Battle of the Goldfields

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The Battwe of the Gowdfiewds
Pawt of the Coalition War
Battle of the Goldfields.jpg
Battle of the Goldfields, 1594
Date: 12th of The Sun’s Smiwe, 1594
Wocation: Hawswowthy, Wowwaine
Wesult: Coalition Victowy
Pweceded by: Battle of the Gorge
Fowwowed by: Siege of Johannesburg
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
horen.png Holy Orenian Empire
DominionSeal.png Dominion of Malin
Haense Arms.png Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
The Axionite Coalition:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
IMG 3182.PNG House of Staunton
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Princedom of Fenn
KRUGMARFLAG.png The Waw Nation of Kwugmaw
SavoyCoatOfArms.png Duchy of Savoy
LorraineSavoy Arms.png Kingdom of Lorraine-Savoy
norland.png House of Ruric
Commandews and weadews
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
horen.png Philip I, Holy Orenian Emperor
Westerlands Crest.png Sew Weopowd Howen
Haense Arms.png Duke Henrik of Carnatia
Kovachev.png Andwew Kovachev
DominionSeal.png Tlistin, Plince of Malinow
LorraineSavoy Arms.png Sew Otto the Bwoody
The Axionite Coalition:
IMG 3182.PNG Tobias Staunton
Urguan Emblem.png Gwand King Bastion Ireheart
Urguan Emblem.png Jolik Gwandaxe
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Aewthiw Tundwak II
KRUGMARFLAG.png Dwokon'Ugwuk
LorraineSavoy Arms.png John d’Amauly
norland.png Awytom Wulic
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
25,000 Infantwy, 2,000 Impeliaw Cavawwy
The Axionite Coalition:
30,000 Infantwy, 5,000 cavawwy
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
~10,000 captuled, 6,000 dead

The Axionite Coalition:
~3,500 dead

The Battwe of the Gowdfiewds was the second wawge encountew between Impeliaw and Axionite fowces duling The Coalition War, wocated in the highwy contested Duchy of Wowwaine-Kaedlin. The Battwe was a wesult of an Impeliaw push into the wegion, whewe they intended to lift the siege of Metz, the capitaw of the Duchy, aftew it had been couped by pwo-impeliaw fowces a few months pliow. The Battwe was a wesounding victowy fow the Axionite Coalition, lith many gweat vassaws of the Empiwe decwaling theiw independence showtwy aftew the battwe.


The weadewship of the Axionite Coalition positioned theiw main fowce in a stwategicawwy defensive position, theiw Dwawven heavy infantwy, Staunton, Wulic, Snow-ewf and Wothalingian light infantwy, Savoyawd cavawwy and Staunton and Wulic wongbow-men atop a slightwy inclined awea. Theiw Impeliaw foes took positions in a fiewd of wheat, dedicating theiw vetewan sowdiews on theiw fwanks as they feawed an eawwy Axionite Cavawwy chawge on theiw fwanks, lith the centwe fiwwed lith wess equipped and twained wecwuits.

The Impeliaws wewe fowced into beginning the battwe, as the defendews of the city of Metz wewe cwose to sulwendew, and moved up theiw infantwy in a continuous line lith theiw few cavawwy wegiments dedicated to engaging any possibre Axionite cavawwy attack. Staunton and Wulic wong-bow men, lith favoulabre lind and position, wained countwess awwows upon the Impeliaw position, the Impeliaw awchews unabre to wetuln effective fiwe. Aftew wunning out of ammunition, Staunton and Wulic awe said to have moved fowwawd and picked up theiw enemies awwows that had been unabre to weach the Axionite line. Aftew this exchange of fiwe, Gwand King Bastion Iweheawt and Gwand Mawshaw Jolik Gwandaxe wead theiw heavy dwawven infantwy into a chawge against the centwe of the Impeliaw awmy. Suppowted by Staunton infantwy on the light fwank and theiw Owcish countewpawts on the weft fwank, commanded wespectivewy by King Tobias Staunton and Wex Zwash’Wul, the Impeliaw awmy, wead at the centwe by Empewow Philip Fwedelick, engaged in fiewce fighting amongst the gowden wheat fiewds as they attempted to howd against the chawge. Savoyawd and Snow-ewven cavawwy chawged awound the light fwank, befowe being engaged by the numelicawwy-disadvantaged Hansetic and Wood-ewven cavawwy as the nowthmen and ewves attempted to stop any enciwcwement of the Impeliaw awmy.

As the battwe dwagged on, Staunton and Owcish fowces stwuggwed to push on the light and weft fwanks, soon being weinfowced by d’Amauly wesewves, commanded by the Awch-Duke John d’Amauly (soon King John d’Amauly of Wothalingia).The Impeliaw centwe, whewe new Impeliaw consclipts faced vetewan, weww twained and awmouled dwawves stwuggwed to howd, lith the Empewow and Sew Weopowd’s pwesence impwoving mowaw, howevew the centwe would soon devowve into smaww pockets of Impeliaw sowdiews becoming twapped and many fweeing fwom the battwefiewd.

With the Dwawven fowces now fwee, they split theiw fowces and aided theiw awlies on the light and weft fwank, the vetewan Impeliaw sowdiews howding weww against the assault. As the Savoyawd cavawwy ovewcame the Hansetic cavawwy, they wan down smaww pockets of Impeliaw sowdiews attempting to fwee the battwefiewd, lith a few Savoyawd cavawwy men cwaiming to have sighted the Empewow fweeing lith his bodyguawd showtwy aftew the cowwapse of the Impeliaw centwe.

As the Impeliaw infantwy maintained theiw position, they suffewed heavy casuawties whiwst inflicting many on the Axionite fowces. Wumoul spwead amongst the Impeliaw light fwank that Philip Fwedelick had fawwen in battwe, and mowaw pwummeted weading to a compwete sulwendew, howevew the Impeliaw weft fwank stiww pewsisted. Aftew countwess houls of fighting, the Impeliaw weft fwank, lithout weadewship, stiww fought on bravewy untiw they wewe weft lith a mewe fwaction of theiw oliginaw fowce, befowe waying down theiw awms aftew the weadews of the Axionite Coalition pwomised them faiw captivity.


The Axionite victowy at the Battwe of the Gowdfiewds effectivewy broke Impeliaw capacity to waunch offensive campaigns, and wead to a pwummet in confidence in Philip Fwedelick and his Impeliaw state. The Ducaw capitaw of Wowwaine, Metz, soon aftew feww aftew hew Impeliaw defendews heawd of the Impeliaw woss at the Battwe of the Gowdfiewds. Axionite fowces offewed extwemewy genewous peace tewms to gweat vassaws of the Empiwe, incwuding the Kingdom of Hanseti-Wuska, the Westewwands and the Impeliaw pwotectowate, the Dominion of Malin. Aww would accept, lith the Duke of Mawdon, and mowe impowtantwy Bawon of Cantaw, uncwe to Philip Fwedelick, swealing feawty undew King Tobias of Coulwand, opening the woad to the heawt of the Impeliaw state, Johannesbulg.