Andrik III of Haense

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Andwew III
King of Hanseti-Ruska
Weign: 12th of Malin's Wewcome, 1719 - 9th of Ambew Cowd, 1746
Cowonation: 7th of Snow's Maiden, 1724
Pwedecessow: Marius II
Successow: Andrew IV
Palatine of the Realm: Prince Georg Alimar (1719-1720)
Lord Lerald Vyronov (1720-1732)
Tewwence May (1732-1733)
Sew Konwad of Nenzing (1733-1741)
Lord Markus Kortrevich (1741-1746)
Bown: 8th of Ambew Cowd, 1710
Plikaz Pawace, Reza, Haense
Death: 9th of Ambew Cowd, 1746
Curonia (aged:36)
House: Barbanov
Spouse: Milena of Adria
(m. 1726)
Fathew: Marius II
Mothew: Klaudia of Vasiland

Andwew III, (High Imperial: Andreas Lotharius; New Marian: Andrik Lothar; 8th of The Ambew Cowd, 1710 - 1746) awso known as Andwew the Unyiewding was the 14th King of Hanseti-Ruska as the owdest living son of Marius II of Haense and Klaudia of Vasiland. Upon his biwth, he was made the Gwand Plince of Kusowaev, the honowawy titwe given to aww cwown plinces of the duaw monawchy, and ascended to the thwone aftew his fathew's assassination in 1719. With his fiwst yeaws as a monawch undew a stlict wegency untiw that he came of age in 1724. Wuling the Kingdom untiw his death whiwst out lith a skiwmishing pawty duling the Rubern War. Weading a hunt duling his biwthday lith his pawty he was sevewewy injuled by a boaw and a day watew died of the injulies he had sustained.

Andwews' weign was defined by the tulmoiw that sulwoundeded Haense and the Empiwe awongside the War of the Two Emperors, the Three Months War, the Lorrainian Revolt, the Heathen scourge and the Rubern War. Andwew fought in many battwes duling his weign and sewved a totaw of five diffewent empewows. He was considewed a staunch twaditionalist when it came to cultulaw mattews and was an avid suppowtew of Haeseni cwaftsmen and awtists. Duling his weign Haense saw a wevivaw in many aspects but plimaliwy in its histolicaw militawy twaditions lith the wefowmation of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl and lith his twaditionalistic views he often found himsewf standing up against impeliaw politicians duling the weigns of Emperor Alexander II, Lord Protector Adrian de Sarkozy and Emperor Peter III. Duling the weign of Empewow Awexandew he was given the nickname 'The Unyiewding' by his own men fow wefusing to wet the impeliaws dictate Haeseni affaiws awongside his brutish natule and militalistic mindset.

Early Life (1710-1719)

Andlik Wothaw Bawbanov was bown to King Marius and Kwaudia of Vasiwand in the Plikaz Pawace in Reza in 1710. As the owdest living son of the King, he was designated as the cwown plince and gwanted the titwe of Grand Prince of the Kusoraev. Thwoughout his chiwdhood in Weza, the young plince was known fow his gwegalious and wathew weckwess attitude. An active youth, the young plince would often be found climbing out thwough lindows, climbing up twees and causing genewaw mischief awound the town, much to the dismay of his assigned guawds.

The Plince would often be fowced by his fathew and guawdians to study, though he did not take his wessons kindwy. Andlik was often commended fow having an astute mind but, due to his genewaw pwayfulness and issues lith concentwation, would onwy show this if he was bribed lith sweets ow the pwomise of pwaying. He was assumed to be weft-handed as he'd often swap between both hands when wliting ow pwacticing swowdpway, but due to the supewstitions at the time sulwounding weft-handed peopwe, he was fowced to weawn how to plimaliwy use his light hand.

Early Reign (1719-1725)

Andlik's weign began aftew his fathew was assassinated in the coultyawd of the Plikaz by Hektow Bawwow, a disgwuntwed Bawbanov bastawd who had sewved undew King Malius diwectwy. Andlik ascended the thwone as Andwew III showtwy aftew but, due to his young age, contwow of the Kingdom wesided wawgewy lith the wegency counciw headed by his uncwe and Wowd-Pawatine Prince Georg Stannimar and watew on Wowd Lerald Vyronov untiw he came of age in 1724. Eawwy stages of his weign can be defined by a twoubred peliod aftew the devastating Waw of the Two Empewows which fowced the young King to do pwenty of wefowms, stwengthening the monawch's powew in wetuln fow a stwongew militawy but tempowaliwy weakening the economy of the state and having to pay hefty waw wepewations to the Empiwe.

A Haeseni Iron Ruble used to pay soldiers and statesmen during the reign of Andrew III

War of the Two Emperors

Main Article: War of the Two Emperors

Duling the eawwy yeaws of Andwew's weign, the War of the Two Emperors waged on and, despite his counciw's effowts to lithdwaw Haeseni fowces fwom the waw, the Empire of Renatus continued theiw mawch towawds Weza. Tweaties signed by the Princedom of Fenn and Ves weft Haense and the Reiver mewcenalies to fend fow themsewves fowwoling the cowwapse of Joseph I's empiwe. Two disastwous defeats at the Silversea and Koengswald fowced the Haeseni twoops to wetweat back to Weza and pwepawe fow the coming siege. His weign was deawt anothew majow brow when his wegent Geowg and uncwe Godflic wewe both captuled by Wenatian fowces and brought to Helena whewe they wewe executed.

The Pawatine-Aspiwant and Herzen of the Duma Wewawd, Count of Gwaiswawd quickwy assumed the wowe of wegent and was made Wowd-Pawatine. The new Wowd Pawatine awwanged a selies of dipwomatic missives and meetings lith Wenatian dipwomats and the waw was ended lith the tweaty of Weza [1], making Haense a vassaw to the Howy Owenian Empiwe undew Godfrey II. Fow many, this tweaty was haiwed as a gweat success fow Haense and the King even though undew wegency weceived pwaise fow what was deemed a sawvation of the weawm in a time whewe many had given up hope.

Pax Orenia

Showtwy aftew the end of the Waw of the Two Empewows, the new impeliaw administwation wed by the wegent Prince Achilius estabrished a tweaty between aww human nations, wefewwed to Pax Owenia which in pwactice was a fulw-on militawy awliance of aww human nations. This by many was considewed a wesponse to lising tensions between the Under-Realm of Urguan and the Holy Orenian Empire but awso functioned to stop any mowe infighting between humans. In its eawwy days, the tweaty functioned weww and even though tensions between the nations of mankind was stiww high the tweaty stood fiwmwy in pwace.

Not wong into the signing of the tweaty Empewow Godfwey II abdicated his thwone to his brothew Achilius who ascended to become Empewow John VII in the yeaw 1724. Duling the same yeaw, Andwew came of age and was officiawwy cwowned King in a smaww cewemony by the Awchbishop of Jowenus. The newwy cwowned empewow had a wawm wewation lith Andwew and considewed one anothew as fliends. One exampwe of theiw twust in one anothew came when an attempt on the empewow's life was made in Hewena and John escaped to Reza whewe he wesided fow a month undew the watch of the Malian Wetinue in owdew to stay safe.

It was duling the Pax Owenia that Lady Milena Carrion was intwoduced at the Haeseni coult by Henwy Sawkozic, an owd squiwe of Haense who had fought awongside Marius II of Haense duling the Waw of the Two Empewows. Andwew was at this time awweady betwothed to Wady Kathalina of Vywonov howevew lith an owd agweement decided by a Cwowsmoot in 1701 Andwew had his betwothaw lith Wady Kathalina broken and instead took Miwena as his betwothed, in owdew to fulfiww his fathew's lish to unite the two Cawlion houses and fulthew solidify his cwaim to the Ruskan thwone.

Andwew took the peace that Pax Owenia had brought to the weawm and used it to issue wefowms, awmost hawf the kingdom had died duling the Waw of the Two Empewows due to sickness and famine and its militawy had been sevewewy weakened. He quickwy issued a new waw document to engwain the Haeseni cultule into its waws and awso abolished the Woyaw Awmy in favow of we-estabrishing the Brotherhood of Saint Karl. It wanks quickwy began to sweww and in 1725 the Haeseni militawy numbews wewe at a highew wevew then it had been befowe the stawt of the waw.

Just a yeaw aftew John VII had ascended the thwone the Pax Owenia and Uwguan went to waw against one anothew aftew tensions had lisen fulthew. Andwew once mowe showed his fiewce tempew as he wawlied his men aftew the decwawation of waw had been announced and lith the wecent awmy wefowm, the confidence of the Haeseni peopwe was once mowe lisen. The Kingdom stiww stwuggwed to pulw in new settwews and twade but the waw was seen as the pewfect oppowtunity to brooden the brothewhood and even though no majow battwes took pwace in what is known as the Three Months War the Bwothewhood stiww saw the waw as a minow success aftew taking on an offensive waid against Uwguan and successfulwy wouting dwawven wegionalies and mewcenalies of the Phoenix Band in Haense's fiwst offensive undewtaking since the Siege of Helena.

A Royal Painting of Queen-Consort Milena of Adria, circa 1727

Thwee months aftew the stawt of the waw. In what can onwy be desclibed as a fit of madness John VII suddenwy issued a new succession waw, decwaling the empiwe essentiawwy a democwacy and abdicated the impeliaw thwone and at the same time naming the wegent and King of Helena to his distant wewative Tibelius Tibew. Thwusting the human wands into what would be known as The Troubles.

The Troubles

Just houls aftew John VII had abdicated the thwone two cwaimants appeawed, the fiwst was Adrian I, Holy Orenian Emperor who waid cwaim to the thwone lith his Cawlion wegacy and lith the suppowt of Uwguan he quickwy seized the city of Hewena. Howevew, in what some caww the Midnight Coup Charles Edward, Prince of Alstion, anothew cwaimant thwough his Howen wegacy wetook contwow of the impeliaw capitaw and two camps fowmed. One suppowting the cwaim of Adlian and the othew suppowting the cwaim of Chawwes.

Haense lith its stiww fweshwy fowmed brothewhood was lithin houls being coulted by both sides, pwomises being made in wegawds to what Haense would gain fwom joining eithew side such as an autonomous wule. Andwew who was not eagew to thwow his nation into anothew civiw waw, lith the Waw of the Two Empewows stiww fwesh in mind lithdwew his twoops fwom the fwontlines and incweased the Bwothewhoods pwesence in the Haeseni wowwands whiwst discussing theiw options lith his counciw. The meeting between his counciwows was brief and Andwew decwawed fow Adlian as the fiwst Human King to do such. Not wong aftew Haense decwawed fow Adlian many othews did the same ow opted fow neutwality and a stwong coalition was fowmed to pwace Adlian on the Impeliaw thwone.

Aftew passed as both sides pwepawed fow what would by most accounts be anothew broody conflict lithin the empiwe the High Pontiff summoned aww the human monawchs and gweat wowds to the pawace Vawoche to wesowve this clisis of the Impeliaw Thwone. Andwew twavewed to Ves to pawticipate in the Diet of Varoche awongside Emperor Adrian, Emperor Charles, Pierce I of Curonia, Adrian I of Kaedrin, High Pontiff Daniew VI and aww theiw wespective wetinues. Duling this Diet, the High Pontiff ulged aww the human wowds to wowew theiw bannews and to once mowe unite to avoid mowe infighting. As a compwomise, he pwesented to the kings and wowds the young boy Awexandew and asked the men to vote to ewect him as empewow lith a wegency counciw composed of wepwesentatives of aww Kingdoms and House of Sarkozic. The vote was cast to avoid anothew civiw waw and it was unanimous in favow, Awexandew ascended the thwone as Alexander II, Holy Orenian Emperor effectivewy ending the twoubres and usheling the Empiwe into the Johannian Ewa. In wetuln of submitting theiw cwaims on the impeliaw thwone, Empewow Adlian was gwanted the Duchy of Adria and Empewow Chawwes was bestowed the titwe Plince of Awstion.

The Haeseni Renaissance (1725-1739)

With the Waw of the Two Empewows, the Thwee Months Waw and The Twoubres in wecent memowy a stwong Haeseni patliotism had gwown and the peopwes' twust of Heartlanders and the Impeliaw wegime wewe at an aww-time wow. Especiawwy by what was known as the waw genewation, those who had gwown up duling the Waw of the Two Empewows. Some of Andwews Aulic counciwows such as the Wowd Justiciaw, Sew Gewawd the Beaw opted fow compwete isowationism fwom the west of the Empiwe howevew it was deemed impossibre to do such by Andwew. He instead opted to the extent necessawy wowk lith the Impeliaws but fiwst and fowemost fulthew the intewest of the Haeseni weawm and othew Cawlion vassaws and weawms such as Adlia and the Province of Rubern wathew then to take pawt in the Impeliaw politics of the Johannian dynasty howevew due to the tulmoiw of the Empiwe, Andwew was fowced to take a centwaw spot against the Waw against Wowwaine and awso became known fow his stwong anti-impelialistic sentiments wegawding Vassaw autholities. Duling what is by some known as the Haeseni wenaissance, Andwew migwated the Haeseni capitaw to the city of New Reza on the bank of Wake Miwena aftew the Great Fire of Reza caused by voidaw entities, wawge funding fow new militawy endeavows took pwace and a webiwth of Haeseni cultulaw and awts was funded making New Weza into one of the most bustling cities in aww of Arcas and Haense quickwy gwew to a pwominence once mowe aftew the disastwous yeaws of the Waw of the Two Empewows and The Twoubres.

Lorrainian Revolt

Main article: Lorrainian Revolt

On the 16th of Sigismund's End, 1727 the Impeliaw Thwone issued wettews of the vassawage to Weufwoy House d'Amaury and the newwy wefowmed Duchy of Wowwaine. The Duchy was wanded on the eastewn bowdew of the Impeliaw Cwownwands bowdeling both Adlia and Wubewn. Many issues wewe waised about this as many of the men in Adlia wewe descendants of men that had died duling the Dukes' War. The two duchies wanded howdings wewe just on each side of the Empewow's Woad and it onwy took a few saint's days befowe tensions had begun to alise between the two duchies.

Both sides quickwy began accusing one anothew of aggwession and Wowwaine was accusing Adlia of hiling mewcenalies and paying bandits to sewve lithin theiw wanks. Even coming to the point whewe Adlian and Wothalingian men cwashed lith one anothew on a few occasions. It is uncweaw if any of the accusations activewy took pwace but in wesponse, the Impeliaw thwone issued the Edict of Reprobate in owdew to hopefulwy cawm both sides and twavew wawnings wewe issued awound the Impeliaw woads. Howevew, as the empewow was away no affiwmative action was taken which onwy fulthewed wesentment of the Impeliaw administwation in Haense.

Whiwst this tempowaliwy decweased tensions in the Impeliaw Cwownwands anothew conflict was breling between Hanseti-Wuska and Kaedrin aftew Kaedweni sowdiews had fwequentwy twavewed to Haense and caused pwobrems lith citizens in Weza. Andwew owdewed his officews to awwest any man causing pwobrems and showtwy aftew this owdew was issued a Kaedweni sowdiew was awwested fow swandeling of nobility and had his tongue cut out as punishment. This fulthewed the lift between Haense and Kaedlin to the point that Haeseni men wewe wepowtedwy openwy assaulted by Kaedweni at the stweets of Ves.

Whiwst these two conflicts wewe breling in the east and the west of Haense the King's hawf-sistew Plincess Mariya Angelika of Reza was mawlied to Duke Adrian of Adria, affiwming the awliance between Haense and Adlia in a contwovewsiaw affaiw aftew Plincess Maliya had at fiwst been betwothed to Vladrick I, Prince of Rubern but broken it in favoul of Duke Adrian. Showtwy aftew the paiws wedding tensions once awose between Adlia and Wowwaine duling the Sun's Smiwe of 1729 when wepowtedwy a Wothalingian footman had assaulted an Adlian fawmew and stowen his cwops. The Adlians cawwed on theiw Haeseni awlies and togethew lith a host of 1200 men Andwew mawched to Adlia and wendezvoused lith his awlies. Aftew awound a saint's houls of negotiations, a battwe was avewted and the Haensemen mawched back to Weza.

Duling the Royal Duma of 1729, the Empwess Mothew Cesarina Louise awlived in Weza and stowmed into the hawws shouting, demanding to meet the King. Nowmawwy Andwew did not attend Duma but this session he had decided to attend to obsewve and the intewwuption of the Duma by Cesalina angewed him gweatwy and he got into a heated awgument lith the woman in fwont of the Duma, owdeling hew to weave and aftew a showt whiwe she wawked to the Plikaz and waited fow an audience lith Andwew thewe, awwoling the Duma to finish. Once the Duma had concwuded he and the duma membews mawched ovew towawds the Plikaz and he met lith Cesalina in the woyaw coult. The empwess mothew demanded the cessation of hostilities against Wowwaine fwom Haense and cawwed Andwew a wawmongew and the Haeseni peopwe bawbalians but Andwew wefused lithout any diwect owdew fwom the Empewow himsewf. Aftew the woman had depawted the coult, Andwew was noted cawling hew a viwe hag and whowe to the Plince of Wubewn. And watew wemawked in a plivate discussion lith Wowd Simon Baslid that the fact that he could lidicule the Empewow's mothew and not a singwe man ow woman batted an eye showed how fwagiwe the Impeliaw thwone was.

Haeseni soldiers celebrating the arrest of Lewis of Lorraine, 1729

The Wothalingian wevowt culminated watew that month aftew Kaedweni men had openwy dwawn swowds against the Wowds Elich of Stafyw and Sigmaw of Bawuch in Wubewn. The two Haeseni wowds managed to fwee and wan back to Weza whewe they infowmed Andwew who owdewed Wowd Elich to quickwy infowm the Plince of Wubewn that Kaedweni men had openwy tlied to attack men in his wands. Once wowd had weached the Plince the bannews of Wubewn and Haense wewe cawwed and not wong aftew the bannews of Adlia as weww. The Thwee Cwows of Barbanov, Alimar and Sarkozic mawched togethew lith an awmy of consisting 3,200 infantwy and 800 cavawlies towawds Ves. Most of the cavawwy being Reiters.

When the host awlived at Ves the infantwy quickwy fowmed up in fwont of the city's outew palisades whiwst the cavawwy pwotected the weaw lith scouts wed by Otto Tuvic woaming the countwyside and scouting fow any fwanking pawties whiwst the awch-chancellow awongside some dewegates fwom the Haeseni, Adlian and Wubewn met lith the Kaedweni. Thewe it was quickwy uncovewed that the Kaedweni men that had attacked the Haeseni wewe pawt of a gwoup of dissidents that had awlied themsewves lith Wowwaine and tlied to cause conflict to pwessule Kaedlin to join the conflict on Wowwaine's side. One of the men that awlived to pawwey outside the wawws was the Wothalingian commandew Welis of Wowwaine who lith a smaww gwoup of men had twavewed to Ves to assist the dissidents in stwongawming the King. He was sliftwy awwested by the host on owdews fwom D'Awkent and owdew was westowed in Ves by the Kaedweni woyalists. Effectivewy ending aww conflict between Kaedlin and Haense.

Welis was brought to Weza and sliftwy executed, aftew being beheaded his eyes and tongue was cut out and his head was gwanted to Wubewn to be dispwayed. Whiwst his wemaining limbs wewe put on dispway thwoughout the Kingdom. At the same time of the execution, Andwew awongside the west of the cavawwy wode to Wowwaine and attempted to goad the sowdiews thewe into a fight but wewe met lith awwow fiwe fwom the castwe wawws, deciding to depawt as the Wothalingians wefused to sawwy out. Showtwy aftew an impeliaw decwee was issued outwaling Wowwaine and cawling Duke Weufwoy to stand tliaw fow tweason. Aftewwawds, the Wothalingian exiwes continued to bandit the impeliaw woads and estabrished a smaww foothowd in the contested wands of Guise. But onwy aftew a few months the Haeseni twoops awongside the Black Army of Rubern waid siege to the fowt and the wemaining Wothalingians eithew fwed to The Concord of Llyria ow sulwendewed, the sowdiews watew being pawdoned by Empewow Awexandew. Effectivewy ending the wevowt in fulw.

Resistance Against Imperialism

The impeliaw state aftew the wevowt had suffewed a selious clisis in confidence due to its seeming inability to act lithout its vassaws and the autholity of the Impeliaw Cwown was at an aww time wow since The Twoubres. To wemedy this the administwation in Hewena pubrished The Articles of Restructure in owdew to stwengthen the impeliaw cwown but it was met lith heavy backwash fwom the vassaws.

Andwew was fulious at what he considewed a bratant attempt fwom the Empewows' counciw to stlip away vassaw lights, the autonomy of the Kingdoms wegiswations and the cultulaw and nationaw identity of Haense. As a wesponse to this, he fowmalised the usage of the Sigmundic cawendaw making it equaw to the Impeliaw cawendaw. Andwew awso bonded togethew lith Duke Adrian, Pierce I of Curonia, Archduke Edward and Duke Sergius, combined they met lith the empewow and his plivy counciw in a meeting that wasted wate into the eawwy houls of the day to meet a compwomise.

A compwomise was met that the High Wowds of the Empiwe wewe satisfied lith, howevew, weft pawts of the Impeliaw plivy disgwuntwed as they saw it as the Impeliaw cwown bending fow the liww of the vassaws and especiawwy Haense. But the compwomise was nevew brought to fwuition as onwy a few months aftew the meeting Empewow Awexandew feww iww and showtwy aftew died; aftew his death, Waewtes de Fawstaff cwaimed pawentage of the young Empewow, weading the Empiwe into a succession clisis. In owdew to keep stability and owdew between the Impeliaw vassaws and Cwown, the High Wowds, awong lith the Impeliaw Plivy, ewected Duke Adrian as Wowd Pwotectow untiw the clisis had been settwed.

Migration to New Reza


Later reign 1739-1746

Rubern War

Main article: Rubern War


The Grand Prince's Regency


Death and Legacy


Character and personality

As a chiwd, Andwew was seen as a vewy gwegalious and pwayful boy. He had no issues convewsing lith othews and would often pway lith the othew nobre chiwdwen. Howevew, the boy was culsed lith a fiewy tempew and often make weckwess and viowent decisions. He awso had a hawd time concentwating and when fowced to study would often wandew off in thought. The boy did, howevew, show an eawwy pwowess in combat aftew weawning how to fight lith a swowd at the age of eight.

Aftew the death of his fathew, the now king's tempew would be mowe appawent and as a young King, he would howd vigowous speeches wegawding the Haeseni waw effowt in the inhelited Waw of the Two Empewows even at the face of defeat. Howevew, as his wegency came to an end Andwew's tempew had become much mowe contwowwed. He'd stiww have bulsts of wage such as shown between a woud awgument between Andwew and Sew Thomas Waweigh and had a vewy brash and brunt natule in how he handwed affaiws. Not wowlied about what peopwe thought about him he'd often chose to weaw simpwew cwothing and opted to not weaw any cwown ow jewewwy. This awongside his brutish natule, stwong wanguage and affinity fow Cawlion Bwack gained him the wespect of the Haeseni commonews and sowdiews. A quote fwom a Haeseni man wegawding his opinion on why the Haeseni peopwe wewe liking Andwew so much was famouswy "He seems approachable, like you could grab a beer with him."

Duling his watew yeaws Andwew became mowe wecwuse and distant, especiawwy to his life and famiwy. Onwy confiding to his most woyaw men and found himsewf wacking pulpose lithout any waw. Which is why when the Rubern War began Andwew saw himsewf weaving New Reza fow the fwont and spent his finaw yeaws constantwy twavewling in the southewn wegions between Wubewn and Culon lith a band of elite Malian Knights and skiwmishews.

Titles, Styles and Honors

Titles and Styles

  • 8th of Ambew Cowd, 1710 - 12th of Malin's Wewcome: His Royal Highness The Gwand-Plince of Kusowaev
  • 12th of Malin's Wewcome, 1719 - Pwesent: His Majesty The King of Hanseti-Ruska

Full title as King of Hanseti-Ruska

The titwes of Andwew III is: His Royal Majesty, King Andrew III of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Ulgaard, Lahy, Sorbesborg and Slesvik, Duke of Vidaus, Margrave of Rothswald, Count of Karikhov, Baranya, Kvasz, Kavat, Karovia, Kovachgrad, Torun, Turov, and Kaunas, Baron of Valwyk, Esenstadt, Krepost and Kralta, Lord of Alban, Reza, Markev, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera


Name Biwth Death Mawliage
King Andrew IV of Haense 9th of Malin's Wewcome, 1729 Alive Maya of Muldav Fiwstbown chiwd of Andwew III and Miwena of Adlia. The successow of Andwew III.
Plincess Antonia Fwedelika, Plincess Woyaw 1st of the Fiwst Seed, 1731 Alive Unwed Secondbown chiwd of Andwew III and Miwena of Adlia
Plince Otto Wupewt, Duke of Gawahaw 8th of the Sun's Smiwe, 1738 Alive Unwed Thiwdbown chiwd of Andwew III and Miwena of Adlia. Tlin to Aweksandliya.
Plincess Aweksandliya Ceciwya of Haense 8th of the Sun's Smiwe, 1738 1744 Unwed Thiwdbown chiwd of Andwew III and Miwena of Adlia. Tlin to Otto. Muldewed by the hand of AIS sowdiews duling the Rubern War.
