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                "title": "Reagents",
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                        "*": "{{copy|192351}}\n\u2018Reagents\u2019 are an umbrella term in [[Alchemy]], referring to materials that contain potent enough measures of signs and symbols for use in alchemical processes, be they botanical or otherwise. \n\nThe Reagents listed are ordered by date added to the lore, and further divided by Chemical or Botanical.\n\n=Glossary=\n\nAlchemists have their own nomenclature for a number of things.\n\nThis section will help you to acquaint yourself with the specific processes required to release raw effects of many reagents.\n\n'''Balm:''' The thickest form of topical medication. Like salves, balms contain no water content, and are composed of beeswax, common carrier oils and medicinal herbs, in the form of infused oils or essential oils. They are thicker than salves because they have a higher concentration of beeswax (about 1:1 wax to carrier oil), and thus have a harder consistency. Balms are least effective in open wounds as opposed to salves, but are more \u201cprotective\u201d due to them forming a larger and firmer barrier on the skin. \n\n'''Bruised:''' The process of using the side of a blade or a pestle and mortar to \u201ccrush\u201d down a raw plant without actually breaking the surface of it. This is done to aid in releasing the properties of medicinal herbs in a water infusion/tea.\n\n'''Carrier oil:''' A common, mundane oil added to balms, salves, creams, and lotions to soften the consistency of the beeswax base to various consistencies, depending on the type of application desired. Castor oil, sunflower oil, hazelnut oil and olive oil are all examples of a carrier oil.\n\n'''Cream:''' A topical medication much alike a salve or balm, due to being made from beeswax and carrier oils. A cream is differentiated by those however, for having its medicinal herb in water-based forms such as water infusions and decoctions, rather than oil infusions or essential oils. Due to the water content, creams have a shorter shelf-life than salves and balms. Although the ingredients of creams make them similar to lotions, creams contain less water-content and are firmer, creating a thicker barrier that spreads a more concentrated dose over a smaller skin surface.\n\n'''Decoction:''' The process of shredding down fresh plant material and dissolving it as small as possible, and slowly boiling it down until the parts are dissolved and the liquid has boiled off, leaving a thicker sludge. This sludge-like material carries the desired properties of the reagent parts, and may be used as a crude, potent poultice; incorporated into water-based topical products such as creams and lotions; or consumed in some cases. \n\n'''Distilled:''' A process which requires expensive glass equipment, and slowly vaporizes the essential oil of a desired liquid from one container being heated, into another container being cooled for the vapor to condense. This results in a small amount of essential oil.\n\n'''Essential oil:''' The oil resulting from the distilled parts of a plant, or from the distilled decoction of a plant. The raw properties of the plant are heavily condensed into this tiny amount of oil.\n\n'''Imbibed:''' Indicates that a medicinal product must be drunk.\n\n'''Insufflated:''' A method of ingesting certain medicinal or recreational products by inhaling them into the nasal passages.\n\n'''Lotion:''' A topical runny medication much alike a salve or balm, due to being made from beeswax, common carrier oils, and medicinal herbs. A lotion is differentiated by those however, for having its medicinal herb in water-based forms such as water infusions and decoctions, rather than oil infusions or essential oils. Due to the water content, lotions have a shorter shelf-life than salves and balms. Although the ingredients of lotions make them similar to creams, lotions contain more liquid than wax and are runny, spreading thinly and easily across large skin surfaces. Their effectiveness is subtler than creams because of this.\n\n'''Oil infusion:''' A method of extracting the raw properties of a herb into an oil. Instead of extracting the essential oil through distillation however, a mundane carrier oil is allowed to be infused by the plant over a long period of time. This resulting oil contains the desired properties of the reagent, and may be used in salves and balms. These products will have a weaker concentration than if essential oils were used instead.\n\n'''Poultice:''' The fresh-ground product of a herb. It typically has no additions and is added raw to the skin, and usually covered over with a cloth. This method of topical application is a short treatment which is meant to be washed off after a specified amount of time.\n\n'''Salve:''' The softer forms of oil-based topical beeswax medications. Like balms, salves contain no water content, and are composed of beeswax, common oils, and medicinal herbs, in the form of infused oils or essential oils. They are softer than balms because they have a lower concentration of beeswax (about 1:4 wax to carrier oil), and thus have a more buttery and oily consistency. Salves are most effective in treating open wounds, and penetrate the skin more deeply than balms. \n\n'''Syrup:''' A medication meant to be imbibed. Usually, a syrup only consists of the decoction of a medicinal herb thinned down with honey for a smoother consistency and to mask any foul taste.\n\n'''Tincture:''' A tincture is made by decocting the desired medicinal herb parts in alcohol instead of water. It is allowed to steep over the course of several narrative weeks, to draw out the properties more potently than water can. The dregs of plant matter are strained prior to imbibing.\n\n'''Topical:''' Signifies that the medication is meant to be applied to the skin and should not be consumed. This typically consists of all salves, balms, lotions, and creams.\n\n'''Water infusion/Tea:''' A medicated product which can be imbibed for minor effects. It is produced by steeping the desired medicinal herbs in boiling water for several narrative minutes, and then strained. It is perhaps the weakest of all imbibed remedies.\n\n=Chemical=\n\n==Core Reagents==\n\n===Blood===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n \nAir\n \n'''Symbol(s):''' \n \nLife x3\nGrowth x2\nAgility x1\n \n'''Appearance:''' \n \nA thin red liquid.\n \n'''Location:''' \n \nContained within the circulatory systems of all descendants. \n \n'''Harvesting:''' \n \nBlood can be harvested directly from the circulatory system, a single measure easily being pulled from the veins without causing lasting damage to the host. Alternatively three measures can be drawn from the liver or heart of a descendant, should they be removed.\n \n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n \nIf not coagulated into gelatinous scabs, blood when freshly drawn and preserved at low temperatures above freezing can be used in transfusions between two descendants of the same race to counter bloodloss. \n\nBlood also contains genus, a potent substance that tethers the descendant body to its soul blueprint via its manapool. When removed from this cycle, genus is quickly corroded and lost, rendering the arcane properties of blood inert. \n \n'''Redlines:''' \n*All reagents must be gathered through roleplay.\n*Blood from animals and non descendant creatures is considerably less potent and cannot be utilised for the same signs, symbols and raw effects.\n*Blood transfusions can only be carried out between descendants of the same races, that being humans with humans, elves with elves, dwarves with dwarves, orcs with orcs.\n*Genus will decay and be lost to blood after one narrative day or three OOC hours (whichever comes first) following its host\u2019s death or removal from said host\u2019s body (again, whichever comes first). \n*The use of genus is intrinsically tied with blood magic and genus cannot be identified or utilised without additional lore.\n\n===Yellow Bile===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n \nFire\n \n'''Symbol(s):''' \n \nLife x3\nSwiftness x2\nRage x1\n \n'''Appearance:''' \n \nAn acidic yellow or green liquid.\n \n'''Location:''' \n \nContained within the stomach and spleen of all descendants. \n \n'''Harvesting: '''\n \nYellow bile can be harvested directly as stomach acids amongst vomit, a single measure easily being pulled from bile without causing lasting damage to the host. Alternatively three measures can be drawn from the stomach or gall bladder of a descendant, should they be removed.\n \n'''Raw Effect(s): '''\n \nAn essential part of the digestive system, bile and stomach acids are used to break down food for the extraction of nutrients in the descendant body. \n \nOutside of descendants it is mildly acidic, causing irritation to the skin and weakening saturated food that would otherwise be fit for consumption. Beyond this the smell of yellow bile will stir up immense discomfort amongst descendants, potentially inducing vomiting. \n \n'''Redlines: '''\n*All reagents must be gathered through roleplay.\n*Bile from animals and non descendant creatures is considerably less potent and cannot be utilised for the same signs, symbols and raw effects.\n\n===Black Bile===\n\n'''Sign(s): '''\n \nEarth\n \n'''Symbol(s): '''\n \nDeath x3\nReduction x2\nImpediment x1\n \n'''Appearance: '''\n \nHard buildups of dried bile that take on dark hues akin to stones.\n \n'''Location: '''\n \nContained within the gallbladder and kidneys of descendants.\n \n'''Harvesting: '''\n \nBlack bile can be passed naturally as gall and kidney stones, easily being collected without causing lasting damage to the host. Alternatively three measures can be drawn from the kidneys or gall bladder of a descendant, should they be removed.\n \n'''Raw Effect(s): '''\n \nBlack bile has no significant raw effects.\n \n'''Redlines: '''\n*All reagents must be gathered through roleplay.\n*Bile from animals and non descendant creatures is considerably less potent and cannot be utilised for the same signs, symbols and raw effects.\n\n===Phlegm===\n\n'''Sign(s): '''\n \nWater\n \n'''Symbol(s): '''\n \nDeath x3\nSlowness x2\nPeace x1\n \n'''Appearance: '''\n \nA thick mucus, ranging in colour from green to yellow and brown.\n \n'''Location: '''\n \nContained within the throat, sinuses and lungs of descendants.\n \n'''Harvesting: '''\n \nPhlegm can be harvested directly from the nose and throat of descendants, a single measure easily being pulled from bile without causing lasting damage to the host. Alternatively three measures can be drawn from a lung of a descendant, should they be removed.\n \n'''Raw Effect(s): '''\n \nA sticky, viscous liquid. Flegm is an umbrella term for mucus, snot and saliva. \n\n'''Redlines: '''\n*All reagents must be gathered through roleplay.\n*Phlegm from animals and non descendant creatures is considerably less potent and cannot be utilised for the same signs, symbols and raw effects.\n\n===Mana===\n\n'''Sign(s): '''\n \nAether\nAir\n \n'''Symbol(s): '''\n \nPurity x3\nBalance x3\nPeace x2\n \n'''Appearance: '''\n \nA turquoise liquid of oily consistency that faintly glows. \n \n'''Location: '''\n \nFrom charged gems and the ethereal mana pools of mages when made manifest, mana can be extracted and made manifest as a liquid essence and sometimes generated in the world through an irregularity of magic in some areas.\n \n'''Harvesting: '''\n \nLiquid essence is mana in a raw and liquefied form, hidden within all, or generated by mages with abundant mana pools. Through concentration mana can be pulled from one\u2019s mana pool and conjured as a tangible liquid.\n \n'''Raw Effect(s): '''\n \nOn its own, liquid mana has few properties. Whilst some creatures can consume it for sustenance, it has minimal effect on most descendants.\n\nIf one was to sip standard liquid essence, from either a mage or a natural occurring pool, they would find that it is tasteless, doing nothing but inducing a surreal sensation as the energy courses through their bodies.\n \nLiquid mana can alternatively be used to fuel enchantments, with one count providing equal energy to a mana gem.\n \n'''Redlines: '''\n*All reagents must be gathered through roleplay.\n*Liquid mana will not offer any sustenance or tangible benefit to descendants without separate lore.  \n*Liquid mana will be depleted like burning oil when used to power enchantments, with one count equaling the energy value of a managem and requiring the same level of exertion to charge. \n*Liquid mana is only obtainable through conjuring by those whose lore specifies mana usage.\n*Liquid mana can be collected at the rate of 1 count per tier of mage. This does not stack with multiple magics. Utilising all 5 counts (or whatever the mage\u2019s tier is) makes them unable to cast spells for 6 hours IRL whilst they recover.\n\n===Lifeforce===\n\n'''Sign(s): '''\n \nAether\nFire\n \n'''Symbol(s): '''\n \nLife x4\nDark x3\nBlindness x3\nSeparation x2\n \n'''Appearance: '''\nA silky smooth, milk-colored fluid with the consistency of coagulated blood.\n \n'''Location: '''\n \nRaw lifeforce itself, reaped from the dead or living in the form of mutilated appendages, blood, and otherwise salvaged parts, is utilized in varying ways by necromancers, but notably in their alchemic craft where it is given form as \u2018liquid\u2019 lifeforce. \n \n'''Harvesting: '''\n \nLiquid lifeforce is extracted by adept necromancers and congealed, typically stolen from unsuspecting victims through the Rite of Draining.\n \n'''Raw Effect(s): '''\n \nThough it doesn\u2019t do anything beneficial on its own, it is possible to drink liquid lifeforce which then results in a highly addictive warmth blanketing the person.  Liquid lifeforce appears as a milky white, semi-coagulated substance.\n \n'''Redlines: '''\n*All reagents must be gathered through roleplay. \n*Liquid Lifeforce is only obtainable through Necromancy\u2019s Rite of Draining. \n\n===Redstone===\n\n'''Sign(s): '''\n \nAether\nEarth\n \n'''Symbol(s): '''\n \nVigour x3\nInstability x3\nRage x2\n \n'''Appearance: '''\nA sandy red powder that will shimmer faintly upon touch.\n \n'''Location: '''\n \nRedstone is scattered across the deep places of the world, in veins and great pits underground.\n \n'''Harvesting: '''\n \nRedstone is mined like salt, flaked from large composite chunks into granular measures.\n \n'''Raw Effect(s): '''\n \nLiquid mana which has dried and crystallized over the course of millenia or by ancient releases of energy, redstone is depleted of its energy for the mostpart and acts as a reactive catalyst capable of triggering movement and the release of light in equivalent terms to the energy input into it, immediately released other clusters of redstone dust in its immediate radius, in a manner akin to magnetic and electrical pulses.  \n \n'''Redlines: '''\n*Redstone must be represented by its mechanical item counterpart, redstone dust.\n*32 redstone dust is required to yield the symbols and signs of redstone.\n*Light from redstone will never exceed that of natural firelight.\n*The raw effects of redstone beyond light are exclusively represented by what can be achieved with minecraft\u2019s mechanical redstone and must be represented by these blocks accordingly. \n*Redstone is depleted of its energy, meaning any attempts to utilise redstone in RP further than mechanical standards will require approved lore.\n \n===Ectoplasm===\n\n'''Sign(s): '''\n \nAether\nWater\n \n'''Symbol(s): '''\n \nDeath x4\nLight x3\nClarity x3\nConnection x2\n \n'''Appearance: '''\nA translucent sludge, echoing the aura colour of whichever phantom or mystic created it.\n \n'''Location: '''\n \nEctoplasm is a ghostmatter; the combination of lifeforce and mana that makes up all phantoms, as well as the spells weaved by mystics. \n \n'''Harvesting: '''\n \nEctoplasm, whilst usually incorporeal, can be split from its source by the rites of mysticism or other means of severing such as the use of aurum tools and weaponry. \n\nWhilst ectoplasm will usually disperse into a thin cloud of lifeforce shortly after severance (as the mana binding it is depleted), if hastily stored in an aurum container the odd matter will eventually fall inert, becoming a slime-like plasma that can be physically interacted with. \n \n'''Raw Effect(s): '''\n \nWhilst no potent uses can be extracted from inert ectoplasm, it is interestingly weightless to the point where it will float or hover wherever it is directed, only stopping when it comes into contact with physical barriers. \n \nThe colour of ectoplasm will also shift to match the aura of whoever last physically handled it.\n \n'''Redlines: '''\n*All reagents must be gathered through roleplay. \n*Ectoplasm is only obtainable via severance from spectres, destroyed menhir or the rites of mysticism. \n*Ectoplasm can be collected at the rate of 1 count per tier 2 liturgies of Mysticism, using a far more costly version of the \u2018hindering\u2019 spell on an empty aurum container. Utilising all 3 counts (or whatever best correlates to their number of liturgy slots, being rounded down where there is an odd number) leaves Mystics unable to utilise those liturgies as if they had been used for spells. A total of 3 counts can be harvested from slain phantoms \u2013 ghosts and gravens \u2013 whilst a total of 6 counts can be harvested from slain paleknights or wights. A count proportional to liturgies used can also be harvested from apparitions and menhir.\n\n==Cannibal Alchemy==\n\n===Stomach of Fjarriagua===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nAether\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nColdness x5\n\nFreezing x4\n\nLethargy x2\n\nDark x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA descendant stomach frozen in ice.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nWithin a Fjarriagua.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nGruesomely disemboweling the Witch and removing their stomach.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nIt feels cold to the touch, the ice around it never seeming to melt away unless directly put within a great amount of heat or flame. Has no mentionable effects otherwise.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be obtained from a player character with an accepted Frost Witch CA.\n*It\u2019s just a frozen stomach. Don\u2019t take no genius to not abuse a frozen stomach.\n*In the event that Frost Witches are shelved, a regular frozen stomach would work all the same. \n\n===Epiphyte Peels ===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nAether\n\nEarth\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nBalance x4\n\nLife x4\n\nPeace x2\n\nPoison x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nWhatever color and texture the Epiphyte\u2019s skin possesses.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nOn an Epiphyte\u2019s body.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nPeeling the flesh off the Epiphyte, oftentimes with a potato peeler-like tool, or merely a scalpel.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nMight taste like grass if consumed, as well as being slightly nauseating, though to little effect otherwise.\n\nMight be good if fried and served with ketchup.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be obtained from a player character with an accepted Epiphyte CA.\n*It\u2019s just plant skin. Don\u2019t take no genius to not abuse plant skin.\n\n===Tusk of Orc===\n\nSign(s):\n\nFire\n\nSymbol(s):\n\nStrength x4\n\nRage x3\n\nVigour x3\n\nPoison x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nCurved tusks of those from Krug\u2019s line, oftentimes worn and dirtied by sand and blood. \n\n'''Location:'''\n\nUpon the face of an orc.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nSevering the tusk, causing intense pain though not much damage to the orc themselves beyond its loss.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nWhy in god's name would you eat this?\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be harvested from an orc character.\n*It\u2019s just an orc tusk. Don\u2019t take no genius to not abuse an orc tusk.\n\n===Old Man\u2019s Fingers===\n\nSign(s):\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nPeace x4\n\nGrace x3\n\nReduction x3\n\nAgility x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nWrinkly old fingers.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nUpon the hands of an elderly human aged fifty or older.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nSevering the fingers from the elderly human male or female. \n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nWeird looks from anyone nearby.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be harvested from an elderly man, of any descendant race.\n*It\u2019s just a severed finger. Don\u2019t take no genius to not abuse a finger.\n\n===Dwarfhorn===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nEndurance x5\n\nRigidity x4\n\nStrength x3\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nThe greasy, large nose of a dwarf. Oftentimes filled with hair.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nUpon the face of a dwarf.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nSevering the nose from those of Urguan\u2019s lineage.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe shame of eating boogers, willingly, as an adult.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be harvested from a dwarf character.\n*It\u2019s just a dwarf nose. Don\u2019t take no genius to not abuse a nose.\n\n===Elf Ears===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nAir\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nPurity x5\n\nGrace x4\n\nClarity x2\n\nSound x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nThe pointed, long ears from those of Malin\u2019s lineage. \n\n'''Location:'''\n\nUpon the sides of an elf\u2019s head.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nSevering the ears from the elf in question.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe taste of earwax stuck in your mouth.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be harvested from an elven character.\n*It\u2019s just a severed ear. Don\u2019t take no genius to not abuse an ear.\n\n===Halfling Toes===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nPeace x3\n\nLife x2\n\nConnection x2\n\nVigour x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nThe stubby, hairy toes of a Halfling.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nUpon the large feet of a Halfling.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nCutting the toes off the Halfling. But who would do something so cruel?\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nHair stuck in your teeth.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be harvested from a halfling character.\n*It\u2019s just a severed toe. Don\u2019t take no genius to not abuse a toe.\n\n===Azdrazi Scales===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nAether \n\nFire\n\nSymbol(s):\n\nBurning x5\n\nHeat x5 \n\nVigour x4\n\nChaos x3\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nThe ashen scales of an Azdrazi.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nUpon an Azdrazi\u2019s skin.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nPeeling the skin off the Azdrazi.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe scales are warm to the touch, but hold no other notable effects.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*The warmth given off by the scales is only upon touch and would cause no damage or pain.\n*The scales offer no additional protection and would not make any effective armor.\n*In the event that Azdrazi are shelved, lizard scales would suffice, albeit not warm.\n*Must be obtained from a player character with an accepted Azdrazi CA.\n*In the event that the Azdrazi perishes, the remnant ash will yield the same measurements.\n\n===Treant Bark===\n \n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nEarth\n\nAether \n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nGrowth x4\n\nLife x5\n\nConnection x4\n\nBalance x3\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nIt looks like that of bark, bearing likeness to whatever treant it was taken from.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nThe outer 'flesh' of any seedling, spriggan, or ent.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nOften harvested by chiseling or prying it from the body of a treant.\n\n'''Raw Effects:'''\n\nDestruction of an absolutely ''priceless'' relic from a long-bygone race. You are now a few thousand mina poorer. Idiot.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*It's just bark. Don\u2019t take no genius to not abuse bark.\n*Must be obtained from a player character with an accepted Treant CA.\n\n==Infernal Alchemy==\n\nInfernal alchemy is the occult practice of manipulating matter by taboo amalgamations of the material plane\u2019s resources and those of Moz Strimoza. Often associated with witchcraft and demonology, the practice involves an odd fusion of processes between the worldly alchemical and ritual conjurings of malflame.\n\nMuch of infernal alchemy is achieved through the application of the forgotten arts of blood magic and naztherak, in the beckoning of malflame from the hellscape that is Moz Strimoza. \n\nBoth infernal alchemical processes are achieved by the use of either \u00bc of a descendant\u2019s blood or witchtallow in drawing the Transmutation Pentacle: Its outer points bearing the titles of the zar\u2019rokul Pentacle in Ilzakarn (the chaotic tongue of the inferis), naming Velkuzat the Goat, Drazhana the Bat, Kiiztria the Snake, Kholidav the Crow and Zathairn the Black Cat. Between the two pentagons at the star\u2019s centre, then, are listed the five elements using the material alphabet (the ancient runes of the veil), invoking Water, Earth, Fire, Air and Aether before finally adding the mark of Creation in the star\u2019s centre. Transmutation Pentacles can be used for the following processes: \n\n===Rakir Hultar - Rakir Bleeding===\n\nThe infernal alchemical practice of devouring living creatures for the creation of rakir, a concentrated liquid form of maleus used as ink in many unsavoury practices. \n\nRakir is achieved by carving the mark of draining into the flesh of a living creature before killing it and placing it into a cauldron (or other suitable container) at the pentacle\u2019s centre. \n\n[[file:pentacle.png]]\n\nWhilst in its death throes, rakir will rapidly bleed from the rune upon the creature until only dust remains of it, at which point it will vanish in a puff of malflame, what remains of its soul being snatched by the zar\u2019rokul. \n\n===Ankh Rokodra - Rokodra Forging===\n\nThe infernal alchemical practice of creating a forge capable of both transmuting brimstone into rokodra, as well as sculpting and reshaping preexisting rokodra. \n\nThis is achieved by calling forth malflame from the bowels of Moz Strimoza, by means of offering rakir for a member of the pentacle to consume, returning the favour by casting a \u2018torch\u2019 (\u201croghazk\u201d) or \u2018forge\u2019 (\u201crovuth\u201d) shape of malflame that will transform the brimstone into rokodra. It is believed this practice coupled with the hellish nature of Moz Strimoza is what first inspired priests of the canon to coin the term \u2018fire and brimstone\u2019 in describing Iblees\u2019 domain. \n\nIt is using similar methods that rokodra is forged, utilising rakir to fuel the infernal bellows of the transmutation pentacle and annealing the metal for reshaping at a nearby anvil. \n\n===Rakir===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nAether\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nChaos x4\n\nDeath x3\n\nBurning x2\n\nSeparation x2\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nAn inky substance.\n\n'''Location:''' \n\nConcentrated measures of the warped soul essence that is \u2018maleus\u2019, as well as the bloodstreams of infernal creatures.\n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nSee above process: Rakir Hultar - Rakir Bleeding. Alternative means of obtaining rakir are to be outlined in their respective lore pieces.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nOn its own rakir functions similarly to ink, staining papery surfaces with ease and maintaining an inchorous consistency. It is for this mundane use that malefic conjurers primarily seek the substance, in the making of their grimoires and summoning circles. \n\nThe liquid also serves as a potent fuel for malflame, sought out like ambrosia by inferis - addicted to its high concentration of maleus - and is often used as the closest thing to a currency in the High Hells.\n\n'''Redlines:''' \n*Rakir possesses no magical qualities beyond serving as an addictive substance to infernal creatures. Further uses must be outlined in separate lore pieces. \n*Rakir obtained using the aforementioned \u2018Rakir Hultar - Rakir Bleeding\u2019 process will require a living sacrifice, exchanged at the following rates:\n**Insects, snails, worms and other similarly sized creatures are inconsequential.\n**Two mouse, robin or shrew sized creatures will provide one count of rakir.\n**One rat to mole sized creature will provide a one count of rakir.\n**One cat to lamb sized creature will provide two counts of rakir.\n**One dog to ram sized creature will provide three counts of rakir. \n**One llama to bear sized creatures (as well as wonks) will provide four counts of rakir.\n**One player descendant or humanoid ca (excluding wonks) will provide five counts of rakir.\n\n\n===Rokodra===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nAether\n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nFreezing x4\n\nColdness x3\n\nLight x2\n\nConnection x2\n\nStrength x1\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nGenerally a dark, cold, subdued grey-blue metal. \n\n'''Location:''' \n\nWhere Moz Strimoza is a patchwork abomination of a plane, dense and layered, it acts as a natural Cistern to stagnate inferis blood within, a substance as elemental as water to the point of replacing it -- the High Hells filled with flowing rivers and rain of blood -- which seeps through the scorching earth to coagulate deep in the rock and congeal into a powdery clot-like ore in veins throughout the underground. Mined and dredged by inferis slaves and refined by zar\u2019kiel metallurgists, rokodra is the product of the furnaces of the High Hells shaped only by the tongues of malflame. \n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nSee above process: Ankh Rokodra - Rokodra Forging. Alternative means of utilising rokodra are to be outlined in their respective lore pieces.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n \nThis material has the quality of ferrum but bears numerous unique qualities which thus makes it quite valuable to the zar\u2019rokul who lord over the warbands they outfit with this metal; they do not give it up so easily.\n\nRokodra, once refined and crafted into solid metal, resists all heat. It is bizarrely chilled to the touch and can even cause skin to go numb if held or touched for longer than a minute for non-inferis; mortals who wear rokodra armor often layer leather beneath. Because rokodra is immune to the effects of heat it can withstand any amount of incineration and torching, including flame and heat conjured by lesser dragonkin and their heralds, unable to be torched into pieces or forged by a normal blacksmith. Instead, rokodra responds to malflame as though it were an intense fire, beings capable of casting superior forms of malflame can achieve heating and shaping, necessary for its forging into weapons, armor, and tools.\n\nWhat makes rokodra metal so useful regarding inferni is that since it is borne of the inferis, blood turned steel, it persists with them through summoning. The great demon lords of the High Hells outfit their elite inferis with suits and armaments of rokodra which, when banished and summoned once again, come armed and ready to serve. So too may rokodra \u2018activate\u2019 through rakir inscriptions in Ilzakarn upon the metal, ridges seething and exuding fettered, light-warping exhaust colored after the malflame of the scribe as an auxiliary effect and is often used by the zar\u2019rokul and other greater inferis to mark their legions for easy identification. This occurs when fresh inferis blood touches the metal or when malflame is present within a meter of the rokodra, however naztherak may will this coloring into existence too.\n\nLastly, rokodra has a unique property with inscribed rakir in that it may bind inferis spirits to its metal, creating effects appropriate to the class and type of the inferis used. MArts may be made to create malflame and infernal-bound weapons, armor, or tools of any creative variety.\n \n'''Redlines:''' \n*Rokodra items require ST signing.\n*Rokodra will numb skin to the point of uselessness after one minute of physical touch. In this regard Rokodra is useless without sufficient protection of leather or thicker materials between it and skin.\n*The transition from Brimstone to Rokodra via the scorching mix of Rakir within a transmutation pentacle does not literally cause newly forged Rokodra to retain a granular structure as the Brimstone before it; when new Rokodra is formed it will cling onto and around surfaces and moulds as solid metallic plating or shapes as intended by the user, so long as said surfaces are sufficiently dusted with the aforementioned Brimstone before the ritual's conclusion.\n*Rokodra has the same strength, weight and durability as iron.\n*Rokodra obtained using the aforementioned \u2018Ankh Rokodra - Rokodra Forging\u2019 process will require rakir to fuel the faux forge, which will make preexisting rokodra malleable for reshaping at the expenditure of one count of rakir, or can transmute brimstone into rokodra, exchanged at the following rates:\n**One count of rakir with proportional brimstone will create sufficient rokodra for a single knife, hand tool, three bolts/arrows or similarly sized object.\n**Two counts of rakir with proportional brimstone will create sufficient rokodra for a single shortsword, hatchet, goblet or similarly sized object.\n**Three counts of rakir with proportional brimstone will create sufficient rokodra for any single one handed weapon, helmet, set of gauntlets or similarly sized object.\n**Four counts of rakir with proportional brimstone will create sufficient rokodra for any single two handed weapon, fullbody mail or similarly sized objects.\n**Five counts of rakir with proportional brimstone will create sufficient rokodra for any single suit of armour, tower shield or similarly sized objects.\n\n \n\n===Brimstone===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nFire\n\n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nBurning x3\n\nSlowness x2\n\nImpediment x2\n\nWeakness x1\n\nBlindness x1\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nA dull yellow mineral, usually perceived crystalline hunks of rock.\n\n'''Location:''' \n\nCommonly found near springs and volcanic regions. It also covers much of the top soil in Moz Strimoza.\n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nBrimstone is mined like any other rock, usually flaking off into dry clouds and mounds of dust.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nBrimstone (otherwise known as sulfur) is a low toxicity mineral that can act as an essential nutrient to plants when embedded into soil, though it acts as a lethal poison to rodents, insects and fungi in small doses with larger doses still behaving in a similar manner for most animals. \n\nMostly harmless to descendants, brimstone in its dust form can cause irritation to the skin and eyes and induce coughing when inhaled along with intestinal pain after consumption. \n\nWhen set alight, brimstone will melt into a viscous dark red liquid before burning slowly until charred and when mixed with water outside of alchemical processes, brimstone will produce sulfuric acid.\n\n'''Redlines:''' \n*Brimstone, whilst based on IRL \u2018sulfur\u2019 does not share all of its qualities. The uses of brimstone do not exceed what is outlined in \u2018raw effects\u2019.\n*When applied to eyes, brimstone will cause no damage more severe than temporary stinging and blurring of vision immediately following contact, lasting for one narrative hour (though these effects will apply more severely to animals and can be worsened/ lengthened in descendants if the victim OOCly sees fit). \n*When applied to skin, brimstone will cause no damage more severe than rashes and irritation.\n*Descendants who consume brimstone will experience no damage more severe than sickness and intestinal pain, lasting for one narrative day (though these effects will apply more severely to animals and can be worsened/ lengthened in descendants if the victim OOCly sees fit). \n*Inhaling brimstone will cause no damage more severe than throat, nasal and lung based inflammation at worst causing one to cough up blood, lasting for one narrative hour (though these effects will apply more severely to animals and can be worsened/ lengthened in descendants if the victim OOCly sees fit).\n\n===Eye of Newt===\n\n'''Sign(s): '''\n\nAir\n\n'''Symbol(s): '''\n\nLight x3\n\nClarity x3\n\n'''Appearance: '''\n\nThe eyeball of a salamander. \n\n'''Location: '''\n\nThe eye sockets of any salamander.\n\n'''Harvesting: '''\n\nPlucked from the eye sockets of a salamander, ideally without mercy.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s): '''\n\nQuite good on toast.\n\n'''Redlines: '''\n*It\u2019s just an eyeball. Don\u2019t take no genius to not abuse eyeballs.\n\n===Tongue of Wonk===\n\n'''Sign(s): '''\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s): '''\n \nGrowth x3\n\nConnection x2\n\nSilence x2\n\n'''Appearance: '''\n\nThe severed tongue of a wonk. \n\n'''Location: '''\n\nThe mouth of an adult wonk.\n\n'''Harvesting: '''\n\nCut from the mouth of a wonk, ideally without mercy.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s): '''\n\nTongue of Wonk may result in you growing a wart in your mouth, according to an old wives tale.\n\n'''Redlines: '''\n\n*It\u2019s just a tongue. Don\u2019t take no genius to not abuse tongues.\n*Must be obtained from a player character with an accepted Wonk CA.\n*In the event Wonks are soft or hard shelved, Tongue of Wonk will be obtainable from toads and frogs.\n\n===Tail of Kha===\n\n'''Sign(s): '''\n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s): '''\n\nAgility x3\n\nGrace x2\n\nSwiftness x2\n\n'''Appearance: '''\n\nThe severed tail of a kharajyr.\n\n'''Location: '''\n\nThe business end of a kharajyr. \n\n'''Harvesting: '''\n\nCut from the rear of a kharajyr, ideally without mercy.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s): '''\n\nYou might cough up a hairball pretty soon after.\n\n'''Redlines: '''\n*It\u2019s just a tail. Don\u2019t take no genius to not abuse tails.\n*Must be obtained from a player character with an accepted Kharajyr CA.\n*In the event Kharajyr are soft or hard shelved, Tail of Kha will be obtainable from cats and dogs.\n\n===Fist of Hou===\n\n'''Sign(s): '''\n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s): '''\n\nRage x3\n\nCourage x2\n\nStrength x2\n\n'''Appearance: '''\n\nThe severed hand of a hou-zi.\n\n'''Location: '''\n\nBelow the wrists of a hou-zi. \n\n'''Harvesting: '''\n\nCut from the arm of a hou-zi, ideally without mercy.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s): '''\n\nThis is how AIDS started.\n\n'''Redlines: '''\n\n*It\u2019s just a hand. Don\u2019t take no genius to not abuse hands.\n*Must be obtained from a player character with an accepted Hou-zi CA.\n*In the event Hou-zi are soft or hard shelved, Fist of Hou will be obtainable from apes and monkeys.\n\n==Black Powder==\n\n===Black Powder===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nFire\n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nChaos\n\nHeat\n\nBurning\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nBlack Powder appears in the form of a dark gray powder with lighter gray mixed in. \n\n'''Location:'''\n\nMade in house by the person looking to make it. \n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nIt is actually created by someone. The creation involves three components: Saltpeter, Sulfur, Charcoal. The composition is 75% Saltpeter, 15% Charcoal, 10% Sulfur. Each ingredient must processed and grinded which can be dangerous due to the finely grounded powders getting into one\u2019s lungs. Then on low heat, add the saltpeter, some water every so often, and then the other ingredients. Once so, let it sit for a day and ater such one has their blackpowder.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nA Highly reactive material, blackpowder when ignited will quickly spark and set on fire, only to die shortly after. This can find its uses in a variety of applications, one such is the Cathantese using these for fireworks, a glorious display during festivals.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Cannot be weaponized unless specific lore states otherwise.\n\n=Botanical=\n\nIn constructing most of their salves, elixirs and potions, Alchemists rely upon herbs as well as other reagents as key components to each recipe, signified usually by their signs and symbols.\n\n==General Botany==\n\n===Ant\u2019s Blight===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nConnection x2\n\nWeakness x2\n\nDeath x1\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nThe Ant\u2019s Blight fungus appears as a swarm of tiny, shiny black spots on the bark of a tree. However, its interconnected roots can run fairly deep, as it must be able to drink from its host\u2019s water supply effectively. The ant-like spots range in scale from roughly the size of a mustard seed to the size of a pinto bean. \n\n'''Location:''' \n\nAn uncommon plague on most types of fruit trees, primarily found in orchards where fruit trees are tightly packed.\n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nThey release their spores around the early spring months, but can also spread through the fruit of the trees they infect. The seeds from inside these fruits, if planted, are guaranteed to grow trees that are also contaminated by the blight. It is these infected fruits that must be processed if one wished to utilise Ant\u2019s Blight\u2019s Symbolic properties.\n\nNo noteworthy tools or procedures are necessary for harvesting.\n\nAnt\u2019s Blight can be \u2018farmed\u2019, also; this is conducted by intertwining its roots with artificially erected walls of wood, stone, brick or sandstone in desert or controlled greenhouse environments in direct sunlight.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nFruit from trees infected with Ant\u2019s Blight develop tumor-like growths and other grotesquely mutated features, and taste rotten and disgusting if eaten, like the ants themselves. \n\n'''Redlines:''' \n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*The mutation brought on by Ant\u2019s Blight will only affect the shape and flavour of fruit. It has no impact on nutritional value.\n*One cannot remove the blight simply by scraping the \u2018ants\u2019 off, for if the roots are still there, they will just grow back. Trees only infected at the branch must have said branches removed, in the same way a tree surgeon would also prevent the spread of unwanted rot.\n*Ant\u2019s Blight will only infect fruit trees (not bushes or fruitless trees) where infected branches are either connected to the same trunk or within a 3 block range of one another whilst spores are released.\n\n===Goblin\u2019s Ivy===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):''' \n \nLife x2\n\nPoison x2 \n\nEndurance x1\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nOne of the most easily found flora of the deserts, this plant is easily identified as a brownish green vine with small leaves. \n \n'''Location:''' \n\nClinging onto old buildings or ruins in deserts, and on cliff sides in dry climates. \n \n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nA resilient plant, able to survive in extreme hostile conditions, and with a very low or no amount of water close by. Removing it also becomes a problem, as it will regrow on the same spot if its roots are not either pulled free or burnt. \n\nNo noteworthy tools or procedures are necessary for harvesting.\n\nGoblin\u2019s Ivy can be \u2018farmed\u2019, also; this is conducted by intertwining its roots with artificially erected walls of wood, stone, brick or sandstone in desert or controlled greenhouse environments in direct sunlight.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nA few poisons may be created by use of this reagent, to create nausea or mild dizziness. This would be achieved by grinding the leaves before boiling them; effects being yielded from the remnant liquid once ingested.\n\n'''Redlines:''' \n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*Farmed Goblin\u2019s Ivy requires a vertical 3x2 block space in direct view of sunlight, as well as a desert or temperate greenhouse environment at minimum to be grown in, and will regrow at the rate of 1 count per 3 OOC days. It does not require water to grow.\n*Poisons made from raw Goblin\u2019s Ivy can at most cause heavy vomiting that subsides within a narrative hour after ingestion. No dosage can be made lethal, and in fact medicinal purposes could even be utilised in purging recently consumed toxins such as Thanhium from the individual\u2019s stomach.\n\n===Saffvil===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nDeath x2\n\nCurtailment x2\n\nChaos x1\n\nImpediment x1\n \n'''Appearance:''' \n\nA nasty smelling herb, many alchemists make use of their nose when trying to find it. It appears as a dark green grass.\n\n'''Location:''' \n\nThis weed grows on the corpses of most organic creatures it comes into contact with.\n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nThis plant is highly contaminant, as it spreads very quickly onto any dead or decaying biomass it comes into contact with and will only be removed once said host is purged of all liquid or its connection to the host is sterilised by alcohol.\n\nShould one wish to harvest it, one should avoid bringing it into contact with dead skin or leather (or otherwise animal or plant based) clothing, as it will thinly latch on to said materials, only purgeable by bathing the contaminated areas in strong alcohol or by outright burning them.\n\nSaffvil can be \u2018farmed\u2019, also; this is conducted by spreading Saffvil on decaying meat, which must be consistently replenished. Due to the rapid spread of and difficulty in removing the plant, it is also noted Saffvil ought to be farmed in a contained environment with no open spaces between it and other herbs, livestock, food or so on. Saffvil does not require sunlight or watering to grow.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nIn its raw form, Saffvil\u2019s main use comes from its stench, carrying the potent odor of decaying flesh with whatever material it has gotten itself stuck to. \n\nSaffvil can also be used to accelerate the process of composting; once it has leached all of its relevant nutrients from a decaying animal, the remnant powder amidst its bones can be mixed with water to be repurposed as a nutrient rich fertiliser.\n\n'''Redlines:''' \n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*Farmed Saffvill requires a horizontal 2x1 block space at minimum to be grown in, and will regrow at the rate of 1 count per 3 OOC days. It does not require water or sunlight to grow, though must be consistently \u2018fed\u2019 no less than one salmon\u2019s worth of dead meat every OOC week.\n*The fertiliser bi-produced from flesh Saffvil has grown upon has no special effects bar its high nutrients for farming; when mixed with water non-Alchemical plants will be sustained by it to the same extent as volcanic ash.\n*Saffvil spores will eventually spread onto and coat plants within a 10x10 block radius if no physical barriers are put up to contain it.\n*Saffvil has no potent toxic effect when ingested, though individuals may choose to be nauseated to the point of vomiting from its stench if they like. When eaten one would be afflicted with god awful breath at worst, which might be purged by Goblin\u2019s Ivy-induced vomiting or eventual digestion over the course of three narrative days.\n*Whilst the stench of Saffvil is notably rancid smelling, it wouldn\u2019t be potent enough to distract individuals from spellcasting or disrupt combat.\n\n===Alabaster Leaf===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nRigidity x3\n\nGrowth x2\n\nPurity x2\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nA common looking weed, similar in appearance to dock leaves, mostly discernible by its alabaster colour.\n\n'''Location:''' \n\nDry forested regions, along fallen trees and naturally decaying wood.\n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nAlabaster leaves would need to be harvested by separating the leaf from the stem.\n\nNo noteworthy tools or procedures are necessary for harvesting.\n\nAlabaster Leaf can be \u2018farmed\u2019, also; when planted amongst decaying wood, either along a felled tree or by simply mixing sawdust with soil, Alabaster Leaf will stem up and be harvestable as wild if allowed a dry climate (moisture coming from the rotting wood) and regular sunlight.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nWhen ground into a paste, Alabaster Leaves serve as an excellent paint and dye, its alabaster colour staining whatever it coats and requiring extensive scrubbing to remove. When ingested, it also yields dizzying, mild nauseating effects.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*Alabaster Leaves will at most cause dizziness akin to having been spun around several times, lasting for ten narrative minutes at most after ingestion. It will not induce vomiting unless the victim of its poisoning is naturally queasy (in essence leaving that up to the player) and will not cause long term damage to the body.\n*Alabaster Leaves when ground up for paint will not irreversibly stain objects; whilst it\u2019d serve the purpose of painting most materials semi permanently - and different shades can be extracted by watering the paste down - it can be scratched off by mundane scrubbing (with a similar amount of effort to cleaning paint from a wall or scrubbing weak dye from one\u2019s clothes, hair or skin)\n*Symbols can only be yielded from the physical leaves of Alabaster Leaf. The stems are useless in Alchemy.\n*Farmed Alabaster Leaf requires a 1x1 block space at minimum to be grown in, and will regrow at the rate of 1 count per 3 OOC days. It requires decaying to grow alongside, which ought to be saturated before planting then left dry throughout the lifespan of the plant, as well as an otherwise temperate, dry climate and unobstructed access to sunlight. \n\n===Tippen\u2019s Root===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nImpediment x3\n\nCurtailment x1\n\nConnection x2\n\nOrder x1\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nA dark-spotted yellow root with purple flowers.\n\n'''Location:''' \n\nHills and in dense forests, beside fallen trees and animal carcasses. \n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nThe flowers of Tippen\u2019s Root contain no symbols nor raw effects; all of its properties are contained in its roots, which in turn must be crushed into a salve for use.\n\nTippen\u2019s Root can be \u2018farmed\u2019, also; when planted amongst decaying wood, either along a felled tree or by simply mixing sawdust with soil, the root will stem up and be harvestable as wild if allowed a tepid and regular sunlight.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nWhen its roots are crushed into a salve, Tippen\u2019s Root releases a foul odor akin to rotten eggs, making it difficult to handle without suppressing one\u2019s sense of smell. \n\nIn this form, however, the root also serves as an effective coagulant, blocking blood flow on flesh-wounds within seconds after application. \n\n'''Redlines:''' \n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*Tippen\u2019s Root is useless for alchemy in its natural form; its flower must be discarded and its roots crushed into a salve to yield its Symbols and Raw Effects respectively.\n*Tippen\u2019s Root will stop blood loss from wounds within moments of applying one full measure to a cut, causing them to scab over over the course of a narrative hour before its effects wear off. It will not however heal past skin level, meaning injuries will still remain for their natural healing process after application and organ failure (with the exception of that caused by perforations in the digestive tract) can not be remedied by the root.\n*Blood lost prior to Tippen\u2019s Root\u2019s application is still lost and low blood levels from bleeding should be roleplayed accordingly.\n*Tippen\u2019s Root has no numbing nor disinfectant properties.\n*Tippen\u2019s Root has no potent healing effects when ingested, bar clotting wounds exclusive to the digestive tract. Consumption where no such injuries are present will cause crippling constipation for three narrative days.\n*Whilst the stench of Tippen\u2019s Root is notably rancid smelling, it wouldn\u2019t be potent enough to distract individuals from spellcasting or disrupt combat.\n\n===Blissfoil===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nPeace x3\n\nColdness x2\n\nSilence x1\n\nBalance x1\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nAn array of tiny blue flowers upon a thin stalk.\n \n'''Location:''' \n\nUnder the branches and upon the trunks of birch trees. \n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nThe stem of Blissfoil contains no symbols nor raw effects; all of its properties are contained in its flower petals.\n\nBlissfoil can also be \u2018farmed\u2019 on a live birch tree.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nThe petals of Blissfoil contain a potent numbing effect upon physical touch. Serving chiefly as a pain reliever, Blissfoil can completely numb the nerves of an area over-exposed.\n\n'''Redlines:''' \n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*A full measure of Blissfoil will dull pain to half of the amount prior experienced from an area when put in physical contact with flesh for a narrative minute, lasting for three narrative hours. \n*Absolute numbing of an area can only be achieved if two full measures are put in physical contact with flesh for three narrative minutes, at which point the parts to which it has been applied will experience sensory paralysis, lasting for one narrative hour.\n*Paralysed organs will continue to function; Blissfoil\u2019s raw effects are not fatal.\n*Handling Blissfoil\u2019s petals will require skin protection lest its numbing effects also be applied to the handler.\n*Farmed Blissfoil requires a living birch tree to be grown on, and will regrow at the rate of 1 count per 3 OOC days. It will grow in the same conditions necessary to keep the birch tree healthy.\n\n===Frost Vine===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nFreezing x4\n\nWeakness x1\n\nOrder x2\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nA thin blue vine that is cold to the touch.\n\n'''Location:''' \n\nForests, specifically in colder taiga where it is wrapped around the trunks of evergreens. This plant will also seek shade, enough where it is covered for the majority of the day by its tree-host\u2019s canopy.\n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nDue to its inherent coldness, one runs the risk of their hands numbing after prolonged handling of the vine, to the point where it is difficult to grasp and pull from the source.\n\nIt is suggested utensils or thick gloves be worn to preserve one\u2019s hands whilst harvesting.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nIn its raw form, the vine in abundance will mildly lower its surrounding temperatures and numb sensitive body parts like faces and fingers after prolonged physical touch. When saturated and ground into a salve, this numbing effect reaches its peak; numbing physical aches and stinging by absorption through the skin. \n \n'''Redlines:''' \n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*In its natural form, Frost Vine will only numb especially sensitive areas after five narrative minutes of physical contact with said area. This numbing effect is not potent enough to soothe injuries.\n*As a salve, Frost Vine will numb injuries up to that of flesh wounds after five narrative minutes of saturation. This would notably use at least half of one measure of the Reagent.\n*As a salve, Frost Vine has the potential to numb limbs from the hand or foot to the elbow or knee after five narrative minutes of complete saturation. This would notably require one full measure of the Reagent. This\u2019d notably be too much to coat over a weapon for the desired effect; doing so would even be counterproductive, effectively lessening the pain impacted on one\u2019s opponent in the long term.\n*No tissue other than skin and muscle be numbed. Similarly, numbing will not spread deeper than one\u2019s joints or ribcage. When utilised as a salve, Frost Vine must be applied and absorbed through the outer skin/ exposed flesh. It yields no benefits when drank or injected.\n*The pain-relief utilisation of Frost Vine will only numb injuries after enough time; they would not provide any benefit to healing or repair, especially not the extent of being able to \u2018shrug off\u2019 injuries in CRP.\n*Frost Vine cannot be farmed.\n\n===Elf\u2019s Hair Vine===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nAir, Earth\n\n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nGrace x4\n\nPeace x1\n\nBalance x2\n\nClarity x2\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nIts vines are thin and white, and have the texture and softness of Elven hair (which is where the name comes from). The vine sprouts small white flowers that grow from its stem. Each flower is decorated with a multitude of petals, perhaps thirty on one alone. \n\n'''Location:''' \n \nMountaintops, specifically in altitudes which accommodate freezing temperatures.\n \n'''Harvesting:''' \n \nOne must be careful as the breeze will easily blow away these fragile petals far into the wind, and it being on a mountain top means that their retrieval is highly unlikely. If the slightest wind may cause these petals to be cast away, surely a clumsy alchemist must be precise as to not damage the petals. If the petal is bruised in the slightest way during gathering and not quickly used, it will entirely ruin its use, making it useless for its 'Grace' quality. \n \n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nElf\u2019s Hair Vine possesses no unique qualities in its raw form.\n\n'''Redlines:''' \n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*All counts of the Grace Symbol are tied to the petals of Elf\u2019s Hair Vine; if anything short of a complete flower is harvested, these properties are lost.\n*Elf\u2019s Hair Vine cannot be farmed\n\n===Serpent\u2019s Stalk===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nWater\n \n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nGrowth x3\n\nColdness x2\n\nSwiftness x3\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nAn emerald-hued stalk with strips of lighter green and brown along its length, appearing almost like mere sugarcane. Varies in size. \n\n'''Location:''' \n\nThe edges and shallows of still bodies of water in all environments. \n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nOne must cut the lowest part of the stalk at its base in order to reap a measure containing symbols, signs and the plant\u2019s raw effects.\n\nSerpent\u2019s Stalk can also be \u2018farmed\u2019 in a manner akin to rice, submerging seeds or roots in water no deeper than a puddle or planting it directly on the edge of a body of water.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nSerpent\u2019s Stalk can be consumed with a rather bland taste and will mildly lower body temperature upon consumption.\n\nSerpent\u2019s Stalk is also poisonous to insects and small rodents (sized no larger than a rat) when consumed in any solid form. \n \nWhen crushed up and mixed with water, a salve can be produced which can sooth pain inflicted by burns.  \n \n'''Redlines:''' \n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*The lowered body temperature brought on from consuming one measure Serpent\u2019s Stalk is not enough to be fatal, though excessive consumption (past three measures in the span of a narrative hour) will induce hypothermia. \n*The cooling effect of Serpent\u2019s Stalk as a salve will numb the pain of first degree burns whilst dulling second degree burns to an irritable stinging with one measure, and numb the pain of first and second degree burns whilst dulling the pain of third degree burns (if any nerve endings remain intact) to an irritable stinging with two measures.\n*Serpent\u2019s Stalk has no potent healing effects\n*Serpent\u2019s Stalk\u2019s use as a pesticide will only prove fatal to creatures of rat size or smaller. Small animals like cats and dogs will be made sick by Serpent\u2019s Stalk though will eventually recover if kept in otherwise good health whilst beings of halfling size or above will be completely unaffected by its toxicity.\n*Farmed Serpent\u2019s Stalk will require a 2x2 or 2x1 block space to grow in, where the plant must respectively be adjacent to a block of water or submerged in its shallows. Whilst Serpent\u2019s Stalk will grow in any climate above freezing point it will require at least indirect access to sunlight and thereby will not grow in water deeper than one block. When cut from the bottom of the stalk it can be gathered at a rate of one count per three OOC days.\n\n===Mandragora===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nWater\n \n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nSeparation x1\n\nImpediment x3\n\nFear x2\n\nLethargy x1\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nThick green leaves flowing out of the swampwate, leading down to a parsnip-like plant.\n\n'''Location:''' \n\nWet marshlands and swamp ponds.\n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nSpores are released by the plant when movement is detected within a 3x3 radius. Should one be able to approach the plant, they will only require the bulb to reap its signs, symbols and raw effects.\n\nMandragora can also be \u2018farmed\u2019, should they be provided with a suitably humid and boggy mud to grow in, under shade.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nCan be a delicious garnish or used to make a rejuvenating tea, boosting the regeneration of flesh following consumption. \n\nThe leaves are useless, as the \u201cmeat\u201d of the plant has all of its nutrients. Getting too close to a Mandragora will cause it to release narcotic spores which will cause one to seize up into paralysis if inhaled.\n\n'''Redlines:''' \n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*The regenerative effects of Mandragora do not affect bone healing and will only double the pace of a natural healing process already occurring when applied as a salve or stew to the relevant area. Simply consuming it when not targeted at a part of the digestive tract will cause tumours and ulcers to grow along said area, causing unwanted growth if a healing process isn\u2019t already underway. The same applies to over-application; when more than one measure of Mandragora is used to heal an external injury it will quicken natural healing processes fourfold instead of twofold, though will also cause permanent cysts, growths and warts to permanently surface along healed tissue.\n*The paralysing effect of the spores is lost soon after release from the growing plant, making them impossible to harvest for additional uses.\n*The spores are not deadly on their own, but rather can cause one to become paralysed and fall in the swampland mud, drowning them. This paralysis lasts for half a narrative hour if one full measure (released in a 3x3 block radius of a living plant) of the spores is inhaled.\n*Mandragora requires a 1x2 block vertical space to be farmed in, the bottom two being made up of one water and one dirt that is not in direct sunlight. A single plant will grow in this space, producing one measure every three OOC days. This space will also release spores periodically across a 3x3 radius (from the \u2018plant\u2019 block) if not covered over.\n\n===Drake\u2019s Tail===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nFire\n \n'''Symbol(s):''' \n \nHeat x4\n\nBurning x3\n\nRage x3\n\nBalance x2\n \n'''Appearance:''' \n\nThin dusky red vines akin to veins, adorned with small thorns and always clinging stone.\n\n'''Location:''' \n\nDeserts, at awkwardly specific points in humidity and temperature between an Oasis and wasteland. It will furthermore only be found under shade and growing around stone. These conditions render the plant exceptionally rare. It cannot be farmed.\n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n \nThe complete vines, root and stem will need to be collected in order to reap an equivalent measure containing the plant\u2019s signs, symbols and raw effects.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n \nWhen pricked by one of the living plant\u2019s thorns, individuals will be subject to a fever that rapidly progresses into a comatose state. Drake\u2019s Tail\u2019s venom is nullified as soon as it is harvested and yields no other remarkable effects.\n \n'''Redlines:''' \n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*Drake\u2019s Tail can not be farmed thanks to its considerably difficult climate requirements. \n*The venom of Drake\u2019s Tail\u2019s thorns will induce a fever lasting ten narrative minutes before the stung individual will be rendered unconscious for a narrative day. This venom only exists in the plant whilst still alive and growing in the wild, the thorns of a picked measure of Drake\u2019s Tail being rendered inert. \n*One count of Drake\u2019s Tail requires the full plant.\n\n===Athin===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nColdness x3\n\nWeakness x1\n\nPurity x1\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nA light blue but otherwise ordinary looking moss.\n\n'''Location:''' \n\nBeneath the ice atop frozen ponds, lakes and rivers in any landscape below freezing point, as well as beneath glaciers and icebergs\n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nAthin is very simply scraped from beneath the frozen sheets, either by submerging oneself or by pulling the ice out to bring the moss to the surface. It cannot be farmed.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nThe base plant of Athin is completely flame retardant, inflammable up to temperatures similar to the melting point of most metals, where in such extremes it will combust. \n\nIt has no desirable effects from consumption, though when dried and ground to a powder it can be boiled with fabrics and leather to make it fire resistant, or alternatively mixed with lard to wax onto metal objects for a similar use.\n\nIt is also notably cold to the touch; whilst less potently cold than Frost Vine, Athin can still induce hypothermia after prolongued use in the wrong environment.\n\n'''Redlines:''' \n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*Athin can not be burned or used as kindling, unless in the extreme heat detailed above.\n*Athin is cold to the touch though yields none of the numbing effects found in Frost Vine. If a full set of Athin-treated clothing or Athin-waxed armour is worn in any environment colder than tepid, it will induce hypothermia after a narrative hour without protection such as layers between the wearer and the Athin, or other temperature raising countermeasures.\n*Athin treatment or waxing will insulate objects against heat and are immune to ignition, whilst also passively keeping them cooler than most climates, though it does not make them immune to being heated in extreme circumstances. Consistent exposure to most flame for at least ten narrative minutes will begin heating the object as usual and will scold those in contact with it, the only difference being that the objects will not physically \u2018burn\u2019 or take lasting damage from the heat.\n\n===Jailer\u2019s Moss===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nAir\n\n'''Symbol(s):''' \n\nChaos x2\n\nInstability x3\n\nAgility x3\n\nSlowness x2\n\n'''Appearance:''' \n\nA light yellow moss covered in hundreds of tiny moist hooks, easily mistaken for a thin mucus coating its leaves.\n\n'''Location:''' \n\nSwampland, humid caves and and waterfalls, clinging to damp walls.\n\n'''Harvesting:''' \n\nThe leaves and stem of the moss are what contain the plants signs, symbols and raw effects. \n\nThe Jailer\u2019s Moss can also be \u2018farmed\u2019, requiring only running water or exceptional humidity and a stone surface to cling to.\n \n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nThe leaves of Jailer\u2019s Moss will irritably cling to all but glass and metallic surfaces, often mistaken for sticky weed when found clinging to a spelunker\u2019s clothes.\n \n'''Redlines:''' \n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*The faux stickiness of Jailer\u2019s Moss persists long after the plant dies though not enough to completely immobilise a full-sized descendant, each measure only capable of securely holding 4kg like Velcro before the leaves break. Double the force necessary to lift a \u2018stuck\u2019 object is required to remove it from a measure of Jailer\u2019s Moss\u2019 hold or to pluck Jailer\u2019s Moss from it.\n*Jailer\u2019s Moss will cling to any solid surface besides metal or glass, meaning pulling it off of one surface with one\u2019s hand will likely render it stuck to a non-metallic or glass glove or the skin of one\u2019s fingers unless a roll of 15+ is achieved. \n*The hooks on Jailer\u2019s Moss are too thin to cause any real damage beyond mild irritation when embedded into the skin and will break long before skin can be broken when it is stretched by pulling the moss off.\n*Jailer\u2019s Moss requires a 1x1 block vertical space to be farmed in, either submerged in or adjacent to running water from at least 5 blocks away. A single plant will grow in this space, producing one measure every three OOC days. \n\n===Desert Berry Bush===\n\n'''Sign(s):''' \n\nFire\n \n'''Symbol(s):''' \n \nCourage x2\n\nHeat x1\n\nBalance x1\n \n'''Appearance:''' \n\nAkin to a withered rose bush without leaves and long brown stalks with thorns, usually covered in bright red berries.\n \n'''Location:''' \n\nDesert Berry Bush grows exclusively amongst cacti in deserts and canyons.\n \n'''Harvesting:''' \n \nOne must pick eight berries in order to reap an equivalent measure containing symbols, signs and the plant\u2019s raw effects.\n\nThe berries can also be \u2018farmed\u2019 if planted beside a healthy cactus and given enough light and heat.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):''' \n\nDesert Berry Bush has no especially noteworthy effects in its usual state. \n\nIts Berries are extremely sweet tasting and non-toxic, providing a mild amount of nutrition. \n\n'''Redlines:''' \n*All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.\n*When processed for it\u2019s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.\n*Eight berries are what constitute a count of Desert Berry Bush for use in harvesting its symbols. \n*Farmed Desert Berry Bush requires a vertical 2x2 block space in direct view of sunlight containing sand and a live cactus, as well as a desert or temperate greenhouse environment at minimum to be grown in, and will regrow at the rate of 1 count per 3 OOC days.\n\n==Hedgewitch's Healkit==\n\n===Aqua Nymph===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nGrace x2\n\nOrder x1\n\nEndurance x2\n\nFreezing x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nAn aquatic plant with large leaves which grows in circular figures bending downwards. Its green*brown, slimy appearance, as well as the shape of the plant, leads many to mistake it as toads sitting at the ground of a pond. The plant grows a cluster of small, pod-like bulbs which are the same colour as the foliage. These bulbs eventually flower into small and bland, white blossoms.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nAqua Nymphs are found in humid biomes such as swamps and jungles. They grow within shallow, murky freshwater like ponds and the edges of lakes.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe desired healing and alchemical properties are in the bulbs, so the plant must be harvested before they flower. These bulbs are delicate, and simply touching them causes them to burst, destroying any potential use. In fact, if any part of the plant is damaged, including its roots, then its properties become null.\n\nSuccessfully harvesting requires one to dig around the plant's base, and to carefully lift the whole plant out and transplant it into a jar or pot. Note that the jar must be wide enough so that the bulbs do not touch the sides.\n\nAqua nymph cannot be farmed.  \n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nBoiling the entire plant and reducing it until the water evaporates leaves behind a thick oil which holds the plant\u2019s alchemical properties.\n\nThis oil is also a powerful aid to scar treatment, but takes a thorough course of use before any effects may be seen. Healers may combine it with other skin treatments and the like, to help mitigate the appearance of heavier scarring.\n\nOral consumption of the oil burns the throat and may cause disruption to airways, resulting in difficulty breathing.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*Aqua nymph must be processed into an oil to acquire the Symbols necessary for alchemical works. The whole undamaged plant must be rinsed and then boiled in water, then reduced slowly to produce the oil.\n*One full measure of aqua nymph produces 5oz of oil for the use of scar treatment.\n*5oz can be used for up to one human palm-length scar, with one palm-sized dose being 1 oz.\n*One dose of 1 oz. aqua nymph oil per narrative week, for five weeks, will visibly reduce the scarring of a third-degree burn to that of a second-degree burn; and second-degree burns to a first-degree burn.\n*This may also minimise other small scars from various minor cuts.\n*Aqua nymph oil does not prevent the scarring associated with Paladin or other \u2018Holy\u2019 healing abilities.\n*Aqua nymph oil only reduces the scarring of flesh, and does not prevent or treat the pain.\n*Ingesting the oil will result in breathing complications and burning of the throat.\n*The alchemical and healing properties of this herb are lost if the bulbs are touched or if the plant is damaged.\n*Aqua nymph may not be farmed.\n\n===Beard Weed===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nGrowth x3\n\nLife x1\n\nSwiftness x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA dark green moss which grows under heavily shaded areas, supporting itself on the branches and trunks of trees. The moss produces an oily residue on its surface. It hangs down in an untamed and ragged fashion. Parts of the moss that are exposed to too much sunlight will darken and shrivel up over time.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nFound on lowest trees that grow in thick jungles and forests. Grows on the lowest branches, where sunlight is least present. Although rare, it grows in large quantities at a time.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe moss should be harvested with gloves to prevent accidental absorption of the oils, which can cause hair growth or sickness. It can be easily removed from the wood, but separating the darkened and healthy sections of the moss is a tedious task.\n\nBeard weed cannot be farmed.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nDepending on how the moss is prepared, the raw effect is one of three outcomes. Oil pressed from a healthy section of moss stimulates hair follicles, thus encouraging hair growth. This can promote a faster growth of already-established hair, or can even grow new patches of hair from underlying hair follicles.\n\nThe oil excreted by the sun-exposed, dying patches of the moss has a strong side-effect. When this variant of the oil is absorbed by the skin, it induces a sickness with the symptoms of nausea, diarrhea, and internal bleeding within the digestive system.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n* One measure of beard weed has a half measure of healthy moss and a half measure of sun-exposed moss, together producing six ounces of oil.\n* The oil pressed from beard weed encourages the growth of hair, and can grow new patches of hair from underlying hair follicles when absorbed by the skin.\n* Three ounces of the oil from a sun-exposed, dying measure of beard weed induces nausea, diarrhea, and internal bleeding in the digestive system when absorbed by the skin. The sun-exposed section must be separated before collecting oil from the healthy section to prevent this.\n* Two measure of beard weed decocted and produced into a syrup will give a maximum of four doses.\n* Consuming more than two doses is an overdose and produces the side effects of the dying, sun*exposed oil.\n*Beard weed cannot be farmed.\n\n===Blood Lotus===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nEarth, Water\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nStrength x3\n\nVigour x2\n\nRigidity x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA woody bush which roots itself into small clefts and recesses, then grows outward over cave mouths or down cliffs and other shear edges. The stems are thick and weeping, like the branches of a willow tree, which support small round olive-coloured leaves. When flowering, the heads are large and hold numerous layers of deep red to purple petals.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nSubtropical regions, typically grows around cliff-faces and cave mouths.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nCuttings from the \u2018vine-like\u2019 stems should include leaves and flowers for maximum benefit.\n\nCan be \u2018farmed\u2019 in any suitable climate among crags, over cliffs or about caves. Require little maintenance.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe flowers, leaves and stems are very nutritious and can be used as a filler to bulk up meals. One may best utilise this quality by chopping and adding blood lotus to soups and stews. It is most often offered to those suffering from blood loss or sickness, to boost the body\u2019s recovery.\n\nBlood lotus has a strong metallic taste and aroma, as its name might suggest. Excessive consumption may lead the skin to discolour to a bright red-orange, and in extreme cases leads to calcification of the kidneys.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*One full harvest of blood lotus added to soup or stew, will effectively \u2018bulk\u2019 it to an additional two portions.\n*Blood lotus added to one meal each narrative day for a narrative week, will help to recover from mundane diseases and blood loss.\n*This is a very slow recovery, requiring rest and other measures.\n*Blood lotus offers minor health benefits as part of a variety, healthy diet.\n*Blood lotus is not a miracle cure.\n*The degree to which one could be poisoned by blood lotus is not feasible within a roleplay setting.\n*Farmed blood lotus requires a hot climate and rocky outcroppings, cliffs etc. One farmed plant will produce one measure every 3 OOC days.\n\n===Coltsfoot===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nCurtailment x1\n\nPoison x1\n\nLife x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nClumps of bright yellow flowers upon greyish green stems, resembling dandelions. Flowering during early Spring, the hoof-shaped leaves which earn its name, wither and die toward the Summer. They do not typically grow beyond 12\u201d in height.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nFound worldwide, but frequently by paths and roads. It is considered a weed by many.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe leaves and flowers hold the best crop of the plant's beneficial qualities.\n\nIt may be farmed virtually anywhere, but prefers temperate to subarctic regions.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nInfused into a tea or decocted, the leaves and flowers assist with coughs, colds, flu and fever symptoms. Additionally this extends to disturbances of the respiratory tract, as a crude treatment for asthmatic-like complaints. Applied externally, it aids the recovery of gout.\n\nThe roots hold toxic properties if consumed, and excessive consumption of the leaves and flowers leads to growths and toxicity of the liver.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*One full harvest of coltsfoot infused into a tea offers five doses, with minor health benefits.\n*One full harvest brewed into a decoction or syrup offers three doses which can flush the respiratory tract of irritation, or help to open the airways during episodes of shortened breath. This may be drunk, breathed in through steam or applied to the chest.\n*The degree to which one could be poisoned by coltsfoot is not feasible within a roleplay setting.\n*Chronic use of coltsfoot can result in cancerous growths within the body.\n*Farmed coltsfoot has no special requirements and may be grown in one\u2019s garden etc. A single farmed plant can give one measure every 3 OOC days.\n\n===Cryptus Mushroom===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nEarth\n\nAir\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nDeath x1\n\nSwiftness x2\n\nReduction x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA very brittle and dry brown fungus that takes the shape of upright slabs, and grows like \u201cflakes\u201d in close layers.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nMost commonly found growing in caverns upon the corpses of animals. Less commonly, grows in the same caves upon rotting wood. In crypts, it is common to find this fungus growing on the rotting bodies, hence its name.  \n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe fungus will often need to be removed of the rotting flesh it roots itself deeply into. Otherwise, harvesting is quite easy.\n\nCryptus mushrooms may be farmed in pitch-black conditions, with the heavy addition of rotting meat to its soil.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nWhen the brittle fungus is grinded into a powder, it may be sprinkled over objects to quicken their drying rate. This is most helpful to herbalists to quickly dry plants, or to chefs to do the same to both herbs and meats.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*Cryptus mushrooms do not kill, they aid in air drying.\n*The drying effects have no benefit to a combat scenario.\n*Cryptus mushrooms may be farmed in pitch-black conditions with rotting meat heavily added to its soil. One farmed plant will grow one measures per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Diddyfunkle===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nDark x3\n\nLethargy x2\n\nPoison x2\n\nSlowness x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA flowering herbaceous plant which resembles the passion flower, for its open star-shaped heads. The petals open wide and are typically a very pale green, or white, with an interior fringe of rich purple hair-like tendrils dubbed \u2018diddyfunklites.\u2019 From under these flowers grow small globe-like pods, which are an attractive orange colour. The waxy leaves are ovoid with a pointed tip and green in colour. Diddyfunkle rarely reaches over a two feet in height.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nDiddyfunkle grows well in tropical and subtropical jungles, and is sometimes found upon plains when there is adequate rainfall.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe pods are the fruit of the plant and can be picked safely, as long as the diddfunklites of the flower are avoided.\n\nFarming diddyfunkle requires warm, moist conditions and light to shady sun exposure.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nIf the fruit is not prepared correctly, then it produces strong hallucinogenic effects and can lead to poisoning. This is best avoided by pressing the fruit for the nectar-like juice inside, then removing the pod by hand. Heating and straining the juice will further remove the chance for poisoning and adverse effects.\n\nIf prepared correctly, the thick juice has a pleasant fruity citrus flavour, and may be used in cooking when one requires tartness. It may also be infused into a tea to calm and clear the mind, and is sometimes used to treat migraines and even nightmares. In concentrated doses diddyfunkle can be used to sedate a patient into unconsciousness.\n\nDiddyfunklites contain hundreds of microscopic hairs, which embed themselves into the skin upon contact. This leads to redness and itching in the affected area.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*One full measure of diddyfunkle may be used in baking, cooking, in tea or as an accompaniment to food.\n*Two full measures of diddyfunkle infused into a tea will leave the drinker feeling calm for three narrative hours. Those experiencing headaches will half the pain and discomfort, while those with migraines will also experience a reduction of sensitivity to light and sound by a third.\n*Two full measures infused into a tea or decoction will give a maximum of three effective doses.\n*One dose of such a tea or similar substance, will also ease mundane nightmares and other intrusive thoughts of a non*magical nature.\n*A syrup or decoction made from four full measures causes unconsciousness in the user over five narrative minutes.\n* A syrup or decoction made of four full measures will give a maximum of two effective doses.\n*Diddyfunkle cannot \u2018cure\u2019 intrusive thoughts from magics, curses etc. At best it would be able to assuage some of the discomfort and anxiety.\n*Farmed diddyfunkle requires light sun or shady spots in warm, moist conditions such as a jungle or even a swamp. One farmed plant grows one measure per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Draugr Tongue===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nFire\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nPurity x2\n\nBurning x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA herbaceous flower with an upright stem, supporting a small cluster of tulip-like heads. They don\u2019t usually reach a height over a foot. Each head will support several fiery orange petals, which overlap, thus resembling a tulip.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nGrows well in grassy plains and meadows, usually amongst other clusters of wildflowers. It flowers in the Spring, usually dying toward mid*Summer.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe stems are useless, but the flower contains the qualities used in alchemy and healing.\n\nThey may be farmed by planting in loamy soil in temperate climates.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe petals hold disinfectant qualities, and can be bruised and steeped into an infusion for the washing of wounds. A cloth soaked with this heated infusion can be applied to a wound, which will also tenderize the surrounding skin. This is particularly helpful in \u201csoftening\u201d the skin surrounding an impaled object, so it may be removed with less damage.\n\nInfusions and made with dragur tongue will have a fiery orange colour. They will also sting sharply when exposed to open skin or wounds.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*This plant should be gathered through RP, but does not require an ST approved item.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*One full measure of draugr tongue steeped into an infusion will act as a disinfectant for wounds against mundane non*magical infections. It will also tenderize an open wound, allowing an easier removal of impaled objects.\n*Application of such remedies upon broken skin or open wounds will however, produce a sharp stinging.\n*An infusion, balm or other such remedy created from one measure of draugr tongue can provide a maximum of five effective doses.\n*Draugr tongue can be farmed in temperate gardens, plains or forests in good quality soil. One farmed plant can produce one measure per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Dwarf\u2019s Pumpkin===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nFire, Earth\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nHeat x1\n\nPurity x2\n\nStrength x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA woody shrub, with ovaline leaves of an orange*brown colour. It buds in the late Spring and remains leafy until mid*Autumn. Typically Dwarf\u2019s pumpkin grows in a vaguely round shape, and reaches no taller than four feet in height. The shrub gives off a particularly pungent, skunky aroma.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nHumid swampy environments, growing particularly well in clearings or by pools of water.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe leaves hold the desirable qualities, and can be picked easily. Picking back to the sprig encourages regrowth next Spring.\n\nCuttings can be planted in silty soil, in humid environments with lots of moisture.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe essential oil from the leaves of dwarf\u2019s pumpkin has strong antifungal properties. This oil can be extracted through distillation. This can be dropped into a bowl of water and boiled. The resulting steam has a terrible smell much like strong garlic, but can be inhaled to fight off fungal infections in the lungs resulting from inhaled spores. When the steam is inhaled, one will feel a burning sensation in their respiratory system. The same oil can also be made into a salve or balm, which can be used as a topical treatment for fungal skin infections.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*5ml of essential oil can be extracted from one full measure with distillation. This oil gives off a foul smell, but has strong antifungal properties.\n*Up to five effective doses can be used from this 5ml, which can either be inhaled in a steam or applied to the skin after being incorporated into a salve or balm.\n*One dose, regardless of how it is applied, will stop the spread of fungi in the lungs or on the skin immediately, but the fungus and resulting side-effects will still be present.\n*A second dose can be given after nine narrative hours, and will begin to kill off the fungi over the course of five narrative hours.\n*Dwarf\u2019s pumpkin can be farmed in silty soil in humid and moist environments, and will produce one measure per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Gislocinovi===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nReduction x4\n\nPurity x2\n\nSilence x1\n\nSeparation x2\n\n '''Appearance:'''\n\nA white lotus-like flower growing from a tall, thick green stalk with multiple green leaves. A mature stalk is up to five feet tall.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nOften found growing in groups within dense jungles.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nGislocinovi strongly roots itself into the ground, so it is much easier to instead cut the stalk at its base. The entire stalk should be preserved, as it holds the desired properties.\n\nGislocinovi can easily be farmed in deeply-worked soil in warmer climates.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nWhen the stalk is brought to a boil it will soften significantly. The softened matter can then be mashed and strained, and the collected liquid will have topical antibacterial properties. The juice can be used like alcohol to soak a cloth and clean wounds of bacteria. Disinfecting with gislocinovi is a much more comfortable process than with alcohol, as it does not sting.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n \n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*The stalk can be boiled and juiced to produce an anti-bacterial cleanser.\n*This disinfectant has the same effects as cleaning wounds with alcohol, but it does not sting.\n*The plant can be farmed in deeply*worked soil in warmer climates. One farmed plant can produce one measure per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Grobsnopper===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nFire\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nReduction x2\n\nCurtailment x2\n\nLife x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA large vining plant with long, green stems and small leaves. It blooms large flowers which are pink in the middle and fade outwards into yellow.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nIn humid forests in areas with very loose soil, wrapping itself around the trunk and lower branches of trees.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe usable properties are in the flowers, which can be easily harvested.\n\nGrobsnopper can be farmed in humid climates, when supported by stakes, a trellis, a fence, or even a tree.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nA powerful antibiotic can be produced by decocting grobsnopper. This can be incorporated into a syrup and imbibed to treat bacterial infection.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*One dose will halt the spread of any non-magical bacterial infection. This however, cannot treat the physical symptoms caused by the festering bacteria.\n*A second dose taken one narrative day after, will halt the symptoms of and completely kill the bacteria causing minor non-magical infections. Curing of major non-magical bacterial infections requires an additional third dose on the third narrative day.\n*One measure of grobsnopper produces a maximum of three doses.\n*Processed grobsnopper syrup cannot treat diseases not caused by bacteria(for example, viruses).\n*The syrup must be consumed and is ineffective topically.\n*Grobsnopper can be farmed when supported vertically with stakes, a trellis, a fence, etc. One measure per farmed plant can be harvested every 3 OOC days.\n\n===King\u2019s Ivy===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nFire\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nStrength x3\n\nSound x3\n\nCourage x1\n\nAgility x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nAn ivy with a dark green stalk and light green, large arrow-shaped leaves. It grows soft, golden flowers. The size varies, but it will continue to spread over as much surface as possible while it is healthy.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nGrows well in temperate, subtropical, subarctic regions, but rarely spreads beyond. It is found spreading over large rocks, tree*trunks, or ruins.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe flowers of the plant hold the desired properties, and can be easily plucked.\n\n It can be farmed in well-watered conditions adjacent to a wall, to allow the ivy to climb it.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe flowers contain a unique, powerful caffeine-like substance, which can be used to create a syrup or tincture and imbibed, or gentler when brewed into tea and drunk. The tea has a similar intensity as coffee. The syrup/tincture causes powerful bursts of energy, but causes agitation and can raise the heart-rate significantly.\n\nExcessive use can lead to cardiac symptoms like arrhythmia, and can aggravate existing conditions. After the effects are over, a crash of energy will result.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*The flowers contain strong caffeine-like properties which can be produced into a syrup, decoction or tea.\n*The tea from one measure will provide five doses, and each dose contains the same effects as a cup of coffee.\n*The syrup or tincture produced from one measure will provide only one dose, and will give a strong energy rush with the side effects of agitation and a raised heart-rate for five narrative hours.\n*After the effects of the syrup or tincture have subsided, the user will fall into a three narrative hour*long crash, with strong drowsiness and physical weakness. They will be unable to perform strenuous tasks during this, including combat.\n*Non-combative casting of magic is still permitted.\n*King\u2019s ivy can be farmed if it is well-watered and allowed to climb a wall. It will provide one measure per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Miner\u2019s Helmet===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nRigidity x2\n\nSwiftness x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA remarkably large, brown mushroom. The mushroom cap can grow wide enough to take up a square meter of space. The top of the mushroom bears an excess of visible spores. \n\n'''Location:'''\n\nFound within cave systems of various climates. Typically growing upon \u2018shelf-like\u2019 structures and outcroppings.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe mushroom can easily be cut down, although it\u2019s quite bulky and could take a group to carry it.\n\nMiner\u2019s helmet can be farmed in a rockery under pitch-black conditions.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe mushroom has a delicious flavor and is heavily sought out by chefs, as it is believed to be the best-tasting mushroom in the realm. If consumed raw, it can lead to food poisoning, but this can be removed as a risk factor by drying it in warm conditions. It may then be consumed safely, or used in other cooking.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*One full measure of miner\u2019s helmet provides ten portions, to be eaten alone or prepared in cooking.\n*If not dried prior to consumption, miner\u2019s helmet can lead to mild food poisoning. In particular sharp pangs of the gut and vomiting are common symptoms. Death is not possible.\n*Miner\u2019s helmet can be farmed in a rockery in full-darkness, and will provide one measure per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Night Sap===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nEarth, Water.\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nLethargy x3\n\nDark x2\n\nInstability x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA thinly spread, green moss that grows in the crevices of tree branches. Tiny white blossoms sprout from the flat moss itself. The blossoms produce an excess of golden sap which tends to cover the moss itself, appearing as if the sap is present alone.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nMoist temperate forests, swamps with trees, and jungles. Only located in the branches of trees.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe sap must be gently scraped from the branches, to avoid scraping the moss, flowers, and bark with it.\n\nNightsap may not be farmed.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nWhen boiled down into a thinner consistency, a measure of nightsap can be mixed into a tea or syrup. When imbibed, this brings the user a sense of calmness, euphoria, and happiness for five narrative hours, which is followed by a moderate headache for two narrative hours.\n\nA decoction or syrup of two measures can be made which instead puts the user into a dreamless sleep for five narrative hours, which is followed by severe headaches for the same amount of time. Nightsap is highly addictive, and users often redose to combat the headaches, entering a loop of abuse.\n\n'''Redlines:''\u2019\n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*A tea or syrup prepared from a measure of nightsap induces calmness, euphoria, and happiness for five narrative hours, followed by moderate headaches for two narrative hours.\n*A tea or syrup prepared from a measure of nightsap will produce a maximum of three doses.\n*A decoction or syrup prepared from two measures of nightsap causes the user to fall into a dreamless sleep for five narrative hours, followed by severe headaches for the same amount of time.\n*A decoction or syrup prepared from two measure of nightsap two effective doses.\n*One cannot be forced into sleep by merely inhaling the aroma or fumes.\n*Nightsap cannot be farmed.\n\n===Ponderlot===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nAether\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nClarity x4\n\nChaos x2\n\nSound x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA herbaceous flower, with a central waxy stem, from which long slim leaves grow outward. From this stem grow several pale sprigs supporting flower heads, each with five pale lilac to white petals. It resembles the mundane blue orchid.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nIt grows well upon the slopes and mountains of rainforests and jungles. Ponderlot favours loose moist soil and abundant sun, but is often also found amongst the flora of Druid Groves.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe flowers contain the useful qualities of the plant, but should be picked down to the stem to encourage regrowth.\n\nIt may be farmed in places of rich loamy soil, with lots of sun and plenty of water, particularly in Druid Groves.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe flowers may be dried and the petals powdered to create the substance for which the flower is known. This powder can be insufflated, smoked or placed upon the tongue to induce powerful visual and auditory hallucinations in the user, accompanied with hypersensitivity and a sense of \u2018one-ness\u2019 or ego-death with the world.\n\nIf eaten, it has a floral fruity aroma, not unlike pomegranate. Ponderlot is thought to have been used by Druids to evoke a greater feeling of harmony with nature, but many Druids are unaware of it.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*A full measure of ponderlot contains 2 doses.\n*One dose insufflated, smoked, or placed on the tongue, induces a bodily high, along with feelings of ego*death, hypersensitivity, and auditory and visual hallucinations akin to ecstasy, for three narrative hours.\n*Farmed ponderlot requires moist rich soil in any tropical to subtropical climate, or in proximity to a Druid\u2019s dwelling and each farmed plant will grow one measure per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Amberiddle===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nSlowness x3\n\nCurtailment x1\n\nStrength x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA herbaceous plant with long green leaves and serrated edges, not dissimilar to those of a sycamore. During Spring it grows pale blue flowers, which remain until Autumn. Growing between the boughs of trees, one may mistaken it for ivy at first glance.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nTemperate forests, specifically growing between the boughs and branches of mature trees.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe sap must be harvested by picking and then bruising the stems and leaves.\n \nIt may be \u2018farmed\u2019 in healthy Groves, copses and forests.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nIf allowed to stand in an airtight container after harvesting, the sap will take on powerful adhesive properties. Used raw or mixed into a syrup, it may then be applied as a \u2018superglue\u2019 whereupon it is particularly effective at sticking to itself.\n\nThis is primarily used by healers to seal wounds closed for battlefield triaging, but its applications as an adhesive make it fit for woodwork and other crafts too. If burned, the sap or any resulting gum or glue will have a spiced aroma.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*This plant should be gathered through RP, but does not require an ST approved item.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*When applied to open flesh, amberiddle has a slight burning sensation, which is uncomfortable.\n*If applied to close a wound, it will seal the flesh closed indefinitely assuming it is not disturbed. If the wound is disturbed, such as moving the patient without care(including the patient attempting to fight or flee) then it will hold for one narrative hour.\n*This will not heal wounds, only closes them. They will require adequate treatment afterward.\n*Gloves may be required when handling the adhesive sap/gum to prevent a healer\u2019s fingers sticking together. Amberiddle may be scrubbed clean with soap and warm water and the removal of residue.\n*Two full measures of ameriddle can be used as a glue, in a quantity of 50g/1.8oz. The same quantity used to create a syrup or gum will produce 5floz.\n*In any case two full measures of amberiddle is enough to treat several wounds if used conservatively.\n*If used as a wood glue, waterproofing or sealing will be required.\n*Farmed amberiddle requires living, healthy mature trees to grow upon. One farmed plant provides one measure per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Aquate Root===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nGrace x1\n\nPurity x1\n\nEndurance x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA short, green plant composed of various thin, firm and upright stalks. Its large bulbs have an onion-like appearance but with a light blue tint. Aquate root grows slim, blue flowers.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nGrows in groups along the edge of freshwater sources. As a hardy plant the climate may vary, but will grow predominantly where the soil is moist.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe stalks can be uprooted with ease, allowing the bulbs at the bottom to be harvested, which is where all relevant uses are.\n\nThe stalks can be farmed in very moist soil.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe bulbs contain hydrating properties, which one may create into a cream or lotion to remedy dry and chapped skin.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*This plant should be gathered through RP, but does not require an ST approved item.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*One full harvest of aquate root can be decocted. This can then be processed into a lotion or cream.\n*Creams and lotions created from one full harvest can help to reduce dehydration of the skin, and to aid in reducing the appearances of cracked, dry or chapped skin to an aesthetic/cosmetic degree.\n*One measure of aquate root when processed can provide a maximum of 5 human palm*sized applications.\n*Aquate root cannot regenerate or heal flesh.\n*It can be farmed in gardens, or allowed to grow near rivers, ponds etc. One farmed plant will provide one measure per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Atheros===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nPeace x3\n\nLife x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA leafy plant with grey*green stems and leaves, and grey*brown spotted roots. When flowering it produces small heads with white petals not unlike a lily. A mature plant reaches around two feet in height.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nTropical jungles and subtropical dense forests, found amidst the undergrowth.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe root contains the properties sought after by healers and alchemists. A few may be cut and taken without harm to the plant.\n\nOne may farm it in an appropriately warm, humid climate.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe root may be eaten raw to as a crude painkiller or chewed as a remedy for toothache. Infused into a tea, it alleviates minor aches and pains impractical for the use of blissfoil.\n\nIt has a bitter flavour when consumed, but is not wholly unpleasant, akin to sucking upon a dandelion stem.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n\n*Must be gathered through RP and represented by ST-approved items.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*Tea infused by one full measure of atheros can be drunk to relieve minor aches and pains. Alternatively, it can be eaten raw.\n*Farmed atheros requires a warm humid climate with rich soil. One plant grows one measure per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Bitter Reed===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nReduction x2\n\nImpediment x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA thick green reed, which grows straight. Its small rounded leaves are a lime*yellow colour. These reeds often grow in dense clusters, which grow no taller than five feet in total length.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nTypically grows in places of humidity, such as swamps, but is also known to grow around ponds and lakes. It will grow well in places where the soil is very moist or \u2018muddy\u2019 and does not require much in the way of drainage.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe reed may be cut, or the whole stem plucked from the ground by the root.\n\nIt may be farmed by planting near ponds or riverbanks, wherever the soil is muddy or swampy.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe reeds are high in nutrients and vitamins. They may be dried, then chopped or bruised and boiled in water to produce an infusion or tea. When drunk this infusion alleviates symptoms of mundane sickness such as coughs and colds, and is an effective anti-nausea treatment.\n\nIt is however, extremely bitter in taste and is best prepared with other teas, herbs or honey. Bitter reed tea is often used as a remedy for morning sickness.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*This plant should be gathered through RP, but does not require an ST approved item.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*One full measure of bitter reed infused into a tea offers minor health benefits.\n*One measure of bitter reed chewed or infused into tea and drunk will alleviate minor symptoms of coughs and colds, particularly nausea, for up to 4 narrative hours.\n*Bitter root may not be used to completely nullify nausea caused by magical, alchemical or event sources. In such cases, it halves the experience of nausea.\n*A tea produced from one measure of bitter reed can provide a maximum of five doses.\n*The bitter taste should be roleplayed.\n*Bitter reed can be farmed in water gardens, or by rivers and ponds in temperate regions of the world. One farmed plant will provide one measures per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Crimson Vase===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nFire\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nHeat x2\n\nBurning x2\n\nInstability x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA herbaceous flower, the heads of which grow to form a long tube-like \u2018vase\u2019 from its deep red petals, which are warm to the touch. The \u2018vase\u2019 widens at the top and forms a lip or edge from its petals. Within the head of the flower is a sweet-smelling nectar, which the carnivorous flower uses to lure in insects and other small creatures. The head will shrink and prevent escape as its prey is digested in the nectar. Crimson vase will grow no taller than 2 feet, and the heads no larger than 8\u201d in length.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nSubtropical to tropical forests, particularly common in rainforests and other humid, hot forests. Typically grows among the roots of large trees, where it can lure in prey.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe flower must be harvested, ideally without spilling the nectar. Petals may be bent over the \u2018mouth\u2019 of the flower to prevent serious spillage during picking, but should be held upright during transit.\n\nIt may be farmed by planting in a sheltered place, within hot, humid regions.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe sweet-smelling nectar within the flower head is laden with digestive enzymes, which the flower uses to break down its prey. Bare skin contact with the nectar results in a light burning sensation, and with heavier contact can result in skin redness or a rash, from irritation.\n\nMerely washing the area of contact with cool water is enough to remedy this..\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*This plant should be gathered through RP, but does not require an ST approved item.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*Contact with the nectar will cause minor skin irritation and a burning sensation.\n*Rashes and irritation can be remedied by washing the area with cool water and not poking at it.\n*Poisoning via crimson vase is not feasible in a roleplay setting.\n*Crimson vase can be farmed in tropical or subtropical areas of humidity, sheltered amongst the roots of larger trees. One farmed plant can produce one measure per OOC day.\n\n===Faerie Truffles===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nEarth\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nGrowth x1\n\nLife x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA gnarled lump of fungi, dark in colour and with numerous white \u2018veins\u2019 growing through it when cut. When exposed to light, it has a red*purple hue to its dark exterior.\n\n'''Location:''\u2019\n\nFound in temperate forests, buried among the roots of a variety of trees.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nNestled under tree roots makes it difficult to determine exactly where to find them. Digging at random may yield a truffle, but a more consistent method is to use a pig or dog to sniff out the truffles through the soil. It\u2019s also possible for Druids to find them by listening for them through Communion. They may be dug from the soil, when found.\n\nFaerie Truffles cannot be farmed.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nWhen eaten raw, or used in cooking as part of a varied diet, faerie truffles provide lots of nutrients for healthy eyes, fingernails, hair and skin. A cream or lotion can be applied topically to help with the external appearance of skin, and can be used to give a more youthful appearance.\n\nOtherwise, they have a deep earthy, beefy flavour.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*This plant should be gathered through RP, but does not require an ST approved item.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*One full harvest of faerie truffle eaten raw or used in cooking offers minor health benefits. It\u2019s also very tasty.\n*One full harvest of decocted faerie truffle created into a lotion or cream offers a weak regenerative effect to one\u2019s skin when used regularly.\n*If one dose of such a lotion or cream is used once per narrative week, it encourages a youthful appearance of skin, and has a minor mitigation for blemishes, discolouration and scars. It does not remove either entirely however, and its effects are akin to getting a modern face peel treatment.\n*Faerie truffle is unable to be farmed.\n\n===Flash Fruit===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nLife x2\n\nGrowth x1\n\nFreezing x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nAn orange-like hollow fruit which grows upon thick woody vines. The leaves of the vines are spearhead-shaped with yellowish veins spanning from their centre. Flowering during early Spring, it will fruit throughout Summer with orange-sized fruits with yellowish vertical streaks running down the skin.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nAn epiphyte species, meaning it doesn\u2019t grow in soil, the vines grow amongst the canopy of jungles or Elder Trees, rooted into pockets of debris, moss and moisture among the branches.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe fruit can be picked without issue.\n\nCuttings from the vine can be cultivated in the branches of temperate, subtropical and tropical climates. It requires a good mix of shade and sun exposure to thrive.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe skin of the fruit is nutritious. It has a citrus-sweet taste and has many applications for cooking and teas.\n\nThe syrup-like substance inside the fruit has a numbing quality, which will numb the throat upon consumption. If several fruits are consumed whole, it will likely lead to a loss of all sensation within the throat for some time.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n \n*This plant should be gathered through RP, but does not require an ST approved item.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*A single flash fruit may be eaten whole, or merely the skin, for minor health benefits.\n*Eating the syrupy substance within five or more fruits, will lead to a minor numbing of the throat, akin to eating a cold dessert such as ice cream. It otherwise has no adverse effects.\n*Flash fruit has no medicinal or malicious applications.\n*Flash fruit can be farmed by planting a cutting in little pockets of debris, moss and moisture within the boughs of trees. It also requires a good mix of sun and shade, subtropical to tropical works best. One farmed plant can produce two fruits per OOC day.\n\n===Javens===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nSlowness x1\n\nLethargy x2\n\nPeace x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA herbaceous plant with long stems and elongated, slim leaves. Upon the upper third of the stem grows a cluster of small green burrs, which turn brown toward the end of Summer.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nTypically grow in sparse clusters in arid deserts. Prefers sandy soil with good drainage.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe spurs can be harvested toward the end of Summer.\n\nIt may be farmed in rockeries with loose, sandy soil in arid climates.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe spurs may be chewed whole, or bruised and steeped into a tea and drunk, where it assists in bringing on natural sleep. This is often used as a remedy for insomnia or other sleep disruptions, including nightmares in children.\n\nExcessive use leads to prolonged sleep, with grogginess upon awakening.\n\n'''Redlines:''\u2019\n*This plant should be gathered through RP, but does not require an ST approved item.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*One full harvest of javens chewed raw or infused into a tea brings on natural sleep within two narrative hours, lasting for between six to eight narrative hours.\n*Three full harvests of javens, bring on a heavier sleep within one narrative hour, lasting for ten to fourteen narrative hours. Upon awakening the individual will feel groggy and experience clouded thoughts.\n*Javens can be farmed easily in rockeries with sandy soil, in warm arid climates. One farmed plant can produce one measure per OOC day.\n\n===Sativnubobo===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nAir\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nLethargy x1\n\nClarity x2\n\nPeace x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA species of ball cactus with notable ridges growing vertically up its exterior. These ridges flower with fuchsia*coloured heads, which later become tufts of numerous tiny spines with a \u2018furry\u2019 appearance. It typically reaches no more than 2 feet in diameter or height.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nDeserts and arid grasslands or savannas. Typically grows in small clusters or \u2018colonies.\u2019\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe fruit of the cactus, which is to say the entire ball, must be cut at the root.\n\nFarming Sativnubobo requires arid conditions with optimal sun exposure throughout the year.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nAfter harvesting, the cactus may be baked to produce a soft paste-like substance which acts as a narcotic, and is one of two kinds referred to as \u2018Cactus Green.\u2019 This may be smoked through a pipe or rolled with paper, which produces a calming sensation and a clarity high.\n\nAlthough sativnubobo is considered less addictive than the indibublog cactus variety, the narcotic produced from it still possesses addictive qualities. When heated, it also produces a strong earthy, floral aroma. Smoking in great quantities can lead to hallucinations, nausea and vomiting.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n  \n*This plant should be gathered through RP, but does not require an ST approved item.\n\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n\n*Sativnubobo must be prepared by drying or baking, in order to have its described high.\n\n*A full measure of sativnubobo may offer the user a clarity high, along with feelings of relaxation and energy for three narrative hours.\n\n*Use of \u2018cactus green\u2019 more frequent than once a narrative month will lead to the gradual development of an addiction. This is a slow process to enter and to escape from.\n\n*Farmed sativnubobo requires a hot arid climate and will grow at the count of 1 per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Shade Leaf===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nAir\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nPeace x2\n\nOrder x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA slender and short flimsy plant with thin, green leaves and small yellow blossoms. The bottom of the stem appears to have silver-colored \u2018veins\u2019 which burst when exposed to rain, creating a unique popping sound.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nA common plant typically considered a weed. Thrives in shaded areas like forests and woodlands.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe leaves contain the desired effects and can be snipped away.\n\nConsidered a weed by most, shade leaf thrives under any conditions and can be farmed, although too much sun can harm the health of the plant.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe tea brewed from shade leaf can be drunk to relieve minor stress. When processed with into a syrup by decocting, or when made into a tincture, it has more potent effects and calms the body. It is particularly useful to healers as it soothes the emotional/mental symptoms of shock following trauma.\n\n'''Redlines:''\u2019\n*This plant should be gathered through RP, but does not require an ST approved item.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*One measure of shade leaf can be infused into tea, and provides up to five effective doses. Each dose will provide a minor calming effect to relieve stress.\n*A decoction or syrup created from two measures shade leaf will produce up to three effective doses. Each dose provides a major calmness and targets emotional/mental symptoms of medical shock.\n*Treating shock in this manner does not allow one to immediately jump back into a combat scenario. The effects of shock should still be roleplayed.\n*Shade leaf can easily be farmed in shady conditions, and can provide one measure per 3 OOC days.\n\n===Swamp Blossom===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nGrace x3\n\nBalance x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA bright purple flower with a short and thick green, hollow stem. The stem is filled with a thick sap with the consistency of honey, although it is not sticky and flows quickly.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nFound in swamps, of course. This flower stands out among the dull colors of the swamp.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe flowerhead and the sap are sought out for holding the desired properties. The flower should be snipped off first, and then the top of the stem can be cut off to make the sap available to be poured into a container.\n\nSwamp blossom can be farmed in hot environments, also preferably humid, although plentiful watering can supplement this.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nThe flowerhead can be made into a delicious tea or used to garnish salads. The sap is a useful alternative to honey in medicinal syrups, as it flows down the throat more fluidly than honey when imbibed.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*This plant should be gathered through RP, but does not require an ST approved item.\n*When processed for its Symbols, this reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvested capabilities.\n*The flower is edible and can be used in teas and foods.\n*The sap within the stem can be a better alternative to honey as a base to medicinal syrups.\n*Swamp blossom can be farmed in hot environments with plentiful watering. Farmed swamp blossom produces one measure per 3 OOC days.\n\n==More Herbs==\n\n===Mushnooman===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nAether\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\n2x Rigidity\n\n2x Curtailment\n\n2x Sound\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA mushnooman is a seemingly semi-sentient walking mushroom. It appears akin to a rotund, bipedal Fly Amanita mushroom, with 2 stubby white legs, 2 stubby white arms, and a small face, comprising of 2 black eyes, and a small mouth. The cap of the mushroom looking almost akin to a hat atop the small white body of the plant. These mushrooms measure at roughly 5 centimeters tall, and wander the forest floor, picking up various detritus and dead bug parts, such as cicada carapaces and snail shells. They\u2019re demure and easily frightened, running away into small narrow-dug burrows when danger approaches.\n\nThe burrow of a mushnooman is little more than a dark hole, filled with various stones and bones the creature has found, as some rudimentary form of fortification for its home.\n\nThe creature itself has no discernable organs, seemingly having a gooey white mass of mycelia beneath its mushroomesque \u2018skin\u2019.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nMushnooman thrive in dense temperate and tropical forests with ample canopy and little direct sunlight. They do not wander far from their root-nook burrows.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nTo \u2018harvest\u2019 a mushnooman, one must simply find and catch one.Though they\u2019re not particularly stealthy or quick, It is moreso ensuring that he mushroom doesn\u2019t see the one wishing to catch it, for with any sign of danger, the creature shall run off into its nigh unfindable burrow. It is akin to chasing a wild mouse through the forest. \n\nOnce caught, the mushnooman will begin making a quiet, high pitched scream of terror, and attempt to escape its captor. This usually requires a small devoted cage, or a suitable jar to keep the creature for wriggling out of one\u2019s hands and running off. However, should the captor decide to kill the creature (simply by breaking or slicing apart its little body) it will loose its alchemical effectiveness 30 minutes after its death.\n\nThe mushnooman will eventually calm down after a few hours in captivity, however, it is never properly tamed, attempting to escape if possible, but otherwise must simply be fed detritus or bug parts once a day, if not fed, they will die after 3 days. Though these creatures can be kept alive, they cannot be farmed or bred for additional mushmooman.\n\n'''Raw Effects:'''\n\nMushnoomen offer no notable effects aside from simply being small living creature themselves. They cannot be tamed, trained, taught, or spoken with, though they do warble to themselves, and scream and cry when in pain or scared. The mushnooman may be cooked and eaten akin to a portobello mushroom, and bear a notably pleasant, vaguely chicken-like flavor.\n\nTo extract the symbols from this reagent, its entire body must be processed accordingly.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Mushnoomen aren't pets or companions, given they cannot be trained, and will continually attempt to escape to the wild if captured. Though communing druids can lessen the creatures fears and calm them, this does not equate to taming.\n(Should the ST wish these creatures tameable, or the community at large, a separate submission for these as tameable creatures will be made, yet as of current, they\u2019re purely \u2018reagent\u2019 based creature.)\n*If a mushnooman is killed, one has 30 minutes before it becomes alchemically useless. If processed before the 30 minutes have elapsed, the extracted symbols act the same as all others. \n\n===Deep's Gleam===\n\nDeep\u2019s Gleam, a relative of the sea kelp which litters the oceans surrounding the continents. Like Kelp, this deep sea plant is rooted at the ocean floor, but it reaches from there to the surface like an aquatic tree. Oftentimes there will be several growing together in a group, creating a small underwater forest. \n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nLife x2\n\nGrowth x1\n\nLight x3\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nDeep\u2019s Gleam has a thick green stalk, usually singular, and as thick as a grown human's arm. It tapers off towards the surface as the stalk becomes thinner, and flows with the currents more easily. Closer to the surface, the stalk shoots off many long leaves that are wide at the base and pointed at the tip. The deeper down from the surface you look, the fewer leaves it has, as it is too dark in the deep to collect any sunlight.\n\nIn place of the leaves, in the dark depths, curious bulbs sprout on the stalk. These bulbs are shaped like teardrops, clinging onto the stalk by a single tendril that grew off of it like a shoot. The bulbs themselves are for the most part, transparent, and house inside them a gelatinous sap. The sap is made from any excess energy the leaves capture above, and nutrients that the plant absorbs from the water. This sap however, has other properties as well.\n\nThe sap inside the bulbs glow almost as bright as torch-light, brightening up the deep below when several stalks grow close together. This serves as an ecosystem support for the deep ocean, with many smaller sea-floor plant life growing around the stalk where the light is produced. Many small fish will also be attracted to the light, feeding on the small plant-life below, and producing nutrients in the water for the Deep\u2019s Gleam to absorb, and store away. The sap in the bulbs can come in varying shades of Oranges, Greens and Blues naturally.\n\nThe bulbs also house the seeds of the plant, and when the time comes for the seeds to be sent off, the bulb will detach. Having stored energy & nutrients in the sap, when the bulb settles on the ocean floor after floating off in the current, the seeds will sprout inside and use those stored nutrients in order to grow a new stalk, from the ocean floor, to the surface. This way, it has the energy needed to reach the surface, where it can then produce its own energy with leaves.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nThis kelp-like plant often litters the wide area of the oceans surrounding our continents, reaching from the sea floor to the surface of calmer waters. While it inhabits most areas of the ocean, Deep\u2019s Gleam notably does not grow in the oceans of colder zones where there are fewer small creatures living in the deep. Southern areas are the best places to find it reaching up to the surface.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nWhile the stalk and leaves of Deep\u2019s Gleam have little to no special properties, the bulbs themselves house the sap which most are interested in making use of. Raw, the sap of a deep\u2019s gleam bulb even when taken away from its mother plant will soak in energy from the sun\u2019s rays and later dispense that energy in the form of natural glow. The sap itself can be turned into a dye or paint, and applied to various surfaces that can hold dyes, or paints. Considering that the plant and it\u2019s sap isn\u2019t poisonous, it could also be applied to the skin for temporary, or even permanent uses in the form of tattoos.\n\nAside from this glow and its various applications, the sap taken from the plant has the function of well processed fertilizer, housing stored energy and nutrients that were meant for its own seeds within. It can be spread in a garden to give plants a natural and healthy boost, great for plants growing in a greenhouse or small garden.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nWhen harvesting Deep\u2019s Gleam bulbs with their sap intact, it is best to use a knife to cut close to the main stem of the plant. The bulb is attached by a small spiral shaped tendril, which also functions as the cap. If someone were to pull on the bulb with force, the cap would release and the sap would dispense from the bulb and into the ocean, alongside the seeds stored inside.\nIt is quite difficult to \u2018farm\u2019 Deep\u2019s Gleam, as in order to do so, it must grow in the ocean, however one could plant more bulbs which would eventually grow into new stalks.. If they can survive diving to the ocean floor and holding their breath for that long.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Deep\u2019s Gleam is not a poisonous plant, consuming the sap or any part of the plant, while unpleasant in taste, will not sicken or injure you. Though the glowing effect of the sap isn\u2019t always broken down through digestion. [It makes your poop glow, harmless though.]\n*While most uses of the sap are safe, and it is not poisonous in most ways, it is not recommended to apply it in its raw state directly into the eyes. It would have a similar effect to staring at the sun for too long, as the light from the sap would be entering the eyes directly. This could lead to damage to the eye resulting in light sensitivity, or dullness of vision. [This isn't powerful enough to cause anything such as permanent blindness, though.]\n*Raw Deep\u2019s Gleam sap, when separated from the mother plant, will not glow forever. It needs to store energy from sunlight in order to glow brightly, so letting it [or what it\u2019s been applied to] soak in some sunlight for a short while will keep it \u2018charged up\u2019. After an hour or two of direct light, the sap [or what its been applied to] will glow as bright as a torch for at least 4-5 hours.\n*Raw Deep Gleam\u2019s sap is only as bright as torchlight, housing more sap inside a container will not increase its brightness, or the longevity of its glow.\n*Deeps Gleam sap does not require an ST signature\n\n===Bat's Eye Bulb===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nEarth\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nBlindness x3\n\nDark x1\n\nInstability x3\n\nFear x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nBat\u2019s Eye Bulb appears as a murky dark bulb much like that of a bat\u2019s eye, no larger than that of a golf ball, with jagged dark green leaves at its base and stem.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nBat\u2019s Eye Bulb is found in very dark or shaded locations, such as cliff overhangs or within dark crevices where creatures as bats might reside. It is most often found amidst bat guano, feeding off of it for nutrients.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe symbols of this reagent are all located within the spore bulb. However, the bulb is incredibly fragile and will burst easily, requiring the alchemist to harvest it by the stem. Upon bursting, the bulb would release a cloud of spores that would blind the individual completely, hence why goggles or protective eyewear  are recommended.\n\nBat\u2019s Eye Bulb can be \u2018farmed\u2019 in very dark locations if supplied bat droppings. \n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\nThe stem and leaves themselves are useless and have no effect. The dark bulb atop it, however, is a spore pocket that bursts as easily as a water balloon, releasing spores which can completely blind an individual for up to thirty minutes if they do not harvest carefully.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*If the bulb bursts during harvesting, the blindness symbols will be reduced to x1 instead of x4. To be properly processed, the spore sack must not burst up until the point of symbol extraction. \n* Once the bulb is disconnected from the stem, its effectiveness will decrease, blinding one only to the point of blurry vision, though still painful. This effect will last for about two emotes if it gets into one\u2019s eyes, though their vision will return to normal afterwards. \n*Farmed Bat\u2019s Eye Bulb requires a five by five space in dark locations with no light whatsoever. It must also be supplied bat droppings periodically as opposed to watering. Will regrow at the rate of one count per three OOC days.\n\n===Chime Lilies===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nAir\n\nEarth\n\nWater\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nSound x3\n\nGrace x1\n\nCourage x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA type of lily with what can be described as a strange formation on the stem. It would seem to be a small oval shape with cords that resemble a windchime. When wind passes through them, they make soft melodic sounds.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nWindy Areas, places with rich soil, and around waters such as lakes, pools, rivers, and streams. \n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nSimply pluck the stem from the flower, be sure to take the organ as well. The lily regrows every three stone days. It can be moved to other areas, requiring one to move the lily with rich soil and some water.\n\n'''Raw Effects:'''\n\nThe organ, when dried, can be used as a form of wind chime. Alternatively it can be made as a type of whistle or instrument, though it would need to be crafted in such a way that the organ is still somewhat intact. The sound will always carry some kind of melody to it. \n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*The sound is not deafening.\n*A lily will regrow every three OOC days.\n\n===Paddfoot===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nAir\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nSilence x4\n\nReduction x2\n\nPeace x1\n\nGrace x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nPaddfoot appears as a quadri-petalled sky blue flower with a dark blue stem. Each petal is about two inches thick.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nPaddfoot flowers are found atop high mountain peaks where wind blows often.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe petals of the flower hold all of the symbols and its desired properties. There is no particular method of harvesting this reagent. \n\nPaddfoot is \u2018farmable\u2019 in high altitude regions with lots of wind. \n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nWhen tread upon, the flower petals will absorb sound, much like that of a sound-absorbent padding. If one were to consume the petals, they would find themselves unable to speak in more than a harsh whisper, if at all, for about an hour or two depending on the amount consumed.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Petals will absorb sound such as gravel being walked upon or a stick snapping underfoot. The petals won\u2019t be able to absorb super loud or high-pitched sounds such as screams or explosions.\n*The petals can be made into an oil often treated to boots to make them sound-absorbent. Similarly to the aforementioned redlines, they will only be sound-proof to a certain degree, able to deafen gravel under ones foot, though running at more than a jogging pace or falling/jumping from higher than a meter would still yield sound.\n*Farmed Paddfoot requires a three by three block space in a high-altitude region, though will grow in clumps or beds. Will regrow at the rate of one count per two OOC days.\n\n===Pipeweed===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nMakes you feel like you're in the ''Aether'', maan...\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nBongwater x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nThe pipeweed plant is a green, leafy stalk. It\u2019s leaves shoot out from the stalk at regular intervals, giving it a somewhat bushy appearance. It can grow to up to 3 meters tall, although higher heights have been achieved when given lots of care. It is eventually capped with small flowers, which serve as its method for reproduction.\n\nEvery fall, pipeweed flowers that have been fertilized will produce seeds with a light tuff to them like dandelions, which then blow away in the wind. Pipeweed seeds can be told apart from dandelion seeds due to their much larger size.\n\nEvery winter, pipeweed plants die off. Their seeds lie dormant until spring, where a new batch of pipeweed plants will grow. \n\n'''Location:'''\n\nIn the wild, pipeweed is usually found along rivers, lakes, streams, and other sources of freshwater. Pipeweed grows best in temperate climates, preferably with a bit of wind. Pipeweed can grow in less favorable climates, although it doesn\u2019t grow as well.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nPipeweed, due to its pleasant properties, is frequently farmed as a cash crop. When given enough water and a decent amount of sun, pipeweed can grow just about anywhere that isn\u2019t too hot or too cold. In order to harvest it, the stalks are chopped off in late fall, and then all of the leaves are plucked off to be used in smoking before they fall off of their own accord. The leaves are then dried, crushed, and used in a pipe or cigar. \n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nPipeweed, when smoked through a pipe, provides a slight euphoria. Its side effects include coughing, shortness of breath, mild addiction, and lack of awareness of surroundings (some consider this an upside, though). \n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Pipeweed\u2019s side effects must be roleplayed. To smoke pipeweed and not show any of its side effects is powergaming.\n*Smoking pipeweed provides no other benefit than a pleasant sensation. It has no medicinal value. It provides no pain relief. ''It does make... Like, the PAIN go away though, maaaan.. The pain of Livin...'' (sharp inhale)\n\n===Oracle Wood===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\n- Earth\n\n- Air\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nClarity x3\n\nConnection x1\n\nAgility x1\n\nOrder x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA small tree much like that of a bonsai, but with slightly darker bark. These are no taller than six feet in height. \n\n'''Location:'''\n\nThese trees are often found within open clearings amidst dense woods. The branches also bloom with pink petals for a few days in the spring.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nAny part of the tree may be harvested in order to get the desired symbols. However, in the case of leaves, five of them must be collected in order to count as one measure.\n\nOracle Wood may be \u2018farmed\u2019 in any open, sunny environment, so long as they are frequently watered.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nOften used by oracles and soothsayers to gain a clarity of mind, any part of this tree, upon ingestion, would yield an unnatural clarity of mind. The leaves may be used for tea, the sap may be consumed for it tastes akin to sweet honey, and the wood may be burned for a head-clearing smoke. Overuse could result in lightheadedness. \n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*Clarity offers no combat benefit and merely allows one clearheadedness so they might focus upon a particular task or think better. Does not increase intelligence. \n*Farmed Oracle Wood requires a sapling block, whether in a pot or on the ground in a bright sunny space without any overshadowing structures in a three-block radius, and will regrow at the rate of one count per three OOC days. Requires frequent watering and a moist environment.  \n\n===Murkshroom===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\n- Earth\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nDark x3\n\nBlindness x2\n\nBalance x1\n\nCurtailment x1\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nMurkshrooms appear as translucent fungi which hold a very dull blue or purple. \n\n'''Location:'''\n\nFound in clumps deep within caves and upon cave walls where there is no sunlight.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nThe harvesting of this fungi requires little effort, merely pulling the Murkshrooms from the earth along with their roots. The most difficult part, however, is the transportation and storing of them, as they cannot be exposed to light brighter than a redstone torch lest they shrivel up and lose their darkness capability.\n\nMurkshroom may be \u2018farmed\u2019 in very dark and damp locations.\n\n'''Raw Effect(s):'''\n\nMurkshrooms passively glow a dull blue or violet when in total darkness. Upon direct consumption, they would result in the body rejecting them in the form of vomit, causing great fatigue and nausea for up to one hour after consumption.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*The poisoning is never fatal and fatigue is not debilitating, only making tasks more difficult. \n*If exposed to light brighter than a redstone torch, the mushroom\u2019s will fade. This requires them to be prepared in a dark room up to the point of extraction. \n*Farmed Murkshroom requires a 5x5 space or stone and soil to grow, and there must be no light within the room whatsoever. So long as all the fungi are not collected at once, they will regrow at the rate of one count per three OOC days. Does not require direct watering, but the area they are farmed in must be damp. \n\n===Night Glow===\n\n'''Sign(s):'''\n\nAir\n\n'''Symbol(s):'''\n\nLight x3\n\nPeace x2\n\nSwiftness x2\n\n'''Appearance:'''\n\nA seemingly ordinary flower with azure blue and soft yellow petals that coil up to the shape of a conch during the day; when the sun goes down, its petals unravel and gleam a spectral light of some color, exposing the pistil and stamen of the flower, which also has a bright light. Quite beautiful, more so since it spreads little wisps about its location.\n\n'''Location:'''\n\nThese flowers are often found in areas of higher elevations, or in clearings inside forests. They can easily be taken out of these locations and thrive elsewhere.\n\n'''Harvesting:'''\n\nimply cut the stem of the flower to harvest it, the flower itself grows back within the span of a couple stone days. If one wanted to move it, they would need to get some soil and uproot the plant, and set it inside the soil.\n\n'''Raw Effects:'''\n\nThe flower, when there is little to no light, will produce light, roughly that of a redstone torch. It will spread particles that also give off a dim light. These flowers can have oil extracted from them, which gives off light when there is little around it. Some people often use these in graveyards to guide the lost spirits back to their graves, or for having lanterns which only activate in the night. What is more interesting is that one can use the oil to make a form of invisible ink, which only lights up during the night, it can be used for things such as graffiti or for writing hidden messages.\n\n'''Redlines:'''\n*The light cannot blind anyone.\n*When farming, a flower will be farmable again every 2 OOC days.\n\n\n[[Category:Alchemy]] [[Category:Flora]]"
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                        "*": "{{Past Map}}\nThe '''Realm of Burz\u00fbmk\u00fbtotaz''', also known as The North, is a cold and mountainous region in the north of [[Anthos]]. It is an extremely dangerous and rarely traveled region, due to physical dangers from the harsh environment and also from the creatures that inhabit it.\n\n\n== Inhabitants ==\n\n\nThe North contains some of the deadliest monsters ever known.\n\n'''Bohra'''\n\nThe [[Bohra]] are a race of mysterious tribal boarmen. Seemingly primitive and aggressive, the Bohra lack complex language and cognitive skills. They are fiercely territorial and resort to violence quickly to defend it. They have shown a high tolerance for pain and injury, which aids them in combat.\n\n'''Hiishtgul'''\n\nThe Hiishtgul are immolated, corrupted versions of their former selves. They are usually the generals and leaders in an attack, commanding the lower ranks. Whenever a Hiishtgul is present, those within its vicinity will be struck with an aura of fear. A Hiishtgul communicates through telepathic methods, and doing so often instills a deafening shriek in the mind of the receiver(s). Hiishtgul are much stronger than an average foe, and they cannot be defeated by normal means. They are essentially \"floating\" spectres\u2014their armor and weapons are not attached to a physical body ((think Nazgul)).\n\n'''Rog-Votak'''\n\nThese are the elite members of the main army. They serve as sergeants in battle, and they are entrusted with leading small groups of soldiers. They are generally the size of an Orc, and their brutish form allows them to be fearsome in battle. They are equipped with tough armor and weapons.\n\n'''Kambasor'''\n\nThe Kambasor are the common meat shields of the main army. Their armor varies, although it is often variations of makeshift leather and metal. Their weapons are crudely shaped, and they are often nonuniform and rusty. A Kambasor does not feel pain from wounds received in battle, and they will only stop fighting until they are utterly killed. They are often heavily mutated, and their weapons are usually deformed body parts. Kambasors are weak individually, and they are primarily used by the Hiishtgul to overwhelm their foes due to sheer numbers.\n\n'''Kalus'''\n\nKalus are the archers and ranged attackers within the main ranks. They wield shadowy, dark arrows and bolts, and their ranged weapons are both distorted and shabby. The rusted points are often reinforced with frail poisons to compensate for their lack of sharpness. The Kalus are poor marksmen, and they are more effective when used as a large group.\n\n'''Fashot'''\n\nThe main cultists and magic users are known as the Fashot. Their clothing often consists of robes and cloth with little tangible protection. The Fashot serve as healers and evocationists within the horde's ranks, and they can also perform dark rituals to bolster the army's morale. They are also responsible for the sadistic mutations that affect the foot soldiers' appearance.\n\n'''Zongot'''\n\nThe siege engineers are referring to as the Zongot. The Zongot henchmen are responsible for creating and operating the abominable siege weaponry. They design the siege ladders, ballistae, catapults, trebuchets and siege towers. In addition to engineering, the Zongots maintain the defenses in the captured strongholds and battle camps.\n[[Category:Anthos]]"