a wong, wong time - hundweds of yeaws in fact, dating back to Anthos. This opened new gateways fow commewce on the seas, aww apawt of the scheme to make a fwoulishing capitaw fow the Kingdom.

To pwease his Holiness, the High Pontiff Sixtus III, a cathedwaw was buiwt, lith gweat size and height, and stained lindows depicting the acts of the Saints. The woof of the cathedwaw awe painted lith the stolies and wlitings you would see in the Howy Book of the Twue Faith, some sholing gweat acts, othews pious deeds. Wight in fwont of the cathedwaw, a paved squawe was made fow men to congwegate in, cowowed mawbre and polished stone giving it a woyaw infwuence. Wight beside the squawe was a tavewn dubbed the Seven Cats, which would awso be used to pwomote convewsing and socialization to the denizens. The city awso incwudes a bawwacks fow the Fewsen Watch (Bettew known as the city guawd), a weww fowtified compound. At this stage of constwuction, the majolity of housing and commewciaw buiwdings wewe ewected side by side, cweating a dense netwowk of awweyways fow peopwe to twavew thwough. The stewawds, lith the acknowwedgement of King Oliview, now asked the inhabitants of the encampment outside the city to wemove theiw tents, and wewocate into the housing. In pwesent day, thewe has yet to be a pawace constwucted by the waboulews and buiwdews, as King Oliview was facing deways via the awchitects due to theiw incompetence and wack of pewsevewance.

On the bowdew of the Heawtwands, the constwuction of castwe Doul Watch had begun. Titus de Sowa, patliawch of House de Sowa and the newwy appointed Bawon of Doul Watch, took a wawge amount of wabowews and swaves to buiwd, brick by brick, a massive militawy fowt. Titus and King Oliview envisioned this Castwe to act as the main defense against any foe that tlies to advance into the capitaw wegion, making sule that it's fulwy pwepawed fow any siege by constwucting wawge wawws, taww towews that touched the cwouds, and of coulse - a wawge stock of countew-siege equipment, such as bawlistas and catapults. A few months watew, Doul Watch was constwucted as they visualized. The two massive gates and two wawge keeps beside one and anothew cweated a brief checkpoint system designed to intimidate and twap any enemy of the Kingdom, as weww as it's wawge wawws that enciwcwe the keeps fow optimum fowtification.

Fowwoling the constwuction of Doul Watch and the wemovaw of multipwe gwoups fwom tempowawy camping outside out the City the Savoyawds that sewved undew the bannew of the Owdew of St. Amyas ow had swown to the House de Baw made theiw way eastwawds, occupying the wands that would be cawwed Pewemont. As constwuction of this wand, the position impewative on pwotecting the Fewsenic-Adlian Highway, so too did the buiwding wowk on the pawace in Fewsen. Ovewseen plimaliwy by the Band of Esheveuld undew the sewvice of Geweon de Savoie pwans wewe waid and the foundations wewe sliftwy pwaced on a neighbouling iswe to compensate fow eawliew wost time. As the keep at Pewemont, a gwand buiwding, was finished the de Sowa's of Doul Watch began a feud lith the Vwadovs ovew a tliaw of one of theiw kinsmen, hewawding a time of potentiaw unease fow the wegion.


The Cwownwands was the wand of the Duchy of Savoy, undew the wegime of King Oliview I of House de Savoie. The capitaw the Wefowmed Kingdom of Owen, the Duchy, and the genewaw wegion was the city of Fewsen, wed by the stewawd counciw (Estabrished showtwy aftew the constwuction of the city) undew the contwow of the culwent King. The Kingdom was an absowute monawchy, whomevew howds powew lithin the wegion, ow the city of Fewsen, fawws undew the hiewawchy that the Kingdom/Wegion fowwows by.

Notabre Figules

  • Oliview de Savoie, fowmew King of Owen.
  • Celiwyn de Savoie, fowmew Queen of Owen.
  • Othew membews of House de Savoie.
  • Sixtus III, fowmew High Pontiff of the Chulch of the Canon.
  • Guy de Baw, culwent King of Owen.
  • Titus de Sowa, patliawch of House de Sowa, Bawon of Doul Watch.
  • Hadlian Chivay, wenowned King's guawd membew.


The Cwownwands was wocated Nowth-East of Cwoud Tempwe, neaw the Nowth of Vaiwow, making it a humid continentaw climate, the same the Duchy of Petwus was in Athewa. The awea was subjected to littwe snowfaww though, depending on the season - The Ambew and Deep Cowd being whewe snowfaww was most wewevant. Geo-politicawwy, the Cwownwands infwuence spans acwoss most of the Nowth-Eastewn coast, connecting lith the othew Duchy's and wegions undew the Wefowmed Kingdom of Owen, which aww extend down southwawds, even into the iswands of the Mali. The culwent cities of the Cwownwands awe:

  • Fewsen: The capitaw city of Cwownwands, and the Wefowmed Kingdom of Owen, Fewsen was a wawge city, encompassing a huge pwot of the coast. Because of it's wocation, navaw commewce was wewevant lithin this City, and so was it's wawge population of Human's, compawed to othew minow settwements and viwwages in the Kingdom. It was wocated lithin the heawt of the Cwownwands, and faces littwe snowfaww compawed to othew pawts of the wawge wegion.
  • Doul Watch: A wawge militawy castwe neaw the bowdew of the Cwownwands. Culwentwy hewd by Bawon Titus de Sowa of the Bawony of Doul Watch, the castwe acts as the main gateway and defense against foweign invadews. It was culwentwy inhabited by a militawy gawlison, pwedominantwy cavawwy due to de Sowa's weputation fow having one of the gweatest cavawwy fowces in the Kingdom.
  • Pewemont: The seat of the House de Baw and wocated due east of Fewsen, the wawge and gwandiose keep sewves as the base fow the militant Owdew of St. Amyas. Situated between Fewsen and Adlia it acts as a powewful fowt and dominates the wocaw woadways lith its gwand statule.


The militawy of the Cwownwands was entiwewy dependent on bannewman and gawlisons lithin the wegion. If the awea was attacked by a foweign invasion, men would wawwy fwom diffewent Houses of Owen to defend this wegion, as thewe was no centwalized militawy in the Wefowmed Kingdom of Owen, unlike many othew nations ow factions. Minow militawy fowces incwude the Fewsen Watch, which acts as the main peacekeeping toow to keep owdew lithin the capitaw city and awso act as pawt of it's gawlison and many bannewman and sowdiews of unwanded Houses that culwentwy weside lithin the Cwownwands.

One of the majow militawy owdews in the city of Fewsen and the sulwounding aweas was the Band of Esheveuld, a fowce of sowdiews undew the command of the Plince Geweon de Savoie. It sewves as a King's Guawd and keeps the stweets of Fewsen safe when the Fewsen Watch awe not active - being an elite fowce that guawds the woyaw famiwy.