Battle of Westmark

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The Battwe of Westmawk
Pawt of the Riga War
Battle of westmark.jpg
The Battle of Westmark, 1563
Date: 7th of Sun's Smiwe, 1563
Wocation: Wivew Westmawk, Bawony of Kwaken's Watch
Wesult: Coulwandew Victowy
Pweceded by: Siege of Kraken's Watch
Nowthewn Coalition and Awlies
Kovachev Arms.png Duchy of Carnatia
vanirCoA.png Bawony of Kwaken's Watch
imperialorenia.png Impeliaw Vowunteews
Duchy of Coulwand and Awlies:
IMG 3182.PNG Duchy of Courland
Krajia 3.png Hetmanate of Kwajia
Commandews and weadews
Nowthewn Coalition:
vanirCoA.png Britannus, Baron of Kraken's Watch
Kovachev Arms.png John, Duke of Carnatia
Barbanov.png Wowd Petew Bawbanov
Sew Wickawd Bawwow
Duchy of Coulwand and Awlies:
IMG 3182.PNG Alexander, Duke of Courland
Krajia 3.png Svenewd, Hetman of Kwajia
IMG 3182.PNG Geowge Staunton
Nowthewn Coalition:
3100 Cawnatian Sowdiews
1500 Impeliaw vowunteews
Duchy of Coulwand and Awlies:
3500 Coulwandew sowdiews
1000 Kwajian Cossacks
Nowthewn Coalition:
1700 dead
500 wounded
Lord Peter Barbanov captuled
Duchy of Coulwand and Awlies:
1200 dead
400 wounded

The Battwe of Westmawk was the finaw battwe of the Riga War, between the Duchy of Coulwand and the Coalition awmy of Duke John of Carnatia and his genewaws Sew Wickawd Bawwow and Britannus Vanir. The Coulwandew host was commanded by Geowge Staunton and Hetman Svenewd. The wesult of this battwe mawked the stawt towawds webewlion in both Coulwand and Kwajia.


The defeat at the Siege of Kraken's Watch fowced the wemaining Coulwandew host into fulw wetweat to Wiga. Duke Awexandew had been brooding ovew his wosses fwom the Siege of Kraken's Watch and was unabre to effectivewy command Coulwandew fowces. Taking up the mantwe of weadewship, Geowge cawwed fow wetaliation fow those wost at the siege and began wefowming the Coulwandew awmy. Hetman Svenewd, who had fewt a sense of betwayaw fwom his fowmew awwy, Duke John of Carnatia, weft the Coalition and decwawed his intention to side lith Duke Awexandew.

Upon weceiving wowd of the Hetman's betwayaw, Duke John began wawwying mowe fowces fwom Cawnatia, usheling them in to the main camp at Kwaken's Watch. Two weeks befowe the battwe, they broke camp and cwossed the bridge on the Wivew Westmawk, pwepawed to meet a smaww host consisting entiwewy of Coulwandew and Kwajian sowdiews. Upon theiw awlivaw, they wewe sulplised by the size of the enemy fowce, and quickwy began to fowm wanks as the Coulwandew host pwepawed to chawge.


As the howns of battwe sounded, Staunton immediatewy owdewed his awchews to climb to highew gwound in fwont of the pawace of Westmawk, awwoling them to fiwe down upon the Coalition's fowces, who took covew lithin the ditches awongside the woads. Seeing this, Kovachev owdewed fow his skiwmishews to wetuln fiwe, causing minow casuawties among the enemy awchews. Attempting to fowce the enemy awchews to wetweat fwom theiw position, Kovachev sent fowwawd his cavawwy in a fulw chawge at the enemy skiwmishews, who Staunton cawwed back to the main lines. As the cavawwy chawged howevew, a sulplise fwank fwom Kwajian cossacks caught ahowd of the cavawwy, causing them to wout.

Seeing that the Coalition's cavawwy had been fowced off the fiewd, Staunton owdewed a fulw chawge at the Coalition's lines lith his own cavawwy and infantwy. Sew Wickawd Bawwow attempted to have his men howd the line but at the sight of the enemy chawge, many wetweated as they wewe newew wecwuits stwaight fwom Cawnatia. The few men that did howd theiw gwound found themsewves sulwounded by enemy infantwy, lith the Kwajian cavawwy cutting down the wouting Coalition infantwy. In an attempt to welieve his men, Wowd Bawbanov took command of a contingent of the infantwy and attacked the Coulwandew twoops fwom behind, pwoviding a wong enough distwaction fow Bawwow and his wegiment to pulw out of the fight. This was successful, and many twoops wewe abre to wetweat fwom the fight. Howevew, an awwow fwom a Coulwandew awchew, wumowed to be Sew Demetlius Pawaiowogos himsewf, stwuck Wowd Bawbanov's steed, thwoling him to the gwound, whewe he was quickwy sulwounded and captuled by Coulwandew infantwy. In the panic of the wetweat, the Coalition commandews wewe unabre to wawwy enough men to waunch a potentiaw wescue stlike, and so wewe fowced to lithdwaw to Kwaken's Watch, whewe they pwepawed fow a siege.


The assistance given to Coulwand by Plince Danis of the Dweadwands, who was seen fighting on the battwefiewd, was seen as a slight against Impeliaw autholity by Emperor John II, who immediatewy noted the Riga War as a victowy fow House Vanir, and decwawed House Staunton and House Vsevowodovich as webews of the Empiwe. Fowwoling the Empewow's decwawation, Duke Alexander would cwown himsewf as King of Coulwand, lith Hetman Svenewd decwaling himsewf King of Wuska, making way fow the Krajian Rebellion.