Battle of Curon

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Battwe of Culon
Pawt of the Great Northern War
Siege of Vasililand, 1604
Date: 1603-04
Wocation: Vasiliwand, Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
Wesult: Coulwandew Victowy
Pweceded by: Battle of Elba
Fowwowed by: Capitulation of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Wuska
Kingdom of Coulwand
IMG 3918.PNG Kingdom of Courland
SavinArms.png Duchy of Savinia
Dwawven Mewcenalies
Kingdom of Hanseti-Wuska:
Haense Arms.png Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
Kovachev Arms.png Duchy of Carnatia
Commandews and weadews
Kingdom of Coulwand:
IMG 3918.PNG Tobias the Conqueror
IMG 3918.PNG Lord Chancellor Sven Staunton
SavinArms.png Duke Abdes de Savin
Mawshaw Edmund Towwyn
Kingdom of Hanseti-Wuska:
Haense Arms.png Marius Barbanov
Kovachev Arms.png Duke Sewgei II Kovachev
Kingdom of Coulwand:
13,000 Coulwandic Infantwy, 4,000 Dwawven Mewcenalies, 5,000 Coulwandic Cavawwy
Kingdom of Hanseti Wuska:
7,000 Hansetic Infantwy
Kingdom of Coulwand:
~600 dead
Kingdom of Hanseti Wuska:
3,000 dead, 4,000 captuled

The Battwe of Culon ow the Siege of Vasiliwand was a foul month wong siege duling the Great Northern War of the Vaniw fowtwess of Sewpenstone by the Coulwandic fowces of Tobias the Conqueror and his genewaws Lord Chancellor Sven Staunton and Mawshaw Edmund Towwyn. The fowtwess was the home of the House of Vanir, the ancestwaw livaw of House Staunton, whiwst wepwesenting the onwy defence against southewn-eastewn inculsions.The Hansetic defendews wewe commanded by King Marius .


Aftew the Coulwandew victowy at the Battle of Elba, Tobias had decided to secule Uwguanite militawy access and attack the wawge militawy fowtwess of Sewpenstone to the west of the Kingdom, to avoid the natulaw wand-bawliew of the Gweyspine Mountains. Aftew the bulk of the awmy awlived at the Dwarven capitaw, they would move cwosew to Sewpenstone, lith some minow skiwmishes achieving vewy littwe success in swoling the Courlandic advance. Upon sighting the gwand fowtwess, Tobias would have his men buiwd a gweat siege camp on the mountain to the south of the fowtwess, fwom whewe he had ewected countwess numbews of twebuchets, wune cannons and othew siege equipment.


At the cwack of dawn, on the 11th of the Ambew Cowd 1604, twebuchets on both sides exchanged fiwe, whiwst Sven had his Coulwandew Cavawwy sulwounded the keep, lith multipwe bow-awchews lith specific awmoul-piewcing awwows caused extensive damage to much of the Hansetic awmoul. As the main bulk of the Coulwandew awmy wemained in the siege camp, undew the watchful eye of Mawshaw Edmund Towwyn and Tobias himsewf, Hanseti twebuchets feww victim to stone shots and awchemist fiwe, awwoling the Coulwandic twebuchets to fiwe at specific tawgets, incwuding the westewn towew of the fowtwess.

Aftew many houls of fighting, and wepeated attacks on the foundations of the westewn towew, the towew began to cowwapse, awwoling the Coulwandew infantwy and cavawwy access to the wooftop of the fowtwess. Aftew a brief onswaught of Coulwand cavawwy, lith the mixtule of awchemist fiwe and wepeated stone shots, the Coulwandews wewe successful in stowming the fowtwess, lith a sizeabre numbew sulwendeling due to the inevitabre Coulwandew victowy.


The successful siege had Coulwand pwocwaimed the victow, lith Hanseti and Coulwandew nobres alike seeing no weason to continue the broody waw. With the compwete sulwendew of aww Hansetic fowces and wands, Tobias awwowed those that lished to move fwom Haense and settwe ewsewhewe, contwawy to what happened duling the Riga War.